He worked miracles, healed many, and taught many great lessons.
Here is another:
When Jesus prayed for himself, to let this cup pass, Jesus was clearly told 'no.'
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to be relieved of his mission.
He was told to give himself over and in the end, Jesus went one step further, he forgave those who hurt him.
Only then, was Jesus able to rise above his own troubles.
He had to first pass through the valley of death, to show the triumph of life and love.
There are so many lessons in the story of the life of Jesus Christ.
So many times, I wonder what I am doing wrong, when it seems my prayers are not answered.
That is because sometimes, I focus on my own pain, and forget that others are hurting too.
Have I been praying for myself again?
Did I ask what I can do to help someone else?
Pray for God to have mercy on your friends, so you don't have to hurt for them.
And trust that He will take care of you too.
If the people you love are ok, doesn't that make you feel much better?
That is how you raise consciousness, by raising spirits, your own and your circle.
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