Thinking on the Pearl's of Wisdom, I'm reminded of the idiom 'cast not thy pearls before swine.'
This expression traces back to the words of Jesus Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. Jesus uses the symbolism of pearls of Wisdom, counseling that we should not give what is holy to dogs or swine for they will trample our pearls and turn on us, rending or tearing us.
Pearls are created in nature when an irritant, a grain of sand, causes a clam or oyster to create a milky substance 'nacre' to coat the irritant.
Eventually a pearl is created, not by the sand, but because of it.
In nature, a diamond is created when carbonized minerals are subject to extreme pressure. This process of creating the natural gems occurs deep in the earth over billions of years and at high temperatures.
In life, nature is often a metaphor, from which we can glean deeper meaning.
As you suffer the pressures and irritants of life, you create your own gems, pearls of Wisdom, and diamond gems of hard-learned Truths.
As you interact with your world, you can choose to be enriched by your daily trials. You learn to smooth out the rough patches, and you create your own milk, the milk of human kindness. As you endure hardships, you become stronger willed. Like the diamond, your mind hardens and you learn strength of character.
The world breaks some people, but you have your gems. You will take them with you, for character and wisdom are attributes of the spirit.
Mankind is a crystal, a communications link, to the universal mind. As you purify your mind, your link grows stronger and clearer. Your gems of Wisdom and character strengthen your connection, and you become ready to receive, attuned, and a proper vessel for the Word.
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