
Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Choice is Clear

It's when times are darkest that people shine. This is the time when hope triumphs over hate. Together we will turn back this dark tide. Every one of us must join in to save America and the world from from anger, hate and bigotry. Raise your voice and say #ImWithHer. I want peace and progress. I want America to be whole again. We can lift up America or we can put each other down. The Choice is Clear.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Age of Destruction

The sad truth is mankind has already played itself out. Civilization as we know it has been destroyed.  We all now live in a matrix controlled by machines. Don't believe me? What machine are you looking at now?

What subliminal messages does it put in your mind, as each wave of light hits your eye?

The worship of these dead machines to the exclusion of your human family has destroyed mankind from the inside out. His mind has succumbed to the allure of an artificial reality, and his body decays from neglect.

Our world is a shadow, and we have receded into a deeper darkness, cast by the shadow of  artificial light.

This is another cycle in the dream of death.

Is this too dark? We choose darkness because we are afraid of light. We fear dissolving into nothingness, and so we choose contrast.

We leave our mark. We stain reality with darkness to show our presence. When the darkness is all around, the light becomes the definition of self. That is when people shine.

That is why darkness will never swallow the light. A shadow cannot exist on its own.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sharing the Power of Manifesting

Before life can be lived, it has to be Imagined first.

You need to have a clear concept of what you want and you need to be able to express it in order for it to form outside of your inner world.

All great inventions were conceived first in thought, then put on paper, then modeled, and then reproduced. Even those inventions that were totally by accident had to be understood as a great advancement before they could be put to any use. That means nothing happens unless you understand it first in your mind.

It is said that Einstein thought about problems with time and light for about 20 years, until one day he was able to mathematically prove what he had known all along.The theory of relativity was then put forth on paper for the entire world to use to its advantage.

Even in the Bible, it is said that God spoke the Word and the Word brought forth creation.   This is much more than just symbolism, it is the way all things are created now, and then. Everything in our world is mind. God is the most illumined of all consciousness, and everything is created first in the mind and then manifested.

What have you been creating in your mind? Are you depressed? Do you see and express doom and gloom?

Get out a pen and paper or sit in front of your keyboard, and begin to write. Try to express a little scenario, one which you hold most dear, your most ardent desire, that which you love and would like to see come to pass.

Put as much detail as possible into it, what does it look like, what are the colors, what are the sense and feelings. What do the people look like, what do they say and how do they feel? Involve the five senses.    Write it and edit it until you love it, and savor every word of it. When you have fallen in love with it, sit back and read it. Dream it, think of it every day. Let it become part of your world, until you believe it. Believe that it is your life, not only that it's going to happen but that it is happening.

You are manifesting your idea, and the universe has no choice but to play along. That is how creation works. Both you and the universe will work towards this goal, because you have declared it real.

In the light realms, Time travels slower and slower as it approaches the speed of light. In the highest heavens where the greatest mind dwells, Time stands still. Although it may have taken thousands of years, no millions of years, maybe billions of years in our part of the manifested universe, when God said 'let there be light', there was light, and there was no delay. That was one days work for God, one Act of consciousness and Will, because were He dwells time traveled very differently.  Einstein would understand this because that is the theory of relativity.  Ironically, while Time races by in our part of the manifested universe, because it takes place in tiny increments of change things take thousands of years to develop here. In the highest realms of consciousness, everything is Now.   In eastern religions, the inconstant nature of time is already recognized and has been recognized for thousands of years. It is only our Western civilization that recently came to this conclusion, thanks to Einstein.

When you say anything, you were created in the image of God and your Word has the same power. Say it believe it, be sure you understand what you are expressing and give the word time to manifest. Part of believing it is making sure that no part of your mind cancels it out with opposing thoughts.

The more illumined your consciousness and the stronger your belief, the greater your ability to manifest.  It is said you are what you eat, it is also true you are what you do say and think.

Be blessed and be happy manifesting your dreams!

Please check out my books:

I love to write about consciousness, life's journey, and spiritual lessons. Sometimes, I tell it in a story, and sometimes I just tell it like I see it.

Monday, July 18, 2016


What happens when somebody is in a delusion? We all play along with it right.  We know that if we waken them from their sleep, or intrude upon their delusion, it will create such a shock, and they might react violently.

That is our world, and that is our collective state of consciousness in it.

