Years ago, I went with my ex, a good-looking 6’2 guy, to visit my aunt who was retarded and had been put in the mental ward for being disruptive. We sat in a large room full of beds and chatted with my aunt, who was a large hefty woman.
I began to notice a young black woman pacing back and forth nearby. She was shapely and had long corn rows in her hair. After a while, the young black woman approached me handing me a black jelly bean and muttering something unintelligible. Not wanting to be rude or offensive, I accepted the jelly bean and put it on the nightstand.
She then pounced on my husband, thrusting him backwards on the bed where he was sitting and began passionately kissing him! I ran to get help but before they could arrive, my aunt pulled the young woman off him and said ‘That’s wrong!’
Mind you, I have no I doubt my ex could have handled the situation himself, but chose not to. The interns took her away and I returned the jelly bean to the young girl’s nightstand, since as far as I could understand what had happened, the sale was not made. It would have been a good deal too.