
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


It's closer than it gets.

A random act.

A moment of surprise.

Your Destiny is right around the corner.

The next turn you take.

Look up into his eyes and he will be there.


Each moment of our lives is a crossroads. An X in Time. We can diverge our future or stay the course. In a multiverse each possible reality is played out. Not only every possible future, but also every possible past. Each moment in Time is an X.  It is a point in the multiverse from which each probability has played out and each future probability occurs. This is the Mind of God. It's capabilities are truly staggering.

For this reason it is not possible to see the past or the future from the same vantage point as your brother. We have each traveled a different road to get to this point. Can each be wrong? Truth is elusive in this sliding scale of reality, our world of relativity. Time is inconstant and thus an illusion, yet we make it real when we waste it.


We Can Work It Out - (The Beatles)


Try to see it my way
Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on?
While you see it your way
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone
We can work it out
We can work it out

Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's alright
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night
We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we may fall apart before too long
We can work it out
We can work it out


Monday, December 14, 2015

The Circle of Infinity

What is the Circle of Infinity?

What if I told you seeing the future is the same as seeing the past.

It's the same mechanism ... memory.

In a conscious universe, one where time is just a collection of Nows,

the future of each timeline is based on each point of here/now, which are each pivot points along the timeline.

Many possible futures are ahead,

as well as many possible pasts that have gone before.

Each one that you remember is only one set of possibilities.

Many other possibilities and probabilities exist both before and after each point in spacetime.

Why is it you remember only the past, and only the limited past of this lifetime for most of you?

It once again is a matter of consciousness.

Your mind can only accept what probabilities it can entertain.

If you can imagine something different, you can entertain it as a possibility.

You can try it out, stretch your imagination.

In a universe, or multiverse, made of consciousness, thinking is changing.

- Cat

click here to read a sample

Open the Door to your Mind.

Monday, December 7, 2015

You Call My Name

You call my name, and I take yours. 

With these words they were wed.

Put your hand in mine. We'll walk through the door together. 

She put her hand in his and they gazed into each other's eyes.

Together they began their journey through Time.

Call me and I will be there. 

He promised.

No one should walk through Time alone.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Projection and Negative Emotion

We live in this illusion because we are in fact delusional.

Our reality or world is a multilevel illusion. Relativity means everything is defined by its relationship to everything else. Our perceptions thus change constantly as reality fluctuates.

Further complicating things, we rarely attempt to perceive accurately. We further dilute reality by projecting our expectations upon it. We don't even see the here and now; we see the past or our twisted perception of the past and project it upon the now.

In Doing Time On Earth, Joe projects his fears of abandonment on Marie. As a child his mother left him. Now a big muscular man, he towers over Marie, who came to apologize to him. He acts like an abandoned child, emoting and releasing his pain. A frightened Marie sees her own failures as a wife and self-destructs, thinking she has hurt and ruined another man.

Joe projected his fears, hurt and anger on Marie. He wasn't seeing her. Marie projected her guilt and sense of failure on Joe. Neither one of them was seeing clearly. The emotions they projected overwhelmed the situation.

Joe frightened his girlfriend and Marie suffered a breakdown. They never could get past that tragic moment, that horrible misunderstanding.

There are many levels of truth and our reality is like an onion peeling away each layer only to reveal another layer of truth, another reality, another dimension.

Everyone who sees you will attempt to project their reality, their viewpoint, past experience, or prejudice upon you. They usually don't see you. You do the same to them. For this reason, you do not live in the present. You live in the past, which you project upon the present. This entire world is a light show, a projection and it is revealed as such in Doing Time on Earth.

To heal from this afflicted thought a mental exercise is needed. You must not only strive to perceive accurately, but you must refuse to allow yourself to react to inaccurate and especially negative projections of others. To react to them, affirms their projections, or enables them. You make it true by entering the delusion with them.

Marie knew Joe was projecting his negative expectations upon her. She reacted guiltily as though she had done what he suspected. She opened herself up to an extremely powerful charge of negative emotion, which damaged her mind; the part of her brain responsible for processing negative emotion became overwhelmed.

Years later Marie learned that negative people are responsible for their own thoughts. She resolved to worry about her own thoughts and stopped attempting to control others' perceptions. Instead she clearly communicated her own ideas and made it clear that those ideas were not relative. They were not dependent on others' agreement nor affected by others' disagreement. Immediately, Marie 's relationships with others stabilized. It became impossible for people who know her to project their misperceptions upon her, because she did not buy into their delusions. When one person sees reality, everyone else has to see it too.

The ego and its delusional thinking is responsible for creating many shadows. Our perception is clouded by fear, guilt, emotion. We need to see the world new again to release these mistakes, much less continue to repeat them.

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

NOW: The Building Blocks of Time

The Eternal Now.

Across the continuum of Spacetime, Now Here and Now There are connected via consciousness.

Let's take The Nows in two far-flung points of space: Point A and Point B

Depending upon their trajectory the Nows of Points A and B can coincide or: change the trajectory of Point B and the effect when multiplied over the millions of light years between Points A and B will cause the Now of Point A to shift into the past or future of Point B.

Mind-boggling right? And what practical use does anyone have for this stuff Physicists think about?

