The world as you know it is an after effect. The most, the best you can do, is tread water. You will never resolve, defeat or subdue it.
As we struggle in the world, trying to fix everything that is wrong with it, we neglect the one place where we can make a difference.
The kingdom within, the mind, is the cause of everything that is projected without. It is cause and effect.
Everything in the world and the world itself is temporal. Nothing, no action you take in this world will have a permanent effect. Yet the world constantly tugs at you, pulls at you and compels you to take action, to react to it.
Your peace is not to be found out there. The storm rages without because there is no peace within.
This is the delusion of maya, and the wheel of reincarnation. Until you find a way to cease the agitation of your soul, you will ride the storm.
Riders on the Storm
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness, and vision with me. -- Cat, Author: The Doing Time on Earth Series
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Healing Light
ACIM A Course in Miracles teaches us certain principles which defy accepted norms, for example:
To defend against something makes it real.
The Course proclaims our ego-based thought systems are insane and teaches what would appear to be insane or unsound principles to those of us using ego-based thinking.
The principles of Defenselessness are discussed in my earlier blog. Today I am using this principle to address illness.
Our immune system and modern medicine address illness by confronting and attacking the problem. This of course makes it real. In the world of physics it is known that creation manifests in response to conscious expectations on the quantum or sub-atomic level. Defenselessness then has a basis in physics, if contrary to ego-based human or even animal, let's just say nature. Our world functions oblivious to it's foundation, which is consciousness.
Neville Goddard's "Imagining" techniques, an earlier blog, have their foundation in this simple fact. Our manifested reality is responsive to mind.
Let's take these two unfamiliar principles and use them to heal, the body and the mind:
1) Defenselessness
2) The Mind-Manifested reality connection
Let your body, doctors etc do their thing, because they function in the outer causal world. We are going to operate on the inner plane of consciousness, which is all connected via a continuum.
Focus your mind upon the issue, visualize the area that needs to become whole.
Right now it is not whole because you perceive it as being in opposition to your wellbeing.
Chant in your mind or aloud the mantra of The Collective "We are One; we are Whole."
You will not attack the opposition in this mental exercise. You will join with it. While chanting, shine the light of consciousness upon the area to be healed. This is the light of God's Love. You need do nothing but watch. You don't have to feel loving toward this troubled area. Let the light shine and join with it. The greater vibration of the light will change the nature of the illness so that it's direction becomes positive or neutral. You will feel it when you have joined it again to you in wellness. When you are mentally whole, complete your chant.
Your body and or mind now will amplify this new matrix through time. The healing process has begun. You have not attacked the illness, you have transformed it's sub-atomic matrix. You have helped it rejoin the light and become whole again, in harmony with the universal vibration. Repeat this exercise as often as you feel the need.
Your medicines will treat the after-effects of the initial illness. At its core, you have changed its nature to wholeness.
The Collective, as introduced in my book Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives, are difficult to fathom. They are higher consciousness, where mind is joined as one. They come in peace. Their mission is to heal.
To defend against something makes it real.
The Course proclaims our ego-based thought systems are insane and teaches what would appear to be insane or unsound principles to those of us using ego-based thinking.
The principles of Defenselessness are discussed in my earlier blog. Today I am using this principle to address illness.
Our immune system and modern medicine address illness by confronting and attacking the problem. This of course makes it real. In the world of physics it is known that creation manifests in response to conscious expectations on the quantum or sub-atomic level. Defenselessness then has a basis in physics, if contrary to ego-based human or even animal, let's just say nature. Our world functions oblivious to it's foundation, which is consciousness.
Neville Goddard's "Imagining" techniques, an earlier blog, have their foundation in this simple fact. Our manifested reality is responsive to mind.
Let's take these two unfamiliar principles and use them to heal, the body and the mind:
1) Defenselessness
2) The Mind-Manifested reality connection
Let your body, doctors etc do their thing, because they function in the outer causal world. We are going to operate on the inner plane of consciousness, which is all connected via a continuum.
Focus your mind upon the issue, visualize the area that needs to become whole.
Right now it is not whole because you perceive it as being in opposition to your wellbeing.
Chant in your mind or aloud the mantra of The Collective "We are One; we are Whole."
You will not attack the opposition in this mental exercise. You will join with it. While chanting, shine the light of consciousness upon the area to be healed. This is the light of God's Love. You need do nothing but watch. You don't have to feel loving toward this troubled area. Let the light shine and join with it. The greater vibration of the light will change the nature of the illness so that it's direction becomes positive or neutral. You will feel it when you have joined it again to you in wellness. When you are mentally whole, complete your chant.
