
Monday, June 29, 2015

The Inner Eye

The obvious is cloaked in a cloud of mystery to the closed minded. They will not see when their mind's eye remains closed.

Jesus was aware that only a few could understand him, those with willing spirits and open minds.  He spoke in parables to the crowds. 

Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

He knew that all he could do was deliver the message. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015


The Sorrow of Emptyness, the Knowing that you are Missing Someone or Something that you Think you Need, to be Whole, to be Happy. That is the Feeling of Lack.

The vibration of joy is drained from your consciousness. It is that vibration you lack.

These external stimuli which you miss stimulated the vibration, sparked the joy!  You now think there is no joy because the external stimuli or situation or person or thing is no longer present in your life.

Did you not realize that the external stimuli attracted the vibration of joy?  Like cause-and-effect, good things and good feelings belong together and they attract one another. You cannot stop things from changing because this is a random world.

You can, however, effect the change. You may create external stimuli, for good things for yourself and others. You may create joy, good feelings, and good vibrations!  Stimulate the good vibration of joy within yourself and watch it attract positive and joyful friends, and situations. Because like attracts like!

Lack attracts lack. You've heard it said many times I'm sure that two wrongs don't make a right. This principle holds true when it comes to positive emotions and cause-and-effect.  The mind and emotions are connected behind the veil and operate not only in the causal world but in the unseen world of consciousness. Be careful what vibes you put out there and which ones you accept into your consciousness.

Behind the veil, all consciousness is connected and you are the unwitting receiver of many thoughts and emotions and feelings which surround you. You do not have to accept every negative thought that you pick up. Choose how you feel and what you think, the same way you would select what you read, how you dress, and what you say.

Reset every morning with this Mantra, with this mission for the day:

From this day forward I will choose the joy and I will invite love, light, laughter, and happiness back into my life!  I Banish all negativity from my life! I will bring joy and accept joy to and from others, because like attracts like.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Law

Non-violent civil disobedience.  It's an effective means of protest as used by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandi, and Nelson Mandela to evoke change.

One must always obey the spirit if the law is unjust.

Jesus Christ notably followed the spirit of the (religious) laws over the letter of the law:

"Christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. His purpose was to encourage people to look beyond the "letter of the law" to the "spirit of the law"...the principles behind the commandments and the law's intention. Jesus quotes the book of Deuteronomy and Leviticus: "All the Law can be summed up in this: to love God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself."

That is the highest law that must be obeyed. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Time after Time: The Last Effect

Like a lucid dream, the last effect of Time will be an odd mix of consciousness.

It is an after-effect, like a shock wave, the last reverberation of Time. 

The mind has freed itself from the illusion of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, Cause and Effect and SpaceTime.  The after-effects of the illusion remain projected outside the mind, until they disappear.

This awakening comes as the mind struggles with the knowledge of the illusion that still insists it is reality.

Confusion will predominate, as the dreamer realizes the dream, but still thinks certain parts of it real.

Reality and illusion clash and only one can dominate.  The mind can only serve one master, can only believe one reality.  Any reserve and the illusion wins.

This state is the last horizon before the true awakening.  The light has returned, and the mind is slowly aroused from its slumber.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


The hidden sephirot in the Tree of Life, Da'at stands for Knowledge in the mystical world of the Jewish Kabbalah.

That which is hidden becomes revealed to the pure of heart, the selfless, when the divine light can be perceived through Da'at.

It is the hidden Door of Perception.

There is a great Wealth of Knowledge embedded in the superconscious Mind, the Higher Mind. The Ego, or lower consciousness can tap into this when Unity is experienced.

The lower mind must be prepared to enter this state through disciplines of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, prayer. The glimpses one may get of the Divine Light will fill the lower mind with inspiration, love, beauty, joy.

These are the rewards of the seeker, and they are merely the shadows of grace. Each step along the path toward enlightenment is both incentive and temptation. Glorious Knowledge is merely a gateway to what lies Beyond.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Where are the atheists?

No one wants to call out God for failing to protect His people in His own house??

Why? Why not??

Why do these people who openly mock the devout have nothing to say about this?

Are they, for once, being respectful?

Why did God let this happen?

Why did God let Jesus die such a horrible, tortured death? And why is His death the centerpiece of the Christian faith?

Jesus told us the kingdom of heaven is within us. He said 'My kingdom is not of this world.'

Everything that happens in this world is temporal. That even applies to death. The cycle of life proves that, and the risen Christ symbolizes this Truth.

The believer places his trust in the intangibles of Love, Truth, Faith. The atheist trusts in the world he can see and hear. The true believer sees with the inner vision and illumined consciousness. It is impossible to shed this light onto the body's eyes, which are blind to the spiritual sight.

The faithful who died in God's house awoke in God's light having departed this foolish earth with His Word in their minds and hearts and spoken with their last few breaths. We who remain in the impoverished earth must mourn the loss of the best of us because we failed to educate our privileged youth on the meaning of humanity.

We raise our young on the rhetoric of uncensored violence in the news, games of violence, and toys of war. We mock those who try to find spiritual nourishment in this planet barren of Love. We destroy our world, our children, our spirits and worship that which we have come to hate.

No Christ's story illustrates the meaninglessness of the world. He did nothing, made no attempt to stop the violence done against him or to defend himself. He simply forgave the evil and showed how to rise above it.

You cannot build a house upon sand, for eventually the ocean will wash it away. Christ explained this. The temporal world of relativity is like the house built on sand, for relativity is a realm of shifting truths. Nothing ever stays the same and all meaning changes with perception. That is the so-called outer-empirical world. It is always false.