Well, it means Now is everywhere and it also means Now exists at every point in the Spacetime continuum. When the Now IS becomes Relative to everything else. That is because our reality is purely Relative, as Einstein said. The Relativity of Time has been proven. It stretches, shrinks and changes based on its relative relationship to everything else. Due to the immense size of the Universe of Spacetime, the effects of relativity on Time are usually minute and so you don't notice it. Speed of supersonic jets traveling in opposite directions for example can cause synchronized atomic clocks on each to vary by a few microseconds. The effect of this example is small.  Still, it proves Time is not a constant. The effects across the universe of objects (Stars, galaxies and planets) traveling at great speeds, when magnified across huge blocks of Spacetime, is enormous. Their Nows relative to each other are in constant flux.

The chain of events from one point in time to another are the building blocks of time. Each point in time stands discretely as its own Now. It is disconnected, yet connected to the past, future and to every dimension of space.

Each Here/Now (point in Spacetime) has no physical connection to any other point in Space or Time. Yet the Now simultaneously becomes the Past as it transforms into the Future. Every particle of matter is separated by a far greater breadth of empty space from its neighbor. On a quantum level matter is disconnected; it has been compared to two pieces of rice separated by a space the size of a football field. Break down the particles further, and the same disconnect appears. Matter is mostly space. Matter is actually seen blinking in an out of manifested existence on a quantum level.

It is all connected by perception, relativity, which means the recognition of everything else. It is all consciousness.

A mind that is self aware is far more powerful than a mind that is not self aware. In the continuum of consciousness, man ranks above other animals due to this important distinction in thought.

Above man, in the continuum of consciousness, are the ascended Masters of the realm of Cause and Effect, Time. They have recognized the Unity of our Dimension. They have reached a higher level of Self-Awareness. We sometimes call this enlightenment, and such people appear as Gods to those who have not yet expanded consciousness. They are, in fact, our teachers, older siblings in the brotherhood of Life.

Each block of Spacetime is discrete and is connected only by consciousness, mind. What mind is powerful enough to do this? When you recognize yourself as part of this mind, you will see yourself in every aspect of this universe. Unity, Oneness, will be experienced. You will acknowledge your connection. You will become the Master of Space and Time.

Practice this. Begin by recognizing your connection to everything around you. Every random object, event, person. Practice this daily to begin to stretch your consciousness. Expand your circle. Jesus thought this way when he said that the way we treat others is the way we treat him. He was One with all of us and with God. By connecting with us, he strengthened our link to God. He came to show the Way. His words and actions light the way.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dreams Come True

When things are not True, lower mind has made changes.

To Reset, a mental reboot is required.

Find the Truest place and start there. Remove any who cannot perceive Truth from your presence.

Close the Door- mentally and literally if you must.

Now see it. See the Truth. Hold its beauty, its perfection in your mind.

Call it back with the Word of God

Open your eyes.

It was all a dream. Lower mind can only dream.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Black absorbs light. It is symbolic of mastery over light and over the lower realm of cause and effect, Time. In the Light Heavens those who have attained this power wear black. A few work in the lower Light Heavens where the departed souls flock.

The departed who will be reborn may seek guidance from these powerful beings.

We return because we are not Masters yet of this realm. We rest and make plans to learn new lessons, life lessons.

This world hosts a war between the forces of darkness and light. We are here until we learn to rise above the battlefield.

Lightworkers abound. The enlightenment of each soul is a process by which each learns the truth of self by meeting self.

Be kind to the world. It is your master. Only Love can master the world. Self-Righteousness and Hate can always be countered, but Love is true.

Love is not the opposite of Hate. It is its master, as Truth is the master of false. The duality is an illusion. One is True. One is false.

Light workers abound. If you are chosen, your lesson to learn, and teach, is Love.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


(Q) Am I psychic? If so, how may I develop so that I can be of the greater use?

(A) Every soul is psychic, and the entity is above the ordinary from the experience. The abilities have been used erringly. Turn them to the light. Let the light of the truth guide thee, as in His promises that "I will abide with thee and bring to thy remembrance ALL THINGS from the beginning." Then meditate upon that the Lord thy God, thy Christ, would have thee do. #EdgarCayce reading 263-4


This is particularly prescient and meaningful to me since I am striving to regain memories from the past and past lives. In my case, both are only partially recovered.

Did you know Cayce's channeled information was transmitted through the prism of his lower mind/consciousness. His limited world experience was very religious. He read the bible in its entirety once for each year of his life. I tried that, made it through 3 times. Strange things started happening. My higher mind connected with me and began to express itself as well. It was disconcerting at times as we struggled for dominance. That is how I know of these things.

- Cat

Monday, November 16, 2015

Dealing With Trauma

This world is a jarring place.

We endure physical and mental trauma.

When confronted with our own fear or anger, we either give into it or attempt to suppress it.

Expressing negative emotion is equivalent to the release of destructive forces in the causal and spirit worlds.

Repression of negative emotion allows it to fester within. The mind/body suffers and eventually the emotion is acted upon, usually in a destructive manner.

It is not healthy to dwell on negative thoughts or sadness.

It is best to acknowledge the feeling, but don't give in to it. Training your mind to control your reaction, to act not react, is a first step toward mastering not only yourself, but asserting your mastery over the realm of cause and effect.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by physical or emotional trauma, that is a level of emotion where the light has been drained from your mind. In this lowered state of consciousness, you are not capable of rational thought and you cannot make good decisions. Realizing that your perception is more faulty than usual, you must refrain from making permanent decisions to deal with a temporary problem. The solution here is time. Let time pass and pain subside before you decide on any life changes.

