The death of one moment gives birth to the next.
We dream of something new but hesitate to give up what we have.
Time is fluid. Thought is fluid. Life flows in a stream, a wavelength. It is all responsive to thought, because it is created by Mind.
To move forward, you must release the past. If your thoughts were the oars in a boat, how far would you get if you rowed in opposite directions with each oar? Would you not row in a circle? This is what happens when your thoughts are opposed.
To move forward, align your thoughts. Decide on a direction and a goal. Let go of that which you don't want. Let it be free so you too may be free to move into your future.
The choice is always yours:
You can hold on to that which has died.
You can move on with life.
When you go in the direction of your dreams, you have chosen life.
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness, and vision with me. -- Cat, Author: The Doing Time on Earth Series
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
I Am
"I Am."
In the gospel, each time Christ uttered these words the soldiers trying to arrest him fell before him.
Think about the word Normal. It means common or not unusual to me. It is not good or bad. It just is. Try to find the definition. There is confusion over the definition because normal does not always mean good. How can it be normal then? It just IS.
Now think about duality. "I am that I am" as spoken by God to Moses. This is how God identified himself to Moses, his name. I AM THAT I AM is a powerful statement of being above duality.
I AM is neither good nor bad. Good creates duality and so bad is its counterpart. God IS.
In Genesis God said creation was "Good."
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Good creates its opposite.
When God IS, the only opposite IS NOT. Thus there is no opposite.
God is above duality. God is Truth. The opposite is false. God is Light. The opposites of Truth and Light can be defined as the lack of truth or light. Therefore the opposites have no independent reality. They are False. Not real.
God is Love. There is no opposite to love. The most enlightened minds have defined Hate as a lack of love, and a cry for Love. Minds that hate are minds living in darkness.
Truth, Light, Love are eternal. We live in The Circle of Infinity, an illusion.
Each wavelength is actually a circle. It disappears into infinity and its opposite appears as the next segment of the circle, the bottom of the wave. They appear together as the top and bottom of the wavelength due to the effect of the 4th dimension of reality Time. The wavelength appears as one and it appears to move forward. It is actually a reverberation of opposites through the illusion of Time. They are the yin-yang.
In the gospel, each time Christ uttered these words the soldiers trying to arrest him fell before him.
Think about the word Normal. It means common or not unusual to me. It is not good or bad. It just is. Try to find the definition. There is confusion over the definition because normal does not always mean good. How can it be normal then? It just IS.
Now think about duality. "I am that I am" as spoken by God to Moses. This is how God identified himself to Moses, his name. I AM THAT I AM is a powerful statement of being above duality.
I AM is neither good nor bad. Good creates duality and so bad is its counterpart. God IS.
In Genesis God said creation was "Good."
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Good creates its opposite.
When God IS, the only opposite IS NOT. Thus there is no opposite.
God is above duality. God is Truth. The opposite is false. God is Light. The opposites of Truth and Light can be defined as the lack of truth or light. Therefore the opposites have no independent reality. They are False. Not real.
God is Love. There is no opposite to love. The most enlightened minds have defined Hate as a lack of love, and a cry for Love. Minds that hate are minds living in darkness.
Truth, Light, Love are eternal. We live in The Circle of Infinity, an illusion.
Each wavelength is actually a circle. It disappears into infinity and its opposite appears as the next segment of the circle, the bottom of the wave. They appear together as the top and bottom of the wavelength due to the effect of the 4th dimension of reality Time. The wavelength appears as one and it appears to move forward. It is actually a reverberation of opposites through the illusion of Time. They are the yin-yang.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Healing with Love
You say you have not seen God, nor ever heard, touched or felt "Him." Have you felt Love?
The power of Love travels on a wavelength, a frequency that must be stepped down in order for any connection to be maintained by mere mortals.
But it is here, all around us, and within us.
By attuning to that frequency, allowing your mind, body and spirit to feel the Love, you may experience healing, and you may be a conduit of that power.
Crystals may be cleansed and used to help focus this energy, and then gifted to the sick.
Practice your prayer or meditation with this one thought in mind, the thought of Love and healing, and allow the Love energy to flow through you. If you are healing the sick, let the energy flow through your body, into your hands, and into the crystal. It is good to visualize this. Then, the crystal may be given to the one in need of healing. Laying on of the hands is also important. Just a simple touch can impart great stores of Love and healing energy.
"Love heals all wounds."
- Cat
You can read how Marie did this in DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives. (You can click on the book to read the first few chapters free!)
The power of Love travels on a wavelength, a frequency that must be stepped down in order for any connection to be maintained by mere mortals.
But it is here, all around us, and within us.