The collective drowsiness drags you into a deeper sleep.  In this state of slumber, you are aware of the collective dream.   You also have your private little dream going, your own personal little sleep cycle, where everything looks just a little bit different to you than everyone else. The good news is everyone can get a glimpse into your mind, just like you can see their dreams.

That means one healed mind can be the catalyst for many to see the truth and experience awakening. You don't have to argue about this, and you don't have to be forceful about it. You just have to see the truth, and others cannot help but see it with you.

 Do not disturb the delusion. Some people are still asleep. Your mission is your own awakening.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Devil vs the Peacemakers

Here is one way that evil operates in the world, through lies and deceit.  Lives can be ruined, nation can be set against nation with this devil's tool:

It takes strength of character to defeat this type of evil. If you don't know something to be true, don't repeat it.

The more one hears gossip and lies, the more they tend to believe it. The problem starts with exposure to unreliable news sources. People who consume trash news are in no position to judge others.

If someone continually threw mud at you and then turned around and called you dirty, that would be the height of hypocrisy. Yet that is a common tactic. All it takes to be effective is for you to buy in.

People who constantly attack others by lying, cheating, stealing, insulting, demeaning etc are no better than those who rob or hit. They steal a person's good character, ruin relationships, and hurt others economically and professionally.

How many people have we put into positions of power who by their words and actions are no better than this?  They wield words like weapons of attack rather than instruments of peace.

Be very careful before you judge others. You have no idea what they've lived through or what has been done to them.

Be careful what you read, and who you listen to. There is an old saying "when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas."

You can make a difference in this world by being the last stop on the gossip train. You can be a better friend to someone when you don't encourage gossip, and never repeat it. You can be a more informed global citizen when you carefully consider your news sources and question any news or story that seems designed just to get you angry or get a reaction.

The devil is in the details, they say. Find out the truth. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. When you catch that devil, you will stop him from playing you for a fool and using you to hurt someone else!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

-Jesus -Sermon on the Mount

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jesus - The Last Lesson

He reached many people around the world, and throughout the last two millennia. His story has been told, and retold, not always the same way, even in the 4 Gospels.

Some have had "ears to hear", and for others the seeds (his Words) have been "strewn on barren rocks."

Jesus understood this well.  He spoke in parables, and expected only those who were ready to receive the message to hear it.  

Over time, the forces of life on earth break down the rocks and the ground becomes more receptive to growth.  That is analogous to the barren rocks and the seeds of truth.  Planet Earth is a rocky planet, so it would appear we have a long way to go for this.  Yet, we enjoy the sun, wind, and oceans and the seemingly barren moon, all of which meld our world into a planet of life!

Today, we live in a world frustrated by people who cannot force others to understand their point of view.  Even though we all have walked different paths, and learned different things, we each think we have the right perspective.  We are divided on so many issues.  We are a global Tower of Babel, speaking many tongues, and proponents of many ideologies, but rarely listening.

There will come a day, a lifetime, when each light will finally shine and each lamp will be lit.  But right now, we are all here, living our imperfect lives, and most of us judging others in the process.

Jesus did not judge others because they could not understand.  He knew that most people could only comprehend part of the message, and that it was totally lost on others.  He simply spoke the Truth.  It's up to us to hear it.

That is the last lesson of Christ.  He delivered the message.  He cannot hear it for us.  Perhaps we too can forgive our neighbors if they do not understand us.

Reference The Parable of the Sower

Check out my books on Amazon. My newest book is an entertaining fiction with both spirits and spiritual lessons:  Two Short Stories...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Dog's Tale: Sirius

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, gazed down from the heavens at the earth below.

'Why do they call me the Dog Star?'

'My light is brighter than all others.  When they see me in Egypt, it is time for the Nile to flood. In the south, I mark the onset of Winter."

"Without me, you would never shine so brightly."

Mrs. Sirius was now throwing in her two cents.

'Without you, my dear, I would revolve worthlessly around the Universe."

"Hey Dawg you're just a play on light! My light is far brighter than yours!"

"Can it Canopus! I'm tired of your whining. They should call YOU the Dog Star!"

"If I had a lovely companion Star, people would recognize Canopus as the brightest star in the night!"

"I'm Sirius.  Don't even go there Canopus."

Sirius remembered that Mrs. S once had a fling with Canopus. But Sirius had swept her away. Theirs had been literally a whirlwind romance!