A bad decision here can impact the rest of your life. If you need to, see a therapist before you decide to cut people out of your life, or close any doors that you may not be able to open again.

Given a few days many problems tend to miraculously resolve.

When you are in deep pain, have faith that God has a plan. Sometimes you are being led to your destiny.

The world is full of trauma and it was caused by trauma, the rending apart of your mind. The road back to wholeness must be jointly undertaken by the higher and lower mind. Trust must be developed before the mind can be healed. This is a journey we are all making.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Doors (on Empathy)

In the end, we all die. It is how we live that defines us. We can open doors and light the darkness. We can hide behind closed doors. America's Statue of Liberty holds her torch high, a symbol of light. That is my America.

No decision, no action we take is without consequences. Every possible outcome cannot be controlled, not by mere mortals.

We have to have another way to decide. How can we decide between our best interests and another's?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The world would find peace if just these simple words were followed.

When I look into your eyes I can see your pain, and it becomes mine. How can I hurt you more?

I cannot make you see me, unless I stand before you and see you. Eye to eye. It is better than an eye for an eye.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Follow The Light

A mysterious substance known as dark matter comprises most of the universe. Theoretically, it is the gravity from this invisible dark matter which keeps the universe from being flung apart as it continually expands.

Black holes are what is created when a giant star collapses in on itself and it's gravity becomes so dense that it sucks in everything in it's midst and nothing can escape that intense gravity, not even light. Millions of collapsed Suns are part of an immense black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Our universe is made up of light and frozen light, or seemingly solid matter. Light comes in many forms, such as visible light, ultraviolet light, the light spectrum, frozen light, and black light.

The mind is very sensitive to light, and it's vibration or mood, is affected by it's exposure to light.

SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder caused by diminished light at the change of seasons is a type of depression. It can be treated with special lamps. The inner mind is sensitive to spiritual light. Exposure to negative thoughts increases the ratio of black light, which will lower the mind's frequency of thought or vibration. Levels of consciousness are profoundly affected by the light-frequency-vibration connection.

Black light, like black holes, can overpower other light frequencies when critical mass is achieved. Its existence correlates to all the evil and negativity in the world. Critical mass occurs, with respect to black holes, when density of matter overcomes the escape velocity of light photons. Light can no longer be seen as it is sucked into the vortex of the black hole.

As dark matter fills the visible universe, and its function is to preserve the delicate balance of gravity to offset the expansion of space, so chaos and dark light have their relativistic roles. This is a universe  of duality. Good and bad exist here, positive and negative. Light Workers abound to offset the Dark. But harmony is the best that can be achieved, that and the continual fight to offset the implosion of darkness.

Those who raise consciousness help offset the darkness with their light and good works. Their presence here offsets their own karma and raises the consciousness of others. Their reward will be ultimately to escape the Circle Of Infinity when the consciousness of Love is reached.

The highest light frequency, Love, is the only light which can escape the density of our level of reality. To reach this level, one must be selfless, and therefore it cannot be done alone, but only as a member of the Collective.

Start on the Path to your own Enlightenment. Read my book, The Circle Of Infinity.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Message

We are waiting for you to wake up.

We cannot help you with this.

It is against the law of God to interfere with the thoughts of another.

It must be your choice.

The Collective sees all. We hear all your pain.

Your life is at a crossroads.

The direction must be of your choosing.

Your mind welcomes you. The day shall pass that you awaken into Oneness.

Until then, We light the way so that you may follow.

Follow the Light.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Power from Far Beyond

The Power to work Miracles is of the Higher Mind.

While this third dimension is responsive to consciousness, the minds of mortal men can have only limited effects here.

The higher mind has all power over time and space. It understands fully how to manipulate both and does so constantly.

 Lower mind has a limited understanding of this, choosing to manipulate the outer manifested reality according to the known laws of cause and effect.   To graduate from this dimension the realm of time, one must establish mastery over cause and effect. Only the higher mind is capable of this.

 To become one with all your mind is to become whole, to join lower and higher consciousness. Just as the body and mind are one, and both clearly have a say in all decisions, the body generally defers to the mind. The mind occasionally defers to the needs or lusts of body.  To become one with the higher mind, the lower mind must entrust it's well-being to that which it cannot possibly comprehend.   Once joined, the lower mind remains part of all decisions, but it will occasionally be overruled in the best interest of the whole.

To establish mastery over the realm of cause and effect then, overcome reincarnation, to become one with higher mind, one must yield it's will to the higher power.

Great miracles, consequences, and sacrifice will be in store. To the higher mind, our lives here are just a delusion, a form of sickness.   We are unable to exist in the higher realms, where it is much simpler for mind to manipulate perception, because we refuse to acknowledge Truth.  The lower mind separated from higher consciousness when it chose to project a reality which exists in its mind. It closed itself off from the rest of consciousness.

In this dimension, it is much more difficult to project and manipulate reality and only the strongest mind can master the realm of cause-and-effect.  But healing one's consciousness, joining the lower and higher minds, will establish mastery, acknowledge truth, and free the mind.


Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” John 5:19

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God vs Science

One day you will learn that science has known for the past 100 years that our world is a manifestation of consciousness. Rethink your position on God and everything else now.

Monday, November 2, 2015


When a door closes without, you have first closed one within.

