In the game of life, sometimes a player is removed before their time. In chess, perhaps a pawn is sacrificed to gain position on the board. Perhaps a bishop or knight is taken by the opposition. This can be an unseen loss or a willing trade-off as players swap pieces.
The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board and its loss is a serious blow to a player’s winning chances. However, a lowly pawn can make its way to the other side of the board and become a Queen.
As you play the game, sometimes you sacrifice one of your pieces, your mind, your body, your security, sometimes it can be your social network, your home, friends or job. There are losses and gains. If you gain better position in one area, you may have lost power in another.
But play the game wisely, and maybe, just maybe, you get a chance to be a Queen. Not just any piece or player on the board of life, but a valued, powerful and protected piece.
The key is to know its a game, and the stakes are high.
Guard your pieces.