Here's my take on the 84Lumber ad:
See Fortune article and 84Lumber ad
At first I disliked the contractor who built the wall. Then, I saw he put the huge doors, and I thought he bucked the system. I was impressed.
The ad's intent was not what I thought. It was a reminder that the US has legal avenues for immigration and a reminder that the US is a land of great hope and opportunity, a land where immigrants are welcomed.
The lady who paid for this ad is very confused, because she supports a President who has shut the door on legal immigrants with visas and passports, people who came here some for a better life, some for medical treatment, some to join family, but all legal.
She is a confused lady. That is the best I can say about her, she means well, but like the other Trump supporters, she lives in an alternate world a false reality, one which denies the existence of others' pain. Her world idealizes American values, but fails to live up to its promise.
Advertising is meant to increase profit/sales/market share, but this confused lady spent a fortune to deliver a message she did not understand. Her business acumen is no better than her politics.
Our President was born with a fortune, and has managed to grossly underperform the market. His net worth is less than half of what it should be, yet he believes he is very smart, successful. If he were born to poor Mexican immigrants, he would fit the image he paints of a sexual predator. His arrogance would be seen for what it is, stupidity and ignorance. His racism would be quite ugly if he were a brown man calling white America gringos. He would be seen for what he is, not a role model for anyone, but an ignorant, negative, hostile, judgmental, sexual deviant.
Here's the best I can make of our unfortunate choice of President: His divisiveness has forced us to take sides. Those of us who have chosen to stand up for real American values, have marched for liberty and shown compassion for legal immigrants and respected the civil rights of Americans who may not be like us, those of different creeds, sexual preference, gender, race, religion, those are the true Americans. Sometimes life gives us an unexpected opportunity to stand up and be great. That Mr. President, is the definition of greatness. It was written in the American constitution this whole time. You sir would do well to take a moment to read it.
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