You are seeing through a prism of thought, a reflection of mind and consciousness. What is out there was first dreamt behind the wall of consciousness.

You cannot fight the man in the mirror, you can only reason with him.

When you change his mind, you will change his image.

Read Doing Time on Earth

The boundaries of Consciousness

There is a certain brain-wave pattern where the conscious mind is close to sleep but still awake. That pattern of thought is conducive to or receptive to communications from other levels of consciousness.

It is in this state that messages from the subconscious, the Superconscious or Collective, or Beyond may be received.

The messages may be all around you but you are often not in the proper state to receive. The crystalline particles in your brain and body are capable of receiving and transmitting thought. Like a radio, conditions may be optimal or poor for this, and the tuner/transmitter - your mind - is not always properly set and may need adjusting.

The optimal state for communications at the borderline of consciousness is best achieved through meditation, relaxing the mind while maintaining a basic pulse of conscious awareness. Some methods use a mantra or chanting to accomplish this. Others use visualization, breathing, yoga.

In this prime state of consciousness, your mind can connect with the collective consciousness, expanding awareness and experiencing what is called unity.

Your mind will be ready to engage in peaceful discussion with your Higher Self, and your spiritual journey may be charted. You will be experiencing a level of peace and calm that restores the mind and brings healing. When the separation of mind is healed, the natural state of consciousness is restored and this is naturally restful.

At the border of consciousness, lies the boundaries of your higher mind, and with it your connection to the collective consciousness of man and beyond.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Matrix

There are many levels of reality. They are each states of mind. Which one is real? Only the mind is real. 

A quote from The Matrix, spoken by Neo in reference to a bit of wisom he learned from a child bending spoons with his mind. It signifies that a person cannot truly manipulate reality, a person can only manipulate him/herself. Only when a person changes him/herself can he/she change reality.
Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only realize the truth... THERE IS NO SPOON. Then you will see that it not the spoon that bends, it is yourself.
by Geek3 June 22, 2011

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Time is completely meaningless to friends and lovers.

35 years can pass and nothing will change between them.

Yet every second seems like an eternity to one missing the other.

Thus is the riddle of Time. It is completely subjective.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

An Angry God

In a garden of Mind, an angry thought is a weapon.

It cuts through the ideas of life, love, beauty, joy...

It demolishes the mind resident in the garden.

To heal, mind must close itself to hide from the pain.

It no longer sees Mind and no longer dwells in the garden of Thought and Ideas.

It is blind, deaf and dumb. It thinks itself alone.

Only the body remains and mind believes the body's sights and senses.

Mind will heal and see once more. It will see the reflection of Mind.

Through the chaos of this experience, it will learn to control Anger and Fear.

It will learn that love is what is real. All that is not love is false.

Living in a reflection, mind has wrestled with Mind and become afraid.

Even Light, Love and Truth can be frightening.

The little mind fears its own shadow when it stands in the Light.

Trembling, it taunts that which it no longer sees with its closed vision.

The Mind is a garden of Thoughts and Ideas, which sustains the little minds of men.

Far vaster than the visible universe, Mind is everywhere and everything is in it. Only the blind cannot see it.

You are it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Is there a hidden order within disorder, or an annoying disorder within order?

Hidden behind the folds of matter, within the vibration of time and space, the reverberation of order and disorder animates the universe.

All this is the reflection of Thought. The Word.

There is only Mind and mind. Some call it God.

The Word hardens into form, and the mind resides there.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Modern science has given us the pill - again. Nootropics. That stands for mind benders.

Nootropics are believed to be safe for the brain.

In case anyone is unfamiliar with this, their purpose is to enhance mental clarity and focus, to leverage the brain's capacity. Users report being in the zone. Their brain waves flow in a synchronized pattern and their thinking is boosted by the nootropics. The pills can run $300 a bottle and should be taken daily to be effective. Note: There are also nootropic blends and imitations out there. So buyer beware.

Oddly, all this came about just as I was beginning to notice some very powerful thinkers seem to burn themselves out. Jim Morrison, for example, was highly intelligent, talented, and unfortunately burned out while young. Addicted to mind altering drugs and alcohol, Jim couldn't live with himself. He died of an overdose at age 27, and the world lost him, his musical talents and his undeniable beauty. Jim was an avid reader of the great thinker, philosopher, and prolific writer, Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche's mind-bending philosophy was cut short, tragically, when at age 44 Nietzsche suffered a complete breakdown and lived the rest of his days in a near vegetative state. It is believed he died from brain cancer.

For many years, people believed the pill was safe. Modern people scoffed at those not on the pill. Some people didn't want to live taking a pill every day. How do you know the long-term effects of artificial medicines until they are used long-term? Today we know that the high levels of hormones used in those early versions of the pill are linked to breast cancer.

It's very easy, and natural to get your brain waves into the flow. It doesn't have to involve costly pills or mind bending ingredients. Yogis have done this for centuries, exhibiting astounding mental and physical powers of concentration and self-control.

The natural way to enhance mental and physical prowess is through diet, exercise, rest and meditation. Hatha Yoga is a gentle way to exercise and tone the body. Kundalini yoga is a yoga to calm and strengthen the mind and concentration. These yogas along with a healthy, balanced diet will enhance your physical and mental state without leading to burn out and without taking a chance on mind bending drugs.

