
Friday, December 30, 2016

A Few Gems

Thinking on the Pearl's of Wisdom,  I'm reminded of the idiom 'cast not thy pearls before swine.'

This expression traces back to the words of Jesus Christ in his Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus uses the symbolism of pearls of Wisdom,  counseling that we should not give what is holy to dogs or swine for they will trample our pearls and turn on us, rending or tearing us.

Pearls are created in nature when an irritant,  a grain of sand, causes a clam or oyster to create a milky substance 'nacre' to coat the irritant.

Eventually a pearl is created,  not by the sand, but because of it.

In nature, a diamond is created when carbonized minerals are subject to extreme pressure.  This process of creating the natural gems occurs deep in the earth over billions of years and at high temperatures.

In life, nature is often a metaphor, from which we can glean deeper meaning.
As you suffer the pressures and irritants of life, you create your own gems, pearls of Wisdom, and diamond gems of hard-learned Truths.

As you interact with your world, you can choose to be enriched by your daily trials.  You learn to smooth out the rough patches, and you create your own milk, the milk of human kindness.  As you endure hardships, you become stronger willed.  Like the diamond, your mind hardens and you learn strength of character.

The world breaks some people,  but you have your gems.  You will take them with you, for character and wisdom are attributes of the spirit.

Mankind is a crystal, a communications link, to the universal mind. As you purify your mind, your link grows stronger and clearer.  Your gems of Wisdom and character strengthen your connection, and you become ready to receive, attuned, and a proper vessel for the Word.
Did you like this? Read more about human consciousness in my book:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Magic is illusion. Miracles are reality.

I don't need to define Magic.  You already know it isn't real.

Magical thinking gets confused with Miracle mindedness.

Both are surreal in the sense that they seem larger than life, or out of the norm.

Miracles are already part of the design of reality.  It is perception, the same perception that fools the mind into believing Magic, that prevents the mind from seeing Miracles.

The mind trusts its senses, its perception of reality, and that flaw is what opens the door to Magic, simultaneously closing the door to Miracles.

Take an example, electricity.  Did man invent it, or merely discover electricity?  Isn't it already part of the design and fabric of existence?  What happened was the open mind finally perceived it and created a use (many uses) for it.

The first time a "new" idea is perceived, it appears to be foolish to those who cannot or have not perceived it as yet.  Why should that stop you if you have eyes to see and ears that hear?  It is your gift to share with the world, to enlighten the darkness.

The way to Miracle mindedness is an open mind, one that approaches each moment with the eyes of a child, always giving a fresh look to old ideas and scenarios.

Luke 18:15-17

15  And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when hisdisciples saw it, they rebuked them.
16  But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
17  Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

Monday, December 12, 2016

We can Believe

Like the dark night of the soul, it's always darkest before the dawn. We can believe in a better world, and as I look about me I see signs of it budding.

Shining truth will always emerge in the face of darkness. The heart of man is good because it was goodness that created the heavens and the earth and all mankind.

Our many walks of life give us countless opportunities to choose between good and evil.  Eventually our world becomes a reflection of our inner spirit and we begin to see who we are.

 One mistake does not make a man, but his efforts to make amends shows that life is an unending process of growth.

 Never give up never give in, because the rest of the world need you to continue.

When those around you show they do not know how to forgive and do not know how to nurture and how to love, that is when you were needed to show them the way.  God set his lights in the heavens and his points of light here on earth to shine the way.  Everyone is a part of this, because we all are a  creation of light.

Begin by believing.  For anything good to happen in your life or in your world, you must first be able to imagine it. What does it say about your future, if you cannot even imagine anything good about it? The first creation is always in the mind. Learn to dream, and then believe in your dreams. ❤️  Cat

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Chosen

Few are given to understand.  The Light shines for them, while the rest stumble in darkness.

Blindly, we struggle with Reason.

To those with Sight, the struggle is with the world.  Alone, they can only lead the way to Reason, but cannot help us see.

The world is a cold place to them, in the heat of its battles.

They are here to raise the collective mind, lest we should bottom out to the depths of depravity.

It is a karma served for a distant time when they too saw through dim-lit eyes and walked in the ways of the world.

Every second of time here is a service to their brothers, and an anguish to the enlightened.  They pay forward a debt to raise up another light to another generation.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Remove a number from a mathematical equation and you have a different result.

Drop one note from a score and the music must change.

Relationships exist in all facets of reality.

Remove just one piece and the collective must adapt.

You are the center of your reality.

You perceive this reality through a prism.

The prism is your mind, your thoughts, your life experience.

Perception views experience through a prism, filtering out what it would not acknowledge.

All else in your world adapts to that individual world view.

A fugue is rarely recognized while it is ongoing.

The delusion continues unnoticed until one day it's gone.

The awakening person finds himself unrecognizable.

His life, surroundings, goals, achievements suddenly are a puzzle.

The fugue occurs in cycles, much like a dream.

It repeats in smaller and larger scales, with each successive awakening rawer than the last.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Power of Ignorance

To Ignore is to pretend something doesn't exist.

The state of Ignorance is to be unaware of a certain Truth.

Both states create an artificial bubble, a walled-off false reality.

You've heard it said 'Ignore him and he will go away."

Because this sometimes works, people use ignorance as a tool.  Their little bubble - or space - gives them a private reality.

Truth is always Singular.  The perception of truth is multi-faceted and so in our world there are levels of truth.

This individual perception is what gives us a private world of private thoughts and it creates our inner mind.  That is the essence of individuality, perception.

Perception is what divides the inner and outer mind, world, reality.  Without it, we would know all things as One, emanating from a continuum of Mind.  That cause and effect relationship is actually a Oneness, part of a Great Idea.  As Ideas leave not their Source, they are forever One in the pool of Consciousness.

Ignorance then is a temporary bubble in the mind.  It's power to construct a false reality is like a form of Magic, convincing but never real.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Failure of America

It's so sad that America is not the most progressive country in the world. It's so sad that other nations have had women presidents, successful women presidents or prime ministers, and this nation still cannot comprehend that women can be good leaders.

Even more sad is the epidemic of racism and ignorance that has taken hold in this country.  People are proud now of being bigots.  They are proud to call women expletives in a public forum. They are proud that they disavow science.

The new Illiterati smugly believe that they know more than the scientists, the politicians, the general's, and the teachers.  They have doomed themselves and others to watch the spectacular failure that is about to become mankind.  When ignorance and evil take power, there can only be death and destruction to follow.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Prophecy of the End Times

The prophet Daniel spoke of a little horn, who looked like a man and spoke boastfully.

The little horn heralded the end times and was the antichrist.

