
Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Stuff We're Made Of

Air may appear ubiquitous, but try leaving the earth. You'll find it a scarce commodity.

Telemetry is ubiquitous when you consider all things are connected and thus communicate.

Consciousness is a continuum.

There are lines of thought which are not just the medium of communication, but the very substance of our existence.

These Thoughts are primal. They are True and fixed.

They are the hard-coded backdrop to our existence.

Imagine the Thoughts flowing, all aligned neatly and vertical, endlessly.

There are Other thoughts. Yours and mine. These flow in waves, and generally along a horizontal plane.

Now imagine the perfect Thoughts running vertically and what happens to the pattern when your temporal, ever-changing thoughts are superimposed. Your thoughts cut across the Thoughts; they create line segments. Broken lines, segments of thought. This is Time.

Our temporal reality, the world of relativity, is the effect of massive thought patterns, criss-crossing the pristine backdrop of eternity.

To help you see this, think of the Eternal Thoughts that don't change like the hardware of a computer. The temporal thoughts have two classes, the software programs, and the user data, formulas and input.

When things are working properly with our computer, we save our work. When things don't go well, we start over or sometimes reboot. This is analogous to reincarnation, as well as social memes which drive the culture.

Understanding the truth about time, what it means when we say it is relative or not constant, comes to this: Time is an effect of change. The conscious universe reacts on a quantum level to mind. This creates change, time and space. The thoughts creating change are not permanent, thus their effects are temporal.

This is the key to understanding Time and Space.

Masters of the realm of Cause & Effect are Masters of Time.

He who masters the mind, masters time.

This is why Time stands in discrete blocks, which stand alone, or are connected, depending entirely on the way you think about it.

This explains the Collective's statement: Life is Endless. Consciousness is a Continuum.

You can't see through the dense fog of our maze of thought, until your mind is strong enough to discern the Eternal Truths from the temporary impulses.

When you can tell the Truth...

The Truth will acknowledge You!

- Cat

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