
Sunday, April 30, 2017

When Right is Wrong

I just listened to a news program where callers got to air their politics.  I was revolted as one man called to state that the colored President was the problem with our country.  He went on to blame coloreds and Mexicans and the program thankfully ended his air time.

I just got an email comparing the lack of military experience of Kim Jong Un of North Korea to the lack of military experience of Barack Obama, calling the former President a community organizer with no experience.

I wrote this response to my former boss:

Are you totally oblivious to the fact that our current President has no military or political experience, but is in fact a liar and a business cheat?  President Obama is a constitutional lawyer and was a Senator before becoming President.  I am stunned at this meme given that I cannot imagine a worse President in history than the immoral imbecile now in office.  The spread of this divisive material is how Americans lost their ability to think rationally and ended up brainwashed by alt-right rhetoric.

Only problem, I did not send it.  He thinks I don't mind the horrible things he says because I just ignore him.

My cousin voted for this repugnant idiot and I cannot understand how divided we have become as a nation, because these are as far as I can tell decent and smart people.

Yet, I can no longer have a conversation with them because we would end up losing our relationship.

I am angry that they have done this evil thing, to America, to my country.  Political differences I can understand, but electing an unqualified, immoral, sexual predator, a racist and thug to lead America at a time when the world needs reason and diplomacy more than ever, well this is unforgivable.

The American Civil War was at a time when political and economic ideology was deeply polarized in America.  People could not understand each other at all and the north went to war with the south.  Brother fought against brother, and cousin against cousin.  Bosses found themselves at war against their former colleagues, as our military became divided into warring factions.

Where do we go from here?  One of those prejudiced callers lamented that this is no longer America. I'm not so sure about that.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Be a Dreamer

It's all a dream, what happens here and what happens in the Light Heavens.

I remember my Dream.

Read a sample of The Light Heavens- it starts out scary, but can take it.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Embracing the New

What is more dangerous, being exposed to new or different ideas, or being unaware of them?

Learning new things can get you hurt, just like meeting new people or finding a new love can bring you pain.

So too can ignorance render you completely unprepared for reality.

Learning and experiencing are inevitable in this domain of reality.  In the Light Heavens one may rest from learning, but they will return to the realm of cause and effect, or Time.

The restless world will continually bend and shape you, knead and ply you, and you will seek solace in a good book, a cozy home, a quiet time.  You will for a time fear the unknown, until you get restless again and seek out a new understanding.

Yes, be cautious, but knowledge is power, knowledge is enlightenment.  Each new layer of truth brings you a better world but a deeper understanding of sorrow.  You understand the loss of those living in darkness and you grieve for them.  You understand the privilege of your new joy, and the sobering reality that not all can experience freedom from ignorance.  You know you have many miles to walk before you sleep again, and you are both exhilarated and exhausted.

You are afraid of electricity, but that won't stop you from turning on the light.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Harvest

There is a Time for every purpose under Heaven.

The many who have experienced the inner light in these times of darkness have felt alone.

It is but a Few who devour the light in our world.

This is the experience of Darkness that precedes a new Dawn.

The many will come to blossom and share their brilliant light, and we shall experience that we are not alone in a dark world, but we are sharing reality with kindred souls, brothers and sisters in light!

The experience of uniqueness will gladly acquiesce to the sharing of love.

The Darkness shall not be conquered by evil, but will be brought forth from the shadows to bathe in the light of higher consciousness.

And for a Time darkness will be nullified.

The seeds of the next generation of Mind are thus warmed by the current crop of enlightenment!

I look forward to meeting you when it is become our Time to shine!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Facing Reality

The Shadow is the Truth of your existence.  It's the Self you push down beneath your awareness and project on others when you see your own darkness in them.

When released, it must learn through correction, trial and error, that which your higher nature holds to be self-evident.

We live in a denial of truth and the illusion of light.  The Shadow is the hidden self, the uneducated, unpolished, neglected child of consciousness.  You know you must face the inner mind, you must conquer your faults, but the child remains hidden behind the facade of your persona, the face you present to the world.


Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.
“Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.131
C.G. Jung

The Shadow

Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

“The Philosophical Tree” (1945). 
In CW 13: Alchemical Studies. P.335

C. G. Jung


When the darkness comes to light, only then have we recognized it, and only then can we correct it.  This is the state of the collective unconscious becoming conscious in the world.  Our presumed enlightenment did not take a turn to darkness, it upheaved it.

- Cat

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Looking for the Miracle

The Miracle is what is already real.  You need to learn how to see it.

Mother Teresa said that she saw Jesus in the face of every needy soul:  "I see Jesus in every human being..."


I see Jesus in every human being,” said Mother Teresa, “I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve because I love Jesus.” For Mother Teresa, it was Jesus who inspired her to serve.


Her eyes had been opened.  She needed one miracle to transform her world, the Christ Vision.  

The only thing real in this life are the things we can take with us.  It's what you learn from this life, good or bad, that you become.  'All the things you do come back to you.'

How do you open your sight to the hidden light?

Try this for today.  When someone speaks to you, listen as though they were your beloved, your teacher, as though your salvation depended upon hearing the message. Look and listen today without saying what's in this for me.  Just let the world communicate with you without resistance.

Do you hear the real message.  Do you see the Miracle?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

On the original Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ rode into the city of Jerusalem on an ass, fully understanding that he was intentionally fulfilling a prophesy.  His admirers lined the streets with palm leaves, as it was written: 

Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah 9:9

They quickly took their cloaks and spread them under him on the bare steps. Then they blew the trumpet and shouted, “Jehu is king!”

2Kings 9:13

Above Credit goes to Bible Study Tools

His enemies saw him and began plotting his demise from that day.  

The religious leaders of the day found Jesus Christ to be a threat.

The following days led to the tragic death of the Messiah, the messenger of God.

Religion had killed its own messenger.

So too today, innocents worshipping the word of God are destroyed in the very name of religion.

But in his death Jesus claimed victory over life.  He let go of pride, and ego, giving away all that he owned.  He embodied humility in his lifestyle, and he demonstrated the art of defenselessness when he refused to say a word at his own trial.
He demonstrated complete detachment from all of life's Gems, the values that drive people to greed and envy, and corruption of character.
In the end, he was the victor not the victim, as it was he who rose above the battlefield of life and death and ascended to a greater life, a higher consciousness, in communion with the Most High.

It was always the spirit that guided Jesus the Christ.  That was a perfect life, and he spent it all, down to the last alm, to purchase the Truth, and show The Way, so that you might have a better Life.

For those who tell a lie, the lie becomes their truth, and their prison.  That is why the Truth shall set you free.


Heaven and earth will pass away.  My words will never pass away. - Jesus Christ 

The Truth never dies.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

What if the Pilot is a Monkey?

People who fall for his low-brow double-talk and who actually voted for him have placed America in the perilous position of being led by an incompetent, selfish jackass!  That opinion is regardless of the wisdom, or lack thereof, of bombing Syrian airstrips and provoking the Russians.  It's a calculated move with high potential ramifications, that only a sober, experienced leader should undertake.  It's a dangerous gamble in the hands of a power-sotten imbecile, a Trump.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

American Politics-a Dangerous Game!

A dark horse has emerged in American politics, a pivotal player unrecognized by most as having successfully manipulated not only the American election but even international interests.

No I'm not speaking of Vladimir Putin, not even the reprobate Julian Assange.  I'm talking about FBI Director James Comey.

Who is this man, and what exactly is his agenda?

Comey is on a power trip, the man who made and can unmake Presidents.  Many are baffled as to his reasons for recklessly trashing Hillary Clinton's campaign, using the weight of his office to crush her days before the election.  He parlayed non-existent evidence into a devastating implication of guilt, ruining her just days before the public went out to vote for President.

Yet, Director Comey stayed silent on Trump's international mob investigation, a three-decades long investigation tying Trump to Russian criminal gangs.  Having Kinged Trump, Director Comey now  plans to crush him, and perhaps Pence as well.

When all is said and done, many reputations and political careers will have been trashed, and an international shake-up will reverberate throughout the global markets.

Comey has proven he's a dangerous man, playing a dangerous game.  The stakes may well rise above politics as we wait and see who may or may not survive this dark period in American history.