Dreams come in waves of mind. Our companion the moon causes waves in earth's seas. The ocean of consciousness is stirred by great forces and we slumber as caressed by the waves of thought pulling us down into the deep.
He sleeps just a little bit longer. His awakening will stir you from this dream of cares and wants. The greater consciousness will arise. All minds shall be lifted! But tis always another dream. You dream now. You think yourself awake.
Each layer of mind is dreaming it's own dream. All within the mind of God.
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness, and vision with me. -- Cat, Author: The Doing Time on Earth Series
Monday, September 28, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Meeting Jesus
"He embraces the true principles of Christ," I said.
"Have you ever met Jesus?"
I realized, 'Yes. I have...'
A sarcastic comment is the impetus behind today's mind-boggling thought. What seems perfectly normal to me may be incredible to you.
Yes. I've met Jesus.
I've spent time with him on the astral plane. He teaches small groups on that plane.
He's visited my occasional dream to impart an important message.
He teaches me.
I was there at the time of his crucifixion.
I've read several versions of the story of his life, not just the official canon.
I've seen the face of Christ in meditation. It pours forth waves of Love.
I can honestly say I've met Jesus.
Mother Teresa also said this. She saw Jesus in the face of each suffering child she cared for.
Today I know I am blessed.
I want to share that blessing. To know him is to be open to his message of Love, compassion and selflessness. It is to be willing to learn. Open the mind and heart and start the journey. He will hold you in his arms and welcome you.
"Have you ever met Jesus?"
I realized, 'Yes. I have...'
A sarcastic comment is the impetus behind today's mind-boggling thought. What seems perfectly normal to me may be incredible to you.
Yes. I've met Jesus.
I've spent time with him on the astral plane. He teaches small groups on that plane.
He's visited my occasional dream to impart an important message.
He teaches me.
I was there at the time of his crucifixion.
I've read several versions of the story of his life, not just the official canon.
I've seen the face of Christ in meditation. It pours forth waves of Love.
I can honestly say I've met Jesus.
Mother Teresa also said this. She saw Jesus in the face of each suffering child she cared for.
Today I know I am blessed.
I want to share that blessing. To know him is to be open to his message of Love, compassion and selflessness. It is to be willing to learn. Open the mind and heart and start the journey. He will hold you in his arms and welcome you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
The Heart
The Yin and the Yang perfectly illustrates the relationship of humanity to higher consciousness, the Collective.
There is an element of each in the other.
So, the higher consciousness represents the totality of knowledge and intelligence, and a core of empathy. Man, the lower consciousness has the capacity for boundless love, but only a token intelligence on the conscious level.
The human mind functions in a state of disconnect from the Collective. It is damaged by fear, greed, anger and all the lower human emotions. As consciousness elevates, access to higher mind illuminates intelligence. Higher and lower consciousness merge and once again function as whole.
The Collective is nothing without the heart of man. Man is nothing without a purpose.
Love is the answer. Love is what heals all. The heart and mind may rejoin as one when the heart is healed. To become vulnerable again, to feel, to care. This is the core of compassion. This is why all the power of mind is nothing without the Love of God.
Love's vulnerability is it's strength.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
There is an element of each in the other.
So, the higher consciousness represents the totality of knowledge and intelligence, and a core of empathy. Man, the lower consciousness has the capacity for boundless love, but only a token intelligence on the conscious level.
The human mind functions in a state of disconnect from the Collective. It is damaged by fear, greed, anger and all the lower human emotions. As consciousness elevates, access to higher mind illuminates intelligence. Higher and lower consciousness merge and once again function as whole.
The Collective is nothing without the heart of man. Man is nothing without a purpose.
Love is the answer. Love is what heals all. The heart and mind may rejoin as one when the heart is healed. To become vulnerable again, to feel, to care. This is the core of compassion. This is why all the power of mind is nothing without the Love of God.
Love's vulnerability is it's strength.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The children of men came here to suffer. It was the price of heaven they thought.
The suffering is of a scale that cannot be measured. It exists on all levels, in the mind, of the body, of the heart and the emotions.
When given the chance to end another's suffering, we think first of our own. Selfishly, we wonder what the cost will be to extend humanity. Yet we came here to suffer, and it exists all about us.
Of course you do not believe this. You think you do not want to suffer. But you also Believe you have sinned. You must be punished. You believe in punishment. Forgiveness must be earned you think, or at least bought.
