It is amazing to watch the heart-wrenching stories of travelers locked in our airports, so close to freedom, yet denied access to the land of liberty. What a small and mean nation we have become. Yet, we see many heartless people who have no thought for the people crying at America's door.
It is these people with no mercy whom I address in today's topic. It is impossible to reason with people whose hearts are hardened by fear, and their minds closed. They lost the battle for their souls, and care only for their flesh at this point. They know not what it means to be an American.
America is a land founded in revolution, in the name of Liberty. America is a land of immigrants, where every creed and religion is welcome.
Yet a small group have seized power, against the will of the people. Their fears have become law.
Those who can extend compassion in the face of their own fears have grown in this life. Those who capitulate to fear have lost.
It is not an easy choice, but in the end there is only one way that affirms life.
Do unto others as you would have done to you. Would you have the gate closed in your face? If not, then keep your door open.
You cannot change the minds of the people who have lost all reason.
You cannot change another's thoughts, but you can examine your own.
We all have a choice to make.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. --FDR
The calling for courage and compassion today is even greater than before. Today we live in a time when our leaders are running scared.
Let every man and woman stand up and have the courage to shine America's true principles. Let us speak up for Liberty.
Explore the realms of expanded consciousness, and vision with me. -- Cat, Author: The Doing Time on Earth Series
Monday, January 30, 2017
Sunday, January 29, 2017
For all we know Jesus may be out there now, a young middle eastern lad denied refuge in the land of liberty. For those who believe in the second coming, this is why we are told to expect an angry man.
Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
- Revelations
And in the words of Jesus Christ:
Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Don't you wish Trump were Truman, and this were just a TV show.
We could watch in horror as he blows up the world, checking in each day to see what fresh new disaster he thinks up, as though it were the soaps.
It would be like the SNL version of West Wing.
Then, we could turn off the TV, cook dinner and get on with our lives.
Of course, we hired a guy who does a reality TV show to be the leader of the free world. Who's been watching too much television?
Maybe it's time to start reading a book, or the newspaper, and not just the gossip section or the horoscopes.
On the other hand, in a universe of alternative facts, one fact is as good as another, until you run out of road.
So the polar ice caps are melting. So what if the land of liberty just became a racist refuge. Don't worry that the Chinese are so incensed with our boorish President that they've moved their ICBMs within striking distance to our shores. Don't let those silly scientists worry you by moving up the doomsday clock.
When the bell tolls midnight, you will be safely home with your locked doors...keeping out whatever tragedy envelopes the world. It can't affect you in your delusion.
We could watch in horror as he blows up the world, checking in each day to see what fresh new disaster he thinks up, as though it were the soaps.
It would be like the SNL version of West Wing.
Then, we could turn off the TV, cook dinner and get on with our lives.
Of course, we hired a guy who does a reality TV show to be the leader of the free world. Who's been watching too much television?
Maybe it's time to start reading a book, or the newspaper, and not just the gossip section or the horoscopes.
On the other hand, in a universe of alternative facts, one fact is as good as another, until you run out of road.
So the polar ice caps are melting. So what if the land of liberty just became a racist refuge. Don't worry that the Chinese are so incensed with our boorish President that they've moved their ICBMs within striking distance to our shores. Don't let those silly scientists worry you by moving up the doomsday clock.
When the bell tolls midnight, you will be safely home with your locked doors...keeping out whatever tragedy envelopes the world. It can't affect you in your delusion.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
White Light!
White light contains all the colors of the light spectrum. It's a homogenized rainbow!
It is the color of purity, and virginity.
Thus white is the symbol of the women's suffrage movement. If you see a lady attired all in white, she may be showing her support for equal rights or women's rights, including the right to vote and hold office.
When viewed through a spectrum, white light breaks down into the colors of a rainbow.
Thus the rainbow is a potent symbol of unity with diversity. It is a reminder that we are all one people, and yet individuals.
In addition to being a biblical symbol of God's covenant with man, it is a spiritual symbol of awakening, and the symbol of the LGBT movement.
The rainbow is a reminder that we must respect and honor one another. If even one color were missing from that rainbow, the combined light would no longer be clear or white. Imagine what the world would look like without clarity.
Only when we are One and Whole will we be able to see properly and conduct ourselves with Grace.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."[38] Thus, whatever happens on any level of reality (physical, emotional, or mental) also happens on every other level.