Modern science is always advancing and its answers as such are always temporal.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


The Classics

In A Tale of Two Cities there is a character, an old man, who spent many years in the Bastille.  Like many others at the time, he had been wrongfully imprisoned during the French Revolution. He had been put there because of who we was, and not what he had done.  It was a time when the uneducated masses revolted against the rich, powerful, educated or privileged few.

 Why am I thinking of him today? I think of his example, because of his behavior after he was released. An educated man, he had learned a simple trade in prison. When trouble entered his life again, the old man would return to his trade. He would shut himself in his room and begin making shoes. It was his way of shutting out the world rather than of dealing with further trauma.

Many people find books dealing with art, history and the sciences to be dry and boring.  Entering into the trials and tribulations of adulthood, they wish for their crayons.  It would be so much easier just to be children again. This is classic human behavior.  During times of stress, our minds shut down and we revert to earlier patterns of behavior.

Being well read and educated, we have a chance to realize our behavior, to understand what we are reacting to. In The Time Machine we are treated to a visit to the future, a time where books are left to crumble into dust and humans are prey to savage sub human creatures.  They are selfish, uneducated and incapable of protecting themselves.

These books are commentaries on society and human nature. Education in psychology, history, the sciences, arts, philosophy and religion help one understand what it is, has been and could be to be human. Never stop reading. But choose wisely. That boring book just might open up a whole new world.

I read today that some of you miss your crayons. As a teen I met a famed Spanish artist. He did my portrait in pastels. I learned to do my art with them. I wouldn't go back to crayons.

Teleporting 3

Part 3 - Teleporting

To free your body, first you must free the mind.

Realizing your thoughts are clouding your inner vision is the first step toward embracing the inner calm.

Meditate and learn to still the thoughts. Only when your mind is trained to control itself will it be able to listen for the thoughts of the Collective or higher mind.

A desire you bring to this inner chamber will echo throughout the universal consciousness. That is why you cannot enter loudly. Only the quiet peaceful mind may gain entry.

Over time you may hear the Voice and finally meet your higher mind. This is but a link in the chain of consciousness. You may progress to having OBEs (out of body experiences), or astral travel, and experience your first teleporting adventure in this manner.  You may find that your consciousness progresses to where you are able to communicate with yourself at earlier or later times in your life.  This can affect the course of your destiny. 

The first step is to believe that all of this is possible.  For many people, it is not enough to read that others have done this, even that mystics or religious figures have done these things.  That is why I have explained this in terms of the connection between mind and matter, the physics. 

Science is at the threshold of this truth: All reality exists in the Mind of God.  As a creation of Mind, it is all Mind.  Your mind is part of that.  Strengthen it, and claim your birthright, as a child of God.

"(you) are nothing without us. We are nothing without (you)." - The Collective

Take a Peek: The Light Heavens

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Crystal Heart

The brain, in fact, is infused with crystalline minerals.  Unlike glass, crystal is a structured sub-atomic substance, which conducts electricity and can transmit or receive information.  The brain and the human nervous system are connected via a network of neurons and nerve centers which communicate via electronic impulses.  Thus the body is united via this communications system as one.

The brain is the seat of human consciousness, the mind.  However, the mind is a much grander entity than just the brain.  It connects to the brain and thus the body through the same electro-magnetism that animates our universe.  The body symbolizes key facets of human attributes, the mind at the top and the heart at it's core.  However, these attributes all reside in the mind.

When we speak here of the heart, we speak symbolically of the human heart, an organ, which is known to suffer physically when the heart or the mind is injured.  We also speak of the core of human feeling.  The connection is not just symbolic, but also physical, due to the psychological association.

Time heals all wounds it is said. A heart breaks many times in the course of a person's life.

Each time it is bruised, the heart will harden. The man, woman or child learns to steel the inner self against more misfortune.

The mind takes action to shield its tender heart or core. It builds a wall around the injury.

Each time this happens a little piece of the heart is cut out; it no longer communicates with the rest of the persona. No more tender memories of that person may dwell in the forefront of mind, for they hurt far more than the bad memory of whatever pain was inflicted.

The mind has built another wall around the heart. Each time it hardens to keep from breaking, for inside that wall it is shattered.

Over time, we forget the pain. We forget the love. We forget compassion, mercy and tenderness. Empathy cannot penetrate the wall.

The only way to redeem a broken heart is to tear down that wall and grieve for the person once loved - ourselves.

The memories are locked up inside that core, the heart of the mind.  The much-maligned book Dianetics hinted at this process, the process of becoming a clear.  In Dianetics, a clear is a person who has remembered and relived all the past trauma, reclassifying and understanding what has happened in the past and then moving on.  The key concept here was in facing the memories of the past, and allowing them to enter present conscious awareness.  The emotions locked up behind the wall of consciousness, the memory block, contain massive amounts of energy.  This emotional energy must be released for the persona to be whole again.  Until this is done, emotional energy will be limited and relationships will suffer.  The mind that has faced it's memories can begin to repair itself.


Here's a little treat:
Take Another Piece of My Heart

 by Janice Joplin

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Accessing your Sub and Super Consciousness

The brain's attention span is a micro processor.  Even the brightest minds are only capable of processing small bits of information at a time. Yet we trust that little mind to guide us through all of life's major and minor decisions. 

