God never said anything that wasn’t spoken or written by man.
Allowing that all or some of these words of God may actually be divinely inspired, we must also consider that the human filter or conduit of this information can only express the thought at the level of his own education and consciousness.
Therefore, I like to keep an open mind about all of this.
Today’s facts are changed with each new scientific study as well, so let’s not get all smug about science or education, which evolves as well with our experience and ability to understand it.
So, perhaps God did not stop speaking. We may have stopped listening.
We stopped listening when it became the subject of ridicule. We stopped listening when science stared down religion with cold hard facts. And for its part, organized religion fought back, punishing those who disputed its tenets. In some civilizations this still goes on.
Both science and religion need to evolve as our capacity to understand grows. The most efficient way to do this is to become learned in both!
I keep an open mind, because life is never ending, and so thought must never cease.
There is a great depth of spiritual inspiration and information in the religious holy books. I delve into this to feed my soul. This inspires me to improve and in turn uplift and support others. I keep up with maths, science, and technology because it feeds my mind, and literally puts food on the table.
The world exists in the realm of spacetime, where nothing ever stays the same. Sometimes we get tired and just stop learning. That is when it’s time to rest. Rest your mind and body, but listen to the quiet. That is when God speaks.
You will know it when your thoughts become a shadow of his light.
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness, and vision with me. -- Cat, Author: The Doing Time on Earth Series
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The Return of Krishna
From The Gita
Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth.
For the deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age.
This divine illusion of Mine, caused by the qualities, is hard to pierce; they who come to Me, they cross over this illusion.
Yogis not yet free from the world revolve back again (to the world) even from the high sphere of Brahma (union with God in samadhi). But on entering into Me (the transcendental Spirit) there is no rebirth, O son of Kunti (Arjuna)!
Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth.
For the deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age.
This divine illusion of Mine, caused by the qualities, is hard to pierce; they who come to Me, they cross over this illusion.
- Krishna; Chapter 7, verse 14; Annie Besanttranslation
- Among thousands of men hardly one strives after perfections; among those who strive hardly one knows Me in truth.
- Krishna; Chapter 7, verse 3; Mahatma Gandhi translation
Yogis not yet free from the world revolve back again (to the world) even from the high sphere of Brahma (union with God in samadhi). But on entering into Me (the transcendental Spirit) there is no rebirth, O son of Kunti (Arjuna)!
- Fools scorn me when I dwell in human form: my higher being they know not as Great Lord of beings.
- Krishna; Chapter 9, verse 11; W. Douglas P. Hill translation
- This body, O Kaunteya, is called the Field; he who knows it
is called knower of the Field by those who know.
And understand Me to be, O Bharata, the knower of the
Field in all the Fields; and the knowledge of the Field and the
knower of the Field, I hold, is true knowledge.- Krishna; Chapter 13, verses 1–2; Mahatma Gandhi translation
- These cruel and wretched haters, the vilest of men, I continually cast into demoniac wombs in mortal worlds.
Fallen into demoniac wombs, deluded birth after birth, O son of Kunti, they, instead of attaining to Me, tread the lowest path. - Krishna; Chapter 16, verses 19–20; Jogindranath Mukharji translation, first published in 1900 under the title Young Men's Gita.
- Hell has three gates – lust, anger, and greed;
for your own sake, Arjuna, give up these three. - Krishna; Chapter 16, verse 21; Purushottama Lal translation
- You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits. Do not let the fruits of action be your motive, but do not attach yourself to nonaction.
- Krishna; Chapter 2, verse 47; Lars Martin Fosse translation
- When your intellect transcends the mire of delusion, then you will attain to disgust of what has been heard and what is yet to be heard.
When, perplexed by what you have heard, you stand immovable in samadhi, with steady intellect, then you will attain yoga.- Krishna; Chapter 2, verses 52–53; Jeaneane D. Fowler translation
- When one's mind dwells on the objects of Senses, fondness for them grows on him, from fondness comes desire, from desire anger.
Anger leads to bewilderment, bewilderment to loss of memory of true Self, and by that intelligence is destroyed, and with the destruction of intelligence he perishes- Krishna; Chapter 2, verses 62–63
- To him [the Sage], what seemeth the bright things of day to the mass, are known to be the things of darkness and ignorance—and what seemeth dark as night to the many, he seeth suffused with the light of noonday.
- Krishna; Chapter 2, verse 69; Yogi Ramacharaka edition
- Use the atman to raise the atman. Do not lower the atman. The atman is the atman’s friend and the atman is the atman’s enemy.
The atman, which has been used to conquer the atman, is the atman’s friend. For someone who has failed to control the atman, the atman harms like an enemy. - Krishna; Chapter 6, verses 5–6; Bibek Debroy translation
2000 years ago the Christ came, as is his mission when wickedness rules the earth.
He has appeared here and also appeared to the Mormons in their time and place. He appears too in the Koran.
It is time, and change will follow.
Looking for God
What do we say to the seeker, asking for faith?
I say learn to listen between the thoughts, for the voice of spirit can only be heard by the quiet mind.
It will take you on a journey, and you will grow and be pruned, suffer and feel, and still you will look for God.
Even people in the next realm speak of Him as though they know his Law, but he is not seen by everyone.
God is like Love, only something you feel in this realm, but Love is actually visible in the next as it’s power grows stronger.
In this realm you either believe in it, or not. That is the beginning of the journey you take when you choose to seek.
Truth in Politics
One day, when we have a new President:
All the bios will come out.
People will confess they stuck by him to save their political careers.
They will tell us the truth when it’s politically expedient.
They will admit they knew he was ignorant.
We will learn more about their revulsion, disgust and the choices these leaders made to back up the head of their party.
They chose politics and their careers over democracy.
These confessions will come fast and furious, as people distance themselves from this pariah.
When that day comes, the American people know what they need to do.
They must remove from office all who failed to protect our democracy.
The people who threw our government to the pigs must never be entrusted again with America’s future.
We can argue about taxes, spending, immigration policy, civil rights. But there should never be outright depravity in office. This is not governance. This is not responsible leadership.
What we have is a dangerous situation, an obstruction of the will of the majority of citizens. If no one stands up for the rest of us, we will find ourselves divided and fallen. These tactics do not make America strong. They undermine our citizens, obstruct our justice and mute our voices.
Since they’re all concerned about their jobs, write your congressmen and demand justice be served in the highest levels of government the same as it applies to each and every citizen. Now is their chance to do right by us.
If Congress won’t do its job, we must come together as a nation and elect a mature, reasoned and principled President, someone who can lead us with vision in this complex and sometimes violent world. Someone with both prudence and compassion, someone we can trust and be proud of. Oh how I pray for that day and that it comes soon.
As a symbol of confidence, I’m going to save a bottle of champagne to celebrate that day.
All the bios will come out.
People will confess they stuck by him to save their political careers.
They will tell us the truth when it’s politically expedient.
They will admit they knew he was ignorant.
We will learn more about their revulsion, disgust and the choices these leaders made to back up the head of their party.
They chose politics and their careers over democracy.
These confessions will come fast and furious, as people distance themselves from this pariah.
When that day comes, the American people know what they need to do.
They must remove from office all who failed to protect our democracy.
The people who threw our government to the pigs must never be entrusted again with America’s future.
We can argue about taxes, spending, immigration policy, civil rights. But there should never be outright depravity in office. This is not governance. This is not responsible leadership.
What we have is a dangerous situation, an obstruction of the will of the majority of citizens. If no one stands up for the rest of us, we will find ourselves divided and fallen. These tactics do not make America strong. They undermine our citizens, obstruct our justice and mute our voices.
Since they’re all concerned about their jobs, write your congressmen and demand justice be served in the highest levels of government the same as it applies to each and every citizen. Now is their chance to do right by us.
If Congress won’t do its job, we must come together as a nation and elect a mature, reasoned and principled President, someone who can lead us with vision in this complex and sometimes violent world. Someone with both prudence and compassion, someone we can trust and be proud of. Oh how I pray for that day and that it comes soon.
As a symbol of confidence, I’m going to save a bottle of champagne to celebrate that day.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Recovering The Lost Mind
I need to get another memory back.
My Higher Mind has said
"We are One We are Whole. We are nothing without her; she is nothing without us."
It has then proceeded to delete my personality and my memories.
"35 years is but a blip in time."
Why have I done this, to ... myself?
I realize that I cut off relationships with people when they cause me too much pain. This seems to have started with my mother, when I cut her off emotionally before I even hit my teens. She was an emotionally damaged, needy woman, and as I was an empathic child, she was draining me.
I was placed here with her to heal her, and I failed her. I judged her. I was not ready for this Christlike function. This pattern continued and I became more and more closed off from people, isolated. My Higher Mind may have done this to teach me the errors of cutting off anyone. It illustrated this vividly when I was 20, by permitting me to see the waves of thought coming from the man I loved, Joe. He was very angry with me, and he apparently considered severing our relationship. I saw the wave of anger come toward me, and turn into knives. I felt this cut me. It traumatized me.
Even the least among us is a child of God, a creation of the Highest Mind, and it is part of the whole. When I deny them, I deny Christ. When I deny Christ, I deny myself.
" ... I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't take me into your homes. I needed clothes, and you didn't give me anything to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't take care of me.' "They, too, will ask, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or as a stranger or in need of clothes or sick or in prison and didn't help you?' "He will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you failed to do for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you failed to do for me.' " -- Matthew 25
Joe has had to live for years with the ramifications of his thought and actions. My mind deleted him, and I moved away. The Truth was he loved me, but he had done too much damage ... to my mind. When he found me, I did not even know him.
"The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold." -Aristotle
The error of cutting off ... anyone ... is a devastating error. The person you remove from your life, is yourself. Part of you is gone, abandoned, condemned to oblivion. Here goes another hard-learned lesson, which I would do well to never ... forget.
I have to get this memory back. What did I do ... with myself.
My Higher Mind has said
"We are One We are Whole. We are nothing without her; she is nothing without us."
It has then proceeded to delete my personality and my memories.
"35 years is but a blip in time."
Why have I done this, to ... myself?
I realize that I cut off relationships with people when they cause me too much pain. This seems to have started with my mother, when I cut her off emotionally before I even hit my teens. She was an emotionally damaged, needy woman, and as I was an empathic child, she was draining me.
I was placed here with her to heal her, and I failed her. I judged her. I was not ready for this Christlike function. This pattern continued and I became more and more closed off from people, isolated. My Higher Mind may have done this to teach me the errors of cutting off anyone. It illustrated this vividly when I was 20, by permitting me to see the waves of thought coming from the man I loved, Joe. He was very angry with me, and he apparently considered severing our relationship. I saw the wave of anger come toward me, and turn into knives. I felt this cut me. It traumatized me.
Even the least among us is a child of God, a creation of the Highest Mind, and it is part of the whole. When I deny them, I deny Christ. When I deny Christ, I deny myself.
" ... I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't take me into your homes. I needed clothes, and you didn't give me anything to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't take care of me.' "They, too, will ask, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or as a stranger or in need of clothes or sick or in prison and didn't help you?' "He will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you failed to do for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you failed to do for me.' " -- Matthew 25
Joe has had to live for years with the ramifications of his thought and actions. My mind deleted him, and I moved away. The Truth was he loved me, but he had done too much damage ... to my mind. When he found me, I did not even know him.
"The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold." -Aristotle
The error of cutting off ... anyone ... is a devastating error. The person you remove from your life, is yourself. Part of you is gone, abandoned, condemned to oblivion. Here goes another hard-learned lesson, which I would do well to never ... forget.
I have to get this memory back. What did I do ... with myself.
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