While there are many religions, some people believe their religion should be the state religion.
This is the case not only in the Middle East, and we've heard a lot about sharia law in recent years, but it is also true also in the west.
In America, we have long held to a policy of separation of church and state. Of course, not everyone agrees with this, and there is even argument about whether such policy is or is not ingrained in law.
The Separation of Church and State in the US has actually come under attack by Christian institutions that instruct their followers to interfere with the laws of the land. To wit, we have the Kim Davis' of the world who think it (their) privilege to choose and enforce the morality of others according to her interpretation of her own religion. Enforcing her religious views, and holding them above the law, Ms. Davis and her supporters see themselves as Christian Soldiers. Others see her and her kind as oppressors, religious extremists.
Having read the entire bible, and studied it, along with other prominent religions and philosophies, I would like to offer my assessment of what is going on here. The Bible (as with the sacred texts of most religions) is like a Ladder of Spiritual Consciousness. Some read it and ascend spiritually. Others read the same book and use it to justify condemnation, and judgment. They devolve spiritually as they become intolerant. So, these sacred texts can act like a litmus test, they reveal the inner truth.
The fault is not in the book, because it clearly illustrates the failures and subsequent suffering of humanity. The problem is with human intolerance. We all must learn to live together peacefully. Unless you're dead, you are either moving forward or backwards in life, up or down that metaphorical ladder.
Kim Davis chose (made moral and legal decisions) not just for herself but for us, and many see no problem with her actions. She cannot understand how unethical her behavior is because her consciousness hasn't the capacity. Arguing scripture with such people might be effective if their minds were open to spiritual growth. In her case, it is useless. Religion for such zealots is about control and power. It is a means to a dishonorable end.
The sad truth is there is no institution, and no ideal, which is impervious to corruption. It is therefore unfortunate that Kim Davis used her rather minor position to defile both her civil duty and her religion. By contrast, when such pigheadedness ascends to the power of higher leadership, then we have a moral bankruptcy in the land. Kim and her ilk were merely a symptom of the diseased thinking that inflames our less educated and more vulnerable population.
Like any illness, the future of the patient depends upon how it is treated and the severity of the inflammation. As for the opposition, in their worldview, anyone who disagrees with them are perceived as sick and perverted. Thus the battleground is set. You decide how you want to live, or others will decide for you.
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