
Friday, August 5, 2022

The Dead

 My dad came for a visit a few nights ago.  We had a pleasant time.  Mom was there too.  I told him I had to leave, remembering I had to go take care of my dogs.  One of the dogs was Ringo, a beautiful Bijon Frise I had for 18 years.  I was thinking about it the next day, and realized it was dad’s birthday, August 2.  He died in 2000.  Mom and Ringo are also passed.

I am not a powerful psychic, but I must be the only one in the family.

The dead have started leaving me a message when they arrive on the other side.  

When my FIL passed he was 100.  About 11 months later, he appeared on a conference call in my dreams.  I was startled to hear his distinctive voice!  He said ‘This is how I sounded when I left so this is how I came.’

They know I’m going to pass along the message to my family.  My MIL came to visit after she passed as well. She wanted people to know she saw the memorial gathering for her, as she showed me clearly she was there.

Most recently we lost Aunt Seena, who was 93.  She came to a family gathering and died within a few days from catching Covid.  We don’t know how the Covid got to the family gathering but the rest of us who got it fought it off within a week.  The sick and elderly aren’t as strong.  (We are all immunized.)

I have been sick with grief wishing we had not gone to visit.  Not knowing if she would still be alive.

Last night, about a week after her death, Aunt Seena appeared in my dream.  She looked well and smiled.  She hugged me and said ‘Thank you for coming.’

What a dear lady. I am crying as I write this.  It was the perfect message.