As above, so below - Hermeticism
It is the color of purity, and virginity.
Thus white is the symbol of the women's suffrage movement. If you see a lady attired all in white, she may be showing her support for equal rights or women's rights, including the right to vote and hold office.
When viewed through a spectrum, white light breaks down into the colors of a rainbow.
Thus the rainbow is a potent symbol of unity with diversity. It is a reminder that we are all one people, and yet individuals.
In addition to being a biblical symbol of God's covenant with man, it is a spiritual symbol of awakening, and the symbol of the LGBT movement.
The rainbow is a reminder that we must respect and honor one another. If even one color were missing from that rainbow, the combined light would no longer be clear or white. Imagine what the world would look like without clarity.
Only when we are One and Whole will we be able to see properly and conduct ourselves with Grace.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, is: "That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."[38] Thus, whatever happens on any level of reality (physical, emotional, or mental) also happens on every other level.
As above, so below - Hermeticism
Watergate was about the same type of crimes as Russia-gate. It's a matter of time before this administration is toppled for its crimes.
It's too bad the protests and highly successful women's marches across the globe will not get through to "him" nor to his thickheaded followers. There has been a coup d'état. That is what we must understand in order to take appropriate action in the face of this sickening crime.
It is time for tough investigative journalism, and for our CIA and FBI to do their jobs and bring this new administration to criminal justice.
It's too bad the protests and highly successful women's marches across the globe will not get through to "him" nor to his thickheaded followers. There has been a coup d'état. That is what we must understand in order to take appropriate action in the face of this sickening crime.
It is time for tough investigative journalism, and for our CIA and FBI to do their jobs and bring this new administration to criminal justice.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
The Devil's Bridge
The Devils Bridge is a half circle or half moon, which reflects its other half in the water below. It is said to make a perfect circle combined with its reflection. People argue it is not perfect and I say the devil is in the details, because it makes them argue. The water level and camera angles affect one's perception of the image and so sometimes it does not look perfect. Some people claim to see the devil's face as they gaze down from the bridge.
Our world is a reflection of another world, and our time travels in circles. The circles of action arc back upon themselves and close us in to patterns. Changing anything disrupts the pattern and moves the circle into coils. This is time and change, or their pattern. In physics we see particles move in a wave pattern, but they are actually coils, for science does not see what occurs behind the manifestation. They observe particles blink in and out of manifest existence and track their movements in a wave pattern. Behind the veil of consciousness the particles travel and their full pattern is a circle or coil, as is the pattern of all things.
These observations can help you understand the patterns of your life.
This is what the Circle of Infinity is about. Please tap or click the link to read more from my book. Thanks!
Friday, January 20, 2017
The Foolish Dance while America Cries
I cried today for America.
Living here, I always thought what a great country she was.
Inspired by her ideals of liberty and justice for all, I loved this country.
Today, I saw a side of America that is truly ugly. Today I saw racism and misogyny and greed win out over liberty and justice.
Today I watched as the voices of millions of Americans were drowned out by the voices of hate and division.
America, you are not the lady I thought you were. I cried today for your lost honor and I cry for my lost country.
Tomorrow, I will pick myself up and continue to fight for my country. I don't expect the people who voted for hate to learn from their mistakes. Because I believe in God, I do believe this horrible mistake, the election of a fraud and a liar and a tyrant, will be corrected and we shall overcome.
Those who dance today shall fall tomorrow.
It is foolish to expect people to stand by like sheep while their civil rights are systematically stripped away. It is foolish to assume that this affects others and not you.
It is foolish to expect people to allow themselves to be ruled by a fraudulent election. This has been a coup d'etat. It is foolish not to expect revolt.
It is foolish to dance when others shed tears.
It is wrong to destroy private or public property. And so too it is wrong to cheat people out of their votes and their rights to self-governance. This is what happens when Americans lose faith in the system. Today, I cringe when I think of the despicable people and the underhanded means used to rob us of our government. This will not end well. To think it can is foolishness.
Living here, I always thought what a great country she was.
Inspired by her ideals of liberty and justice for all, I loved this country.
Today, I saw a side of America that is truly ugly. Today I saw racism and misogyny and greed win out over liberty and justice.
Today I watched as the voices of millions of Americans were drowned out by the voices of hate and division.
America, you are not the lady I thought you were. I cried today for your lost honor and I cry for my lost country.
Tomorrow, I will pick myself up and continue to fight for my country. I don't expect the people who voted for hate to learn from their mistakes. Because I believe in God, I do believe this horrible mistake, the election of a fraud and a liar and a tyrant, will be corrected and we shall overcome.
Those who dance today shall fall tomorrow.
It is foolish to expect people to stand by like sheep while their civil rights are systematically stripped away. It is foolish to assume that this affects others and not you.
It is foolish to expect people to allow themselves to be ruled by a fraudulent election. This has been a coup d'etat. It is foolish not to expect revolt.
It is foolish to dance when others shed tears.
It is wrong to destroy private or public property. And so too it is wrong to cheat people out of their votes and their rights to self-governance. This is what happens when Americans lose faith in the system. Today, I cringe when I think of the despicable people and the underhanded means used to rob us of our government. This will not end well. To think it can is foolishness.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Day old Bread
When tempted to break his resolve, to eat, when he had been fasting, Jesus advised:
Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word uttered from the mouth of God.
Jesus was known to speak in parables. His words had deeper meaning for the mind to digest.
Our words can heal and feed those around us with love. They can also do the opposite if our mouths are allowed to utter destructive words.
Learning to control your tongue is a step towards learning to control your mind and your outlook.
So too Jesus demonstrates that his mastery over his mouth had a duality.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
For most, money and the need to earn it, represents livelihood, everything from buying food, paying rent, paying bills and if they're lucky maybe saving for retirement, emergencies, and the occasional vacation.
Then there are the 1%
The money they have far exceeds their needs for food, shelter, education, retirement and security for themselves and their families.
Yet they are driven to obtain more.
The driver is power.
Even in giving, there is power.
Having attained that power, what do the 1% do with it?
Do they create opportunities for others to enjoy better lives? Do they create charities, educational institutions, open parks? Do they embrace the arts and support our culture? Some do.
Then there are those very wealthy people who cheat business partners and employees. They ruthlessly work to deprive the underclasses of a livable wage, just to improve their profit-margin and thus control more wealth, to wield more power. They are addicted to power. They use it to hoard wealth. They show little remorse or compassion to their fellow man.
They can't take it with them. They live in the best houses, wear fine clothes, and enjoy the best of everything. They use and exploit people. Simple creatures suffer under them, and Mother Nature is destroyed in the name of short term profits. They live in great wealth.
But in spirit these folks are morally impoverished.
It is said Money cannot buy happiness. But poverty is the shame of the wealthy.
Those who could have helped humanity and instead helped themselves, they are the lowest class of all. They have gained nothing in this life. They shall be the saddest souls in the next world.
If you have an abundance of anything, work, money, love, then you are hoarding it. In all cases you must learn to share.
Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
- Jesus Christ
Then there are the 1%
The money they have far exceeds their needs for food, shelter, education, retirement and security for themselves and their families.
Yet they are driven to obtain more.
The driver is power.
Even in giving, there is power.
Having attained that power, what do the 1% do with it?
Do they create opportunities for others to enjoy better lives? Do they create charities, educational institutions, open parks? Do they embrace the arts and support our culture? Some do.
Then there are those very wealthy people who cheat business partners and employees. They ruthlessly work to deprive the underclasses of a livable wage, just to improve their profit-margin and thus control more wealth, to wield more power. They are addicted to power. They use it to hoard wealth. They show little remorse or compassion to their fellow man.
They can't take it with them. They live in the best houses, wear fine clothes, and enjoy the best of everything. They use and exploit people. Simple creatures suffer under them, and Mother Nature is destroyed in the name of short term profits. They live in great wealth.
But in spirit these folks are morally impoverished.
It is said Money cannot buy happiness. But poverty is the shame of the wealthy.
Those who could have helped humanity and instead helped themselves, they are the lowest class of all. They have gained nothing in this life. They shall be the saddest souls in the next world.
If you have an abundance of anything, work, money, love, then you are hoarding it. In all cases you must learn to share.
Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
- Jesus Christ
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
How to Act
A reaction is what happens when you don't intend to take action.
When you are under stress, you may try to maintain your composure, and maintain the status quo.
What happens when the situation reaches your breaking point?
That is when you failed to take the opportunity to Act.
Instead you React!
That is when you make disastrous mistakes.