By attuning to that frequency, allowing your mind, body and spirit to feel the Love, you may experience healing, and you may be a conduit of that power.
Crystals may be cleansed and used to help focus this energy, and then gifted to the sick.
Practice your prayer or meditation with this one thought in mind, the thought of Love and healing, and allow the Love energy to flow through you. If you are healing the sick, let the energy flow through your body, into your hands, and into the crystal. It is good to visualize this. Then, the crystal may be given to the one in need of healing. Laying on of the hands is also important. Just a simple touch can impart great stores of Love and healing energy.
"Love heals all wounds."
- Cat
You can read how Marie did this in DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives. (You can click on the book to read the first few chapters free!)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The Love Frequency
A touch of the hand and vibrations begin to harmonize.
Synchronicity and the motion of all the universe on a macro and micro scale all pulse to a hidden vibration, a current. The current of Love.
The yin-yang and the wave particle of physics all beat to the same drum. It is all a circle and its counter vibration reverberating through time. The wave is but an illusion, the illusion of time, the 4th Dimension.
Attuning to the frequency brings healing. Like touching your lover, gently let your thoughts rest and feel the pulse of God. The more deeply you harmonize the higher vibration you will ascend and mind body will rejuvenate.
Revelation, healing and miracles emanate from this state, from behind the veil of your thoughts, which are a weaker vibration-a disturbance of the universal wave-length. Let them rest while you harmonize with the Love frequency.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Addicted to Hell
If this were a circle of hell, would you leave? Think of anything you value in this world and that is what binds you.
There are many temptations. They take the various forms of Pride, Ego, Lust, Greed, and Pleasure.
Hell is a state of mind, as is Heaven. You attract what you think about. You are what you think about.
As evolved as you may wish to be, something here binds you. That is behind the ascetic's desire to renounce the world. This too is a form of pride. Renouncing the world acknowledges it's reality.
Love the world. Accept it. Do not become addicted to it. Let it come and go, like the waves of the ocean, the tide. It will ebb and flow, and when you can accept it's transience, you will be free.
There are many temptations. They take the various forms of Pride, Ego, Lust, Greed, and Pleasure.
Hell is a state of mind, as is Heaven. You attract what you think about. You are what you think about.
As evolved as you may wish to be, something here binds you. That is behind the ascetic's desire to renounce the world. This too is a form of pride. Renouncing the world acknowledges it's reality.
Love the world. Accept it. Do not become addicted to it. Let it come and go, like the waves of the ocean, the tide. It will ebb and flow, and when you can accept it's transience, you will be free.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Neville Goddard - Imagination
If dreams were wishes and wishes came true ...
Imagination, or Imagining
A series of lectures given by the illumined Neville Goddard told of the power of the Mind to Imagine the future.
There are always two creations. The first occurs in the mind, the realm of ideas. The second manifests in the causal world.
The first cause was the tzimtzum, a Hebrew word signifying the first act of Ein Sof (the Godhead or the infinite light of the Almighty). This was the first act of creation, according to the Hebrew Kabbalah.
As part of the Collective Consciousness, we all share in the power of the One Mind. All creation, as a manifestation of consciousness is responsive to Mind.
Neville Goddard tapped into this by focusing his imagination. In his many lectures, Goddard told of using the five senses to imagine the look, sound, feel, taste and smell of the desired future outcome. Create a brief but powerful scene in your mind, where you "activate" your wish or desire.
Perhaps you meet the love of your life, or it is your wedding day. Perhaps it is a honeymoon or your dream vacation. Perhaps you would like to envision yourself being healthier and happier, or getting that big opportunity you've hoped for. There may be a problem you've been dealing with, and you need to envision the desired outcome.
Whatever it is, imagine a short scene where you have achieved your objective. Feel it, live it briefly, and keep that image/sensation in your mind. That is your first creation. Keep it short, but as real as possible, until it seems more like a memory than a dream. Do this, until you feel the Truth of it and can "think" yourself there.
You have just practiced Imagining. Let the future begin, as the causal world catches up to your first creation, and let the manifestation come to you.
- Cat
Author, the DOING TIME on Earth Series
Amazon Kindle
Monday, March 16, 2015
Time Portals
"Your door is a portal ... a wormhole, a place in time and space where people can shift between realities."
Marie was standing in Joe's apartment. She looked back to his door, which was still ajar. She was still leery of the door, the door which 35 years ago had sent the wave of anger traumatizing her mind.
She was young again. Once again only 20 and beautiful. How could she explain she had traveled back in time to make amends.
Marie chose her words carefully. This was her chance to make up for A Lifetime which had diverged unto another path at this critical juncture.
In the light heavens, Marie had been very complacent and had been a poor student. She was now DOING TIME on EARTH again, where these lessons are learned the hard way.
- Cat
Marie was standing in Joe's apartment. She looked back to his door, which was still ajar. She was still leery of the door, the door which 35 years ago had sent the wave of anger traumatizing her mind.
She was young again. Once again only 20 and beautiful. How could she explain she had traveled back in time to make amends.
Marie chose her words carefully. This was her chance to make up for A Lifetime which had diverged unto another path at this critical juncture.
In the light heavens, Marie had been very complacent and had been a poor student. She was now DOING TIME on EARTH again, where these lessons are learned the hard way.
- Cat
Sunday, March 15, 2015
A Miracle
Q Why does reality not have an undo button?
A To attempt to undo something, focuses your attention upon it, making it real to you.
To even forgive, acknowledges reality. The words 'forgive them for they know not what they are doing' acknowledges that one has been hurt but that the harm wasn't intentional. This form of forgiveness erases the enmity between people.
On a deeper level, one must understand that our reality is all mind. Once that is understood, the additional thought that no harm was intended is enough to heal the mind. A healed mind creates a healed environment.
The kingdom within is the one that must be healed, the kingdom of the mind.
Understanding this, Christ was able to work great miracles. A miracle is Truth. Nothing must be done to have a miracle. The mind must simply be able to see the Truth and then it shall manifest.
In ACIM (As Christ I Am) - A Course in Miracles - this is known as Christ's Vision.
- Cat
Author The Doing Time on Earth Series, including
A To attempt to undo something, focuses your attention upon it, making it real to you.
To even forgive, acknowledges reality. The words 'forgive them for they know not what they are doing' acknowledges that one has been hurt but that the harm wasn't intentional. This form of forgiveness erases the enmity between people.
On a deeper level, one must understand that our reality is all mind. Once that is understood, the additional thought that no harm was intended is enough to heal the mind. A healed mind creates a healed environment.
The kingdom within is the one that must be healed, the kingdom of the mind.
Understanding this, Christ was able to work great miracles. A miracle is Truth. Nothing must be done to have a miracle. The mind must simply be able to see the Truth and then it shall manifest.
In ACIM (As Christ I Am) - A Course in Miracles - this is known as Christ's Vision.
- Cat
Author The Doing Time on Earth Series, including
Saturday, March 14, 2015
If we each have a Destiny, what is choice? How is it possible to err?
Does a seed decide its future? It is planted while yet dormant and springs to life at the whim of wind, water, sun, earth and the unseen hand of fate. All the forces of nature shape it and it grows at the mercy of life.
Yet behind the scenes, the spirit of the seed chooses. It's consciousness will grow with each manifestation. It is the child of life.
So it is with you. You chose. You do not remember. You can only become what you have been designed to be. But you may choose your path, your dharma. You have played in the circle of time and may stay there for an infinity. Yet time is inconstant. It can be shortened, stopped or stretched. As such, it is not true and must be illusion. Outside of time the real world of eternity awaits.
Author The Doing Time on Earth Series, including
Does a seed decide its future? It is planted while yet dormant and springs to life at the whim of wind, water, sun, earth and the unseen hand of fate. All the forces of nature shape it and it grows at the mercy of life.
Yet behind the scenes, the spirit of the seed chooses. It's consciousness will grow with each manifestation. It is the child of life.
So it is with you. You chose. You do not remember. You can only become what you have been designed to be. But you may choose your path, your dharma. You have played in the circle of time and may stay there for an infinity. Yet time is inconstant. It can be shortened, stopped or stretched. As such, it is not true and must be illusion. Outside of time the real world of eternity awaits.
Author The Doing Time on Earth Series, including
Of Joy and Sorrow
Marie's heart was broken. Night after night, she sat in the dark pondering how she could go on. She decided to live, in the dark. Never to allow the thought of him into her mind again. To do this she had to move, far away where Joe could not find her. She would forget him and if he got angry again, he would never know where to find her and his anger would search in vain before it would finally dissipate into the ether. Marie was afraid. A wave of thought and emotion had come through Joe's door and caused great damage to her sensitive psyche.
She ran away from him and he would lose her. But, as the Collective warned Joe, the husband shall follow. He will find her. She ran, straight into his trap, away from Joe, where he could not protect her.
Was this her grief and sorrow or was it the Collective's plan all along? It was her destiny. 'You may not stop this,' they said.
Thinking she had lost first a husband, a marriage, and then a love, broke her.
She ran away from him and he would lose her. But, as the Collective warned Joe, the husband shall follow. He will find her. She ran, straight into his trap, away from Joe, where he could not protect her.
Was this her grief and sorrow or was it the Collective's plan all along? It was her destiny. 'You may not stop this,' they said.