Truth is the inner kingdom. Seekers of Truth do not look to the outer world for their spiritual sustenance. They live on every word uttered by the mouth of God. If you do not hear the Word of God, O Atheist, how ironic it is that you who are deaf and blind mock the sighted.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Power of One

"I can't believe you're deferring to me!" - Joe Frank Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking The Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

Marie thought she had no choice. She was counting on Joe to rescue her from her own mind. She didn't want to admit this, but she deferred her power to him. She trusted him to find her and bring her back to reality. He failed.

Do you own your Power?

In a time before she was born, in The Light Heavens, Marie had deferred her power to her Higher Mind. She was not progressing fast enough on her quest for enlightenment. She wanted to get it done this time.

They taught her a lesson about Time, and about deferring Power.

They made her forget her own self and when she awoke Marie had profound but painful lessons to learn. Lessons she would never forget again.

Own every decision you make. Your mind is either One with you or it is not your mind and it is not your decision. If something is absolutely vital to you, take charge of it yourself! And the March of Time though relentless is only an illusion. You exist as One in all times. Conquering Time is a battle within the mind, a quest to reunite the higher and lower consciousness.

Marie must learn to conquer Time. That is the challenge her higher mind placed before her. She would do this for Joe. The Collective has maneuvered her skillfully to the point where she must do the impossible to leap across the great chasm of mind that separates her from the past, her love, and herself.

The lessons she learned in The Light Heavens must now be used here in the realm of Cause and Effect, and Time.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


The wife of Jesus.

Before he came into his full power

He lost her.

Jesus wept.

He could not save her.

Each life has insufferable loss.

This world held nothing for Him.

He rose above it.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Tsunami of Light!

Light is a wave. A photon of light is both a wave and a particle, depending upon whether one is trying to measure it's speed, or its location. This is a physics phenomenon and shows why light is according to how it is perceived.

When the light is withdrawn from the mind, a crisis of consciousness occurs. Thought and emotion travel in waves and are perceived by the advanced in consciousness as beams of light. When the psychological or emotional world is rocked, the light waves may react much as the waves of the sea after the earth experiences a shift. This shift in consciousness may be sudden; it may be good or traumatic, but it will be substantive.

When the light departs, darkness sets in to the mind. The Dark Night of the Soul or depression is experienced. When the light returns, it's massive impact will overwhelm the fragile psyche. Consciousness has been jarred.

This is how Marie experienced The Collective, the higher light of her mind in Doing Time on Earth.

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Tis Better to Give Than Receive

You have read:

  • Sell all you have. Give it to the poor ... and follow me. 

  • Verily I say unto you. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Here's how it's done:

Triple Crown jockey Victor Espinoza will give all his Belmont winnings to a cancer charity.

J K Rowling gave so much to charity she was removed off Forbes billionaire list

Note that these people are successful. There are many examples of successful, wealthy people who generously support charities.

Then there are the Bernie Madoffs. They take and give nothing. Bernie lost his sons, his reputation, his wife, home and freedom. Bernie left many broken people in his wake, stealing their life savings. To this day he shows no remorse for his victims and will not tell what he did with their assets.

These are extreme examples. But they are real people.

Who do you want to be? Is it better to give then (no I did not mean than) receive?  Giving is receiving. But receiving is not always giving. That is the difference.

You can wait for the universe to start this process, this cycle and bestow kindness and blessings upon you.

You can start the process, the circle now. That is good karma and it's own reward.

It all starts in your mind. Decide the ways you can bless and share your blessings with others. You will enjoy what you do when you see the light you have brought shine in another's eyes!


Tis better to light a candle than curse the darkness. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ego Baiting

Life is very short, and there's no time
for fussing and fighting, my friend

Try to it See it My Way
- The Beatles

By now most of us have heard of Energy Vampires. People who drain your time, sympathy, energy or other resources and who never give back. 

There is also the Professional Arguer or Ego Baiter who lives for the thrill of an argument. This person will say anything to keep you engaged. You won't be able to make peace with this person because he won't let you. He will not stop attacking. 

It is your own Ego you must defeat here. When you don't care if you are perceived as Right or Wrong, you will be able to walk away from these types of unproductive situations. The Ego Baiter will NEVER find middle ground or acknowledge any point you have made. This person is a complete waste of your time and a drain on your emotional and mental energy. The Ego Baiter will draw energy from his encounter with you and he/she is a form of Energy Vampire. 

Once you realize you are engaged in a completely unproductive situation, discussion, or relationship, just ... STOP. 

Turn around, walk away, hang up, etc. This is the treatment to be reserved for only the worst boors, and only because there is no other way to extricate yourself. They will latch upon every word you say and try to bait you into engaging further. You must end it, abruptly. Time will confirm to you that you handled the matter perfectly. Who cares what a boor thinks of you?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Life Lessons

Don't let a misunderstanding fester. Especially if it's important to you. Clear it up. You will either feel better or you will know where you stand.

Don't lose your temper. The impact of anger is destructive to the relationships you work so hard for. You can ruin friendship in an instant. Think of your anger as the red Nuclear button. Do you really want to annihilate the object of your anger?

Resolve the emotion then resolve the problem when the mind is calm and thought is clear. Emotions and thought are housed together. Emotions thus cloud the mind. Harness the emotions for they are powerful, but do not let them be in control. The mind sets the direction; the emotions provide the push.