Your body and or mind now will amplify this new matrix through time. The healing process has begun. You have not attacked the illness, you have transformed it's sub-atomic matrix. You have helped it rejoin the light and become whole again, in harmony with the universal vibration. Repeat this exercise as often as you feel the need.
Your medicines will treat the after-effects of the initial illness. At its core, you have changed its nature to wholeness.
The Collective, as introduced in my book Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives, are difficult to fathom. They are higher consciousness, where mind is joined as one. They come in peace. Their mission is to heal.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Spheres of Mind: thought bubbles
An isolated world of thought, encapsulated within a larger universe of mind.
Our consciousness parodies the matrix of creation. Our dimensions expand exponentially with each new level of mind.
Just as each dimension of spacetime exists simultaneously, so does each level of consciousness co-exist within its thought bubble oblivious to the expanded mind without.
An enlightened or more expanded consciousness can become damaged, traumatized and contract within itself to heal. The mind is not aware that it has descended or retracted to lower levels of consciousness.
Each of us exist on our level of mind, oblivious to the next heightened layer of intelligence. This matrix continues in a continuum all the way to infinity. Beyond that great sphere of mind lies the incomprehensible mind of God.
The joy that accompanies each heightened level of mind as we reconnect with our true selves is tempered by the realization that we have pursued goals that are now meaningless to us in our more enlightened state. Lifetimes spent amassing material gains are suddenly seen as empty and unfulfilling. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his soul? Higher truths become evident. Goals and values change.
We each reside somewhere along this continuum of consciousness. With each lifetime we either progress or degress in our pursuit of wholeness. When the next level is attained, the pattern will repeat.
Great spiritual truths await our understanding. The mind with a higher grasp of Truth, Unity, and Love will experience the rewards of greater freedom and joy as well as the selfless need to protect and guide others.
Each heightened consciousness raises the whole. We grow in light when an evolved mind is near us for consciousness is not truly separate but instead is a continuum. Thus many of us are here to benefit the whole of mankind, to raise the vibration.
The world is coming to a new order and we must prepare the way for the great light that will join us.
Our consciousness parodies the matrix of creation. Our dimensions expand exponentially with each new level of mind.
Just as each dimension of spacetime exists simultaneously, so does each level of consciousness co-exist within its thought bubble oblivious to the expanded mind without.
An enlightened or more expanded consciousness can become damaged, traumatized and contract within itself to heal. The mind is not aware that it has descended or retracted to lower levels of consciousness.
Each of us exist on our level of mind, oblivious to the next heightened layer of intelligence. This matrix continues in a continuum all the way to infinity. Beyond that great sphere of mind lies the incomprehensible mind of God.
The joy that accompanies each heightened level of mind as we reconnect with our true selves is tempered by the realization that we have pursued goals that are now meaningless to us in our more enlightened state. Lifetimes spent amassing material gains are suddenly seen as empty and unfulfilling. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his soul? Higher truths become evident. Goals and values change.
We each reside somewhere along this continuum of consciousness. With each lifetime we either progress or degress in our pursuit of wholeness. When the next level is attained, the pattern will repeat.
Great spiritual truths await our understanding. The mind with a higher grasp of Truth, Unity, and Love will experience the rewards of greater freedom and joy as well as the selfless need to protect and guide others.
Each heightened consciousness raises the whole. We grow in light when an evolved mind is near us for consciousness is not truly separate but instead is a continuum. Thus many of us are here to benefit the whole of mankind, to raise the vibration.
The world is coming to a new order and we must prepare the way for the great light that will join us.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Edgar Cayce on the Dimensions
This is further to my earlier blog on the Dimensions.
More from the famed Sleeping Prophet, this time on consciousness in the Dimensions:
"As we would give, an entity body-mind was first a soul before it entered into material consciousness. Individual entities become aware in a material world of the earth as a three-dimensional consciousness, having its concept or its analysis of good or of Creative Forces or God in a three-dimensional concept, God, the Father, the Son; the Christ the mind, the soul the first cause of an individual entity as it may become aware or conscious in a three-dimensional or material world.
Just so may the soul-entity become aware in the other dimensions, which is indicated when this entity tries to interpret the reactions of a physical and a mental being by its experiences in an unconscious or in a dream state. #EdgarCayce reading 4083-1"
More from the famed Sleeping Prophet, this time on consciousness in the Dimensions:
"As we would give, an entity body-mind was first a soul before it entered into material consciousness. Individual entities become aware in a material world of the earth as a three-dimensional consciousness, having its concept or its analysis of good or of Creative Forces or God in a three-dimensional concept, God, the Father, the Son; the Christ the mind, the soul the first cause of an individual entity as it may become aware or conscious in a three-dimensional or material world.