Thinking she had lost first a husband, a marriage, and then a love, broke her.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
Kahlil Gibran
Marie and Joe are characters in the book DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Controlling our Lives, available for download to your pc or tablet on Amazon.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Earth is a penal colony.
In Doing Time: The Light Heavens, reincarnation is referred to as "doing time."
In Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives, Marie tells Joe Frank that she did something bad in the last life and that she must be punished for it. Marie remembers her last life and her time in the Light Heaven.
Paradoxically, Marie cannot remember her time as a young woman when she fell in love with Joe. That is her punishment and her karma.
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In Doing Time: The Light Heavens, reincarnation is referred to as "doing time."
In Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives, Marie tells Joe Frank that she did something bad in the last life and that she must be punished for it. Marie remembers her last life and her time in the Light Heaven.
Paradoxically, Marie cannot remember her time as a young woman when she fell in love with Joe. That is her punishment and her karma.
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Thursday, March 12, 2015
The Seven Deadly Sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony
God's Little Acre ...
Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, this book descended upon the social consciousness.
Like an innocent lamb, a man decided to give something back to God.
Like a pack of wolves, his descendants perverted those intentions and let it drive them to the 7 sins.
Jesus Christ ...
"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
Render unto God that which is God's."
Every pure intention can be adulterated. The Christ has been taken out of Christianity.
Yet, life is positive ...
Were it not, there would be no life.
Time continues to move forward.
It's direction is positive, and if there were no good in it Life would have destroyed itself.
Thoughts move through the waves of Time.Positive thoughts move forward and flow with Time.Negative thoughts move at a retarded pace.This is because they buck the tide of Time.That is why it is all preordained.
Goodness must win, because the deck of Time is stacked in it's favor.Remember all the universe is the manifestation of consciousness.It's all Mind, created by the One, and He is Good.
In the Light Heavens, many things are known.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
These are moments that pivot in time. A new path is set and the arc of future life events affected by each decision.
An opportunity flits by in an instant of time. Lost forever to the past.
You worried. Who will get hurt? Each choice affects those around you. So you sacrifice your happiness.
Sometimes there's no way to avoid disappointment. Someone will be hurt. That someone may be you too. You must live forever with the decision. Make it wisely.
Do not be rushed like a fool into giving up your dreams.
Ask not only which decision you might regret more. Ask which choice you will surely regret and which you might only possibly regret. Is the risk worth the reward?
Take a chance on your dreams. That's what you came here for. To live. And not to wait to die.
Your mind and your heart both need to speak. Listen. One is the Director. The other is the Navigator. Listen to them both. One sets the destination. The other the course.
My books:

An opportunity flits by in an instant of time. Lost forever to the past.
You worried. Who will get hurt? Each choice affects those around you. So you sacrifice your happiness.
Sometimes there's no way to avoid disappointment. Someone will be hurt. That someone may be you too. You must live forever with the decision. Make it wisely.
Do not be rushed like a fool into giving up your dreams.
Ask not only which decision you might regret more. Ask which choice you will surely regret and which you might only possibly regret. Is the risk worth the reward?
Take a chance on your dreams. That's what you came here for. To live. And not to wait to die.
Your mind and your heart both need to speak. Listen. One is the Director. The other is the Navigator. Listen to them both. One sets the destination. The other the course.
My books:
Friday, March 6, 2015
We're Dreaming Now
...the alarm woke me
...very annoyed
...still working at at my old job
...time to work at the new job
...before the dreams were about school
...still trying to graduate
...still taking gym
...unfinished business my mind keeps cycling never ending
...the mind accepts no endings keeps working
...trying to complete the unreal tasks
...thinking it is real
Understanding the cycles of Life and Mind is the first step toward freedom.
Get your copy now: The Circle of Infinity
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Our Blinking Reality
On a quantum level, it is known that matter blinks in and out of existence. Particles appear and disappear into and out of ... nothing.
All creation did not just come out of nothing ala The Big Bang Theory. It still operates that way. The more one studies physics, the more one understands the mystics had it right for centuries before them.
The mystics knew this because their consciousness was attuned to the universal mind. All reality is responsive to consciousness. This is also known to the physicists.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Healing Love
Destructive Anger
These are two powerful emotions.
Do not under estimate their power. Creation is done and undone by these forces.
These are the powers that fuel thought.
Control these two aspects of mind and you have controlled the Self.
Now you control your world.
Corinthians 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Destructive Anger
These are two powerful emotions.
Do not under estimate their power. Creation is done and undone by these forces.
These are the powers that fuel thought.
Control these two aspects of mind and you have controlled the Self.
Now you control your world.
Corinthians 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
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