I'm going to speak plainly here, the word Trump is a shortened version of trumpet and does in fact mean little horn.

It is too late to change what has been set in motion:

What or who is the little horn in the book of Daniel? 
"I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words" (Daniel 7:8). 
In this verse Daniel was trying to figure out what the ten horns represent when an eleventh horn, that was smaller from the ten, emerged. Three of the ten horns were pulled out by the roots by the eleventh horn. The eleventh horn had the eyes of a man and a mouth, which spoke pride-filled arrogant words. 
The ten horns of this fourth beast are the ten kings who rule the world with the beast during the Tribulation. They are given authority to rule with the beast by the devil who gives the beast his authority (Revelation 13:2). 
The eleventh horn is the little horn, the beast, who attempts to join the ten nation confederacy. Three of the ten do not want him to join their group so war breaks out and the beast (Antichrist) defeats them. After he takes them down this war spreads to the entire world (Matthew 24:6-7; Revelation 6:3-4) and sets in motion great devastation with one-fourth of the world's population being killed (Revelation 6:8). Those who have come to salvation in Jesus Christ during the Tribulation are blamed for this war and are slaughtered by the millions (Matthew 24:9-10; Revelation 6:9-11).  

Friday, November 11, 2016


Electra, the daughter of Agamemnon.  She is a protagonist in ancient literature, a woman who avenges her father's death by plotting and attaining the death of her own mother.

Electricity, classically considered a negative energy, is actually the transfer of energy from negative toward positive, and then in a typical battery that energy transfers back from the positive diode toward the negative.

Electron and Electra are both classified as negative, and feminine.

The proton contains a positive charge.

Why am I blathering on about this? It is because life is constructed that way. Energy and electricity is a transfer, a constant transfer or circle of energy. Man is created male and female and life is a circle of energy a dynamic transformation of energy between the male and the female and the positive and the negative.

Harnessing that energy is what gives us electricity and momentum, or change.

I need not point you toward an obvious recent example of a great deal of negative energy that was harnessed.   This energy, a psychic energy, was stored up in the collective consciousness as a result of many years of positive change. We are now witnessing what happens when the energy has been spent negatively and is now flowing back towards the positive. We see a great deal of reaction in our streets, and it is electric!

Now is the time to harness that energy! Now is the time to seize back the momentum.

The electoral college was created to prevent the tragedy of an uneducated populace selecting an unfit president. As a concept, it is offensive because it takes away the vote from the people.  In reality, it has operated twice in the 21st century to rob the educated of their vote and their political voice.   The Electoral College was created in a time when most people, the majority of the population, were ignorant and uneducated. 21st century America has a great deal more educated people.  Most people in this country have at least a high school education and many more have a college education.   The electoral college is now having the opposite effect of it's design. If the individuals who were selected to serve in this function as Electors do not do their job and remove this unfit individual, then we the people must take steps to remove the Electoral College because it no longer functions.

An electrified electorate can propel this country to change.  Yes we do need to change, but it is not a change of direction it is a surge forward!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Shine On

I wrote this before:

It's when times are darkest that people shine. This is the time when hope triumphs over hate. Together we will turn back this dark tide. Every one of us must join in to save America and the world from from anger, hate and bigotry. Raise your voice and say #ImWithHer. I want peace and progress. I want America to be whole again. We can lift up America or we can put each other down.

Now you may think it's too late.

We were given a very clear message by our president. The sun is guaranteed to come up tomorrow.

Remember those words, and when you see only darkness, remember to shine for someone else.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Life is a Miracle!

With just a glance at the heavens and the stars above, we know something special is going on.

Look down at your hand and feel the marvel of the sense of touch!

You have the power of the universe in your hands, the ability to spread love through the warmth of your touch.

Miracles abound in nature and in our hearts and bodies.

Science can explain chemistry.  That form of thought is called Reason.  Applying wishful thinking to Reason creates an incompatible meld of thought, weakening and cancelling out both.  This is derisively called Magical Thinking.

The pure alternative to simple reason is Miracle mindedness.

You have these three vehicles of thought Reason, Magic, Miracle.

Reason acknowledges science, logic and cause and effect.  It is useful in many ordinary situations and day-to-day concerns.

Miracles are reality too. Understanding Miracles is the knowledge that science cannot possibly explain everything that goes on in this world, how it started and why.

What we've known for at least 100 years now, thanks to the study of quantum physics, is that reality is responsive to consciousness, and that it fluctuates between a wave and particle state.  That means reality fluctuates between two states: probability (that which has already emanated and is subject to cause-and-effect) and all possibility.  In the state of all possibility, all of reality is subject to consciousness and can change in the blink of an eye.

Magical thinking is believing that you can change cause-and-effect the outcome of probability, or that which is already emanated into manifestation, just by thinking about it.

Miracle mindedness  is when you choose to see the other side of reality, the fact that it emanates from the realm of all possibilities, and you know that anything is possible. You are not muddying the waters by trying to combine reason with magical thinking.

Life is a Miracle.  When you need a reminder, look up at the sky and see the stars, look around you and see life everywhere, look at your hand and know that it gives you the power to touch your lover's face and express your love.

You don't need to understand how, that is Reason's job.

When you need a Miracle, remember Life IS a Miracle!  The proof is all around you. You are a miracle.   That's when you need to turn on the other part of your brain, the part of you that just knows things, the intuitive side of yourself. Get in touch with the consciousness that created reality, speak to it, tell it what you need.  Miracles have explanations.  They happen even though Reason hasn't explained them yet.  Reason is the slow sister of Miracles.  One Does, the other Thinks.

When Reason fails, look behind her veil and find the Miracle.

Don't succumb to Magical thinking, learn to see Miracles!


Voltaire — 'It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.'

Monday, October 31, 2016

Wizards & Ghosts Oh My!

Have a Bootiful 🎃 Halloween  👻

Two Short Stories

Read Two Short Stories Now!

Prometheus the Magic Man - what happens when Magic meets it's match the power of ❤️ Love.

The Nightshade hotel - can a Ghost compete with a new Love?

Two short and wonderfully entertaining stories! Perfect for 🎃 Halloween or anytime!

Enjoy! 🐱 CAT

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Are You Real?


It has many levels.

Do you value honesty?

Would you lie to save your life or someone else's?

How about a lie of omission?

Is that your standard of honesty?

Most of the time you tell the truth.  You avoid lying whenever possible.

Have you met people who appear to be one person and then you find out they are really quite different?

That nice person became mean, and then he or she showed you their good side again and you became confused.  Who are they really?  Which personality is the real one?

Eventually, you decide neither one is real.  You walk away, because you can't stand the pain.