"Dogs are loyal creatures. They are man's best friend." Mrs. S comforted.

"I'm not even a star, but I shine brightest in the morning! They named me after a goddess!"

"She always gets everything backwards." muttered Sirius.  "Beautiful but toxic." chimed in Canopus.

"She rotates the opposite way, but that is a little harsh."

"Thank you! Pluto"

"Anything for you dear sister." Pluto lovingly replied to the beautiful Venus.

"Besides its not so bad being named after a dog."

Sirius and the other Stars began to snicker.

"What's this a bit of cosmic dust, a little speck, speaks to me now?"

"Canopus, you're a bully!" The Sun now had gotten involved.

"Every particle, every star, planet, moon and dust cloud in the universe has its purpose."

"What of the Dark Matter?  It shines no light at all." Asked Sirius.

"The Dark Matter is frozen light, without it, our neighborhood would be flung apart."  Replied the Sun.

"Some of us shine with reflected glory but we still give light."

"Yes dear moon.  You are my best friend and without you I would not only be alone, but life as I know it would cease."

Mother Earth had spoken.

"Forgive me, but clearly my light is wasted here."  Canopus' face darkened.

"Only the scientists appreciate him now. There are no tales or myths, the sailors don't need him."

The lesser lights and the greater lights thought about Canopus' problem.

"Back in the day, the sailors in the Southern Hemisphere used me for navigation, and the Egyptians and Indians wrote about me!" Bellowed Canopus!

"At least I'm not a Dwarf!"

Mrs. S started to cry.

"I'm warning you Canopus!" Sirius' light was reddening. Pluto was also looking embarrassed.

"Why all this bickering? Together we light up the sky! Why does it matter if some of us are Red Giants or White Dwarfs, and others are middle aged Yellow Suns? Why can't we all just get along?"

"Don't forget that not all planets have moons and some of us rotate the other way!"

"Yes, we know."

"And some of us are less bright but we still shine."

Mother Earth began to cry. "Oh dear what would I be without my brothers and sisters, my companion moon or the Sun. My night would be void and dark without all the stars that fill up my universe.  Please dear family don't fight with one another. I am nothing without you and I love each one of you dearly."

The stars and the planets all went back to their jobs, revolving around one another, and the moon continued his job of protecting the earth and all was at peace again in the universe.

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Blood Moon

This is a bad night. When Justice has been trampled, innocents will die.

Pray for their souls and their families.

Pray for the lost causes forever gone.

Weep for them. Cry for the widowed mothers and fatherless children. Hear their wails in the night and watch them hide their sorrow before the spotlight.

A nation divided arms itself in fear. They read the Word but do not heed it:

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

It's an inconvenient truth.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Owning Your Guilt

Fear, Guilt, Greed.

These are prime negative motivators, drivers of human (and animal) action.

Fear and Greed are better understood than guilt.

For one thing, fear and greed have opposites, which are easily identifiable and which help frame them better.

Their opposites are courage and generosity.

But Guilt almost seems good doesn't it! It seems to have redeeming qualities.

If you've done wrong, it is guilt which compels you make amends.

But, what if you've been misunderstood, or profiled?  In some circles, it's called judged, in others prejudice, and in psychology it's called projection.

It's when people have a preconceived idea and assume you are going to behave accordingly.

You sense that, and you feel guilty as though you've actually done something.

You own the guilt.

By owning it, you behave as though you have reason to be ashamed, reason to be sorry, reason to make amends, reason to act differently than a person who is not guilty.

This affects your life, your plans, actions, and reinforces the misconception that you are guilty.

You MAKE IT REAL by reacting to it.

Make it clear, when you are innocent by never acknowledging the false perception.

Make it clear that you expect to be treated with favor, as a friend, and leave guilt unacknowledged.

Do not own it if it is not yours.

If it is, then be quick to apologize. But never be guilty about someone else's mistake. Be generous, and don't acknowledge it. Be the bigger person. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

But if you do acknowledge it, in any way, you make it real. You give it standing in the world by confronting or conforming to it.

You make it part of your world.

It is easier to light a candle than curse the darkness. It is easier to continue being you, than it is to mirror someone else's false perception of you.

Light the way. That's who you are!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Boosting Consciousness

We're gonna talk a little science here.  When your brain enters the Alpha wave state, a state that is akin to meditation and the practice of mindfulness, that is when you are at your most creative and receptive state of mind. Inducing the alpha wave state of mind can be used to treat depression, and to train people to control or decrease their perception of pain.