Just so may the soul-entity become aware in the other dimensions, which is indicated when this entity tries to interpret the reactions of a physical and a mental being by its experiences in an unconscious or in a dream state. #EdgarCayce reading 4083-1"
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The Fulcrum of Time
Every instant of time is a pivot point with the potential to alter the future timeline. There are some things you can't take back. Yet we constantly move backwards through time, looking longingly at the past when that instant is gone.
The Now is the moment when you change the course of future events.
The Power of this moment is called the Holy Instant in A Course in Miracles (ACIM). It is the gift of choice we have in every moment:
To Act or React: Do you take that moment when you could react to something negative, and choose a positive reaction instead?
To Choose our Destiny: Do you know what you want to achieve out of this life? Do you know what is really important, to you?
There is a choice made every instant whether we realize this or not. You are the central figure in your own drama. You write the script and play the lead role. In your dreams, you are the author of each scene and play every part, or color each role. So is life another level of consciousness in which you may not be aware of the extent of the role you play on a subconscious and super conscious level.
Be Mindful of the Present moment. Your Destiny is not in the Stars. It is first charted in your Mind.
Have you chosen a destination?
There is no time but Now.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
She is the personification of Mother Earth. In Greek mythology Gaia the great mother Goddess gave birth to the earth and all the universe.
We honor Mother Earth today, our beautiful home. A blue gem, she glistens like none other in our solar system. The fount of all life, together with the warming sun and our guardian moon, they succor the fragile balance of life on our planet.
The vast oceans and hearty atmosphere of earth vibrate with life. Some believe the earth is endowed with a spirit, a consciousness. All creation is alive and vibrating on a quantum level! Mother Earth lives and breathes like no other known planet. She is our home, our life and a great miracle yet just one tiny planet amongst billions of stars.
Happy Earth Day!
Cat 4-22-15
If every tongue were still ... the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing!
- Jesus Christ Superstar
We honor Mother Earth today, our beautiful home. A blue gem, she glistens like none other in our solar system. The fount of all life, together with the warming sun and our guardian moon, they succor the fragile balance of life on our planet.
The vast oceans and hearty atmosphere of earth vibrate with life. Some believe the earth is endowed with a spirit, a consciousness. All creation is alive and vibrating on a quantum level! Mother Earth lives and breathes like no other known planet. She is our home, our life and a great miracle yet just one tiny planet amongst billions of stars.
Happy Earth Day!
Cat 4-22-15
If every tongue were still ... the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing!
- Jesus Christ Superstar
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Bhagavad Gita and the Last Temptation
I read this book, in my last life. I studied it, and read it again.
The story of Arjuna and Krishna; their mutual admiration, respect, and love is touching.
I often think of the tale in the Bhagavad Gita of the man who endeavored to get to the gates of heaven, but when he got there was told he had to leave his beloved dog behind. He could not be persuaded to abandon the dog. In Hindu cultures, the dog is considered an unclean animal. The tale is thus contrasted further. A man pure enough to enter heaven would give it all up for a lowly dog.
Our lives are a metaphor for the great lessons we need to learn in order to escape this lowly level of reality, the Circle of Infinity. We choose, constantly, to satisfy ourselves or to sacrifice for the greater good.
Never wanting to return here, I made a decision long ago to learn the final lesson.
Faced with such a temptation, would I abandon an innocent who loved me, who needed me and move on?
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna speaks much of war and the duty of the soldier.
In the Bible, Christ speaks of love and forgiveness.
Yet, these are two facets of life, this level of reality. Maybe even two facets of the same deity.
The choice between love and duty, is removed in the tale of the man at heaven's gate. The dog represents sacrifice and our lowly physical existence. He is also love and duty. For the pure man, there is no choice. He will always stay and honor his duty, because he loves the dog.
A lesser soul would make the wrong choice, because he thinks there is another choice.
There is only one choice, one way. Eventually, we all must make that choice because it is the only truth.
The dog in the story turns out to be an incarnation of the god Dharma. Dharma can have many meanings. One meaning of dharma is the principle or law governing the universe. Dharma is pleased with our man, and he enters into heaven. They enter heaven together. Thus is the dog also exalted.
The story is clearly a metaphor. The man must exalt his lower nature to ascend, through the path of love, honor and duty.