One day you find out who has been the biggest liar of them all.

You remember the ideals of your youth, the promises you made, the love you forgot.  How many years have you lived a lie?

Everything you have is someone else's dream, not yours.

Just when you think you made it, you remember who you are and you don't know yourself anymore.

Which one of you is real?

Who are you?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Healing the Body and the Mind

I've come across very encouraging news regarding healing that is taking place for people who had previously been paralyzed due to physical injury.

To grossly oversimplify, the doctors and scientists created an exoskeletal machine that was responsive to the patient's brain waves. This meant the person who was paralyzed could cause paralyzed parts of his body to move by using his mind to move the machine.  When the patients began to regularly use the machine to walk and move, after a while something unexpected happened. The people began to regain some movement  and feeling in the previously paralyzed areas. They began to heal! They also regained some control over their bladder and bowel functions.

By simulating and re-creating the experience of moving and walking again, the brain was stimulated and caused to rewire it's connections.  The body and the brain began to repair it's connections and the muscles that had atrophied below the severed injured areas began to respond.  This effect was not expected by the doctors, but it is very encouraging because instead of just simulating the experience of  movement through an exoskeletal robotic mechanism, these people are actually beginning to heal! This is fantastic!

The difference with this therapy versus other therapies that just move the body, is that the brain was involved. That causes the brain to repair and rewire it's connections. The human body was designed to heal itself, because life is a positive experience. If it were not innately positive, no one would be able to survive.

Life is a miracle! The fact that you are here is a miracle!  If life we're not good, not only would you not be able to survive, you wouldn't want to.  Life and time relentlessly move forward because there is only one direction.  No matter what happens, there is always tomorrow.

This medical miracle is a metaphor for all of life's troubles. Don't forget to get your head in the game. You have to believe and you have to engage your mind no matter how much the odds seem stacked against you. Just do something positive; think something positive.  Make the effort; plant the seed of faith and watch what grows.

❤️ CAT

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Advanced Class

As we trudge wearily through the earth, we question time and again why we have been asked to comprehend so much.  Why have our lives been filled with such irony, such pain and such great loss?

 Why did that happen to me? Why did I lose so much? 

Why have events conspired against me so that I suffered such great and unnecessary loss?

So much time appears to have been wasted.  Feelings have been hurt. We have misunderstood each other, attacked one another, and then felt great sorrow realizing our mistake.

There was once a time, in a faraway place, where the decision was made. We are tired. We don't want to be here anymore. It is time to graduate. And so we find ourselves now in the advanced class, learning lessons well beyond our paygrade. Struggling to comprehend life's mysteries, trying to make sense of it all, we are caught in a trap of our own device.

Welcome to the Advanced Class.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Impersonal Instruments

When we see people in person, we tend to treat them better.

However, when someone's lifestyle is unrelatable, most people cannot empathize with them.

This is why cultural differences, gender and generation gaps exist.  This is why we are put here on this earth, to learn empathy.

The internet further dehumanizes people.  It becomes just words, and we don't have the same self-restraint.

These impersonal instruments, our phones, tablets, computers keep finding more and better ways for us to interact impersonally.  We can hide our voices, faces, even our real names behind a screen.

How you treat people when you hide behind your shield of  anonymity, that's who you really are.  Remember that a real person is reading your words.  Words can cut deep.  Hateful and harsh words desensitize others and cause more ugliness.

Sometimes there's nothing better than a warm hug or having someone hold your hand when you're tired or feeling down.  If all you have is a screen, you can't see or hear what's really going on with someone.

Maybe it's hard to muster compassion on these primitive, impersonal instruments.  If that's the case, then get out in the real world, show your face and lend a helping hand rather than a hurtful word.  Let me be the first to Thank You!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


In 1924 native Americans were made Citizens of the United States.  This was done over their objections.

That is a profound truth. American citizenship is something to be valued and people all over the world struggle to come to America. The American Indian was here first.  This is his land and her land, a land they were not able to defend against white settlers.

While it is undoubtedly a fair-minded thing to confer citizenship upon people who were born here, there is clearly the other point of view that the United States has no authority to confer citizenship upon anyone, because this land belongs to its original inhabitants.

There is scarcely any piece of land on the face of the earth has not been fought over and died for.  Animals fight and kill for food, dominance, territory.  So do we. We also fight over religion and ideals, and we kill over these things too.

The American Indian got this name when Columbus came here and apparently confused them with Indians from the other side of the earth.   The name stuck, because it takes a while to learn from our mistakes apparently.

 On the other side of the earth, the Indians there have a religion Hinduism, which teaches us to rise above the battlefield.

We all live here together on this planet, occupying a limited space.  There's only one earth and there is only one life on this planet.  If the planet dies so do we. If one species dies, others are affected.

The cure for cancer might come from the black man living in Africa, or the Muslim woman living in Saudi Arabia.   We can learn from each other's cultures, and we can enhance our lives. Or we can continue to behave like animals. It is time for mankind to rise above its baser nature.   Cast off the animal instincts, and embrace the spiritual nature of man.  The seven races must be a complement to one another, colorful and diverse, yet one people, one earth like the shining jewel of our planet. The more diversity we embrace, the greater and richer life will be on this planet.  Two new races of man are destined to evolve here. Let us welcome them in peace.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Shine the Light on Oppression

Reading about some women who live in parts of the world where there is oppression and male dominance.  These women are not allowed to work or study unless their male guardians approve it. Some of them were beaten, some of them are demeaned for their entire lives.

My own backwards family held me back from my dreams and aspirations as well and I live in America.  My own mother was the chief oppressor.  She did not believe in a world where women and girls should get an education and improve themselves.

Of course, I followed my own nature and made something of myself.  I had a good career, but I could've done so much better without these impediments.

What these women in the third world are up against is nearly impossible to overcome.  The law stands against them, not just their family and culture.

As for me, I like to think that I learned different lessons that I would not have learned without so many obstacles in my life.   When my family banned me from going to college, I learned the value of education.  I read every book I could get my hands on.   I read manuals, text books, books about physics, science, psychology, etc. all in an attempt to self educate. When my family would not respect me, my opinions, or my goals and choices in life, I learned how important it is to respect other people and listen to them.  I know what it feels like to be disrespected, to be ignored, and to be walked on.

For a while, I became very tough, too tough.  I developed a hard outer shell.

Then one day I remembered the girl I used to be. I miss her so much. The woman I am now is here to protect her.  But I am able to let her out again. She will listen to you and she will respect your feelings because she has something I had lost over the years. She has empathy.  She cares about people.

Any society where one person has a lifetime of control over another is unfair and unjust.  Societies which deem one sex or one race to be inferior have deep cultural flaws that must be healed.  The oppression of one race or gender creates an environment of hostility and corruption of power. Remember the adage absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The man who holds such power has no opportunity to become more enlightened because no one has the power to push back upon his authority.  He has no opportunity to learn that there are better ways to treat people.

We have to stand together as people of the world.   We have to shine the light on any form of oppression wherever we find it, and support our brothers' and sisters' efforts to finally be free of whatever form of captivity holds them powerless.

What I've learned from my hardships is that no one else should have to endure them.   No one should have decreased opportunities because of someone else's prejudice.

I wrote this to shine a light on some of the ignorance in the world.  When you see ignorance, oppression or prejudice, I hope you too get out your flashlight!

The Secret You

 Have you ever wondered if you made plans to meet someone at a future date and time, but right now you can't remember. Is it like a time capsule, that you trust to wake up one day, and remember that you're supposed to be somewhere to meet someone.

Have you watched Sleepless in Seattle and wondered 'was I supposed to meet someone like that in someplace special like the top of the Empire State building?'

Then one day you realize that your mind has been hiding things from you, that you have both a mind and Mind.  Both of these are you, or more accurately you and You. One of you thinks you're in charge, and the other one knows Who's really in charge.

You actually meet people in the course of this life that you and You have arranged to meet.  You have lessons to learn from them, and to teach them. In the Light Heavens it is called Doing Time.  The  Light Heavens are in another time far removed from our three dimensional world of spacetime.

Part of your mind knows that you are destined to do certain things and meet certain people. That is why the fateful date on top of the Empire State building calls to your soul.  It whispers to you of your own date with destiny.

Please check out my books. Maybe you'd like to read about my own date with destiny as chronicled in my book Doing Time on Earth: unmasking the hidden mind directing our lives. 

Doing Time on Earth 

Do you have a secret date with destiny?  Marie did. If only she could remember...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11 Warnings

Remember what Gorbachev did to the USSR.  As its leader, he gradually undermined the Soviet Union's power cabal, until he was able to completely dismantle it. Now Russia has the despicable Putin in charge and the landgrab has begun again. Putin is looking for an ally in the witless Donald Trump, and he is manipulating our media and some of our gullible voters in order to achieve his agenda. Unfortunately this information, the attached article, and anything I say will have no impact on any such gullible voters. They are already brainwashed by the dangerous right, intent on gaining power at any means including character assassination, and bald-faced lies. They have already bought controlling interest in several news outlets in the US, and have begun brainwashing and distorting news that has fooled many people who have failed to check facts.  Putin is banking on Americans not catching on to his plot. Several brave Americans have spoken out; will you listen?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

What the Stars tell Us

The stars have guided mankind for centuries.  Navigators have relied upon them.  Astrologers, astronomers and scientists have studied them.  Religions have seen signs in them.  

They are a symbol of hope in the heavens.  When our brightest star, the sun doesn't shine for us, our night glitters with a diamond sky of hope.  

There are many stars in the universe. A star gives light in the midst of darkness. That is when a star shines brightest. When you see darkness around you, that is your time to shine! Put a light back in your brother's eye and he will be a light unto others. 

We each as a spark of life and consciousness have risen from stardust to shine our lamp toward the world.  Are you the light in someone's eye?  Have you shared your love and made others joyful?  You are their star, their mother, sister, child, boss, teacher, friend, or maybe you are dad, brother, pastor, co-worker.  You have a role in someone's life.  You may be a passing stranger, but you may be the one smile they see that day.  Don't miss an opportunity to light up someone's life.  Be a Star!

Monday, September 5, 2016

A Time for Every Purpose

How we admire those who alway have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, who can whittle down another person, belittle those he dislikes, insult people's looks, tastes, likes.

How about the men who destroy people's lives, minds, civilizations and masterpieces of art.  Do you think they feel powerful?

Look what destruction they have rendered! They have laid waste to so much, destroyed what can never be replaced.

How about the builders, doctors, mothers, caretakers, farmers, nurturers? Are they powerful?  The builders of men, creators of civilization and artists are those who create miracles out of dust.  They give life it's meaning.  They give love a home.

They are the strong men and women of our world.  Those who are kind when they don't have to be.  You will experience all of these in your time. You will be the builder and the destroyer.  At the end of the day you will change and you will change the world.  

How would you like to change it?

Ecclesiastes 3 - King James Bible: 

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Moment of Rebirth

Marie was alone in the facility.  She had been ill.  Thinking back on it, she remembered collapsing when several things had happened.  Someone else had become ill.  She had a child.  Realizing that her illness may have been emotional, Marie returned to her room.  Joe was coming to see her.  She needed to get dressed.  Why? She wasn't going anywhere.  She hoped she would, so she chose a very plain dress and brushed her hair.  She washed her face and considered putting on makeup.  She wanted to look nice for Joe.  He was coming! The door was opening! She hurried with the buttons on her long sleeves.  The heavy jean dress was stifling!  The lady Doctor found her and firmly led Marie to be examined.

"I'm not so sure Joe isn't in collusion with your son," the lady Doctor said.  Marie was confused.  That sounded bad, like the Doctor distrusted Joe.  Marie remembered her emotional distress.  Did Joe cause it on purpose? Would he hurt her.

The Doctor brusquely pointed a tongue depressor at Marie 's face and made her sit.  Marie never resisted.  She thought about how docile she had been, never once trying to escape her confinement.  The doors had never been locked.  She stayed because she felt weak.  She was afraid.

Marie wanted to leave now.  She wanted Joe to come and take her home.  She felt a little stronger and with her heavy long dress on she felt secure enough to go out and face the world.

"I want you to tell me the moment of your rebirth."

"What?  ... Rebirth?" Marie asked the lady Doctor.

"It's not all that mysterious."  The Doctor held up a transistor, a small device which emitted a sound wave. It's screen showed the volume or intensity of the wave on a line, like a number scale.  A monitor on the wall in front of Marie and the Doctor showed random scenes of the outside world.  Marie saw cars driving by at night, their headlights beaming.  She was confused.

"Tell me the moment you will be born." The Doctor insisted.  Marie listened.  The cars were driving by randomly.  The transistor emitted a low drone.  It was boring.  Marie did not like it.  She waited.  The sound grew in intensity and she began to feel it's vibration.  Marie felt emotion well up inside her as the sound grew most powerful.  "NOW!" She shouted!

Smiling and proud of herself, Marie looked to the Doctor.  The Doctor was pleased with Marie.  The sound had fallen off.  Marie had picked its apex.

"Would you like to watch your new birth?" The Doctor motioned for Marie to look at the screen.

