
Sunday, December 31, 2017


Last night, as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep, I felt something jump on the bed. I was a little scared and I turned on the light and still nothing there. I assumed I must’ve jolted and make the bed jump.

I turned off the light and said some prayers, making sure there were no evil spirits around me.

I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, I realized I had dreamt of Ringo. It was an odd dream, I was an observer at some sort of baseball tournament, but the rules were a bit different.

Dogs were allowed to play, and so were birds. Each round, play would be over if one of the dogs could snag a bird from the air, and that dog’s team would win that round. I watched as my Ringo zipped across the field and snagged a bird.

Gently he held his prize in his jaw until it was acknowledged that he had captured the bird and won the round.

Ringo came off the field, and play resumed for the next round. I saw him streak across the field again and capture another fowl!  Ringo was young and alive again, and I was so proud of him!

Without even waiting to see how the game ended, I snapped a picture of the score and went off to show people how proud I was of my dog!

It was like a combination of baseball and the golden snitch from Harry Potter.

I don’t know how he did it, but Ringo came home last night.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Why are Democrats Angry

Someone noticed that many Democrats are apparently angry nowadays.  The observer even went so far as to say, hateful.  Are Democrats angry? Have they been vocal about their disgust, or distress with the current ‘administration?’

I’d like to respond to that.

What? Angry? 

No, of course not!

We like having a laughing-stock idiot President.  

We Democrats enjoy having voted for a Rhodes Scholar, winning the majority, and then being cheated by a flim-flam GOP-party skewed electorate.  

It’s actually a delight beyond words to watch the planet choke off and die knowing our children and grandchildren will get to live in a Republican Hell, with violent weather, racist gun-toting morons, and economic mismanagement.  

Top it all off with an obvious coup d’etat with Russia holding the President by the short-hairs, and we’re a downright happy lot!

No no.  Democrats are not angry.  Anger is a very unproductive emotion.  We’re just telling it like it is.  At some point the irrational exuberance of having the keys to the car will wear off and the stocks will crumble because that is what happens to unregulated markets.  

As we harden our hearts to displaced and frightened refugees around the globe, one day we will walk in their shoes.  We speak for ourselves when we show no mercy.

We spoil our own nest when we litter the seas and rape the planet.

We failed because we did not understand the weakness of our fellow man.  We never dreamt such a vile creature could become President.  Democrats are not angry.  There are no words to describe the disgust and horror we feel.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dark Light

The Spell of consciousness is the color of your emotional state.

A belief is anchored by the mindset and it will defy reality.

When emotions are strong, your thoughts are influenced by the accompanying color of consciousness.  Passions such as anger hate envy shade and color thoughts and your consciousness is unable to perceive clearly.  A calm mind is able to perceive clearly because it is illuminated with white Light.

The dark light of anger renders the mind blind with rage.  It is tied to thought and as such it is a light-wave which travels at the speed of thought.

Thoughts travel through time because they travel with light.  As such, Time stands still, relativity is broken and time is constant.

The dark light is very dangerous.  It can cause thought to become violent.  Even as a light-wave it can  influence others and change their state of consciousness.

The dark light is the means of the so-called psychic attack.  The powerful mind can generate a wave of anger which when released is capable of causing disruption to others’ consciousness and subsequent reactions such as dysphoria, panic and even accidents.

Consciousness is the very medium of our existence.  It is more than a mindset, more than perception. Consciousness is the so-called Will of God in which all creation exists.  It is all Mind, an ocean of consciousness, and each Mind is like an eddy of thought, an idea amongst Ideas, amongst Paradigms.

This continues our discussion on Perception and Belief.  Look for more.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Belief and Perception

Whatever your beliefs, they are derived through your experience of life, your thoughts and your perception.

As such, it is likely you will have similar beliefs to others who have had some of the same experiences, or lived in the same environment.

Books and movies can give us a glimpse of different lifestyles and change our mindset.  For example, the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin shone a light on the subject of  slavery in America.  The book is credited with changing America’s attitude toward and tolerance of slavery.  If true, that book also stands at least partly responsible for the bloodiest war in US history.  It was a war where brother fought against brother.  Whatever the outcome, there would be tragedy and sorrow across America.  I’ve learned that many Americans have no idea what the US Civil War was about.  Did you know this? Here’s a surprising stat:  Roughly 1,264,000 American soldiers have died in the nation's wars--620,000  in the Civil War and 644,000 in all other conflicts.