The story of Arjuna and Krishna; their mutual admiration, respect, and love is touching.
I often think of the tale in the Bhagavad Gita of the man who endeavored to get to the gates of heaven, but when he got there was told he had to leave his beloved dog behind. He could not be persuaded to abandon the dog. In Hindu cultures, the dog is considered an unclean animal. The tale is thus contrasted further. A man pure enough to enter heaven would give it all up for a lowly dog.
Our lives are a metaphor for the great lessons we need to learn in order to escape this lowly level of reality, the Circle of Infinity. We choose, constantly, to satisfy ourselves or to sacrifice for the greater good.
Never wanting to return here, I made a decision long ago to learn the final lesson.
Faced with such a temptation, would I abandon an innocent who loved me, who needed me and move on?
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna speaks much of war and the duty of the soldier.
In the Bible, Christ speaks of love and forgiveness.
Yet, these are two facets of life, this level of reality. Maybe even two facets of the same deity.
The choice between love and duty, is removed in the tale of the man at heaven's gate. The dog represents sacrifice and our lowly physical existence. He is also love and duty. For the pure man, there is no choice. He will always stay and honor his duty, because he loves the dog.
A lesser soul would make the wrong choice, because he thinks there is another choice.
There is only one choice, one way. Eventually, we all must make that choice because it is the only truth.
The dog in the story turns out to be an incarnation of the god Dharma. Dharma can have many meanings. One meaning of dharma is the principle or law governing the universe. Dharma is pleased with our man, and he enters into heaven. They enter heaven together. Thus is the dog also exalted.
The story is clearly a metaphor. The man must exalt his lower nature to ascend, through the path of love, honor and duty.
Let there be Light!
What is Lost?
What if you lost your mind? Where would you find it?
Where did you last see it?
Mind is tricky. Did you even know it was gone?
It left behind a void and you projected a fantasy to fill the emptiness.
Something chased your mind away. A great light and it could not stay in their presence.
Memory was affected by this ... trauma.
Upon its return to consciousness, mind did not trust itself any longer.
Delusion was born. Fear and uncertainty afflicts the mind no longer comfortable in its own domain.
Reach out into the darkness:
You cried in the dark and the light came to rescue. Time was born to heal and your mind will forget while in the delusion ... The circle of time.
Memory is the key. What hurt you? What fear did you block out, obliterate into darkness.
We have nothing to fear ...
but fear itself.
It is Fear itself that you hid in the darkness.
Mind is tricky. Mind is light.
Turn on the light. Shine. Don't be afraid. Light will not harm you.
What if you lost your mind? Where would you find it?
Where did you last see it?
Mind is tricky. Did you even know it was gone?
It left behind a void and you projected a fantasy to fill the emptiness.
Something chased your mind away. A great light and it could not stay in their presence.
Memory was affected by this ... trauma.
Upon its return to consciousness, mind did not trust itself any longer.
Delusion was born. Fear and uncertainty afflicts the mind no longer comfortable in its own domain.
Reach out into the darkness:
You cried in the dark and the light came to rescue. Time was born to heal and your mind will forget while in the delusion ... The circle of time.
Memory is the key. What hurt you? What fear did you block out, obliterate into darkness.
We have nothing to fear ...
but fear itself.
It is Fear itself that you hid in the darkness.
Mind is tricky. Mind is light.
Turn on the light. Shine. Don't be afraid. Light will not harm you.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Jersey City Joe
The one place in the world she never wanted to see again. It was also the only place she knew where to find him.
Having made sure she would never return, the Collective put down their heavy hand of Fate once more and deleted his memory from her mind.
Joe would not find her, the Collective warned. 'You may not stop this. It is her ... Destiny."
Thus two hearts were broken for the unknown and mysterious purposes of The Collective.
- The Collective - we all have one. I wonder what your Collective is up to.
Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives
Having made sure she would never return, the Collective put down their heavy hand of Fate once more and deleted his memory from her mind.
Joe would not find her, the Collective warned. 'You may not stop this. It is her ... Destiny."
Thus two hearts were broken for the unknown and mysterious purposes of The Collective.
- The Collective - we all have one. I wonder what your Collective is up to.
Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives
Friday, April 17, 2015
The Weak Force
Strength of Character
Force of Personality
Physical Strength
Mental Acuity
These are examples of types of power. Below are two more great examples:
Do you have more of some of these examples than others? Are you strong in some areas and weak in others?
Gravity is called the weak force. Yet the universe would be flung apart without it.
Basically, gravity has this immense effect on the universe because all other effects cancel each other out. It is one consistent force of nature. Were gravity stronger, it would crush all life. It is a delicate, gentle balance.