The last thing she remembers before awakening is looking at the monitor.

"I dreamt of Joe!" This was a big breakthrough.  She had not been able to dream of Joe all these years.  Her subconscious had been blocked.

This was a message.


Read about Marie and Joe, a reluctant psychic and her boyfriend, a man with strange powers he did not seem to know of.  Read about Marie 's saga in Doing Time on Earth, and learn about Joe in the chapter called The Mystery Man.

Amazon e books:  Doing Time on Earth by Catherine Berger

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Imagine Reality

Creating Reality:

Like attracts like. Hate attracts hate. Love attracts love. 

When you expect a negative outcome, you will find ways to create a negative outcome. You will see only negative things, and miss opportunities.

There is actually not one thing you cannot do just by believing.

 Jesus proved that when he raised the dead.

This entire world is a fiction. It is a drama and you are the head writer. 

This is for you alone to know, because you are ready to be given the truth. Nothing here is real. It is all a mental creation. 

Begin to test out your new powers. Dare to dream again.  

Everything that has happened is because you have willed it.   You have willed yourself to become self-aware, so that you may be free of this delusion. Now you must learn to control it, so that you may be free. Change your unhappy dream to a happy one.


I am beautiful  I am intelligent I am entertaining I am charming I have my desires.  My love, my dream, my most ardent desire is coming back to me.  My love will be my boyfriend/will be my husband/wife. He or she loves me.  I am wealthy I am happy I am healed I am successful I am lucky I am beloved  I am respected He/she wants me; we will be together and we will be happy.  I have many friends  People like me.  People will find me charming and attractive we will be so happy. I will be very happy with My love/my friends/my family. Everyone will be happy.  All my books will be successful (or my work will be successful) and I will be a respected and successful author (fill in your   work or desire).  Tailor this message to fit your life and needs.  Make it specific.

My Joe, or my Marie, will be here with me.  We will go to Hawaii and be married.  I will be better each day, feel younger, look better and be healthier each day.  Your body knows what you speak over it and your words are a program.

What are you saying to yourself? What is the program? What story have you been writing?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Your time has come to shine!

It is time.

What is hidden in the recesses of mind will eventually spring forth to be borne into the world.

Time is like an accordion, it stretches and contracts.

Like a mother giving birth to a new thought, Time delivers her offspring.

And everything will change and the face of the planet will forever forget the way it was.

Welcome to a brave New World.

Your light will shine and many others too.

It is time to leave the recesses of darkness.

Change does not need to come to you, for you are it.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Love, Forgiveness and Relationships

We have two ways of seeing the world. Reason vs Knowledge

Knowledge can be intuitive and so it may be ignored in favor of Reason which may be flawed.

That is how we make mistakes.

Half the time we don't even remember there is a contradiction and we just react.

More mistakes.

Our Judgment is often flawed.

Yes, we must learn to make better decisions.

But we must learn how to handle the inevitable mistakes, ours and others.

Have you learned how to forgive others?

Have you learned to expect forgiveness?

If you do not give someone a chance to forgive you, you will have no chance to heal them.

Much is written on forgiveness, but little is said about being forgiven.

If you don't accept forgiveness, you will live forever with guilt.

Neither you nor the person(s) you harmed or wronged will move past that time.

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing when it is offered to you. It shows the beauty of another's soul, their capacity for understanding, and their maturity.  It is the bouquet of friendship being offered again.

When someone gives you flowers, give them a smile and say thank you.  It means they love you.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Choice is Clear

It's when times are darkest that people shine. This is the time when hope triumphs over hate. Together we will turn back this dark tide. Every one of us must join in to save America and the world from from anger, hate and bigotry. Raise your voice and say #ImWithHer. I want peace and progress. I want America to be whole again. We can lift up America or we can put each other down. The Choice is Clear.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Age of Destruction

The sad truth is mankind has already played itself out. Civilization as we know it has been destroyed.  We all now live in a matrix controlled by machines. Don't believe me? What machine are you looking at now?

What subliminal messages does it put in your mind, as each wave of light hits your eye?

The worship of these dead machines to the exclusion of your human family has destroyed mankind from the inside out. His mind has succumbed to the allure of an artificial reality, and his body decays from neglect.

Our world is a shadow, and we have receded into a deeper darkness, cast by the shadow of  artificial light.

This is another cycle in the dream of death.

Is this too dark? We choose darkness because we are afraid of light. We fear dissolving into nothingness, and so we choose contrast.

We leave our mark. We stain reality with darkness to show our presence. When the darkness is all around, the light becomes the definition of self. That is when people shine.

That is why darkness will never swallow the light. A shadow cannot exist on its own.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sharing the Power of Manifesting

Before life can be lived, it has to be Imagined first.

You need to have a clear concept of what you want and you need to be able to express it in order for it to form outside of your inner world.

All great inventions were conceived first in thought, then put on paper, then modeled, and then reproduced. Even those inventions that were totally by accident had to be understood as a great advancement before they could be put to any use. That means nothing happens unless you understand it first in your mind.

It is said that Einstein thought about problems with time and light for about 20 years, until one day he was able to mathematically prove what he had known all along.The theory of relativity was then put forth on paper for the entire world to use to its advantage.

Even in the Bible, it is said that God spoke the Word and the Word brought forth creation.   This is much more than just symbolism, it is the way all things are created now, and then. Everything in our world is mind. God is the most illumined of all consciousness, and everything is created first in the mind and then manifested.

What have you been creating in your mind? Are you depressed? Do you see and express doom and gloom?

Get out a pen and paper or sit in front of your keyboard, and begin to write. Try to express a little scenario, one which you hold most dear, your most ardent desire, that which you love and would like to see come to pass.

Put as much detail as possible into it, what does it look like, what are the colors, what are the sense and feelings. What do the people look like, what do they say and how do they feel? Involve the five senses.    Write it and edit it until you love it, and savor every word of it. When you have fallen in love with it, sit back and read it. Dream it, think of it every day. Let it become part of your world, until you believe it. Believe that it is your life, not only that it's going to happen but that it is happening.

You are manifesting your idea, and the universe has no choice but to play along. That is how creation works. Both you and the universe will work towards this goal, because you have declared it real.

In the light realms, Time travels slower and slower as it approaches the speed of light. In the highest heavens where the greatest mind dwells, Time stands still. Although it may have taken thousands of years, no millions of years, maybe billions of years in our part of the manifested universe, when God said 'let there be light', there was light, and there was no delay. That was one days work for God, one Act of consciousness and Will, because were He dwells time traveled very differently.  Einstein would understand this because that is the theory of relativity.  Ironically, while Time races by in our part of the manifested universe, because it takes place in tiny increments of change things take thousands of years to develop here. In the highest realms of consciousness, everything is Now.   In eastern religions, the inconstant nature of time is already recognized and has been recognized for thousands of years. It is only our Western civilization that recently came to this conclusion, thanks to Einstein.

When you say anything, you were created in the image of God and your Word has the same power. Say it believe it, be sure you understand what you are expressing and give the word time to manifest. Part of believing it is making sure that no part of your mind cancels it out with opposing thoughts.

The more illumined your consciousness and the stronger your belief, the greater your ability to manifest.  It is said you are what you eat, it is also true you are what you do say and think.

Be blessed and be happy manifesting your dreams!

Please check out my books:

I love to write about consciousness, life's journey, and spiritual lessons. Sometimes, I tell it in a story, and sometimes I just tell it like I see it.

Monday, July 18, 2016


What happens when somebody is in a delusion? We all play along with it right.  We know that if we waken them from their sleep, or intrude upon their delusion, it will create such a shock, and they might react violently.

That is our world, and that is our collective state of consciousness in it.

The collective drowsiness drags you into a deeper sleep.  In this state of slumber, you are aware of the collective dream.   You also have your private little dream going, your own personal little sleep cycle, where everything looks just a little bit different to you than everyone else. The good news is everyone can get a glimpse into your mind, just like you can see their dreams.

That means one healed mind can be the catalyst for many to see the truth and experience awakening. You don't have to argue about this, and you don't have to be forceful about it. You just have to see the truth, and others cannot help but see it with you.

 Do not disturb the delusion. Some people are still asleep. Your mission is your own awakening.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Devil vs the Peacemakers

Here is one way that evil operates in the world, through lies and deceit.  Lives can be ruined, nation can be set against nation with this devil's tool:

It takes strength of character to defeat this type of evil. If you don't know something to be true, don't repeat it.

The more one hears gossip and lies, the more they tend to believe it. The problem starts with exposure to unreliable news sources. People who consume trash news are in no position to judge others.

If someone continually threw mud at you and then turned around and called you dirty, that would be the height of hypocrisy. Yet that is a common tactic. All it takes to be effective is for you to buy in.

People who constantly attack others by lying, cheating, stealing, insulting, demeaning etc are no better than those who rob or hit. They steal a person's good character, ruin relationships, and hurt others economically and professionally.

How many people have we put into positions of power who by their words and actions are no better than this?  They wield words like weapons of attack rather than instruments of peace.

Be very careful before you judge others. You have no idea what they've lived through or what has been done to them.

Be careful what you read, and who you listen to. There is an old saying "when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas."

You can make a difference in this world by being the last stop on the gossip train. You can be a better friend to someone when you don't encourage gossip, and never repeat it. You can be a more informed global citizen when you carefully consider your news sources and question any news or story that seems designed just to get you angry or get a reaction.

The devil is in the details, they say. Find out the truth. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. When you catch that devil, you will stop him from playing you for a fool and using you to hurt someone else!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

-Jesus -Sermon on the Mount

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jesus - The Last Lesson

He reached many people around the world, and throughout the last two millennia. His story has been told, and retold, not always the same way, even in the 4 Gospels.

Some have had "ears to hear", and for others the seeds (his Words) have been "strewn on barren rocks."

Jesus understood this well.  He spoke in parables, and expected only those who were ready to receive the message to hear it.  

Over time, the forces of life on earth break down the rocks and the ground becomes more receptive to growth.  That is analogous to the barren rocks and the seeds of truth.  Planet Earth is a rocky planet, so it would appear we have a long way to go for this.  Yet, we enjoy the sun, wind, and oceans and the seemingly barren moon, all of which meld our world into a planet of life!

Today, we live in a world frustrated by people who cannot force others to understand their point of view.  Even though we all have walked different paths, and learned different things, we each think we have the right perspective.  We are divided on so many issues.  We are a global Tower of Babel, speaking many tongues, and proponents of many ideologies, but rarely listening.

There will come a day, a lifetime, when each light will finally shine and each lamp will be lit.  But right now, we are all here, living our imperfect lives, and most of us judging others in the process.

Jesus did not judge others because they could not understand.  He knew that most people could only comprehend part of the message, and that it was totally lost on others.  He simply spoke the Truth.  It's up to us to hear it.

That is the last lesson of Christ.  He delivered the message.  He cannot hear it for us.  Perhaps we too can forgive our neighbors if they do not understand us.

Reference The Parable of the Sower

Check out my books on Amazon. My newest book is an entertaining fiction with both spirits and spiritual lessons:  Two Short Stories...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Dog's Tale: Sirius

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, gazed down from the heavens at the earth below.

'Why do they call me the Dog Star?'

'My light is brighter than all others.  When they see me in Egypt, it is time for the Nile to flood. In the south, I mark the onset of Winter."

"Without me, you would never shine so brightly."

Mrs. Sirius was now throwing in her two cents.

'Without you, my dear, I would revolve worthlessly around the Universe."

"Hey Dawg you're just a play on light! My light is far brighter than yours!"

"Can it Canopus! I'm tired of your whining. They should call YOU the Dog Star!"

"If I had a lovely companion Star, people would recognize Canopus as the brightest star in the night!"

"I'm Sirius.  Don't even go there Canopus."

Sirius remembered that Mrs. S once had a fling with Canopus. But Sirius had swept her away. Theirs had been literally a whirlwind romance!

"Dogs are loyal creatures. They are man's best friend." Mrs. S comforted.

"I'm not even a star, but I shine brightest in the morning! They named me after a goddess!"

"She always gets everything backwards." muttered Sirius.  "Beautiful but toxic." chimed in Canopus.

"She rotates the opposite way, but that is a little harsh."

"Thank you! Pluto"

"Anything for you dear sister." Pluto lovingly replied to the beautiful Venus.

"Besides its not so bad being named after a dog."

Sirius and the other Stars began to snicker.

"What's this a bit of cosmic dust, a little speck, speaks to me now?"

"Canopus, you're a bully!" The Sun now had gotten involved.

"Every particle, every star, planet, moon and dust cloud in the universe has its purpose."

"What of the Dark Matter?  It shines no light at all." Asked Sirius.

"The Dark Matter is frozen light, without it, our neighborhood would be flung apart."  Replied the Sun.

"Some of us shine with reflected glory but we still give light."

"Yes dear moon.  You are my best friend and without you I would not only be alone, but life as I know it would cease."

Mother Earth had spoken.

"Forgive me, but clearly my light is wasted here."  Canopus' face darkened.

"Only the scientists appreciate him now. There are no tales or myths, the sailors don't need him."

The lesser lights and the greater lights thought about Canopus' problem.

"Back in the day, the sailors in the Southern Hemisphere used me for navigation, and the Egyptians and Indians wrote about me!" Bellowed Canopus!

"At least I'm not a Dwarf!"

Mrs. S started to cry.

"I'm warning you Canopus!" Sirius' light was reddening. Pluto was also looking embarrassed.

"Why all this bickering? Together we light up the sky! Why does it matter if some of us are Red Giants or White Dwarfs, and others are middle aged Yellow Suns? Why can't we all just get along?"

"Don't forget that not all planets have moons and some of us rotate the other way!"

"Yes, we know."

"And some of us are less bright but we still shine."

Mother Earth began to cry. "Oh dear what would I be without my brothers and sisters, my companion moon or the Sun. My night would be void and dark without all the stars that fill up my universe.  Please dear family don't fight with one another. I am nothing without you and I love each one of you dearly."

The stars and the planets all went back to their jobs, revolving around one another, and the moon continued his job of protecting the earth and all was at peace again in the universe.

View My books: 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Blood Moon

This is a bad night. When Justice has been trampled, innocents will die.

Pray for their souls and their families.

Pray for the lost causes forever gone.

Weep for them. Cry for the widowed mothers and fatherless children. Hear their wails in the night and watch them hide their sorrow before the spotlight.

A nation divided arms itself in fear. They read the Word but do not heed it:

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

It's an inconvenient truth.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Owning Your Guilt

Fear, Guilt, Greed.

These are prime negative motivators, drivers of human (and animal) action.

Fear and Greed are better understood than guilt.

For one thing, fear and greed have opposites, which are easily identifiable and which help frame them better.

Their opposites are courage and generosity.

But Guilt almost seems good doesn't it! It seems to have redeeming qualities.

If you've done wrong, it is guilt which compels you make amends.

But, what if you've been misunderstood, or profiled?  In some circles, it's called judged, in others prejudice, and in psychology it's called projection.

It's when people have a preconceived idea and assume you are going to behave accordingly.

You sense that, and you feel guilty as though you've actually done something.

You own the guilt.

By owning it, you behave as though you have reason to be ashamed, reason to be sorry, reason to make amends, reason to act differently than a person who is not guilty.

This affects your life, your plans, actions, and reinforces the misconception that you are guilty.

You MAKE IT REAL by reacting to it.

Make it clear, when you are innocent by never acknowledging the false perception.

Make it clear that you expect to be treated with favor, as a friend, and leave guilt unacknowledged.

Do not own it if it is not yours.

If it is, then be quick to apologize. But never be guilty about someone else's mistake. Be generous, and don't acknowledge it. Be the bigger person. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

But if you do acknowledge it, in any way, you make it real. You give it standing in the world by confronting or conforming to it.

You make it part of your world.

It is easier to light a candle than curse the darkness. It is easier to continue being you, than it is to mirror someone else's false perception of you.

Light the way. That's who you are!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Boosting Consciousness

We're gonna talk a little science here.  When your brain enters the Alpha wave state, a state that is akin to meditation and the practice of mindfulness, that is when you are at your most creative and receptive state of mind. Inducing the alpha wave state of mind can be used to treat depression, and to train people to control or decrease their perception of pain.

This Alpha wave state is the same mental condition that Neville Goddard describes when he speaks of the most potent time to employ his Imagining technique.  Neville Goddard describes this as the state of consciousness when one is drowsy, but still alert. The mind is relaxed, and near but not quite in the state of sleep.

I want you to try to imagine something, think back on a time when you would describe yourself as being in the flow of consciousness. I've often been there, sometimes it's when I'm thinking very well, and I say that my brain waves are all aligned. On other occasions, I'm feeling particularly receptive, and I can pick up on other peoples emotions very easily. These are times of heightened consciousness. Think back when you have had similar experiences.  What made you feel this way? What was the trigger? Was it someone you knew who triggered a heightened state of consciousness? Was it something you read that inspired you? Was it someplace you visited?

Find a quiet and restful place. Sit down, close your eyes, and remember that experience. Imagine yourself back in that time and in that place. Allow your consciousness to drift to that experience. Stay there as long as you can.

If you find yourself even for a moment experiencing the heightened state of consciousness, then you have a technique that you can employ going forward to retrain your mind. The more you train your mind to enter the state of consciousness, the alpha wave state, the easier it will be for you to get there, and the healthier your life experiences will get. Remember that your state of consciousness attracts life experiences and like people.

Surrounding yourself by positive uplifting people will also help you attain heightened states of sensitivity, awareness, and a more joyful life.

By the way, this alpha wave is also called Berger's wave 😉
Here is a link to some more information:

Psychology today 

Family and Mental Illness

Are you dealing with mental illness in your family? I've noticed there is very little understanding or recognition of the confusion and pain that family members of the mentally ill must endure. Lately I've been reading about the woman who shot and killed her two daughters. She was mentally ill. We see pictures of an obviously vain woman, and these two young girls, her beautiful daughters. She killed them on her husband's birthday, so she could ruin that day forever. I read he had told her, this is the last birthday you will ruin.  He thought a divorce would spare him from a lifetime of pain with this woman, but she was not about to let it end. This sparked a lot of painful memories for me.

My own mom was mentally ill. She was smart, vain, vindictive, no ... vicious, and like this woman lived to ruin other people's birthdays, weddings, social functions just because her own life was miserable and she found it entertaining to destroy their special day. As she aged, it was nearly impossible to deal with her as she spiraled out of control. After she made a scene on my son's first birthday and left me crying, she followed up by telling me my adoptive father never loved me.

I made a decision that day to keep her away from my son so she couldn't ruin every event in his life. I was trying to protect him, and myself. I had reached the end of the line with her. She reacted by trashing my name to all the relatives and ruined every relationship I had. I had gone through this with her my whole life. She had ruined birthdays, holidays, my first wedding. She stalked and verbally abused my first husband and created unbelievable pressure in that marriage.

Now I was the target of her rage. Only my husband and son knew what hell she put us through. She stalked me and I had to change phone numbers. She stalked me at work, on the phone, on my cell, and by mail. She called my neighbors to accuse me of crimes. I "lost contact" with everyone that knew her so I could have some peace in my life. I couldn't take the chance that they would tell her my new phone number. Eventually she was put into a mental facility and even from there she got on the phone and sent the police to my house. I had to apologize to them and explain her condition, that she was in a mental health facility. My husband and son came home that day from his middle school basketball game and they found me shaking and in tears.

She is gone now and I look at this story in the news and shudder at how much worse it could have been.  I've slowly been reconnecting with some family and friends and I've tried to tell them what happened, about the other side of this woman that they didn't see. She put on a phony face for most outsiders but her children got the worst of it. My brother left us years ago because of something she said, some lie she told, and he's washed his hands of the whole family. I've lost him because of her. There is no way to get back what she stole from my life. If you haven't gone through this, you really don't know how much pain and suffering a mentally ill parent can inflict on a family.

Mental illness is such a destructive force. The victims are not just those with the illness, but their families and social circle. Because of privacy laws, mental health practitioners are limited in what they can tell a patient's family. We need laws protecting the rights and safety of families who are dealing with this. Most of us just are not equipped with the knowledge of how to handle the instability and abuse, and what are appropriate actions to take when dealing with mentally ill relatives.

If you're dealing with this in your family, there are support groups that can help you and your family through this crisis. Here is a place to start:

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Live! Two Short Stories [Wizards and Ghosts!]

Yes we are finally live!

See the complete stories of




Note:  Previews and kindle download now available on all devices.

I hope you all enjoy the heart-felt endings to both of these stories.  Thank you for supporting my venture into Short Stories.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Coming Soon: Two Short Stories

I hope you've enjoyed your previews to The Magic Man and The Nightshade Hotel.

I'm excited to tell you that Two Short Stories will be released soon on The full tales of The Magic Man and The Nightshade Hotel and their poignant conclusions will finally be available!

Keep your eye out for my next announcement!

I hope you will visit my new book page!

Thanks very much❤️


Room 404c (The Nightshade Hotel)

Marie awoke in her room feeling certain that what she saw at the cemetery was just a bad dream.  She dressed for dinner and went downstairs to meet her friends at the hotel's grand dining room. Marie took her friend John's arm and they entered the grand dining room together.  John was tall and of athletic build. Marie enjoyed looking at him, and tonight he was dressed very nicely in tan slacks and a long sleeve white dress shirt, open at the collar. A handsome man with light hair, and a quick smile, John could be very charming, and he was good company for Marie.  The Grand dining room was adorned with chandeliers, white tablecloth's, sparkling Crystal and fine bone China.   The party was subdued given the day's events, Marie and John whispered quietly, and Gertrude and Dora hid behind their menus. Marie could see their red cheeks as they peered over the menus.  It looked as though they had put on too much rouge.

"I really don't have much of an appetite tonight" and with that Marie excused herself and returned to room 404C in The Nightshade Hotel.

She was feeling woozy as she opened the door to her room. 'Did I leave the light on' she wondered.   Her eyes made out a candlelit table in the middle of the room. It was set for dinner. Closing the door, Marie approached the table.  Lifting the steel lid covering her plate, Marie smiled broadly. Someone had ordered French toast and eggs for her dinner! 'John' she thought. 'He knows me so well!   What a sweetheart.'

 As she sat down to eat, Marie realized she wasn't alone in the room. A shadowy image emerged.  It seemed as though it walked right in through the wall and Marie stared wordlessly. "Hello Marie. How are you this evening?"  His voice was soft and quiet as though he was trying not to scare her.


"Yes! It's Charles!"  He smiled,  delighted that she recognized him. Marie noted she could see right through him. His form looked like smoke in the darkened room.

"Charles?" she uttered again.  "Yes my love. It is Charles.  I saw you today and my heart skipped a beat. You have finally returned to us."

"...I don't understand.  How did you get here?"

"When we lost you, my love, I was heartbroken. I sold my soul to the Necromancer."

Feeling woozy now, Marie went to the bed and sat down upon it. The next thing she remembers is hearing a knock at the door. It was John. "Are you all right?" "Yes" she looked around behind her, leaving John standing at the door. The table was gone.

"I brought you some dinner. I thought you might like some French toast."

"Whoa" John caught Marie as she began to swoon.

"Stay with me please!  I ... don't know what is happening to me."


Friday, June 24, 2016

The Nightshade Hotel

 The friends were all together in the Square. It was a fun vacation! Marie took out her digital camera and tried to take a picture of the group. The shutter did not seem to work. She tried repeatedly to get the camera to take a picture. Marie looked at the image on the back of the camera and she could see her friends standing arm in arm and smiling at her. "It won't take a picture" she told them.

Marie noticed something strange, the camera had indeed taken some images. But they were not the images she had pointed at. Somehow, the camera had taken pictures of something behind Marie, and there were ghostly shadows on each frame.

Walking down the street now, Marie found the scene on which her camera seemed to be focused. In this historic city, there was an old colonial graveyard. Behind a short retaining wall, she could see the hundreds years old tombstones.  Looking through the camera lens now Marie saw something surprising. There were people in the cemetery. There was a father in dated attire,  wearing black vest and black top hat. They were visiting a grave, he and his small children.

The smallest child, a little boy in short black pants, saw Marie and began running towards her. "Mommy!"  Quite alarmed, the father called for his boy "Devon! Devon! Come back here!"

Shocked, Marie took a step back and lowered the camera. She saw no people in the graveyard. She looked again at the digital picture on the back of her camera. She saw the father catch up to little Devon, and they all ran straight to a Mausoleum. They disappeared in a flash of flames that erupted from the front of the mausoleum.

Marie was too shaken and disturbed by this and she returned with her friends to The Nightshade Hotel.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Prayers for the World - Raising our Vibration through Critical Mass

Our World is caught up in division and hate. Our news carries it to us and our souls and minds become bogged down in darkness. Deepak Chopra has called upon the believers to join him in prayer and meditation to change the world's temperament by drawing light and healing to our earthly home. 

Just as Deepak was announcing this mission, I woke up with the same message from the Beyond. I listened to Deepak Chopra's message and today I want to extend it. 

I read today of a soldier who was asking for prayers. It didn't say what his troubles were but he had legal troubles. 

There are always two sides in any court case, and both sides usually believe they have merit. Just like my prayer for this soldier, please join us in praying for a better world, a kinder gentler place...

Dear Lord, 

We don't understand what sort of relief is needed here in our World. We see misfortune, poverty, war, crime, sickness and hate. We cannot agree on any solution, but I trust in your wisdom to have mercy on and bring justice and healing to all. Please send light to cast away the darkness and love to heal each soul. Please grace us and raise us up, for we have fallen here. Bless us and guide us to peace and well-being. Let us be brothers and sisters joined together in a collective spirit of harmony. Let us see the light, and find it in one another. Thank you for your mercy and judgement which is far Beyond our own limits, and in which we Trust. Amen.

If you believe in critical mass, then join in this prayer to raise your spirit and help enlighten us all. Dream of a healing world. A little kinder, a little gentler, a little more loving every day. 

Thank you. 

- Cat