To be proactive, consider early in this process what you want to do if the stressful situation continues. If you become unwilling or unable to maintain the status quo, what is the smartest course of action?
In the heat of the moment, or perhaps before it gets to the boiling point, you will have a plan.
The time most people think of that brilliant plan, is after the fact. You can change the course of your life, with this measure of self-control. Better to control yourself than let others be your master.
Remember Act, don't react!
When you are under stress, you may try to maintain your composure, and maintain the status quo.
What happens when the situation reaches your breaking point?
That is when you failed to take the opportunity to Act.
Instead you React!
That is when you make disastrous mistakes.
To be proactive, consider early in this process what you want to do if the stressful situation continues. If you become unwilling or unable to maintain the status quo, what is the smartest course of action?
In the heat of the moment, or perhaps before it gets to the boiling point, you will have a plan.
The time most people think of that brilliant plan, is after the fact. You can change the course of your life, with this measure of self-control. Better to control yourself than let others be your master.
Remember Act, don't react!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
The Spell of an Evil Man
It felt like a spell. Even though I don't believe in such things. That's what I thought. It felt like a spell.
I felt myself being pulled into his orbit, and I knew I could resist. But I didn't want to.
He bewitched, bewildered and controlled me and ruined my life.
The biggest breakthrough happened one day when he was gone and I realized I was relieved he was gone!
I ran away because I knew he controlled me, and all was calm until he found me again.
I never could truly be free until I could face him and say it. Let's get a divorce.
He was enraged. I was very afraid.
But the worst nightmare of my life was over.
I had learned to control. Me.
I had finally dealt with him.
I felt myself being pulled into his orbit, and I knew I could resist. But I didn't want to.
He bewitched, bewildered and controlled me and ruined my life.
The biggest breakthrough happened one day when he was gone and I realized I was relieved he was gone!
I ran away because I knew he controlled me, and all was calm until he found me again.
I never could truly be free until I could face him and say it. Let's get a divorce.
He was enraged. I was very afraid.
But the worst nightmare of my life was over.
I had learned to control. Me.
I had finally dealt with him.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
The Diagnosis
His marriage(s) mean nothing to him. Why should his marriages mean anything to me? Nothing is sacred to him. He only cares about money.
America sold out to the promises of a lying con man, and our economy, and national security will suffer. Perhaps if people valued education, and practiced common courtesy America would already be great, and not so stupid as to expect a lying, cheating con man to fix the problem.
This man has a mental illness, a borderline personality disorder, a condition which seeks ego gratification at the expense of others, and the symptoms of which cause him to pit people against each other by telling bald-faced lies. He is a type of sociopath, and now his illness will be a giant wrecking ball with an international stage.
Now that you know what you are dealing with, look it up, and don't be fooled again.
America sold out to the promises of a lying con man, and our economy, and national security will suffer. Perhaps if people valued education, and practiced common courtesy America would already be great, and not so stupid as to expect a lying, cheating con man to fix the problem.
This man has a mental illness, a borderline personality disorder, a condition which seeks ego gratification at the expense of others, and the symptoms of which cause him to pit people against each other by telling bald-faced lies. He is a type of sociopath, and now his illness will be a giant wrecking ball with an international stage.
Now that you know what you are dealing with, look it up, and don't be fooled again.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Hold onto Your 🎩 America
This is just the beginning. First they came for my health insurance, then they came for our civil liberties, then they came for my neighbor...
What do you think about the Republican Congress meeting in the middle of the night to repeal the Affordable Care Act? If what they're doing is right, why don't they do it in broad daylight?
How does it make America great, to take away peoples' health insurance? What if they can't get other insurance? What will they do? What's going to happen to Medicare and Social Security under these ruthless Republicans?
This is not government for the people and it's not by the people, because most of us did not vote for this. The ACA was not perfect, but at least it was insurance and it covered people when they had accidents or got sick. Take that away, and you will have uninsured people who can't pay their medical bills. They will either become financially ruined or will get turned away from the hospitals without care. They either die, or they become a burden to society. This is an uncaring and unfeeling way to govern.
What do you think about the Republican Congress meeting in the middle of the night to repeal the Affordable Care Act? If what they're doing is right, why don't they do it in broad daylight?
How does it make America great, to take away peoples' health insurance? What if they can't get other insurance? What will they do? What's going to happen to Medicare and Social Security under these ruthless Republicans?
This is not government for the people and it's not by the people, because most of us did not vote for this. The ACA was not perfect, but at least it was insurance and it covered people when they had accidents or got sick. Take that away, and you will have uninsured people who can't pay their medical bills. They will either become financially ruined or will get turned away from the hospitals without care. They either die, or they become a burden to society. This is an uncaring and unfeeling way to govern.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Welcome to the Delusion
Everything you hold dear, every concept, each possession, ideal, and being or thing, this is what makes up your world.
At some point you've looked around and realized others are not seeing things the same as you.
You may have thought they were delusional.
Each creature sees a different world. An animal sees dinner in your garbage. A pet sees freedom and adventure outside your door, when you see danger.
People see beauty in art or nature, where others see profit. Some ideas are seen as regressive, while others see prudence. Your progressive desires are threats to some. Some people you may dislike may actually agree with you politically, but be disagreeable!
The difference in our thoughts is due to perception, which is subjective in a relative world. Our worlds also reflect our development of consciousness, and this in turn affects our experiences.
Try as you may, you cannot change this. Each person's thoughts are their private domain, and to interfere with this would only destroy them. They must evolve on their own, or not.
This is the law of individuality and the principle of choice. Your frustration with others is a life lesson. You must learn to respect their individuality, and remove first the plank from your own eye, for you too dwell within the illusion.
At some point you've looked around and realized others are not seeing things the same as you.
You may have thought they were delusional.
Each creature sees a different world. An animal sees dinner in your garbage. A pet sees freedom and adventure outside your door, when you see danger.
People see beauty in art or nature, where others see profit. Some ideas are seen as regressive, while others see prudence. Your progressive desires are threats to some. Some people you may dislike may actually agree with you politically, but be disagreeable!
The difference in our thoughts is due to perception, which is subjective in a relative world. Our worlds also reflect our development of consciousness, and this in turn affects our experiences.
Try as you may, you cannot change this. Each person's thoughts are their private domain, and to interfere with this would only destroy them. They must evolve on their own, or not.
This is the law of individuality and the principle of choice. Your frustration with others is a life lesson. You must learn to respect their individuality, and remove first the plank from your own eye, for you too dwell within the illusion.
Friday, January 6, 2017
In The Garden of Mind
The natural state of consciousness is Oneness.
The garden of mind produces the fruits of thought. These fruits are shared.
The open minded share thoughts and perceive thought.
The enlightened see thought, all as one, in the pool of mind.
When thought is private, we cloak our consciousness. We devolve into separateness.
Self consciousness replaces omniscience. The mind of God is behind that closed door of consciousness.
In the Light Heavens, thought is projected and visible. This is the state of the lower heavens, where we are helped to recondition to shared consciousness.
Upon rebirth, we may experience enhanced telepathic abilities and increased psychic experiences, due to this gradual reconditioning of consciousness between each life.
The initial trauma which caused our separation from Oneness will take many lifetimes to heal.
The garden of mind produces the fruits of thought. Our thoughts are like weeds and may not enter the Garden. The practice of meditation, temporary cessation of thought, prepares the mind to receive. Revelation, the reception of higher thought, occurs in the silence.
You may facilitate your healing through this process. When you learn to control your thoughts, you may enter the Garden.
(Click here) What did Cat see in the Light Heavens:
The garden of mind produces the fruits of thought. These fruits are shared.
The open minded share thoughts and perceive thought.
The enlightened see thought, all as one, in the pool of mind.
When thought is private, we cloak our consciousness. We devolve into separateness.
Self consciousness replaces omniscience. The mind of God is behind that closed door of consciousness.
In the Light Heavens, thought is projected and visible. This is the state of the lower heavens, where we are helped to recondition to shared consciousness.
Upon rebirth, we may experience enhanced telepathic abilities and increased psychic experiences, due to this gradual reconditioning of consciousness between each life.
The initial trauma which caused our separation from Oneness will take many lifetimes to heal.
The garden of mind produces the fruits of thought. Our thoughts are like weeds and may not enter the Garden. The practice of meditation, temporary cessation of thought, prepares the mind to receive. Revelation, the reception of higher thought, occurs in the silence.
You may facilitate your healing through this process. When you learn to control your thoughts, you may enter the Garden.
(Click here) What did Cat see in the Light Heavens:
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
That Cat
We sat in Nona's kitchen, my little brother and I.
