
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Good Deed Goes Unpunished

You’ve read the adage ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’

The concept goes back to biblical times and before.  We’ve noticed that the universe seems to reward our generosity with spite.

This is of course because we seek credit for it.

Knowing this I recall once doing a needed favor for a friend knowing full well I would reap misfortune.  I did it anyway.  I couldn’t think of a way to do it anonymously.

I wasn’t as clear on this concept then as I am now.

Every action begets an equal and opposite reaction.

So why do good and reap evil?

Only one power negates this effect.  The power of Love.

A mother is expected to care for her children.  Her love does not provoke ire.

A stranger is not expected to provide for another.  His actions provoke the universe.  It’s unnatural and will be punished.  The most extreme example is Christ sacrificing his life because he dared show us his love.  Yet his love saved him for it is the most powerful force in our world.

So yes, I was moved to help a friend.  I’d do it again.

I’ve suffered consequences from each sacrifice I’ve made to help another.

Sometimes I forgot to consider myself.  It’s unnatural and it’s caused suffering to myself and others.

Those times, I punished myself and the universe didn’t have to.

So do good because you care and not for credit.  You may suffer anyway, but at least you will be able to live with yourself.

When you do good, you relieve a measure of suffering. According to the law of karma, the suffering must be paid for elsewhere.  We read of gurus who take on a measure of someone’s karma in order to help them. Now you see anyone can do this in the manifest world.  We may not have the same degree of understanding as a guru, but we all have the capacity to help and love.

A simple example: do you have some relatives in need? The holidays are coming. Could you help them out, and would doing so mean one or two less Christmas presents under the tree for you and your family? What really makes you feel better.