This Alpha wave state is the same mental condition that Neville Goddard describes when he speaks of the most potent time to employ his Imagining technique.  Neville Goddard describes this as the state of consciousness when one is drowsy, but still alert. The mind is relaxed, and near but not quite in the state of sleep.

I want you to try to imagine something, think back on a time when you would describe yourself as being in the flow of consciousness. I've often been there, sometimes it's when I'm thinking very well, and I say that my brain waves are all aligned. On other occasions, I'm feeling particularly receptive, and I can pick up on other peoples emotions very easily. These are times of heightened consciousness. Think back when you have had similar experiences.  What made you feel this way? What was the trigger? Was it someone you knew who triggered a heightened state of consciousness? Was it something you read that inspired you? Was it someplace you visited?

Find a quiet and restful place. Sit down, close your eyes, and remember that experience. Imagine yourself back in that time and in that place. Allow your consciousness to drift to that experience. Stay there as long as you can.

If you find yourself even for a moment experiencing the heightened state of consciousness, then you have a technique that you can employ going forward to retrain your mind. The more you train your mind to enter the state of consciousness, the alpha wave state, the easier it will be for you to get there, and the healthier your life experiences will get. Remember that your state of consciousness attracts life experiences and like people.

Surrounding yourself by positive uplifting people will also help you attain heightened states of sensitivity, awareness, and a more joyful life.

By the way, this alpha wave is also called Berger's wave 😉
Here is a link to some more information:

Psychology today 

Family and Mental Illness

Are you dealing with mental illness in your family? I've noticed there is very little understanding or recognition of the confusion and pain that family members of the mentally ill must endure. Lately I've been reading about the woman who shot and killed her two daughters. She was mentally ill. We see pictures of an obviously vain woman, and these two young girls, her beautiful daughters. She killed them on her husband's birthday, so she could ruin that day forever. I read he had told her, this is the last birthday you will ruin.  He thought a divorce would spare him from a lifetime of pain with this woman, but she was not about to let it end. This sparked a lot of painful memories for me.

My own mom was mentally ill. She was smart, vain, vindictive, no ... vicious, and like this woman lived to ruin other people's birthdays, weddings, social functions just because her own life was miserable and she found it entertaining to destroy their special day. As she aged, it was nearly impossible to deal with her as she spiraled out of control. After she made a scene on my son's first birthday and left me crying, she followed up by telling me my adoptive father never loved me.

I made a decision that day to keep her away from my son so she couldn't ruin every event in his life. I was trying to protect him, and myself. I had reached the end of the line with her. She reacted by trashing my name to all the relatives and ruined every relationship I had. I had gone through this with her my whole life. She had ruined birthdays, holidays, my first wedding. She stalked and verbally abused my first husband and created unbelievable pressure in that marriage.

Now I was the target of her rage. Only my husband and son knew what hell she put us through. She stalked me and I had to change phone numbers. She stalked me at work, on the phone, on my cell, and by mail. She called my neighbors to accuse me of crimes. I "lost contact" with everyone that knew her so I could have some peace in my life. I couldn't take the chance that they would tell her my new phone number. Eventually she was put into a mental facility and even from there she got on the phone and sent the police to my house. I had to apologize to them and explain her condition, that she was in a mental health facility. My husband and son came home that day from his middle school basketball game and they found me shaking and in tears.

She is gone now and I look at this story in the news and shudder at how much worse it could have been.  I've slowly been reconnecting with some family and friends and I've tried to tell them what happened, about the other side of this woman that they didn't see. She put on a phony face for most outsiders but her children got the worst of it. My brother left us years ago because of something she said, some lie she told, and he's washed his hands of the whole family. I've lost him because of her. There is no way to get back what she stole from my life. If you haven't gone through this, you really don't know how much pain and suffering a mentally ill parent can inflict on a family.

Mental illness is such a destructive force. The victims are not just those with the illness, but their families and social circle. Because of privacy laws, mental health practitioners are limited in what they can tell a patient's family. We need laws protecting the rights and safety of families who are dealing with this. Most of us just are not equipped with the knowledge of how to handle the instability and abuse, and what are appropriate actions to take when dealing with mentally ill relatives.

If you're dealing with this in your family, there are support groups that can help you and your family through this crisis. Here is a place to start: