
Wednesday, September 21, 2016


In 1924 native Americans were made Citizens of the United States.  This was done over their objections.

That is a profound truth. American citizenship is something to be valued and people all over the world struggle to come to America. The American Indian was here first.  This is his land and her land, a land they were not able to defend against white settlers.

While it is undoubtedly a fair-minded thing to confer citizenship upon people who were born here, there is clearly the other point of view that the United States has no authority to confer citizenship upon anyone, because this land belongs to its original inhabitants.

There is scarcely any piece of land on the face of the earth has not been fought over and died for.  Animals fight and kill for food, dominance, territory.  So do we. We also fight over religion and ideals, and we kill over these things too.

The American Indian got this name when Columbus came here and apparently confused them with Indians from the other side of the earth.   The name stuck, because it takes a while to learn from our mistakes apparently.

 On the other side of the earth, the Indians there have a religion Hinduism, which teaches us to rise above the battlefield.

We all live here together on this planet, occupying a limited space.  There's only one earth and there is only one life on this planet.  If the planet dies so do we. If one species dies, others are affected.

The cure for cancer might come from the black man living in Africa, or the Muslim woman living in Saudi Arabia.   We can learn from each other's cultures, and we can enhance our lives. Or we can continue to behave like animals. It is time for mankind to rise above its baser nature.   Cast off the animal instincts, and embrace the spiritual nature of man.  The seven races must be a complement to one another, colorful and diverse, yet one people, one earth like the shining jewel of our planet. The more diversity we embrace, the greater and richer life will be on this planet.  Two new races of man are destined to evolve here. Let us welcome them in peace.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Shine the Light on Oppression

Reading about some women who live in parts of the world where there is oppression and male dominance.  These women are not allowed to work or study unless their male guardians approve it. Some of them were beaten, some of them are demeaned for their entire lives.

My own backwards family held me back from my dreams and aspirations as well and I live in America.  My own mother was the chief oppressor.  She did not believe in a world where women and girls should get an education and improve themselves.

Of course, I followed my own nature and made something of myself.  I had a good career, but I could've done so much better without these impediments.

What these women in the third world are up against is nearly impossible to overcome.  The law stands against them, not just their family and culture.

As for me, I like to think that I learned different lessons that I would not have learned without so many obstacles in my life.   When my family banned me from going to college, I learned the value of education.  I read every book I could get my hands on.   I read manuals, text books, books about physics, science, psychology, etc. all in an attempt to self educate. When my family would not respect me, my opinions, or my goals and choices in life, I learned how important it is to respect other people and listen to them.  I know what it feels like to be disrespected, to be ignored, and to be walked on.

For a while, I became very tough, too tough.  I developed a hard outer shell.

Then one day I remembered the girl I used to be. I miss her so much. The woman I am now is here to protect her.  But I am able to let her out again. She will listen to you and she will respect your feelings because she has something I had lost over the years. She has empathy.  She cares about people.

Any society where one person has a lifetime of control over another is unfair and unjust.  Societies which deem one sex or one race to be inferior have deep cultural flaws that must be healed.  The oppression of one race or gender creates an environment of hostility and corruption of power. Remember the adage absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The man who holds such power has no opportunity to become more enlightened because no one has the power to push back upon his authority.  He has no opportunity to learn that there are better ways to treat people.

We have to stand together as people of the world.   We have to shine the light on any form of oppression wherever we find it, and support our brothers' and sisters' efforts to finally be free of whatever form of captivity holds them powerless.

What I've learned from my hardships is that no one else should have to endure them.   No one should have decreased opportunities because of someone else's prejudice.

I wrote this to shine a light on some of the ignorance in the world.  When you see ignorance, oppression or prejudice, I hope you too get out your flashlight!

The Secret You

 Have you ever wondered if you made plans to meet someone at a future date and time, but right now you can't remember. Is it like a time capsule, that you trust to wake up one day, and remember that you're supposed to be somewhere to meet someone.

Have you watched Sleepless in Seattle and wondered 'was I supposed to meet someone like that in someplace special like the top of the Empire State building?'

Then one day you realize that your mind has been hiding things from you, that you have both a mind and Mind.  Both of these are you, or more accurately you and You. One of you thinks you're in charge, and the other one knows Who's really in charge.

You actually meet people in the course of this life that you and You have arranged to meet.  You have lessons to learn from them, and to teach them. In the Light Heavens it is called Doing Time.  The  Light Heavens are in another time far removed from our three dimensional world of spacetime.

Part of your mind knows that you are destined to do certain things and meet certain people. That is why the fateful date on top of the Empire State building calls to your soul.  It whispers to you of your own date with destiny.

Please check out my books. Maybe you'd like to read about my own date with destiny as chronicled in my book Doing Time on Earth: unmasking the hidden mind directing our lives. 

Doing Time on Earth 

Do you have a secret date with destiny?  Marie did. If only she could remember...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11 Warnings

Remember what Gorbachev did to the USSR.  As its leader, he gradually undermined the Soviet Union's power cabal, until he was able to completely dismantle it. Now Russia has the despicable Putin in charge and the landgrab has begun again. Putin is looking for an ally in the witless Donald Trump, and he is manipulating our media and some of our gullible voters in order to achieve his agenda. Unfortunately this information, the attached article, and anything I say will have no impact on any such gullible voters. They are already brainwashed by the dangerous right, intent on gaining power at any means including character assassination, and bald-faced lies. They have already bought controlling interest in several news outlets in the US, and have begun brainwashing and distorting news that has fooled many people who have failed to check facts.  Putin is banking on Americans not catching on to his plot. Several brave Americans have spoken out; will you listen?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

What the Stars tell Us

The stars have guided mankind for centuries.  Navigators have relied upon them.  Astrologers, astronomers and scientists have studied them.  Religions have seen signs in them.  

They are a symbol of hope in the heavens.  When our brightest star, the sun doesn't shine for us, our night glitters with a diamond sky of hope.  

There are many stars in the universe. A star gives light in the midst of darkness. That is when a star shines brightest. When you see darkness around you, that is your time to shine! Put a light back in your brother's eye and he will be a light unto others. 

We each as a spark of life and consciousness have risen from stardust to shine our lamp toward the world.  Are you the light in someone's eye?  Have you shared your love and made others joyful?  You are their star, their mother, sister, child, boss, teacher, friend, or maybe you are dad, brother, pastor, co-worker.  You have a role in someone's life.  You may be a passing stranger, but you may be the one smile they see that day.  Don't miss an opportunity to light up someone's life.  Be a Star!

Monday, September 5, 2016

A Time for Every Purpose

How we admire those who alway have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, who can whittle down another person, belittle those he dislikes, insult people's looks, tastes, likes.

How about the men who destroy people's lives, minds, civilizations and masterpieces of art.  Do you think they feel powerful?

Look what destruction they have rendered! They have laid waste to so much, destroyed what can never be replaced.

How about the builders, doctors, mothers, caretakers, farmers, nurturers? Are they powerful?  The builders of men, creators of civilization and artists are those who create miracles out of dust.  They give life it's meaning.  They give love a home.

They are the strong men and women of our world.  Those who are kind when they don't have to be.  You will experience all of these in your time. You will be the builder and the destroyer.  At the end of the day you will change and you will change the world.  

How would you like to change it?

Ecclesiastes 3 - King James Bible: 

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.