I mention the American Civil War as a consequence of new and changing thought, not to be negative, but rather it is my point that different attitudes cause conflict.

That war ended in 1865, but the division between north and south never ended.  In the 21st Century we revisit that war each time we tear down a monument to the confederacy, and each time we remove a confederate flag.  While President Lincoln waged this war to preserve the union, at any cost, to this day we remain fractured as a nation.  We bitterly disagree on the issues of the past as well as the present.  Our battles are waged in the press, social media and with guns, explosives and politics.

This is not an isolated case.  For thousands of years violence has festered in the Middle East, and a battle that began in biblical times has never really ended. This is the pattern of civilization.  Our battles may be won or lost, but we live and wait to rise again.

This is because we cannot agree on the correct principles for living.  Battle is the primitive way to settle differences.

Battle only temporarily resolves any issue, but the destruction is permanent.

The anger festers and the cycle of attack, war and destruction is endless. It is a circle or cycle of hate and violence.

In The Circle of Infinity, I ask how does one escape a closed circle?

The answer has to do with you, your belief and perception.

.... (to be continued)

Friday, December 15, 2017

True Word

The Power of God

Is in His Word.

He spoke the World into existence.

His Word is Truth.

How powerful is the Word?

How powerful is your word?

Your word is not only your bond, it can be the difference between good character and bad, good credit and bad, good relationships and bad.

So God spoke the world into existence and said it was good.

What do you speak? Your words can lift a spirit or crush a soul.

These things are an example to us.

God did not leave us alone, but gave us His Word.

This Christmas ponder the gifts we have been given:  Our families, our friends, the good things we have.  And remember too the examples we have been given to follow, so that we may lead a good life.  Be a blessing unto others and speak kindly to them.  Yours may be the only kind voice they hear today.  Your gift may be all they receive this year.   Your hand may be all they need to help them up.

Be of good cheer, because you have the power to brighten someone’s day!

And when someone does something for you, be happy and thank them.   The gift of thoughtfulness and kindness has just been given to you.

Smile and say it is good.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Faith in Job

Satan flew over the earth and found a victim, a good man he wanted to test with some fate and misery.  So the story goes. And he asked God for permission to torment our good man Job.

It is no more astounding that God allowed it, than it is allowed for many others since.

God does not interfere with man’s thoughts, for to do so would crush him.  Man would be no more.

Who then is this devil?  And why is he allowed to do evil?

Is God hesitant to crush him or it?

Has creation run amok?

Is there really a character Lucifer, a fallen angel?

Is he really just a shade of ourselves?

All minds exist as an idea, ideas which reside in the consciousness of the most high.

To crush one, crushes them all, for it destroys the fabric of consciousness.

Your thoughts are most holy to God, for they are your life’s blood.

When Job was tested, he suffered greatly, losing his family, his home, his health.  But though he lamented, Job never changed his mind about God.  His will could not be broken.

God was always betting on Job.  He always knew what he had in his man.  He created Job that way.

It was Job who needed to learn what he was made of. When Satan lost the battle, Job was restored.  Job lamented his ordeal, he pored through his mind, his emotions, his sorrow, and found his will.

The biblical tale is a metaphor.  Job is every man and woman.  The devil is doubt, the shadow man, who believes in failure.  He must be talked to, he must be heard and seen, and only then can he come into the light and be healed.  When Job examines his thoughts, he rids his body of their poison.

The Pope currently would like to distinguish the words in the Lord’s Prayer ‘Lead us not into temptation’, and change them to ‘do not let us fall into temptation.’

The Lord May lead us but it is we who follow.

Please read:  The Circle of Infinity

Are Thoughts Free?

As Nelson Mandela languished in prison, did he ponder the remaining vestige of freedom in his possession?  His thoughts, ironically that which landed him in prison, those very thoughts were the only thing the “man” could not take.

Political prisoners, or not, the one abundance in jail is time.  Time for thought.  A sharp man sharpens his thoughts.

We share our thoughts freely in the western world, and sometimes we lose friends or jobs for what we’ve said.  There are lands where freedom or even life is confiscated in order to control thought.

God created thought Free, and man tries to shackle it.

This is why the Truth makes one free, because the mind is unshackled from illusion.

Nelson Mandela found his mind was free, no matter what imprisoned his body.  Likewise, many deep thinkers have come to this realization, from biblical times through the present, and emerged from their prisons ready to revolutionize the world of thought.

Are your thoughts free?  What prison of thought, system of presumed ideas, has you chained to an illusion?  You may not like a new idea, but it could be the key to your cage.