Such is the Truth. Because it is the truth, it pervades every aspect of reality and existence. With the truth on one's side, one can be gentle. Forcefulness is inappropriate.
In relativity, every iota of space and time has a different take on truth. Perception is confused for truth. Miracles are not seen for what they really are, Truth.
It takes no effort to make a Miracle. One must merely learn to see it.
Every situation in life is a lesson. Some lessons take many years. Some situations last decades. When you finally see it; you will be free of the situation. You will have learned the lesson.
Truth, the weak power, is the only reality. It need not be forceful. It is all that is. Truth can afford to be gentle. The Universal Mind will never force you to see Truth. That would crush you, and in crushing you, it would destroy itself. It can wait, because it knows the Truth that Time is an illusion of mind, of our minds.
I have seen a Truth today. I am now free from the illusion of the past 35 years. I have seen where I was weak, and know that the lessons I have learned have made me strong in that area. I am now free to move on. The Delusion of Maya has served it's purpose. My weakness provoked opportunities for me to learn to be strong, and learn to wield that power with gentleness. That is true strength.
Force of Personality
Physical Strength
Mental Acuity
These are examples of types of power. Below are two more great examples:
Do you have more of some of these examples than others? Are you strong in some areas and weak in others?
Gravity is called the weak force. Yet the universe would be flung apart without it.
Basically, gravity has this immense effect on the universe because all other effects cancel each other out. It is one consistent force of nature. Were gravity stronger, it would crush all life. It is a delicate, gentle balance.
Such is the Truth. Because it is the truth, it pervades every aspect of reality and existence. With the truth on one's side, one can be gentle. Forcefulness is inappropriate.
In relativity, every iota of space and time has a different take on truth. Perception is confused for truth. Miracles are not seen for what they really are, Truth.
It takes no effort to make a Miracle. One must merely learn to see it.
Every situation in life is a lesson. Some lessons take many years. Some situations last decades. When you finally see it; you will be free of the situation. You will have learned the lesson.
Truth, the weak power, is the only reality. It need not be forceful. It is all that is. Truth can afford to be gentle. The Universal Mind will never force you to see Truth. That would crush you, and in crushing you, it would destroy itself. It can wait, because it knows the Truth that Time is an illusion of mind, of our minds.
I have seen a Truth today. I am now free from the illusion of the past 35 years. I have seen where I was weak, and know that the lessons I have learned have made me strong in that area. I am now free to move on. The Delusion of Maya has served it's purpose. My weakness provoked opportunities for me to learn to be strong, and learn to wield that power with gentleness. That is true strength.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
The Divide
The Tower of Babel is but a metaphor for the reality of all times.
East is East and West is West and the twain shall never meet. These words are as true today as when they were first spoken.
We are divided over politics, gender, race, religion, science, and national interest.
We are divided over sports, money, medicine, and just about any subject under the sun.
There is one truth which is discernible within every facet of reality. You will know it when it is apparent to you within the spiritual sight, and the physical sight. Although the world of relativity that we live in is a sliding scale of reality, there is always a grain of truth in every moment of time and every particle of space. You must master the art of viewing the world with the inner eye and comparing it to what you see with the body's eyes.
East is East and West is West and the twain shall never meet. These words are as true today as when they were first spoken.
We are divided over politics, gender, race, religion, science, and national interest.
We are divided over sports, money, medicine, and just about any subject under the sun.
There is one truth which is discernible within every facet of reality. You will know it when it is apparent to you within the spiritual sight, and the physical sight. Although the world of relativity that we live in is a sliding scale of reality, there is always a grain of truth in every moment of time and every particle of space. You must master the art of viewing the world with the inner eye and comparing it to what you see with the body's eyes.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
The Big Lie
Its all over.
What is the sweet without the sour?
What is heaven without hell.
What can begin without an ending
Only a circle.
The Circle of Infinity
What is the sweet without the sour?
What is heaven without hell.
What can begin without an ending
Only a circle.
The Circle of Infinity
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Judgement Day
We've all been too quick to judge I'm sure. The mind needs to be trained to refrain from projecting negative assumptions upon others. This is the root of prejudice.
For example, every time I walk past an open handicapped spot I remind myself how thankful I am that I don't need it. I don't allow my mind to entertain negative thoughts about seemingly healthy people using those spots. I know it may not always be possible to tell what struggles or illnesses they may have.
I worked 30 years and bought a new car as a present for my birthday. I parked the car and a lady followed me into the post office to berate me for having this car. It was clear she projected her feelings of lack and resentment upon me. She didn't know how long and hard I worked. She didn't know that I had times in my life when there was no food to eat. She didn't know of the winters I spent with no coat. She didn't know that I give to charities now. She didn't know what a treat that car was to me. She didn't know me. She saw a projection of her negative mind, not me.
Never resent a brother or sister when you see they have something you want. Be glad they have what they need. So too will you attract positive returns into your life. Your thoughts are a magnet in the continuum of consciousness. They attract similar thought patterns. Your mind is a receiver. Change the frequency of your thoughts and the broadcast changes. Thus does the program you are receiving attune to your frequency.
I remember the words of Christ 'judge not lest ye should also be judged.'
When such a person projects their negativity upon you, you may choose to engage, argue and defend yourself. But then remember that you owe no one an explanation. Don't engage. Don't argue. It is not possible to change others' minds. This is always their choice.
I informed the woman that we did not know one another and that I did not wish to speak to her. I asked her to leave. She then saw herself as others did, as everyone watched her. She left.
It is against the law of God to interfere with the thoughts of another. I cannot teach her a lesson she is not ready to learn. Therefore argument is futile.
My life changed from one of poverty and anxiety to one of productivity and positivity when I realized this principle of thought. I began to project positive thought and action into the world and deflect negativity. My life changed. Good people, good work and good health entered my life. So did some negative people and some random trouble. I learned not to engage and to deflect or not respond to negativity. That just perpetuates it. This is how I overcame a very hard time in my life and moved beyond. Some call this The Law of Attraction.
You can choose your thoughts and actions. This is your power to change your life. That is the best kind of Judgement.
For example, every time I walk past an open handicapped spot I remind myself how thankful I am that I don't need it. I don't allow my mind to entertain negative thoughts about seemingly healthy people using those spots. I know it may not always be possible to tell what struggles or illnesses they may have.
I worked 30 years and bought a new car as a present for my birthday. I parked the car and a lady followed me into the post office to berate me for having this car. It was clear she projected her feelings of lack and resentment upon me. She didn't know how long and hard I worked. She didn't know that I had times in my life when there was no food to eat. She didn't know of the winters I spent with no coat. She didn't know that I give to charities now. She didn't know what a treat that car was to me. She didn't know me. She saw a projection of her negative mind, not me.
Never resent a brother or sister when you see they have something you want. Be glad they have what they need. So too will you attract positive returns into your life. Your thoughts are a magnet in the continuum of consciousness. They attract similar thought patterns. Your mind is a receiver. Change the frequency of your thoughts and the broadcast changes. Thus does the program you are receiving attune to your frequency.
I remember the words of Christ 'judge not lest ye should also be judged.'
When such a person projects their negativity upon you, you may choose to engage, argue and defend yourself. But then remember that you owe no one an explanation. Don't engage. Don't argue. It is not possible to change others' minds. This is always their choice.
I informed the woman that we did not know one another and that I did not wish to speak to her. I asked her to leave. She then saw herself as others did, as everyone watched her. She left.
It is against the law of God to interfere with the thoughts of another. I cannot teach her a lesson she is not ready to learn. Therefore argument is futile.
My life changed from one of poverty and anxiety to one of productivity and positivity when I realized this principle of thought. I began to project positive thought and action into the world and deflect negativity. My life changed. Good people, good work and good health entered my life. So did some negative people and some random trouble. I learned not to engage and to deflect or not respond to negativity. That just perpetuates it. This is how I overcame a very hard time in my life and moved beyond. Some call this The Law of Attraction.
You can choose your thoughts and actions. This is your power to change your life. That is the best kind of Judgement.
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Blue Pearl
Do you see the flash of blue light?
It comes in peace.
As the Third Eye opens, the blue pearl greets one.
Next time you see it, take a moment to commune with the light. Feel it's peace. Bathe in its light.
Your consciousness has just been expanded. Let these moments come. Welcome them. Your spiritual evolution is underway.
You will find revelation coming out of these moments. You will find increased yearning and despair for more as your desire grows for more of the light. Such is the Dark Night of the Soul. For once you have seen the light you cannot live without it.
It comes in peace.
As the Third Eye opens, the blue pearl greets one.
Next time you see it, take a moment to commune with the light. Feel it's peace. Bathe in its light.
Your consciousness has just been expanded. Let these moments come. Welcome them. Your spiritual evolution is underway.
You will find revelation coming out of these moments. You will find increased yearning and despair for more as your desire grows for more of the light. Such is the Dark Night of the Soul. For once you have seen the light you cannot live without it.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
But he answered, "It is written,
‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of God.’"
So often, meditation is done by resting the mind of all thought.
Another form of meditation is to take something profound like this, and delve into the depths of consciousness to plumb its meaning.
Assign it to the subconscious, or the super conscious! Then rest the mind and you may be surprised to find what comes back to your awareness.
For example, the classic interpretation of the above scripture is that Jesus was being tempted by Satan to use God's power to feed himself. Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, and Satan asked him why he did not turn the stones into bread. The devout Christian believes that Jesus proved his obedience to God when he refused Satan's suggestion.
It is also known that Jesus was quoting scripture, referring to a time when God provided manna to the Israelites to feed them as they wandered the desert. Much analysis has been spent on this as well.
However, the mind that is unencumbered by theology can clearly see that a man fasting for 40 days and nights in the desert needs to eat. Yet, Jesus quoted scripture, stating that man lives not by bread alone but by every word uttered by the mouth of God.
Quite clearly, he told us that he was sustained by his communion with God. He told us that the Word of God is not just figurative; it is literal.
The mind that has been clouded with preconceived views about anything cannot see what is obvious to one who has an open mind and clear sight. This is the value of meditation. The mind rests, and the superior intellect of the super conscious can solve many riddles, many of them hiding in plain sight!
Why is it so many believe Jesus to be the Son of God, completely overlooking the fact that he called himself the Son of Man? They are willing to believe something as incredible as this, yet, their minds are unwilling to see the obvious. His relationship with God sustained him. This is the most profound lesson, literally the basis for our entire life and survival here in the physical world. Jesus was always speaking to US. He meant for us to follow in his way and learn from his example. This miracle was not just for Jesus. He said that MAN does not live by bread alone... The lesson was for each of us.
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Fifth Dimension
Because the Universal Mind expands across all dimensions, and because the universe is All Mind, it is prudent to understand these dimensions. Reality is a reflection of mind, your mind, which is part of the continuum of consciousness. Thus, ultimately as consciousness expands across dimensions, unity and oneness is experienced.
The Fifth Dimension
What is the Fifth Dimension. First it is necessary to understand that the first four dimensions only exist separately in the mind. Each dimension exists in conjunction with all the others.
For this reason, space and time, two different aspects of reality, the first three dimensions (space) and the 4th dimension (time) are actually one (spacetime).
First, let us imagine Nothing, or 0 Dimensions
Next, let us imagine the three dimensions of space:
Space Point or Line = 1st Dimension
plane = 2nd Dimension (adds width)
cube = 3rd Dimension (adds depth)
It should be relatively easy to see why these first three cannot exist without Time, because without Time, there can be no expansion to space to allow for each dimension.
Next, let us imagine the three dimensions of time:
Time Point or Line = 4th Dimension (the direction or arrow of time)
circle = 5th Dimension (multi directional, the circle travels in an arc: past present and future )
sphere = 6th Dimension (eternity all points in the infinite sphere are central, and are thus each "now" and "here")
It is perhaps just a little bit more difficult to imagine why we simultaneously live in the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions of Time, because our minds are only aware of the 4th Dimension.
Next, try to imagine the three dimensions of reality:
Reality Point or Line = 7th Dimension (one reality or singularity)
bubbles "universes" = 8th Dimension (alternate realities or duality )
clusters = 9th Dimension (simultaneous realities or unity)
Can you see why it is impossible to be in any of these realities or dimensions without being in all of them?
Meditate on this. You exist across time, across space. This is because time and space are nothing but reflections of mind. You are mind. You are one.
For this reason, space and time, two different aspects of reality, the first three dimensions (space) and the 4th dimension (time) are actually one (spacetime).
First, let us imagine Nothing, or 0 Dimensions
Next, let us imagine the three dimensions of space:
Space Point or Line = 1st Dimension
plane = 2nd Dimension (adds width)
cube = 3rd Dimension (adds depth)
It should be relatively easy to see why these first three cannot exist without Time, because without Time, there can be no expansion to space to allow for each dimension.
Next, let us imagine the three dimensions of time:
Time Point or Line = 4th Dimension (the direction or arrow of time)
circle = 5th Dimension (multi directional, the circle travels in an arc: past present and future )
sphere = 6th Dimension (eternity all points in the infinite sphere are central, and are thus each "now" and "here")
It is perhaps just a little bit more difficult to imagine why we simultaneously live in the 4th 5th and 6th dimensions of Time, because our minds are only aware of the 4th Dimension.
