
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Truth is Forever

We look to celebrate Christmas in a few weeks.  Many people know that the date is originally a pagan holiday.  Not knowing the true birth date of Christ, the birth date of Baal was adopted as it was already a familiar holiday. Or so I’ve read.

Many people think that was the actual birthday of Jesus Christ.  Others claim the entire story is fiction.  Some scholars propose that the character Jesus of the gospels is a composite character of several enigmatic men of the time.

One enigmatic speaker claimed most of the holy texts are provided to us by a hierarchy of higher-conscious beings.  The purpose of these characters or archetypes is to stimulate spiritual growth and heightened consciousness.

Our physicists and some mystics proclaim that all manifested creation is an elaborate illusion.

What matters then, how we define the reality of Jesus?  What is real.

‘Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.’

God is changeless, timeless they say.  Time is not a constant Einstein says.

That which is, was, will always be is Truth.

What of this enigmatic man who came to us in a relative reality, and spoke Truth?

Clearly he understood Truth.

What was Christ’s birthday but the day Jesus knew the Truth.  We can celebrate it every day.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Good Samaritan II

I realized something interesting.

I’ve known for years that reading the holy books can create a vibration.  It starts in the brain, and affects one’s outlook.  Such a small change can affect the direction of one’s life and create change in others.  It can move mountains.

Today I read a news article about a man who was acquitted of helping illegal immigrants.  He had been leaving water in the desert for them so they would not die.  The government prosecuted him and he faced the possibility of 10 years in jail.

Then I read the comments.  Usually the comments are very disheartening, but today they were more balanced, thoughtful.

Reading the comments. I find some I don’t totally agree with but they make me feel better, energized, compassionate.  Then there are a few that strip away that good feeling and leave me angry.  That’s a really good way to tell who walks in the ways of Christ and as in this case the Good Samaritan won ❤️

There is hope out there 🌈

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Moving Time

Why are we sometimes stuck in a rut?

We’re spinning our wheels, running hard and getting nowhere new.

Just keepin’ on keepin’ on.

We wanted to be here and now we want more.

What is here that keeps us?

If we really had to, we could be gone in a flash!

But we won’t let go.

It’s indecision that stops time.

Change is the true mark of time.

Change is the doorway that marks the entrance to a different era.

Our memory works that way.  Each doorway marks a new recording session.

How long have you looked at these four walls?

Let your mind wander and see where it goes.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Alarm Clocks

One day you wake up and you recognize all the hints that you were sleeping.

My coworker wants to know if he can bring an alarm clock on a plane.

He is strange, so ok.  I said your phone does that.

He wants to save it’s memory. ???

Same day my former boss is giving away his alarm clock.

It’s like a recurring symbol in a dream, telling me to wake up!

Wake up, to what?

This dream is almost over.

In a dream, symbols are used when reality is pressing in on the dream.

The waking world is woven into the dream world.

The symbols appear, here too, in the conscious world.

For it too is woven of mind.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Messages from Beyond

 One day you realize you were living a pattern and you just came full circle.

You realize that something started early in your life, and you lost something. Now it is many years later when you find much has been restored to you, and that symbol of what you lost is returned.

Even the symbol of what was lost and what is returned contains yet another symbol of what you have become.  It contains your trademark, the statement of the value added through your experience of loss and gain.

God speaks to you through the symbols.  What are words, but symbols of meaning.

God speaks with the sound of many voices. That is because he is fluent in every language.

One of the Lessons you are here to learn is to communicate on every level.

The Angels’ language is that of symbols.

They speak telepathically transmitting a language of thought.  It’s form is geometric.

Your messages are all about you and within you.  They represent layers of reality and levels of mind.

It’s sheer genius, relevance, complexity and simplicity, the elegance will tell you it is a Word from Beyond.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Something Visceral

That gnawing feeling, something deep down, that you can’t shake.

You know something’s wrong.

Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, like an omen.  Don’t go out tonight... stay away from him... or maybe don’t loan him money.

Sometimes you have a strong aversion to a person, place or thing.  It’s so strong that you cannot fight it.  You move away.  You don’t know what you’re afraid of.  You don’t know what you’re missing.

Your subconscious knows.  It processes the information your conscious mind cannot or will not recognize.

Sometimes the only danger is to your mind.  But you need to face that fear, find out why it’s there.

Why are you dreading this place? Does it remind you of something, someone?

It’s never been wrong, and I’ve never given in to the dark warnings.

They are like alarm bells going off in my chest and in the pit of my stomach.

But the aversions, they are more subtle.  You simply don’t go there, don’t do that and never think about why.

Your mind is keeping a secret from you.  It’s playing God with your life.

You got hurt there and it won’t let you try again.

It’s sheltering, protecting you... deciding for you... just like mommy once did.

Just like a parent, it’s been decided for you:  you’re not allowed to play there, go there, see those people.

This is because you recoiled emotionally, and refuse to mentally acknowledge your experience.

After you grow up, you may classify that past experience differently.  By remembering the incident, you free up emotion.  Right now, the negative emotional energy from past hurts drains you, and you have less compassion for those around you.  You have regrets about your life and resentments about it’s direction.  You don’t know why you don’t make changes.

Something visceral is there, something you don’t understand, and that means you have unfinished business, uncharted courses, unfinished love.  Your desires were once thwarted.  You need to heal and get back to living.

Are you ready to try again?

Friday, June 14, 2019

An Arizona Ice Floe

He’s 99 years old.

He’s crusty, old, still sharp but can’t walk.  He falls on the way to the bathroom.

He falls and the paramedics come to pick him up.

They told him he has to go to a home.

He doesn’t want to go.

Sunday is Fathers Day.

I heard they’re taking him out to dinner.

I can’t imagine how it feels.

When you’re feeling abandoned.

In Alaska when it was time, the elderly would be set out to sea upon an ice floe.

Imagine that feeling, but amazingly they knew what to expect.

In Arizona there are no ice floes.

The Good Samaritan

Jesus told the tale of the Good Samaritan. In those Biblical times, Samaritans were strangers from a strange city and were not trusted. The Good Samaritan was a man who found a broken and beaten stranger on the road. The man had been robbed and left for dead. The Samaritan was a stranger but he took the man to get him lodgings and paid for him to be fed and taken care of until the man could recover.  He did this only because he was a good person. There was nothing in it for him.

Today the Peoples of the earth have become quite polarized. Many people who live in civilized countries and have turned their backs on those who are less fortunate, preferring instead to secure their own households.  Many people in Third World countries have become oppressed.  We see the pictures of them starving, skeletal people from Yemen and their hollow-eyed children.  These images are reminiscent of concentration camps.  We send Warcraft to countries that bomb third world countries.  We do this for profit.  We are told about collateral damage as our bombs hit and destroy the homes of families and we avert our eyes at the horror of dismembered children.

The ‘me first’ mentality has taken root.  The evangelicals blindly worship their new leader, seeing not his flaws but piously calling him god’s gift and praying for his safety.  They see not the False Prophet, the liar, the abomination who rips children from their families.

He has polarized the people, divided them between good and evil as surely as the Hand of God.  What if the evangelicals are right?  What if God did send this man?

He may indeed be a catalyst. His brazenness encourages those with similar evil in their hearts to speak forth their truth.  And they wear his mark upon their foreheads just as foretold in the Bible.  Man’s Anti-God Army can wreak havoc on earth but in the end will but destroy their own home.

The  Bible tells us of an end time, when the Lord separates the wheat from the chaff and takes the wheat up to be with him and leaves the rest, the chaff, to suffer horribly on this planet.  Plagues will come and there will be death and suffering.  The Bible then tells of the return of an angry Messiah who will seize the beast and throw him into the abyss.

What if the evangelicals are right?  Maybe this was all part of God’s plan and now that the wheat and the chaff have been separated, let them ask themselves which are they?  Surely they do not much resemble the Good Samaritan.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The People in my Backyard

I have a memory.  The last time I saw them, in my backyard.

Every summer we invite many friends and neighbors to enjoy our green grass, swimming pool and a cookout.

I can’t possibly spend enough time with all of them.  But they come.  They’ve gotten to know each other.  Some of them have become friends.

There was Paul.  I think of him as a father figure, tall grey haired, and with a twinkle in his eye.  I remember him sitting under the canopy enjoying conversation one summer.  That would be his last summer, and my last memory of him.

My neighbor Joan was there last summer.  My first Memory of her was when she came to our front yard, brought a chair and her own white wine with some ice cubes in it.  That became her trademark, that white wine with ice cubes and her entertaining banter.  Joan could tell quite an amusing story.  As she got older and into her 80s, she became wheelchair-bound and her son Greg took care of her. Greg devoted several years of his life to taking care of his invalid mother.  He was a witty, and charming man.  Greg liked to cook and loved to help make food for the barbecue.  He brought his mother to our cookout last summer.  I couldn’t spend nearly enough time with them because I had so many guests.

Sometimes I only see these people once a year.  They are old friends and business friends and neighbors and new friends.

We lost my neighbor Linda over the winter. Once again the last time I saw her was in the summer in my backyard.  Thank God for that barbecue and for the chance to see people.  We all work so hard and have so many commitments, and Linda worked too.  At her eulogy I heard from so many people who worked with her who were there to tell me just how special she was and what a good person she was. It made me think why didn’t I visit her more often.

Another friend heard about Linda and asked if she had met her.  I said yes, you saw her at the barbecues.  I searched for a photo.  She knew her instantly, as well as the two others in the photo, Joan and Greg.

We had a hard winter here and lost all three.

There they were in the photo, looking back at me: Joan, Greg and Linda.  The last time I would ever see them.

I think of the people in my backyard.  When I invite them, it is because I care about them and I enjoy them.  I’m so glad they came.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dancing on the Edge

The amygdala is the part of your brain that processes emotion.  It also handles survival instincts and memory.  The case here shows what happened when the amygdala was damaged by trauma.

There are two such amygdala centers, one for each brain lobe.  They are small almond shaped clusters.  The white paper starts as follows:

The amygdala was damaged when a perfect storm of emotional and financial crisis hit, and fear responses were also triggered. To complete the storm a strong electrical attack, a brainwave storm crashed the amygdala.

The subject was left emotionally devastated and unable to process all that had happened.  The fight or flight response (survival instinct) kicked in and she fled her life and then completely deleted all memories related to the incident.  Thus we have emotion, fear, and memory all triggered and interacting through a damaged amygdala.  The shattered amygdala remained unable to process emotion or feel compassion for decades.

Upon finally healing and breaching the brain scars the subject began to recall the events and process the emotion. She found her own personality was unrecognizable to herself as were her life choices and goals.  She mourned the life she felt she lost when she lost herself.

She integrated her new personality with the injured self and began to process the grief.

She remembered the sense of failure from losing her husband’s love.  Her next relationship blew up in her face when the man she was falling in love with angrily rejected her.  He thought she had betrayed him and his reaction stunned and intimidated her.  That was when she found herself on the emotional edge, deflated and wounded, retreating to her home.  At that point she experienced utter shock when the final wave hit, the electrical storm.  She saw the angry emotional wave come at her and felt it pass through her being.  She was destroyed.

All humans are connected through the collective unconscious, and she saw the thought-waves that wished to sever ties.  Like knives, they severed every emotional tie and she was left bereft.

The ship of her psyche could not be repaired as it limped home, and it never found port but remained adrift and lost on the sea of consciousness for many decades.  Until the hull and decks could be repaired and the ship pumped free of its emotional overload, it could not sail home again.

She remembered dancing with him.  She remembered making up after their blowout.  She had forgotten that he wanted her back.  She left him waiting for her as she forgot to return home.

Sometimes this is called a fugue, when people just forget their lives and walk away from everyone they know.  They sometimes are found decades later with entirely new lives.  Since she was alone in a strange city, feeling abandoned by her family, husband and friends, no one knew she had done this.  Her amygdala surgically deleted all stressful memories of that place in time, everything that could trigger a memory of him was behind that door, the emotional door he had closed in her face.

And though he searched for her for years he could not find her.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Why did God stop Talking?

God never said anything that wasn’t spoken or written by man.

Allowing that all or some of these words of God may actually be divinely inspired, we must also consider that the human filter or conduit of this information can only express the thought at the level of his own education and consciousness.

Therefore, I like to keep an open mind about all of this.

Today’s facts are changed with each new scientific study as well, so let’s not get all smug about science or education, which evolves as well with our experience and ability to understand it.

So, perhaps God did not stop speaking.  We may have stopped listening.

We stopped listening when it became the subject of ridicule.  We stopped listening when science stared down religion with cold hard facts.  And for its part, organized religion fought back, punishing those who disputed its tenets.  In some civilizations this still goes on.

Both science and religion need to evolve as our capacity to understand grows.  The most efficient way to do this is to become learned in both!

I keep an open mind, because life is never ending, and so thought must never cease.

There is a great depth of spiritual inspiration and information in the religious holy books.  I delve into this to feed my soul.  This inspires me to improve and in turn uplift and support others.  I keep up with maths, science, and technology because it feeds my mind, and literally puts food on the table.

The world exists in the realm of spacetime, where nothing ever stays the same.  Sometimes we get tired and just stop learning.  That is when it’s time to rest.  Rest your mind and body, but listen to the quiet.  That is when God speaks.

You will know it when your thoughts become a shadow of his light.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Return of Krishna

From The Gita

Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth.
For the deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age.

This divine illusion of Mine, caused by the qualities, is hard to pierce; they who come to Me, they cross over this illusion.

  • Among thousands of men hardly one strives after perfections; among those who strive hardly one knows Me in truth.

Yogis not yet free from the world revolve back again (to the world) even from the high sphere of Brahma (union with God in samadhi). But on entering into Me (the transcendental Spirit) there is no rebirth, O son of Kunti (Arjuna)!

  • Fools scorn me when I dwell in human form: my higher being they know not as Great Lord of beings.
    • Krishna; Chapter 9, verse 11; W. Douglas P. Hill translation

  • This body, O Kaunteya, is called the Field; he who knows it
    is called knower of the Field by those who know.
    And understand Me to be, O Bharata, the knower of the
    Field in all the Fields; and the knowledge of the Field and the
    knower of the Field, I hold, is true knowledge.
    • Krishna; Chapter 13, verses 1–2; Mahatma Gandhi translation

  • These cruel and wretched haters, the vilest of men, I continually cast into demoniac wombs in mortal worlds.
    Fallen into demoniac wombs, deluded birth after birth, O son of Kunti, they, instead of attaining to Me, tread the lowest path.
    • Krishna; Chapter 16, verses 19–20; Jogindranath Mukharji translation, first published in 1900 under the title Young Men's Gita.

  • Hell has three gates – lust, anger, and greed;
    for your own sake, Arjuna, give up these three.
    • Krishna; Chapter 16, verse 21; Purushottama Lal translation

  • You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits. Do not let the fruits of action be your motive, but do not attach yourself to nonaction.
    • Krishna; Chapter 2, verse 47; Lars Martin Fosse translation
  • When your intellect transcends the mire of delusion, then you will attain to disgust of what has been heard and what is yet to be heard.
    When, perplexed by what you have heard, you stand immovable in samadhi, with steady intellect, then you will attain yoga.
    • Krishna; Chapter 2, verses 52–53; Jeaneane D. Fowler translation
  • When one's mind dwells on the objects of Senses, fondness for them grows on him, from fondness comes desire, from desire anger.
    Anger leads to bewilderment, bewilderment to loss of memory of true Self, and by that intelligence is destroyed, and with the destruction of intelligence he perishes
    • Krishna; Chapter 2, verses 62–63
  • To him [the Sage], what seemeth the bright things of day to the mass, are known to be the things of darkness and ignorance—and what seemeth dark as night to the many, he seeth suffused with the light of noonday.

  • Use the atman to raise the atman. Do not lower the atman. The atman is the atman’s friend and the atman is the atman’s enemy.
    The atman, which has been used to conquer the atman, is the atman’s friend. For someone who has failed to control the atman, the atman harms like an enemy.
    • Krishna; Chapter 6, verses 5–6; Bibek Debroy translation

2000 years ago the Christ came, as is his mission when wickedness rules the earth.  

He has appeared here and also appeared to the Mormons in their time and place.  He appears too in the Koran.

It is time, and change will follow.  

Looking for God

What do we say to the seeker, asking for faith?

I say learn to listen between the thoughts, for the voice of spirit can only be heard by the quiet mind.  

It will take you on a journey, and you will grow and be pruned, suffer and feel, and still you will look for God.  

Even people in the next realm speak of Him as though they know his Law, but he is not seen by everyone.  

God is like Love, only something you feel in this realm, but Love is actually visible in the next as it’s power grows stronger.  

In this realm you either believe in it, or not. That is the beginning of the journey you take when you choose to seek.

Truth in Politics

One day, when we have a new President:

All the bios will come out.

People will confess they stuck by him to save their political careers.

They will tell us the truth when it’s politically expedient.

They will admit they knew he was ignorant.

We will learn more about their revulsion, disgust and the choices these leaders made to back up the head of their party.

They chose politics and their careers over democracy.

These confessions will come fast and furious, as people distance themselves from this pariah.

When that day comes, the American people know what they need to do.

They must remove from office all who failed to protect our democracy.

The people who threw our government to the pigs must never be entrusted again with America’s future.

We can argue about taxes, spending, immigration policy, civil rights.  But there should never be outright depravity in office.  This is not governance.  This is not responsible leadership.

What we have is a dangerous situation, an obstruction of the will of the majority of citizens.  If no one stands up for the rest of us, we will find ourselves divided and fallen.  These tactics do not make America strong.  They undermine our citizens, obstruct our justice and mute our voices.

Since they’re all concerned about their jobs, write your congressmen and demand justice be served in the highest levels of government the same as it applies to each and every citizen.  Now is their chance to do right by us.

If Congress won’t do its job, we must come together as a nation and elect a mature, reasoned and principled President, someone who can lead us with vision in this complex and sometimes violent world.  Someone with both prudence and compassion, someone we can trust and be proud of.  Oh how I pray for that day and that it comes soon.

As a symbol of confidence, I’m going to save a bottle of champagne to celebrate that day.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Recovering The Lost Mind

I need to get another memory back.  

My Higher Mind has said 
"We are One We are Whole. We are nothing without her; she is nothing without us."  
It has then proceeded to delete my personality and my memories.  
"35 years is but a blip in time."
Why have I done this, to ... myself?  
I realize that I cut off relationships with people when they cause me too much pain. This seems to have started with my mother, when I cut her off emotionally before I even hit my teens. She was an emotionally damaged, needy woman, and as I was an empathic child, she was draining me.  
I was placed here with her to heal her, and I failed her. I judged her. I was not ready for this Christlike function. This pattern continued and I became more and more closed off from people, isolated. My Higher Mind may have done this to teach me the errors of cutting off anyone. It illustrated this vividly when I was 20, by permitting me to see the waves of thought coming from the man I loved, Joe. He was very angry with me, and he apparently considered severing our relationship. I saw the wave of anger come toward me, and turn into knives. I felt this cut me. It traumatized me.
Even the least among us is a child of God, a creation of the Highest Mind, and it is part of the whole. When I deny them, I deny Christ. When I deny Christ, I deny myself.
" ... I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't take me into your homes. I needed clothes, and you didn't give me anything to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't take care of me.' "They, too, will ask, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or as a stranger or in need of clothes or sick or in prison and didn't help you?'  "He will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you failed to do for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you failed to do for me.' " -- Matthew 25
Joe has had to live for years with the ramifications of his thought and actions. My mind deleted him, and I moved away. The Truth was he loved me, but he had done too much damage ... to my mind. When he found me, I did not even know him.
"The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold." -Aristotle
The error of cutting off ... anyone ... is a devastating error. The person you remove from your life, is yourself. Part of you is gone, abandoned, condemned to oblivion. Here goes another hard-learned lesson, which I would do well to never ... forget.
I have to get this memory back. What did I do ... with myself.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Return of the Light

We all understand the concept of a return on investment.

For example, you put money in the bank, thus depriving yourself of spending it, and you receive interest.

We are all actually investments.  We are specks of light, spirit, sent forth far from the realm of light where time stands still and where the source of all light awaits our return.

In that highest realm all that ever was is and will be occurs at once.  Yet we are far from the light and experience time and change, challenges and opportunities to grow.

As we grow in light we are returning to our source, because that is the only purpose of the light to increase and multiply, to extend itself in glory.

Jesus explains this in the parable of the three servants.  The master in that tale gave the three servants (three dimensions) silver to invest, in measures according to ability.  The master departed for a long time (left the realm of time) and upon his return the three servants showed their returns.  Those who doubled their silver (light) were given more silver to invest (greater light) and the servant who hid his silver in the ground (darkened his light) was relieved of his silver.  That silver went to the servant who returned the most on the master’s investment.  The servant who wasted his time and did nothing with his silver, was banished.

In the workaday world, you would give increasing responsibility to the employee who is most competent.  Other good but less able workers are also given responsibility according to their ability.    The employee who wastes time loses his job.

You are a gift of light, sent forth to grow and return to your maker in glory.  If you hide your light, for example in bitterness, greed or other dark pursuits, then you clearly are not growing.  The master entrusts more of his spirit to the soul that shines his light and inspires more light!

This is the parable of the three servants in a modern light.


Friday, April 26, 2019

In Memory of my Friend

I worked for a Japanese company with offices across the US. Over the years I learned a few Japanese words and used them here and there. 

Many Japanese employees in that company spoke Japanese in front of others and some people considered it rude.

 A now departed colleague and friend in the LA office spoke fluent Japanese but she never uttered a word of it in the office. Mana was related to a high-level Japanese executive at the Japanese parent company. She also was a manager and had been in many meetings over the years and heard many details of company business spoken in Japanese at the meetings, that others assumed she could not understand. She also heard them joke at her expense, calling her fat. 

After 30 years when close to retirement, Mana opened her mouth one day and addressed everyone in fluent Japanese. To say the least the people in the LA office were horrified and aghast! Lol Mana took particular delight in telling me that story. She was a smart cookie!

I suppose the moral of today’s story is she who laughs last laughs best 😉

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Tidings

Its Easter.  I woke up this morning thinking of colorful spring flowers, an Easter parade, making a special meal for my family...

We’re not religious so we don’t attend “church “ or any other formal religious service, unless we are showing our respects.

I do respect the memory of Jesus and the life Lessons that are his legacy to us, the aftermath of his suffering and life story.

Across the globe the faithful were in churches to honor the meaning and memory of Christ.  Some of them will never return home today as they became victims of another round of violence in an endless religious war that has started since the beginning of organized religion and shows no sign of ever being resolved.

It is not only the Christians who have been persecuted since the early days of their faith, and who will never be persuaded to give up their faith by such brutality.  Religion itself is a flash-point, a defining difference among people, and that difference provides an excuse for hate and violence.

If not for religion, the hate and violence would simply have different targets, be they race, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, politics, etc.

Hate will never change people’s color, race, gender, or nationality,  and it is unlikely to affect their life choices or beliefs.  That just shows that hate and violence can only destroy.  The real power is in building relationships, creations of art, civilization, advances of modern medicine, science and industry.  These are the real power players.

Once again, the civilized offer thoughts and prayers for the victims of hate.

Jesus himself was a martyr.  But he was no victim.  The narrative of his story shows he clearly placed himself in direct opposition to the power structures of his time.  He made no effort to extract himself from his fate.

He showed his followers the power of life over death, and of love over hate.  He did this to rescue us from the negativity of our thoughts, mind-sets and beliefs.

He did not shirk from a challenge.  While quick to forgive, he also boldly confronted corruption.

Let us rise above our hatred today, this Easter.  Let us have the courage to say no to hate speech and fear.  Rise up! It’s more than a metaphor. You can do it too.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Musical Notes

The most elusive person you will ever meet is yourself!

Locked in the depths of your mind, imprinted with your memory, the feelings that drove each life decision is stored.

Each time you suffer a rejection or emotional pain, it is recorded in this manner.  The mind that cannot process pain in that instant will compartmentalize it.  Each time this happens, a part of you is walled off.

Over the years, you become less empathetic and your so-called emotional intelligence or EQ drops.

To unlock that part of your mind from it’s box, you must relive the memory.  Let yourself feel the moment.  As you do this you will understand what thoughts and feelings drove you in that moment.  Being older and wiser and stronger emotionally, you will see where you misunderstood things and understand not only you but others’ behavior from a new perspective.

These memories do not unlock easily.  The wall cannot be knocked down by sheer force of will.  All you have now is the sanitized surface memory, if that at all.

That’s where the music comes in.  Each relationship has a song, and each experience relates to some haunting music that resonates with you.

When you find yourself thinking of someone or something, especially from the past, take a little time to reflect on what happened back then.  When you find some music playing through your mind, take a moment or two to play it again.

The music relaxes your brain creating an alpha state, which is a more receptive state.  You may begin to recall that time and your feelings may come to the surface.  Sometimes you could be genuinely surprised to learn your true feelings. You might even recover repressed memory.  This process could take several days as memories gently resurface.

You will process the pain, and the part of your mind that was locked away for so many years will finally be set free.  Your emotional energy and depth of understanding will increase.  Your ability to connect with others will improve.  This healing process will help you return to a more whole state.

Another reward to this process of reviewing your past relationships and choices, is that you will begin to recognize your own self-defeating patterns.  When you wall yourself off, you will see that you have prevented others from connecting with you.  You will begin to see where you have run away from your own happiness out of fear.  Maybe next time you will have the wisdom to face a situation and give it enough time to play out before you cut and run.  Maybe next time you will learn how to protect your emotional health without closing the door on your happiness.

Cat’s books: 😽📚

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Who You Know

I’ll tell you a little story.

I know someone very well-connected in business.  She wanted me to join her new company.  This was a long time ago.  It was in the entertainment industry, and I got to meet her new boss.  I honestly felt under qualified and showed no interest in the position.  I could have had a great job, nice office, perks, travel, met celebrities.  But I said no to all this because I felt embarrassed about my qualifications.  This woman had been my boss and she knew something about me that my resume cannot tell you.  She knows what I can do.  She believed in me, but I didn’t.

Looking back, I see that it’s a pattern.  I’ve ended relationships when I felt inadequate.  I’ve broken hearts because I could not see what others saw in me, and I walked away.

It’s a hard lesson to learn, for me.  When people know you, they have something that means more than anything else.  They know the real you.

Don’t take yourself out of the game.  So many people have a false confidence, and some of us have the opposite problem.  We don’t know our own worth.  We think it’s cheating when someone gives us anything that we don’t feel we’ve earned.

When someone you know believes in you, yes they are giving you a gift.  In return you can reward them by proving them right!

This time, my new boss gave me a recommendation for a position I had not even set my sights on.  Rather than taking myself out of the game, I showed up to play.

And I got the job!

Yes, it will be hard work, but I am thrilled with the opportunity.

I’ve learned a lot.  I know a lot.  And now I know how important having the support of others means to us all.  Paying it forward, helping people find opportunities that are right for them is part of it.  Because now I know what they can do!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Reunited in The Light Heavens

In the Light Heavens we travel at the speed of Thought!

While you stay there, long-lost friends and family just appear as it becomes their ‘Time.’

Time travels at close to light speed, so it is actually slower than here.

In a very short time, you are joined by those you knew on earth.

Of course, only the psychic could remember this, so be prepared for quite a story!

How I got to ...

The Light Heavens

Emotional Ocean

The sea is a great metaphor for our emotional state.

Like our brain, the ocean runs deep with currents and flows in waves.  These waves break upon our shores of consciousness.

Sometimes it is only then that we become aware of them.

Our dreams run in cycles and sometimes disturb our awakening as they crash upon our conscious mind.  Like the sun and the moon, day and night are ruled by different bodies of thought.  The events of the day come to the ocean of the subconscious.

When there is a great disturbance, a massive tidal wave is unleashed upon the day.  The emotion draws in its force like a great tsunami, and then spews out upon the shores or surface of consciousness.  The disturbance is felt outside of self and can be deadly.

When one sleeps and dreams, the disturbances of the day join the ocean of higher consciousness.  There the Mind eases the eddies and currents, until the force is calmed.  This is what happens as brain waves progress from the waking beta state to the alpha or meditative level to the theta or dream state.

It is one thing to be the Captain of your ship and quite another to control the sea.  Emotional power can be directed or harnessed to achieve your dreams.  Unleashed with fury, a raging storm can destroy the ship as well as the port.

The good Captain knows to avoid the storms.  He respects the power and admires the beauty of the ocean.  The Captain is the mind.  The Ocean is Mind.  The greatest Captains become One with the Sea.

Read my book on consciousness:

The Circle of Infinity

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Suffering is not a Means

Many a soul on planet earth came here with a vision of suffering.

The inescapable cause and effect between evil and suffering has made said suffering a means in their minds.

Let us suffer and be worthy in the sight of God they prayed.

Suffering is not a means.  It is an End.

Suffering is the result of something that is Wrong.

It is a clear signal that someone or something must be corrected.

It is nothing more than this.

Suffering only teaches one to avoid suffering.

It is useless as a punishment if the subject already has goodness in his heart.

The lesson is already learned.

The subject who craves suffering is addicted to it.

It serves no purpose.

It is not a means to an end.  It is an End.

The enlightened desire to remove suffering from the world.

They work to remove the mistakes that lead to suffering.

They live to heal and teach and shed light and love on the darkness.

If you have suffered, look at what is wrong and remove that condition.

Do not wear the suffering like a badge.

It is not a means.  It is an End.

The planet of suffering must be healed for the sake of all God’s children.

This is our calling.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Chess Game

A long time ago, when I was quite beautiful and had a sharp mind, I was seeing a young man just to spend some time.

He was slim, average looking, studious and religious.  Not my type.  He liked to play chess, and fancied himself a good player.

I was learning the game.  My ex husband had been a ranked player and had taught it to me.  One day he beat me in a few swift moves and jumped up from the table to proclaim Fools Mate!  He shouted for his mother and announced his big win to his family.

As I hardly knew the game, this was not such a great achievement.  I felt a bit hurt, and embarrassed.

Now that we were divorcing, I was living alone and had been on a few dates with this poor fellow.  Let’s call him Joe.

We whittled away some time playing chess.  I was still perfecting my game, but could now hold my own.  We sat in my dining room, with the chess board between us.  Ready for game 2:  I was plotting for a kill.

In several swift moves I put him away.  Fools Mate!

I’ve never done that before!  I knew full well how the words cut his ego.

He went home, and I didn’t see him for a few days.

One day about a week later, Joe knocked on my door.  I was surprised to see him, but disappointed.  When he told me he would not be seeing me anymore, I was dispassionate.

It was preferable to having to break up with him.  Good. I thought, starting to close the door.

But he wasn’t done.  He wanted a reaction.  He told me he had planned his life around me.  I was the center of his life and his future and now he was done.  He was emotional and upset.  All this over a chess game.

I was getting bored.

You’re breaking up with me?


Ok.  I tried to close the door.

But more protestations of how I would have been the center of his life.

He had no idea it would never have gone that far.

I tried to look sad, disappointed.

You’re breaking up with me?


This time I said nothing.

He finally left.

I shut the door.

Never thought of him again.

But I hate that game.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Romancing the Earth

Don’t just live in the world.

Make Love to it.

Approach it gently, care for it.  Listen to it’s woes and hold its hand.

Treat it like a lover.

Caress each new day as you wake up.

You are a precious child of the universe.

Look upon each new day with wonder.

See every day as a new gift!

Open it and share it with others.

You have a new chance today.

You can soothe a savage breast.

Be a song in someone’s heart!

Love not only your own children and kin.

Treat your world like your family.

For as Jesus said to his disciples as he planned to leave this earth, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

He was leaving you a gift!


“Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast.” 
“To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.”

British poet William Congreve

Saturday, March 2, 2019

No Good Deed

Today March 2 is the Feast day of Charles the Good, or Charles I Count of Flanders (now Belgium).

In a manner reminiscent of or perhaps foreshadowing the ‘meddlesome priest’ Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles the Good was hacked to death by medieval knights as he knelt in prayer.  On March 2 1127 he was murdered in the church of St Donatian.  Oddly, the Good Count’s father had also been assassinated in church.

Perhaps it was more common than realized for leaders to meet their end in church back in the Middle Ages, at a place where they went in peace and without protection.  The evil and powerful Erembald family conspired to murder the Good Count because he saw to it the people had bread to eat and a fair price to pay for it.  The Erembald’s were losing profits and their family fortune and influence were threatened by the Good Count’s rulership.

If you see a parallel to current times, this is because history has a tendency to repeat itself.

The lambs continue to be slain in church to this day, and some unscrupulous rich families continue to profit off the poor.  The champions of the people continue to pay with their lives, and their character assassinated by the evil conspiracies.

As no good deed continues to go unpunished, it is a rare soul who would stand up for the underprivileged.

Raise your glass then in appreciation for all the saints on this Feast Day of Charles the Good who was formally beatified in 1882.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Christ

It is a title: Jesus, the Christ.

Christ is taken to mean Jesus. The word also means Messiah, anointed one.

The story of Jesus tells of a unique man who lived life as a man and came to grow in realization that he was consciously connected with the Most High, whom he reverently called His Father and Our Father.

It was Jesus the Christ who gave us the Lord’s Prayer beginning with the words ‘Our Father who art in heaven.’

To me the title Christ means the attainment of a unified enlightened level of consciousness. To be one with the Christ is to personify that consciousness, act and speak for it.

There are many who have grown in spirit and come to have a relationship with that consciousness.  This consciousness is what unifies and purifies humanity as it ascends from individuality to the collective until we all become One and Whole.

This is the state of holiness.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lord Jesus

Recently I observed Christians infighting over whether Jesus is the Lord.

These are his words:

21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

The word Lord can mean a person who has authority over others, or it can mean God, as in the Lord.

To Jesus, this was not important. It was never about Him.

And though Jesus believed in forgiveness, he clearly states that obedience to the Will of the Father is required to enter the His Kingdom in Heaven.

This requirement then is not just devotion to Jesus, but a true oneness with the Spirit.  You may name drop Jesus, but when you knock on his door, he will not know you.

Charity work, good character, compassion alone will not buy your ticket to heaven, but these are the effects of spiritual growth.  These are the fruits of ascended consciousness.

The way to tell the difference is when you do these things because you care.  You care about others ‘ suffering and want to help.  You have compassion for those who have made mistakes, even though it’s their own fault.  You do the right thing because you know it’s honest and fair, not because people are watching.  You want to be the hand of God, not for any credit in this world or the next, but because you want others to see The Way to a better life.

Then Jesus will know you as a brother or a sister and you will live in the same house as your Father.  And like Him, it will never be about You.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

America wasn’t good enough for you?

You had to Make it Great Again?

Didn’t your momma ever tell you?

Don’t fix what ain’t broken!

A rising tide is said to lift all ships.

So what happens when we tear down everything good in America?  What happens to our institutions, our people and our children?

What happens when we demonize one group of people just to lift up another?

That is when the tide turns.

The tide is on its way out.  A little gratitude for living in a free society, a little compassion for those who want to live here too, would have made America Greater.

Meaning of Love

Remember the famous line from the movie/book Love Story: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

The spoken line was so emotional, and back in the 70’s it was quoted everywhere as well as printed on all sorts of merchandise.

Despite crying through the end of the movie, I never really understood why Love means never having to say you’re sorry.  What did I know of Love?

Were the characters saying I love you and I automatically forgive you, or were they saying I love you and I understand you.  I know you are sorry.

I know you did not hurt me on purpose and I know you never want to do that again.

Yet, the apology must be spoken, because it lies pregnant in the perpetrator’s soul until the words are at last spoken.

The response is a spoken form of forgiveness, a dismissal of the offense: Love means never having to say you’re sorry.  Except, that it does.  An apology is the balm that soothes the soul.

An apology of heartfelt sorrow delivers a message of love, and a wish to heal the wounds of the relationship.  The hearer wishing to forgive and forget utters the famous words.  Or something like that.  It’s ok.  Forget it.  Or I forgive you, and friends hug and make up.

The duality exists here as it does in all facets of life.  Never forget to apologize.  It’s like forgetting to love.  You didn’t mean to cut her, but how will she feel if you don’t bandage the wound.