
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Root of all Illness

 It is said that money is the root of all evil.

Let us take a look at the English word disease.

                    DIS EASE

Break the word apart and we have a meaning that is not at rest.

Most people are capable of sleep or rest, so what plagues the body then?  Even the heart rests in-between beats.  The unhealthy heart doesn't get enough rest.

There is a strong mind-body connection.  The restless mind plagues the body, which is the neutral servant of the mind.

When the mind is sick, the body suffers, in many ways.  Not only is the body often not treated properly, not fed nor exercised properly, but it suffers the chemical reactions of too much stress, anxious thoughts.  The body is deprived of its rest when the mind has no peace. The body lives with the poison of noxious thoughts and angry passions.

Hate is not confined alone inside the mind.  Hate spreads though the joints, muscles, nerve tissues, blood gasses, and resides within the cells and electrical systems of the body.  All these systems are responsive to thought!  Your heart races when you are frightened, as your body releases adrenaline.  Your hands shake when you are upset.  Your stomach flutters when you gaze into the eyes of someone you are in love with.  Your body trembles at the touch of Love.

What is your body reacting to?  Are you bringing peaceful thoughts, love and kind gestures into your awareness?  Or, are you instead focused on all the negativity in the world?  Do you bring up your anger and hatred at every opportunity?   Have you become so irrational that you can start to see the cracks in your own mind?  Are you convinced that your neighbor is your enemy and hating on others?  Do you see the good or the bad in others?

That is the root of your malady.  What are you thinking about?

If you are justified in your hate, remember that hate is a double-edged sword.  More accurately it's like fire, indiscriminate about who it burns.  It is a deep well of poisonous thought, springing from deep within your consciousness, inflamed by your passions, sickening your persona, and weakening your emotional and physical health.  It saps your reserves, steals your vitality and drinks your youth.

If you want to heal, don't ignore the fire burning within you.  If it is an angry flame, the sickness needs to be treated there.  You surround yourself with what you perceive within. You create your world out of the clay.  You can rebuild it, one step at a time, thought by thought.  First change your mind, and the world takes notice!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Psychic Buffer Zone

Consciousness is a continuum.

A pitfall of expanding consciousness is the direct link to another Mind that can occur.

Most mature people have developed a buffer zone to deal with others, such as strangers, friends, even family.   We've learned to control our reactions, to a great degree, by keeping other people's emotional outbursts in perspective or at arms length. Very rarely do they manage to push our buttons and actually upset us. This is how we keep our emotional equilibrium.

To the novice, learning to connect with another mind on a very intimate level, there is no arm's length.  There is no emotional distance, and no ability to put another's emotional state into rational perspective.

In this state, the lovers quarrel for instance can completely destroy the psyche.

For this reason, the novice must learn to detach. The novice or adept must be able to separate consciousness from the others.  So much effort has been put forth into learning to connect, that the novice is completely unprepared to detach when an unstable or risky emotional situation presents itself.

All relationships have a buffer zone, where we allow one another a certain amount of space to act out, we give each other time to cool down, and then we engage. If we do not learn to do this on the higher plane, once we have become a player or engaged consciousness there, we are at risk of great psychological harm.

On the higher plane, angry thoughts become weapons.  It's like being in a dreamworld thinking you are being carved up, or thrown off a cliff, for example.   Because you are in a higher state of consciousness, you can see the angry thoughts, and your inclination is to comfort. You do not take cover; you do not retreat, and you do not detach. In the normal world, you might think twice about engaging with an extremely angry person. You might realize it's best to back off until they cool down.

One of the first lessons a spiritual novice needs to learn is that the spiritual world is a heightened experience of the physical world.  The lessons we learn here are mirrored there and even more critical.

Maintaining a psychic buffer zone, one that you can control at will, is essential before embarking on a new journey in the realms of heightened consciousness.   In the dream world, when things get too scary, you often wake up. You need to have safety valves and escape mechanisms in place when you advance to higher levels of consciousness. Thought there is extremely powerful, equivalent to action on that plane.  You have to remember where you are, and have a buffer zone and an exit strategy in place.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Chinese: Food for Thought

The horrific truth about China: Forced organ harvesting with most victims being practitioners of a peaceful religion Falun Gong, a type of meditation and yoga.  It brings to mind the atrocities suffered by the earliest Christians.  These innocent people, even defenseless children, are murdered or butchered for their organs, so the rich and powerful can have an endless organ supply.

What type of culture feeds upon not only its dogs and cats, torturing them to tenderize the meat, but also slaughtering peaceful citizens and harmless children?

They have embraced a dark form of communism, cloaked in capitalism.  The doctor in this video will tell you he had no guilt about cutting a living, struggling man open and harvesting his organs, for the state.

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Key

What stands between you and the other side of that door?

The Key

Learn why that door 🚪 has not been opening.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Wretched Refuse

This is for those who wonder why our president is given to saying and doing so many stupid things:

When one has nothing meaningful to say, they blather on about unimportant things. They also deflect attention from the important things which they know nothing about.  This is the Modus Operandi of our president and the Republican Party.

Many of them could also benefit from a basic course in civility.

It must be difficult to live in a world where almost everyone else has a greater depth and breadth of understanding than you.  One must chafe when listening to all those intellectuals constantly referencing books and science.

So it appears the inmates have taken over the asylum.  But this is no Lord of the Flies situation, we live in a large world, not a small island.  The hoodlums cannot hope to erase the memory of knowledge, nor the spirit of liberty.


The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”