
Friday, November 17, 2017

Change the Way

Isn’t it better to raise up, than to tear down?

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness?

We are headed down a brutal path and we must have strength to stop it:

Spiteful, mean comments do nothing to assuage the molten anger of the many. They only fuel the flames of self-righteous rage.  When it boils over, death will be the victor.

Once, I was angry and my ex told me, very sweetly, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. What went wrong between us?

Let’s stop being mean to strangers.

Everyone is trying to get through their own life, experiencing sorrows, pain and disappointment you don’t know about.  Sometimes they are hard-boiled and crusty because they have seen too much.

Sometimes just a kind or helpful act or word on your part can change someone’s mind.

Give them something to think about.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Fourth of TIME

 When we think of time, we think of it as a standalone concept.  We have the three dimensions of space and then we have the fourth dimension of time.

When we think of the three dimensions of space, some of us may realize that the three dimensions while they are three separate concepts do not stand alone.  Height, depth and width do not exist independently.  Alone, each of those three dimensions are merely concepts.

 Take the second dimension for example, imagine a flat piece of paper and the image on it is two dimensional. That image cannot exist without some depth, if only a molecule of depth in order to create a visible image.  Yet, it is easy for us to visualize it and accept it as two dimensional.  We realize that the piece of paper is three-dimensional, but we do not always realize that the image or drawing upon it is also three-dimensional.

It took a genius like Einstein to realize that space and time also do not stand alone. He called it space-time.

Imagine a chunk of space, a three-dimensional chunk of space. It looks like a cube in our example.   It has height, depth and width.   We understand that none of those dimensions exist without the others. That chunk of space, that cube, existed yesterday. It exists now. It will exist a second from now. It exists in the past present and future.  Because nothing ever stands still, at least not on a subatomic level, that chunk of space experiences change and thus goes through what we perceive as time.

 One second leads into the next and there is a river of time.

Does the river run through the space or does the space move with the river?

Since no moment stands still, there is no discrete moment in time, no snapshot available where time has stopped and where the space is frozen.  Like the three dimensions of space that only appear in the mind to be separate, space itself only appears in the mind to be separate from Time.

Thus we see that each of the four dimensions is merely a mental concept.  All four dimensions are one.  Space could not exist without Time and Time could not exist without space, for there would be nothing to change and thus no concept of time.  The concept of space itself is created by the illusion of movement. The particles and the sub atomic particles appear to move through time.  The closer we look at them, the harder they are to pin down to one spot or one second, because they never exist simultaneously in both space and time.  They flit in and out between the two dimensions never really existing in either, and create the fabric of our existence.

Without both time and space, the particles could not do this dance and would not be seen.  So, space and time would not exist as concepts because there would be nothing.

All the elements of creation exist separately only as mental concepts, in the realm of perception.  None of them exist independently. All creation is one in the mind of God,  which does not perceive separation but creates all things as One.

If you like, read The Circle Of Infinity: