
Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Return of the Light

We all understand the concept of a return on investment.

For example, you put money in the bank, thus depriving yourself of spending it, and you receive interest.

We are all actually investments.  We are specks of light, spirit, sent forth far from the realm of light where time stands still and where the source of all light awaits our return.

In that highest realm all that ever was is and will be occurs at once.  Yet we are far from the light and experience time and change, challenges and opportunities to grow.

As we grow in light we are returning to our source, because that is the only purpose of the light to increase and multiply, to extend itself in glory.

Jesus explains this in the parable of the three servants.  The master in that tale gave the three servants (three dimensions) silver to invest, in measures according to ability.  The master departed for a long time (left the realm of time) and upon his return the three servants showed their returns.  Those who doubled their silver (light) were given more silver to invest (greater light) and the servant who hid his silver in the ground (darkened his light) was relieved of his silver.  That silver went to the servant who returned the most on the master’s investment.  The servant who wasted his time and did nothing with his silver, was banished.

In the workaday world, you would give increasing responsibility to the employee who is most competent.  Other good but less able workers are also given responsibility according to their ability.    The employee who wastes time loses his job.

You are a gift of light, sent forth to grow and return to your maker in glory.  If you hide your light, for example in bitterness, greed or other dark pursuits, then you clearly are not growing.  The master entrusts more of his spirit to the soul that shines his light and inspires more light!

This is the parable of the three servants in a modern light.


Friday, April 26, 2019

In Memory of my Friend

I worked for a Japanese company with offices across the US. Over the years I learned a few Japanese words and used them here and there. 

Many Japanese employees in that company spoke Japanese in front of others and some people considered it rude.

 A now departed colleague and friend in the LA office spoke fluent Japanese but she never uttered a word of it in the office. Mana was related to a high-level Japanese executive at the Japanese parent company. She also was a manager and had been in many meetings over the years and heard many details of company business spoken in Japanese at the meetings, that others assumed she could not understand. She also heard them joke at her expense, calling her fat. 

After 30 years when close to retirement, Mana opened her mouth one day and addressed everyone in fluent Japanese. To say the least the people in the LA office were horrified and aghast! Lol Mana took particular delight in telling me that story. She was a smart cookie!

I suppose the moral of today’s story is she who laughs last laughs best 😉

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Tidings

Its Easter.  I woke up this morning thinking of colorful spring flowers, an Easter parade, making a special meal for my family...

We’re not religious so we don’t attend “church “ or any other formal religious service, unless we are showing our respects.

I do respect the memory of Jesus and the life Lessons that are his legacy to us, the aftermath of his suffering and life story.

Across the globe the faithful were in churches to honor the meaning and memory of Christ.  Some of them will never return home today as they became victims of another round of violence in an endless religious war that has started since the beginning of organized religion and shows no sign of ever being resolved.

It is not only the Christians who have been persecuted since the early days of their faith, and who will never be persuaded to give up their faith by such brutality.  Religion itself is a flash-point, a defining difference among people, and that difference provides an excuse for hate and violence.

If not for religion, the hate and violence would simply have different targets, be they race, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, politics, etc.

Hate will never change people’s color, race, gender, or nationality,  and it is unlikely to affect their life choices or beliefs.  That just shows that hate and violence can only destroy.  The real power is in building relationships, creations of art, civilization, advances of modern medicine, science and industry.  These are the real power players.

Once again, the civilized offer thoughts and prayers for the victims of hate.

Jesus himself was a martyr.  But he was no victim.  The narrative of his story shows he clearly placed himself in direct opposition to the power structures of his time.  He made no effort to extract himself from his fate.

He showed his followers the power of life over death, and of love over hate.  He did this to rescue us from the negativity of our thoughts, mind-sets and beliefs.

He did not shirk from a challenge.  While quick to forgive, he also boldly confronted corruption.

Let us rise above our hatred today, this Easter.  Let us have the courage to say no to hate speech and fear.  Rise up! It’s more than a metaphor. You can do it too.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Musical Notes

The most elusive person you will ever meet is yourself!

Locked in the depths of your mind, imprinted with your memory, the feelings that drove each life decision is stored.

Each time you suffer a rejection or emotional pain, it is recorded in this manner.  The mind that cannot process pain in that instant will compartmentalize it.  Each time this happens, a part of you is walled off.

Over the years, you become less empathetic and your so-called emotional intelligence or EQ drops.

To unlock that part of your mind from it’s box, you must relive the memory.  Let yourself feel the moment.  As you do this you will understand what thoughts and feelings drove you in that moment.  Being older and wiser and stronger emotionally, you will see where you misunderstood things and understand not only you but others’ behavior from a new perspective.

These memories do not unlock easily.  The wall cannot be knocked down by sheer force of will.  All you have now is the sanitized surface memory, if that at all.

That’s where the music comes in.  Each relationship has a song, and each experience relates to some haunting music that resonates with you.

When you find yourself thinking of someone or something, especially from the past, take a little time to reflect on what happened back then.  When you find some music playing through your mind, take a moment or two to play it again.

The music relaxes your brain creating an alpha state, which is a more receptive state.  You may begin to recall that time and your feelings may come to the surface.  Sometimes you could be genuinely surprised to learn your true feelings. You might even recover repressed memory.  This process could take several days as memories gently resurface.

You will process the pain, and the part of your mind that was locked away for so many years will finally be set free.  Your emotional energy and depth of understanding will increase.  Your ability to connect with others will improve.  This healing process will help you return to a more whole state.

Another reward to this process of reviewing your past relationships and choices, is that you will begin to recognize your own self-defeating patterns.  When you wall yourself off, you will see that you have prevented others from connecting with you.  You will begin to see where you have run away from your own happiness out of fear.  Maybe next time you will have the wisdom to face a situation and give it enough time to play out before you cut and run.  Maybe next time you will learn how to protect your emotional health without closing the door on your happiness.

Cat’s books: 😽📚

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Who You Know

I’ll tell you a little story.

I know someone very well-connected in business.  She wanted me to join her new company.  This was a long time ago.  It was in the entertainment industry, and I got to meet her new boss.  I honestly felt under qualified and showed no interest in the position.  I could have had a great job, nice office, perks, travel, met celebrities.  But I said no to all this because I felt embarrassed about my qualifications.  This woman had been my boss and she knew something about me that my resume cannot tell you.  She knows what I can do.  She believed in me, but I didn’t.

Looking back, I see that it’s a pattern.  I’ve ended relationships when I felt inadequate.  I’ve broken hearts because I could not see what others saw in me, and I walked away.

It’s a hard lesson to learn, for me.  When people know you, they have something that means more than anything else.  They know the real you.

Don’t take yourself out of the game.  So many people have a false confidence, and some of us have the opposite problem.  We don’t know our own worth.  We think it’s cheating when someone gives us anything that we don’t feel we’ve earned.

When someone you know believes in you, yes they are giving you a gift.  In return you can reward them by proving them right!

This time, my new boss gave me a recommendation for a position I had not even set my sights on.  Rather than taking myself out of the game, I showed up to play.

And I got the job!

Yes, it will be hard work, but I am thrilled with the opportunity.

I’ve learned a lot.  I know a lot.  And now I know how important having the support of others means to us all.  Paying it forward, helping people find opportunities that are right for them is part of it.  Because now I know what they can do!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Reunited in The Light Heavens

In the Light Heavens we travel at the speed of Thought!

While you stay there, long-lost friends and family just appear as it becomes their ‘Time.’

Time travels at close to light speed, so it is actually slower than here.

In a very short time, you are joined by those you knew on earth.

Of course, only the psychic could remember this, so be prepared for quite a story!

How I got to ...

The Light Heavens

Emotional Ocean

The sea is a great metaphor for our emotional state.

Like our brain, the ocean runs deep with currents and flows in waves.  These waves break upon our shores of consciousness.

Sometimes it is only then that we become aware of them.

Our dreams run in cycles and sometimes disturb our awakening as they crash upon our conscious mind.  Like the sun and the moon, day and night are ruled by different bodies of thought.  The events of the day come to the ocean of the subconscious.

When there is a great disturbance, a massive tidal wave is unleashed upon the day.  The emotion draws in its force like a great tsunami, and then spews out upon the shores or surface of consciousness.  The disturbance is felt outside of self and can be deadly.

When one sleeps and dreams, the disturbances of the day join the ocean of higher consciousness.  There the Mind eases the eddies and currents, until the force is calmed.  This is what happens as brain waves progress from the waking beta state to the alpha or meditative level to the theta or dream state.

It is one thing to be the Captain of your ship and quite another to control the sea.  Emotional power can be directed or harnessed to achieve your dreams.  Unleashed with fury, a raging storm can destroy the ship as well as the port.

The good Captain knows to avoid the storms.  He respects the power and admires the beauty of the ocean.  The Captain is the mind.  The Ocean is Mind.  The greatest Captains become One with the Sea.

Read my book on consciousness:

The Circle of Infinity

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Suffering is not a Means

Many a soul on planet earth came here with a vision of suffering.

The inescapable cause and effect between evil and suffering has made said suffering a means in their minds.

Let us suffer and be worthy in the sight of God they prayed.

Suffering is not a means.  It is an End.

Suffering is the result of something that is Wrong.

It is a clear signal that someone or something must be corrected.

It is nothing more than this.

Suffering only teaches one to avoid suffering.

It is useless as a punishment if the subject already has goodness in his heart.

The lesson is already learned.

The subject who craves suffering is addicted to it.

It serves no purpose.

It is not a means to an end.  It is an End.

The enlightened desire to remove suffering from the world.

They work to remove the mistakes that lead to suffering.

They live to heal and teach and shed light and love on the darkness.

If you have suffered, look at what is wrong and remove that condition.

Do not wear the suffering like a badge.

It is not a means.  It is an End.

The planet of suffering must be healed for the sake of all God’s children.

This is our calling.