Next, try to imagine the three dimensions of reality:
Reality Point or Line = 7th Dimension (one reality or singularity)
bubbles "universes" = 8th Dimension (alternate realities or duality )
clusters = 9th Dimension (simultaneous realities or unity)
Can you see why it is impossible to be in any of these realities or dimensions without being in all of them?
Meditate on this. You exist across time, across space. This is because time and space are nothing but reflections of mind. You are mind. You are one.
Monday, April 6, 2015
The Book of Life
I was taken to see the Book of Life, also known as the Akashic Record, as it was called by the famed Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce. At the time I was shown this, the "book of life" was actually a giant whirling cd. It whirled in the blackness of space like a giant Galaxy.
An enlightened being took me there and showed this to me. I have seen this and many other things while Doing Time on Earth and in The Light Heavens so I may share this with you. The time has come for what is unknown to be known.
An enlightened being took me there and showed this to me. I have seen this and many other things while Doing Time on Earth and in The Light Heavens so I may share this with you. The time has come for what is unknown to be known.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
The Enlightened Mind
Given that Time is an illusion, a circle, arguing over the cause of creation is pure futility. Only that which starts needs a beginning and a Creator. Without Time, there is no change no beginning and no end.
Our minds are trapped in the Circle Of Infinity, an illusion as vast as consciousness.
Occasionally other Minds try to reach us, to save us from our illusions. They may only shine light in our direction for to interfere with the sovereignty of an individual mind is to destroy it.
In the end only we may choose to be saved.
Our minds are trapped in the Circle Of Infinity, an illusion as vast as consciousness.
Occasionally other Minds try to reach us, to save us from our illusions. They may only shine light in our direction for to interfere with the sovereignty of an individual mind is to destroy it.
In the end only we may choose to be saved.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Humanity is a chance to evolve past the nature of the beast.
Becoming self-aware, we learn empathy. We then know what hurts us can hurt others.
Then you know better when you inflict harm. You have allowed the beast to rule. You are now lower than the beast for you have consciously and maliciously inflicted harm.
Evolution of such individuals is regressed. Each lifetime, the entity will either gain or lose on a karmic scale.
Anger is especially sinful and karmic. It is one's lower nature. It must be controlled by the higher mind. Each exercise of restraint strengthens the higher mind.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Moving Forward
Dwelling on the negative vs cutting negative people out of one's life.
These are two opposing actions.
Both are harmful.
One continually aggravates an existing wound. The other amputates it.
Neither course of action will HEAL the problem.
Think of these distressed relationships as a wound.
You might clean it, cover it for a while, and then let it air again.
Speak the truth, gently. Ask for some time for feelings to heal and emotions to calm. Then forgive.
If you still cannot be together, blame no one. This is a personality type that triggers a part of you that you don't like. One day you must confront this. To reject it, rejects self.
These are two opposing actions.
Both are harmful.
One continually aggravates an existing wound. The other amputates it.
Neither course of action will HEAL the problem.
Think of these distressed relationships as a wound.
You might clean it, cover it for a while, and then let it air again.
Speak the truth, gently. Ask for some time for feelings to heal and emotions to calm. Then forgive.
If you still cannot be together, blame no one. This is a personality type that triggers a part of you that you don't like. One day you must confront this. To reject it, rejects self.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
The Hollow
@LightHeavens: Careful. When I erase YOU, I unwittingly erase the part of ME that remembers you, the more sensitive part of my #psyche. I become a shell.
It is the part of me that you have injured that I tried to protect. In despair, I thought I could cut out the pain by cutting you out of my life. Never thinking again of you.
It takes a longer time to heal a wound that festers in the dark.
Not knowing I had erased part of my soul, I might live decades without these shades of myself. I might find myself lacking in compassion and the social skills needed to have rapport and meaningful friendships. I will be damaged and not know how to mend.
That is how people become immune to one another. Cold. Hard. Distant. A part of them is crying inside. Left alone and abandoned in its pain.
Remember, how you treat another is how you treat yourself.
It is the part of me that you have injured that I tried to protect. In despair, I thought I could cut out the pain by cutting you out of my life. Never thinking again of you.
It takes a longer time to heal a wound that festers in the dark.
Not knowing I had erased part of my soul, I might live decades without these shades of myself. I might find myself lacking in compassion and the social skills needed to have rapport and meaningful friendships. I will be damaged and not know how to mend.
That is how people become immune to one another. Cold. Hard. Distant. A part of them is crying inside. Left alone and abandoned in its pain.
Remember, how you treat another is how you treat yourself.
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