
Friday, December 30, 2016

A Few Gems

Thinking on the Pearl's of Wisdom,  I'm reminded of the idiom 'cast not thy pearls before swine.'

This expression traces back to the words of Jesus Christ in his Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus uses the symbolism of pearls of Wisdom,  counseling that we should not give what is holy to dogs or swine for they will trample our pearls and turn on us, rending or tearing us.

Pearls are created in nature when an irritant,  a grain of sand, causes a clam or oyster to create a milky substance 'nacre' to coat the irritant.

Eventually a pearl is created,  not by the sand, but because of it.

In nature, a diamond is created when carbonized minerals are subject to extreme pressure.  This process of creating the natural gems occurs deep in the earth over billions of years and at high temperatures.

In life, nature is often a metaphor, from which we can glean deeper meaning.
As you suffer the pressures and irritants of life, you create your own gems, pearls of Wisdom, and diamond gems of hard-learned Truths.

As you interact with your world, you can choose to be enriched by your daily trials.  You learn to smooth out the rough patches, and you create your own milk, the milk of human kindness.  As you endure hardships, you become stronger willed.  Like the diamond, your mind hardens and you learn strength of character.

The world breaks some people,  but you have your gems.  You will take them with you, for character and wisdom are attributes of the spirit.

Mankind is a crystal, a communications link, to the universal mind. As you purify your mind, your link grows stronger and clearer.  Your gems of Wisdom and character strengthen your connection, and you become ready to receive, attuned, and a proper vessel for the Word.
Did you like this? Read more about human consciousness in my book:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Magic is illusion. Miracles are reality.

I don't need to define Magic.  You already know it isn't real.

Magical thinking gets confused with Miracle mindedness.

Both are surreal in the sense that they seem larger than life, or out of the norm.

Miracles are already part of the design of reality.  It is perception, the same perception that fools the mind into believing Magic, that prevents the mind from seeing Miracles.

The mind trusts its senses, its perception of reality, and that flaw is what opens the door to Magic, simultaneously closing the door to Miracles.

Take an example, electricity.  Did man invent it, or merely discover electricity?  Isn't it already part of the design and fabric of existence?  What happened was the open mind finally perceived it and created a use (many uses) for it.

The first time a "new" idea is perceived, it appears to be foolish to those who cannot or have not perceived it as yet.  Why should that stop you if you have eyes to see and ears that hear?  It is your gift to share with the world, to enlighten the darkness.

The way to Miracle mindedness is an open mind, one that approaches each moment with the eyes of a child, always giving a fresh look to old ideas and scenarios.

Luke 18:15-17

15  And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when hisdisciples saw it, they rebuked them.
16  But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
17  Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

Monday, December 12, 2016

We can Believe

Like the dark night of the soul, it's always darkest before the dawn. We can believe in a better world, and as I look about me I see signs of it budding.

Shining truth will always emerge in the face of darkness. The heart of man is good because it was goodness that created the heavens and the earth and all mankind.

Our many walks of life give us countless opportunities to choose between good and evil.  Eventually our world becomes a reflection of our inner spirit and we begin to see who we are.

 One mistake does not make a man, but his efforts to make amends shows that life is an unending process of growth.

 Never give up never give in, because the rest of the world need you to continue.

When those around you show they do not know how to forgive and do not know how to nurture and how to love, that is when you were needed to show them the way.  God set his lights in the heavens and his points of light here on earth to shine the way.  Everyone is a part of this, because we all are a  creation of light.

Begin by believing.  For anything good to happen in your life or in your world, you must first be able to imagine it. What does it say about your future, if you cannot even imagine anything good about it? The first creation is always in the mind. Learn to dream, and then believe in your dreams. ❤️  Cat

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Chosen

Few are given to understand.  The Light shines for them, while the rest stumble in darkness.

Blindly, we struggle with Reason.

To those with Sight, the struggle is with the world.  Alone, they can only lead the way to Reason, but cannot help us see.

The world is a cold place to them, in the heat of its battles.

They are here to raise the collective mind, lest we should bottom out to the depths of depravity.

It is a karma served for a distant time when they too saw through dim-lit eyes and walked in the ways of the world.

Every second of time here is a service to their brothers, and an anguish to the enlightened.  They pay forward a debt to raise up another light to another generation.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Remove a number from a mathematical equation and you have a different result.

Drop one note from a score and the music must change.

Relationships exist in all facets of reality.

Remove just one piece and the collective must adapt.

You are the center of your reality.

You perceive this reality through a prism.

The prism is your mind, your thoughts, your life experience.

Perception views experience through a prism, filtering out what it would not acknowledge.

All else in your world adapts to that individual world view.

A fugue is rarely recognized while it is ongoing.

The delusion continues unnoticed until one day it's gone.

The awakening person finds himself unrecognizable.

His life, surroundings, goals, achievements suddenly are a puzzle.

The fugue occurs in cycles, much like a dream.

It repeats in smaller and larger scales, with each successive awakening rawer than the last.