There is an equal and opposite action for every reaction. That's how you see it. It's a line on a graph and in the end the line gets pulled straight and there is no action no reaction. It's all just mind.
Your suffering is a consequence of something you thought about a long time ago. Are you done punishing yourself yet?
The suffering is of a scale that cannot be measured. It exists on all levels, in the mind, of the body, of the heart and the emotions.
When given the chance to end another's suffering, we think first of our own. Selfishly, we wonder what the cost will be to extend humanity. Yet we came here to suffer, and it exists all about us.
Of course you do not believe this. You think you do not want to suffer. But you also Believe you have sinned. You must be punished. You believe in punishment. Forgiveness must be earned you think, or at least bought.
There is an equal and opposite action for every reaction. That's how you see it. It's a line on a graph and in the end the line gets pulled straight and there is no action no reaction. It's all just mind.
Your suffering is a consequence of something you thought about a long time ago. Are you done punishing yourself yet?
Saturday, September 12, 2015
It took only 14 years for some Americans to forget the horror of 9/11. Now they want everyone else to move on. I choose to remember. I remember the people I used to know who lost their lives that day. I remember the place I used to work which has been erased from our lives. I cannot return to that place yet because I cannot bear to see the hole in the ground or in my heart that it left. This may be over for some of you but it is never going to be over for some of us. I choose to remember because I want to remember the place and the people I knew. I will never forget them. And on 9/11 I will always have a heavy heart. I am an American and I have every right to feel this way because this is personal to me. It is something I lived through. 9-11 is a day of mourning and remembrance in America. If you don't like that maybe you have to get over it.
Let others mourn in peace.
Yes, I had worked at the WTC. For 20 years before 9/11 I had nightmares about this tragedy. I could never understand the images I saw, the falling buildings, the masses of commuters unable to leave the city, and following all that the many American flags that I saw waving in my dreams.
But I knew I was terrified of the twin towers, and I avoided them. By 9/11 I was working in midtown. I saw what happened through the windows of the skyscraper I worked in. It felt like my dream had escaped from my head and I had lost control of it. It was surreal. We evacuated the building and I walked around New York for most of the day trying to find a way home. Finally I realized that in my dream I took the train home, and I walked back to Penn station. At 3 PM the trains started running again, and my friend and I and thousands of other commuters packed ourselves aboard a New Jersey transit train and escaped from New York.
No I will never forget that day. Please don't ask me to. I've forgotten too many things in my life, and I never want to forget anything again. When we try to erase the pain by deleting the bad memories, we also forget everything that was good. We carve away pieces of ourselves. I choose to remember, because I want to be whole. When we bury a memory, it cannot heal. It festers within us. So every year America opens the wound of 9/11. We take off the bandages and air out our pain. America is trying to heal. It will take longer for some of us than others.
Let others mourn in peace.
Yes, I had worked at the WTC. For 20 years before 9/11 I had nightmares about this tragedy. I could never understand the images I saw, the falling buildings, the masses of commuters unable to leave the city, and following all that the many American flags that I saw waving in my dreams.
But I knew I was terrified of the twin towers, and I avoided them. By 9/11 I was working in midtown. I saw what happened through the windows of the skyscraper I worked in. It felt like my dream had escaped from my head and I had lost control of it. It was surreal. We evacuated the building and I walked around New York for most of the day trying to find a way home. Finally I realized that in my dream I took the train home, and I walked back to Penn station. At 3 PM the trains started running again, and my friend and I and thousands of other commuters packed ourselves aboard a New Jersey transit train and escaped from New York.
No I will never forget that day. Please don't ask me to. I've forgotten too many things in my life, and I never want to forget anything again. When we try to erase the pain by deleting the bad memories, we also forget everything that was good. We carve away pieces of ourselves. I choose to remember, because I want to be whole. When we bury a memory, it cannot heal. It festers within us. So every year America opens the wound of 9/11. We take off the bandages and air out our pain. America is trying to heal. It will take longer for some of us than others.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Orbits - and the Persona
There are some people with very strong personalities or consciousness. Others can be drawn into their orbit, and find themselves unable to pull free.
Marie felt herself being pulled into Daniel's orbit. It felt like a spell, like if she did not resist, she would soon be lost. She did not believe in spells, and she did not want to resist. Daniel had a charm, an aura that most people could not resist. He could talk almost anyone into doing anything.
Over the years, Marie realized this about Daniel, and she became very afraid of him. By the time she broke free of his orbit, much damage had been done. He had ruined her finances, her self-confidence, and her mind.
Marie also noticed Joe's consciousness had a strong pull. Her psychic abilities became very powerful around both men, and she could actually feel Joe's mind, his pull.
The main difference between the two men was that when she was away from Daniel, she feared him. When she was away from Joe, she missed him.
Marie explained this to Joe, and he agreed to help her. She had decided to run, so Daniel could not find her again.
The Collective had told Joe that Marie's husband would find her, and that he could not stop this. He did not share this with Marie. Perhaps he thought he could change things. He could not change her destiny.
Read a free sample of Doing Time on Earth
Marie felt herself being pulled into Daniel's orbit. It felt like a spell, like if she did not resist, she would soon be lost. She did not believe in spells, and she did not want to resist. Daniel had a charm, an aura that most people could not resist. He could talk almost anyone into doing anything.
Over the years, Marie realized this about Daniel, and she became very afraid of him. By the time she broke free of his orbit, much damage had been done. He had ruined her finances, her self-confidence, and her mind.
Marie also noticed Joe's consciousness had a strong pull. Her psychic abilities became very powerful around both men, and she could actually feel Joe's mind, his pull.
The main difference between the two men was that when she was away from Daniel, she feared him. When she was away from Joe, she missed him.
Marie explained this to Joe, and he agreed to help her. She had decided to run, so Daniel could not find her again.
The Collective had told Joe that Marie's husband would find her, and that he could not stop this. He did not share this with Marie. Perhaps he thought he could change things. He could not change her destiny.
Read a free sample of Doing Time on Earth
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
The Good Samaritan
2000 years ago he gave us this message: It still applies today, to our neighbors next door or over the border.
Luke 10:25-37New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a];and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”
28 “You have answered correctly,”Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself,so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Gift
I'm going to give you a gift. You may go back in time and change one instant, one moment. Think carefully. What will it be?
Will you correct that one moment when you made the biggest mistake of your life? Would you want to undo those words spoken in haste? Will you bring back the person you love? Will you want to undo everything else that has happened since then?
Or, will you instead think of the greater good? Will you want to undo the crucifixion of Christ, or stop 9/11? If you had the power to change one thing, what would it be?
It's painful to realize. Not only do you not have the power to change anything, but you would regret any decision to change one thing at the expense of another.
But there is a secret:
Each moment in time is flawed and imperfect. We must choose what to make of each moment and each decision sets the direction for the future of all time.
It takes but one decision to break out of the loop of time to change the direction out of the circle of infinity. This one decision undoes every moment.
It is the choice for certainty over uncertainty, for absolute truth over relativity.
In the circle of infinity, we are all doing time.
Each instance you live in the circle repeats until you break the pattern.
You will come this way again. You will face the same decision, and make the same choices. But you have the gift, you have the right to choose again. This is a mystery that few can see. Time may seem to relentlessly move forward, but each step forward rewrites the past.
Will you correct that one moment when you made the biggest mistake of your life? Would you want to undo those words spoken in haste? Will you bring back the person you love? Will you want to undo everything else that has happened since then?
Or, will you instead think of the greater good? Will you want to undo the crucifixion of Christ, or stop 9/11? If you had the power to change one thing, what would it be?
It's painful to realize. Not only do you not have the power to change anything, but you would regret any decision to change one thing at the expense of another.
But there is a secret:
Each moment in time is flawed and imperfect. We must choose what to make of each moment and each decision sets the direction for the future of all time.
It takes but one decision to break out of the loop of time to change the direction out of the circle of infinity. This one decision undoes every moment.
It is the choice for certainty over uncertainty, for absolute truth over relativity.
In the circle of infinity, we are all doing time.
Each instance you live in the circle repeats until you break the pattern.
You will come this way again. You will face the same decision, and make the same choices. But you have the gift, you have the right to choose again. This is a mystery that few can see. Time may seem to relentlessly move forward, but each step forward rewrites the past.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
The tragedy unfolds each day in this world as people lose their lives to senseless violence and others who stand by to watch lose their souls.
This is not just the tragedy unfolding in Europe or the US border as desperate people flee danger. It happens every day when we see someone who needs help and do nothing but take a snapshot of it.
We watch as our friends, family or neighbors lose their minds to drugs or alcohol. We labor if we can find work, trying to stay afloat, while others live in the extremes of abject poverty or absolute decadence.
It's each man for himself. We look about us and ask: Am I my brothers keeper?
Until we know ourselves as one, we will not be whole.
This is not just the tragedy unfolding in Europe or the US border as desperate people flee danger. It happens every day when we see someone who needs help and do nothing but take a snapshot of it.
We watch as our friends, family or neighbors lose their minds to drugs or alcohol. We labor if we can find work, trying to stay afloat, while others live in the extremes of abject poverty or absolute decadence.
It's each man for himself. We look about us and ask: Am I my brothers keeper?
Until we know ourselves as one, we will not be whole.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Higher Light
Each of us sees the world through the prism of our own light.
Reality is subjective because it is always filtered through perception.
Every time you think you are reacting to someone else, you are really reacting to a reflection of yourself. This is projection.
We live in the past. Our preconceived ideas prevent us from seeing the present.
This is why we must be as little children to see God. Our minds must be pure and free of thought. When we are full of ourselves, we cannot receive. Empty the mind and let the higher light enter. This is a state of balanced alertness with receptiveness. This is a passive experience. (The bride/bridegroom analogy in the bible.)
Focus the mind on a light then, or a chant, or any simple task to keep it alert, but entertain no other thoughts. Your mind will strengthen as you practice.
One day the bridegroom will enter your chamber. You will speak. Get to know Him.
Reality is subjective because it is always filtered through perception.
Every time you think you are reacting to someone else, you are really reacting to a reflection of yourself. This is projection.
We live in the past. Our preconceived ideas prevent us from seeing the present.
This is why we must be as little children to see God. Our minds must be pure and free of thought. When we are full of ourselves, we cannot receive. Empty the mind and let the higher light enter. This is a state of balanced alertness with receptiveness. This is a passive experience. (The bride/bridegroom analogy in the bible.)
Focus the mind on a light then, or a chant, or any simple task to keep it alert, but entertain no other thoughts. Your mind will strengthen as you practice.
One day the bridegroom will enter your chamber. You will speak. Get to know Him.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Suffering Christ
Why do millions of Christians wear a symbol of death and suffering, the cross?
How many understand that Christ overcame the cross. He rose above the suffering.
Jesus sacrificed his life for his beliefs. Jesus, the man, died.
Jesus, the Christ, survived, teaching the lesson that life is endless.
You have lived and died many times. You have come here to suffer. Your belief that God requires a martyr drives this.
Christianity has embraced this concept. The suffering Messiah.
Suffering is not a path to God.
Forgiveness, Love and Mercy are the characteristics of Christ. These are his attributes. He did not ask you to suffer. He showed you how to rise above it.
Love one another as I have loved you.
Do unto one another as you would have done to you.
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they are doing.
These are his words and his healing message.
Christ asked you to do miracles in his name.
He was a fisher of men.
That was the early Christian symbol.
How many understand that Christ overcame the cross. He rose above the suffering.
Jesus sacrificed his life for his beliefs. Jesus, the man, died.
Jesus, the Christ, survived, teaching the lesson that life is endless.
You have lived and died many times. You have come here to suffer. Your belief that God requires a martyr drives this.
Christianity has embraced this concept. The suffering Messiah.
Suffering is not a path to God.
Forgiveness, Love and Mercy are the characteristics of Christ. These are his attributes. He did not ask you to suffer. He showed you how to rise above it.
Love one another as I have loved you.
Do unto one another as you would have done to you.
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they are doing.
These are his words and his healing message.
Christ asked you to do miracles in his name.
He was a fisher of men.
That was the early Christian symbol.
I have only words to offer.
Yet, one word can change the course of a lifetime.
Words can be kind. They can be cruel.
Words can be thoughtless.
Or a Word can plant a thought that grows in the mind.
Words can be truthful but often lie.
Your Word is your name. Every Word you utter, even every thing you think and write, is who you are.
Let your Words be clean then, and purposeful, kind and loving. A gentle Word can calm the angry beast.
The Word is your Messenger. It has all the power of You. Remember this next time you touch someone with your words.
Yet, one word can change the course of a lifetime.
Words can be kind. They can be cruel.
Words can be thoughtless.
Or a Word can plant a thought that grows in the mind.
Words can be truthful but often lie.
Your Word is your name. Every Word you utter, even every thing you think and write, is who you are.
Let your Words be clean then, and purposeful, kind and loving. A gentle Word can calm the angry beast.
The Word is your Messenger. It has all the power of You. Remember this next time you touch someone with your words.
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