We all know of someone, maybe a politician or religious figure, or perhaps a cult leader with this ability to persuade others beyond reason. Hitler was one. Remember Waco? Or, how often have you heard the phrase 'don't drink the cool aid!'
Your personal magnetism and your personal sphere of influence are like waves of gravity pulling in or in some cases repelling others within your range. It works something like gravity, the larger masses pulling in less expanded personalities to their orbits. This can work to your benefit, in the case of someone with an evolved mind or consciousness, such as a great spiritual leader.
We each have it, a sphere of influence. It is more than your words that accomplish this spell. Your persona, your personality, your thought waves, your emotions all contribute to your power wave.
Emotion is a powerful transmitter of the thought wave, as is belief. These are the mechanics of what feels like a spell and may as well be called one. This is perfectly natural and part of the human condition, the evolutionary direction of our powerful minds. However, this energy can be positive or negative. When you sense a negative energy pulling you in, while you still have the power to resist, you need to clear out of that energy field. Don't walk, run! Once you are under its influence you are at a serious disadvantage. If it is a good energy, an uplifting vibration, then you are safe in that orbit. Let it uplift and heal. Draw inspiration from it.
Our mission here while Doing Time on Earth is to expand our consciousness and our sphere of influence, to be a positive influence upon our fellow man.
Learn about spheres of influence in The Circle of Infinity.
- Cat
Click here to view The Circle of Infinity
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