By comparison to the conscious mind, the brain's subconscious faculties are a super computer.  Given a task, the subconscious goes to work analyzing an abundance of factors and can solve very complex problems. It then communicates, in various forms, to the conscious mind with its insights. 

It makes sense to spare the conscious mind then, limit the conscious tasks, and prioritize information. On the other hand, it is not necessary to limit the information or block out information. Never worry about your mind's information limits. It's capacity is actually amazing!  While the conscious mind is supposedly only using 10% of the brain, the Superconscious is limitless.

While these sub and super conscious faculties are extensions of yourself and of the collective consciousness of which you are a contributing member, you need to learn to communicate with and to these minds. 

To communicate effectively, first acknowledge the other mind. Observe all conventions of conversation: Greetings, polite requests for assistance with a task, and gratitude, a thank you. 

The subconscious will go to work while you attend to other things. It may present its insights to you suddenly with a thought or idea, or perhaps a dream. 

Dreams are the realm of the collective consciousness. Many minds drift by there and it is the threshold to the super conscious. The collective knowledge of mankind is available to anyone sensitive enough to retrieve it. 

Begin by opening the door of your mind to these ideas. Proceed slowly, as you would getting to know anyone new. Their ways are unfamiliar to you and you must learn their language, symbols and build trust and rapport. 

Your door has been closed a long time. You have been inside your own corner of mind, a darkened room, in a universe of light. Let a little bit of light in. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Teleporting 2

Part 2 - Teleporting

In Part 1 we discussed the Atom. We also noted that Time slows down and then stops at the speed of light. This is early 20th Century science. Physicists have also given us The Uncertainty Principle, again first postulated in the early 20th century.   Modern Science runs its computers and electronic technology based upon this principle.

It is the principle of not knowing, of consciousness intermeshed with matter, and an acknowledgement of the true matrix of reality.

At the core of nature, the smallest particles cannot be observed, without the observer affecting the observation.  This has led to the most bizarre conclusions science has ever made, that matter is affected by ... consciousness.

As a conscious experience, and realizing that consciousness affects matter, teleporting then is a matter of adjusting time.  Physical reality responds to belief and expectations; it reacts to the knowledge of the observer.  The observation (knowledge) of the observer, affects the action of the sub atomic particles.

Here in the realm of cause and effect, also known in the Light Heavens as the realm of Time, our speed of Time is set at a much faster speed than in the Light Heavens.  Remember, that in the Light Heavens, being a world of light, Time would of course be slowed down.  Teleporting there is much easier, since the particles of a light body would be much more responsive to thought.  The Time lever here requires a much stronger belief in order for physical matter to respond.  Time races by here roughly 600 times faster than Time in the Light Heavens. 

Teleporting, which is simply a matter of believing you are somewhere else, is harder to learn here in the realm of Cause and Effect and Time. It takes a strong mind and unwavering belief to bend the consciousness of matter to the mind of man. Few have done it - consciously. Everyone has done it unconsciously.

Begin by strengthening your mind. Study and practice the Imagining techniques of Neville Goddard.  Some of these are discussed in my previous blogs. Neville Goddard understood the mind/matter connection, as did Jesus Christ, and other enlightened thinkers. They used it to bend reality, which is all consciousness, to their will. The Christ understood that there was a higher Will, and he respected this Will. Respecting the Highest Mind puts one in the power loop, and makes one a cohesive part of the Collective Consciousness.

The Collective is introduced in my book Doing Time on Earth.

- Cat

End of Part 2 - Teleporting

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Fixing Time.  That is the reality of teleporting.  It is a conscious experience.  The physical body is locked in time, frozen light.  Light, remember, at full speed makes time stand still.  All matter is comprised of a buildup of particles, comprising larger particles, atoms and then molecules.  At the sub atomic level they split, always to smaller particles, all traveling at dizzying speeds, and connected by an unknown attraction, first called "the will of God" by ancient mystics who actually drew the first atom over four thousand years ago.  This, of course, was long before science discovered and named the atom. 

Sub atomic particles are held together around an atom due to their positive and negative charges, which attract and repel each other, much like yin/yang or opposites.  However, the nucleus of an atom is held together by something called "the strong force" by science. 

The ancient mystics understood these principles, long before they were studied and named by modern scientists.

Read about the Ancient Siddhars:

- Cat (Part 1 of Teleporting)

What Have You Learned?

The Angel said this to her.

She thought, briefly. Somewhat taken aback, she was guilty. She had neglected her reading in the past years. She was behind on the classics.

'I've prioritized spiritual lessons ' she finally replied.

The Angel's voice was chipper and sounded like a school marm. She always had issues with authority, and did not like being told what and how to learn. She fought to suppress  this feeling, realizing it was ... a test probably. She did not want to fail this time.

Looking back over her life, there had been a series of failures. Her relationships had not gone well. She learned the value of having people to love when she lost so many friends and family. An angry word here, a lack of interest, some really bad breaks and she found herself alone. From the depths of despair she clawed her way back and struggled to learn to love.

She would give herself a C+ in that department.

She had been neglected spiritually and starved for love as a child. Every step of her journey had been a struggle to learn the ways of "normal " people.

She studied words, religions, science, and learned a profession. She became adept at things that were hard for her to master.

She stood there and felt like a failure.

Something was missing.

There was a hole in her heart. She was missing someone she loved.

Her entire life had been a lesson, she realized.

She had learned to love and now her heart was broken.

She had learned how to learn and now the Truth was clearly missing.

