Since early in the last century physics has demonstrated in it's lab experiments that manifested reality is responsive to the expectations of the consciousness of observers, i.e. belief. Notice the tie-in to religion here.
But, this is not about religion, or Faith. It is about physics.
We have known equally as long that Time is not a constant, but is relative, meaning that it is subject to change based on subjective factors, making it as relative as perception.
So, we have relativity, and the concept of SpaceTime. That's right, space and time are one, and both are relative.
When you travel through space, you also travel through time. The velocity of your travel through one affects the other. The faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time.
Travel through space at the speed of light swings the lever so far that time actually stands still.
This is physics, not religion, yet many folks deride religion for being far-fetched. That is because the mind of the enlightened know these things, because reality is just that, Mind, Consciousness. Those who are enlightened, advanced in consciousness, have higher senses with access to knowledge that our scientists took thousands of years to discern in their plodding ways.
Lets summarize what I have just said:
1) Reality responds to your belief.
2) Time and Space are Relative and Subjective.
3) Science supports these facts.
Now, lets talk about teleporting.
In my time in the Light World (The Light Heavens), I observed how Time there travels at a slower rate than in the physical world. That, of course, is because it is a world of light! Time speeds by on earth, while those in the Light World experience what feels like the same rate of passage of time, but it is actually about 600 times slower.
I also observed areas - spaces - that could not be passed through, but could only be teleported past.
I learned how to do this, to get around. I now realize this was to demonstrate the relationship of time and space. The lever was set in that area to zero on the space side. It was impassable. That meant that only through time was the area passable.
Light World inhabitants learned to Think themselves across the divide. This technique is similar to the method used by Neville Goddard in his series of lectures on Imagining. One must use the most powerful tool at their disposal, the Mind. The second the Mind believed it was on the other side, the body followed.
This level of consciousness (physical existence) is set at a much different level of space-to-time ratio. Time travels very fast here. You must hold the mindset, the belief of where you want to be. Leave it implanted in your mind and let the space-side of reality catch up to where you want to be.
Learn about these things, and much more in my books from the Doing Time on Earth Series.