
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Teleporting 2

Part 2 - Teleporting

In Part 1 we discussed the Atom. We also noted that Time slows down and then stops at the speed of light. This is early 20th Century science. Physicists have also given us The Uncertainty Principle, again first postulated in the early 20th century.   Modern Science runs its computers and electronic technology based upon this principle.

It is the principle of not knowing, of consciousness intermeshed with matter, and an acknowledgement of the true matrix of reality.

At the core of nature, the smallest particles cannot be observed, without the observer affecting the observation.  This has led to the most bizarre conclusions science has ever made, that matter is affected by ... consciousness.

As a conscious experience, and realizing that consciousness affects matter, teleporting then is a matter of adjusting time.  Physical reality responds to belief and expectations; it reacts to the knowledge of the observer.  The observation (knowledge) of the observer, affects the action of the sub atomic particles.

Here in the realm of cause and effect, also known in the Light Heavens as the realm of Time, our speed of Time is set at a much faster speed than in the Light Heavens.  Remember, that in the Light Heavens, being a world of light, Time would of course be slowed down.  Teleporting there is much easier, since the particles of a light body would be much more responsive to thought.  The Time lever here requires a much stronger belief in order for physical matter to respond.  Time races by here roughly 600 times faster than Time in the Light Heavens. 

Teleporting, which is simply a matter of believing you are somewhere else, is harder to learn here in the realm of Cause and Effect and Time. It takes a strong mind and unwavering belief to bend the consciousness of matter to the mind of man. Few have done it - consciously. Everyone has done it unconsciously.

Begin by strengthening your mind. Study and practice the Imagining techniques of Neville Goddard.  Some of these are discussed in my previous blogs. Neville Goddard understood the mind/matter connection, as did Jesus Christ, and other enlightened thinkers. They used it to bend reality, which is all consciousness, to their will. The Christ understood that there was a higher Will, and he respected this Will. Respecting the Highest Mind puts one in the power loop, and makes one a cohesive part of the Collective Consciousness.

The Collective is introduced in my book Doing Time on Earth.

- Cat

End of Part 2 - Teleporting

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