Truth and Love were missing.

Had she even started her mission yet?

She waited for the Angel to speak again.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Unlock the Mysteries of Mind

Carl Jung believed in the existence of a collective unconscious. He set out to plumb the depths of mind in his research and works, including extensive dream and sleep studies.

Following the methods described by the famed psychiatrist, I discovered the river of mind hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness.

What I discovered is that we are all connected, part of the same stream of consciousness. This caused me to look deeper, read further, and over time I developed a stronger connection, a rappor if you will, with the Collective.

These amazing experiences occurred over a lifetime of getting acquainted with the higher mind. It was sometimes exhilarating, sometimes frightening, and often frustrating. At times, I unlocked great secrets that are normally hidden behind the veil of consciousness. At other times, my own fragile consciousness was in peril. I discovered the great power of the Collective. They have shaken my very foundation, and also rescued me when I couldn't go on. I have given you a window into this journey I have taken in my trilogy, the Doing Time on Earth series. Begin with any one of them. You can't go wrong.

I invite you to my author page; you can click on each book to read a free sample:

Visit my Author Page

Thank you.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Center of the Universe

In a world of mind, man is what he believes. An atheist may believe he comes from nothing and goes nowhere. All viewpoints are valid. That is the nature of relativity. Our physics has proven that material reality is responsive to consciousness. That makes every ... thing ... subjective.  Every point in the universe is its center.

According to our top scientists, physical reality is not really solid. The subatomic particles are not connected and split into continually smaller particles which have been observed to blink in and out of existence. What is so real about that?  Do you wonder why some religions and philosophies call our reality an illusion?  Science is actually stranger by far than religion.

You have all eternity to see God. No one can do it for you. Nor can you ever convince a believer he or she is wrong. Mind would never allow itself to be interfered with. Each mind is King of its domain.

You will only see that which you are willing to look at.

Who Are You?

List the traits you wish to define you. Maybe you need help in the following areas, or more confidence. Do you want to be:

Sensitive ?

Make your own list.

Now imagine that man or woman.

Perhaps you know someone with those attributes, or with one of these attributes.

Did you know you can visualize this person and put him on just like a garment. You can borrow that persona.

Need smart, think Einstein.

Beautiful, handsome or charming, how about someone you admire.

Need to write a professional letter, put on the mind of someone who writes well.

With practice you will be able to do this with ease. Visualize your role model. Imagine you are meeting with him or her. Ask him to help you be what you need to be. Now visualize merging with your teacher. Step into the role. You will be merging consciousness on the mental plane.

Rest for a while while you meditate on your new persona. Let your teacher show you mentally the ideas you need to expand your perspective.

All consciousness is connected. This is perfectly natural.

Begin your task, whether it is to write, shop, create, speak, etc.  When done, mentally release your teacher. Thank him or her. Next time you need him, it will become easier to connect.

One day, you will find those attributes have become part of your own persona.

All are one in the universal consciousness. All knowledge is free and all minds are linked. To access this, you need only open yourself to the idea, and receive. Recognize also, that private thoughts are just a shared illusion.

You can be who you want to be.

Friday, October 2, 2015

What Jesus Didn't Say

Thank God Jesus didn't say:

 'Those who live by the gun die by the gun.'

What would a nation become if they had to turn their backs on the words of Jesus?

Would it become a godless nation, one in which armed citizens live in fear and paranoia, ready to kill or be killed?

Would anyone care for the poor, sick or hungry?

What did Jesus actually say about the poor, sick and hungry?  'As you do for the least of these, you do it also for me.'

Without these principles, it's each man for himself.

Thank God Jesus never said he embraced non-violence or socialism.  He just praised those who gave selflessly.

He only said this, 'Love one another as I have loved you.'

He said, 'He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.'

He foresaw this day when his words and principles would become twisted and an excuse for evil doing.

How have such beautiful words and sentiments become an excuse for poisoned, selfish thinking, hate and violence?  This is surely the work of evil.

The forces of dark and light have prepared their sides.  The wolves have disguised themselves as sheep.  They wear the cloth of light, but speak words of hate. 

Do not be fooled.  As always, you can judge them by their fruits, the fruits of their actions. 

Do they show mercy, love and compassion?  If not, you know what is in their hearts and you cannot trust their hands to do good.

The false prophets are many, not just one.  They sit in the pews next to you professing their love of God, but condemning their fellow man, his children.

The forces of light and darkness are preparing to battle, for your soul.  It is not the earth that is at stake.  Beautiful planet of life that it is, it is worthless if it cannot be shared with love amongst all.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Dreams come in waves of mind. Our companion the moon causes waves in earth's seas. The ocean of consciousness is stirred by great forces and we slumber as caressed by the waves of thought pulling us down into the deep.

He sleeps just a little bit longer. His awakening will stir you from this dream of cares and wants. The greater consciousness will arise.  All minds shall be lifted! But tis always another dream. You dream now. You think yourself awake.

Each layer of mind is dreaming it's own dream. All within the mind of God.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meeting Jesus

"He embraces the true principles of Christ," I said.

"Have you ever met Jesus?"

I realized, 'Yes. I have...'

A sarcastic comment is the impetus behind today's mind-boggling thought. What seems perfectly normal to me may be incredible to you.

Yes. I've met Jesus.

I've spent time with him on the astral plane. He teaches small groups on that plane.

He's visited my occasional dream to impart an important message.

He teaches me.

I was there at the time of his crucifixion.

I've read several versions of the story of his life, not just the official canon.

I've seen the face of Christ in meditation. It pours forth waves of Love.

I can honestly say I've met Jesus.

Mother Teresa also said this. She saw Jesus in the face of each suffering child she cared for.

Today I know I am blessed.

I want to share that blessing. To know him is to be open to his message of Love, compassion and selflessness. It is to be willing to learn. Open the mind and heart and start the journey. He will hold you in his arms and welcome you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Heart

The Yin and the Yang perfectly illustrates the relationship of humanity to higher consciousness, the Collective.

There is an element of each in the other.

So, the higher consciousness represents the totality of knowledge and intelligence, and a core of empathy. Man, the lower consciousness has the capacity for boundless love, but only a token intelligence on the conscious level.

The human mind functions in a state of disconnect from the Collective. It is damaged by fear, greed, anger and all the lower human emotions. As consciousness elevates, access to higher mind illuminates intelligence. Higher and lower consciousness merge and once again function as whole.

The Collective is nothing without the heart of man. Man is nothing without a purpose.

Love is the answer.   Love is what heals all. The heart and mind may rejoin as one when the heart is healed. To become vulnerable again, to feel, to care. This is the core of compassion. This is why all the power of mind is nothing without the Love of God.

Love's vulnerability is it's strength.


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The children of men came here to suffer. It was the price of heaven they thought.

The suffering is of a scale that cannot be measured. It exists on all levels, in the mind, of the body, of the heart and the emotions.

When given the chance to end another's suffering, we think first of our own. Selfishly, we wonder what the cost will be to extend humanity. Yet we came here to suffer, and it exists all about us.

Of course you do not believe this. You think you do not want to suffer.  But you also Believe you have sinned. You must be punished. You believe in punishment. Forgiveness must be earned you think, or at least bought.

There is an equal and opposite action for every reaction. That's how you see it.  It's a line on a graph and in the end the line gets pulled straight and there is no action no reaction.  It's all just mind.

Your suffering is a consequence of something you thought about a long time ago.  Are you done punishing yourself yet?

Saturday, September 12, 2015


It took only 14 years for some Americans to forget the horror of 9/11. Now they want everyone else to move on. I choose to remember. I remember the people I used to know who lost their lives that day. I remember the place I used to work which has been erased from our lives. I cannot return to that place yet because I cannot bear to see the hole in the ground or in my heart that it left. This may be over for some of you but it is never going to be over for some of us. I choose to remember because I want to remember the place and the people I knew. I will never forget them. And on 9/11 I will always have a heavy heart. I am an American and I have every right to feel this way because this is personal to me. It is something I lived through. 9-11 is a day of mourning and remembrance in America. If you don't like that maybe you have to get over it.

Let others mourn in peace.

Yes, I had worked at the WTC. For 20 years before 9/11 I had nightmares about this tragedy. I could never understand the images I saw, the falling buildings, the masses of commuters unable to leave the city, and following all that the many American flags that I saw waving in my dreams.

But I knew I was terrified of the twin towers, and I avoided them. By 9/11 I was working in midtown.   I saw what happened through the windows of the skyscraper I worked in. It felt like my dream had escaped from my head and I had lost control of it. It was surreal. We evacuated the building and I walked around New York for most of the day trying to find a way home. Finally I realized that in my dream I took the train home, and I walked back to Penn station.  At 3 PM the trains started running again, and my friend and I and thousands of other commuters packed ourselves aboard a New Jersey transit train and escaped from New York.

No I will never forget that day. Please don't ask me to. I've forgotten too many things in my life, and I never want to forget anything again.   When we try to erase the pain by deleting the bad memories, we also forget everything that was good. We carve away pieces of ourselves.  I choose to remember, because I want to be whole. When we bury a memory, it cannot heal. It festers within us. So every year America opens the wound of 9/11. We take off the bandages and air out our pain. America is trying to heal. It will take longer for some of us than others.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Orbits - and the Persona

There are some people with very strong personalities or consciousness.  Others can be drawn into their orbit, and find themselves unable to pull free.

Marie felt herself being pulled into Daniel's orbit.  It felt like a spell, like if she did not resist, she would soon be lost.  She did not believe in spells, and she did not want to resist.  Daniel had a charm, an aura that most people could not resist.  He could talk almost anyone into doing anything. 

Over the years, Marie realized this about Daniel, and she became very afraid of him.  By the time she broke free of his orbit, much damage had been done.  He had ruined her finances, her self-confidence, and her mind.

Marie also noticed Joe's consciousness had a strong pull.  Her psychic abilities became very powerful around both men, and she could actually feel Joe's mind, his pull.

The main difference between the two men was that when she was away from Daniel, she feared him.  When she was away from Joe, she missed him.

Marie explained this to Joe, and he agreed to help her.  She had decided to run, so Daniel could not find her again. 

The Collective had told Joe that Marie's husband would find her, and that he could not stop this.  He did not share this with Marie.  Perhaps he thought he could change things.  He could not change her destiny.

Read a free sample of Doing Time on Earth

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Good Samaritan

2000 years ago he gave us this message:   It still applies today, to our neighbors next door or over the border.

Luke 10:25-37New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a];and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]
28 “You have answered correctly,”Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself,so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”