The old house had a tiny kitchen with faded wallpaper of hideous squares with patterns that looked somewhat like cliff monsters to my child-mind. It had an old sink and tiny stove and a little frigidaire.
Mom had brought us to visit our Italian grandma. Now she shuffled over to the frigidaire. Nona had offered us lunch and we had accepted. Our ancient grandma dragged her heavy legs across the floor while we children sat and watched. Mom stood there watching. Nona's feet shuffled as her slippers scraped the floor, carrying her heavy body. She wore a floral house coat and elastic stockings to keep her varicose veins at bay. Now reaching the refrigerator, she opened the door.
Our mouths dropped in astonishment as Nona opened the frigidaire and out strolled her little cat, a light red tabby. Not the least bit upset at being locked up in the refrigerator, that cat walked out of that frigidaire like this happens every day. Our eyes were glued to the cat as we watched what happened next!
Nona never saw a thing. Her eyes were dulled by heavy cataracts, and she went on to take the salami out of the frigidaire and began to shuffle toward us, one heavy step at a time.
We watched in fascination as she pushed the cat along, one leg at a time, as Nona shuffled laboriously to the table. She could not feel the cat, and with each step Nona shoved the little red cat forward against her thick elastic stockings.
Now that cat had finally had enough! She dug her claws into Nona's legs and through the heavy stockings! Aaaaaagh!!! Nona shrieked in pain, her eyes widening.
The cat scampered off, and Nona rebalanced. She continued her journey to the table.
I said it first. 'I don't feel like lunch anymore.' Little brother agreed.
Nona was unhappy.
Now mom started to explain in Italian. I could only pick out a few words...'Gatto'....'frigidaire'....
I love you my Nona. As promised, I never forgot you. ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Cat 🐱
Check out my newest book: Two Short Stories for two tales about love and magic.
Learning Life Lessons
SOME LIFE Lessons play out over many decades.
You may wonder why some things that cost you dearly happened.
You may be blind-sided by a sudden truth that you had ignored.
You weren't really looking.
You will never forget that experience, or make that mistake again.
Reality can be a bubble of your own choosing.
How do you escape a closed circle?
Every bubble bursts some day.
The secret is they all give way to a larger bubble.
These are the secrets of the Circle of Infinity.
You may wonder why some things that cost you dearly happened.
You may be blind-sided by a sudden truth that you had ignored.
You weren't really looking.
You will never forget that experience, or make that mistake again.
Reality can be a bubble of your own choosing.
How do you escape a closed circle?
Every bubble bursts some day.
The secret is they all give way to a larger bubble.
These are the secrets of the Circle of Infinity.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
The Stranger Within
You are charming, gentle, and kind. Always thoughtful and easy-going. You are a beautiful person, inside and when I look upon you I see your outer beauty, handsome and masculine. God has truly blessed you.
You are my ideal man.
One day, I made a terrible mistake and I lost you. It is the tragedy of my life.
I saw another side of you, a man who was loud and angry. He was frightening, and knowing that I hurt that beautiful soul ripped my heart and tore my soul apart. I apologized and you did not understand that I was already gone. And I ran away, forever.
You could never find me, for I had ceased to exist without you, my love.
You became a stranger.
We each have facets to our persona. The one loves, the other hurts. Never let the stranger out. He is not you.
Never let him wear your face. Never give him your voice.
You would never give him your hand, never let him raise a fist.
Never let your loved ones see him, for he is not you.
The stranger dwells within each human heart. You sometimes think he speaks for you. You learned a long time ago, never to let him act for you. For he can do much harm.
Never make that mistake. It's consequences are karma. Anger that is released will bring a lifetime of karma. This is true even of words.
The stranger dwells within. He is not you. Never let him wear your face.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Take a Look Inside
Learn to like yourself. Otherwise, don't expect anyone else to.
Looking back on your deeds and your day, how did you handle the pressures, choices and people.
Were you kind, principled, fair?
It's not whether you win or lose each battle. Rise above your daily battlefields and see the terrain from a new height.
Step outside your immediate situation and realize that most of the time, things work out eventually. Was it worth it to snap at your wife this morning or do you wish you left her with a kiss? Should you have fumed at your husband today, or told him it's ok, everyone makes mistakes. Did you tell your son or your daughter you love them? No? What message did you give them?
Tonight and tomorrow when you look back at your choices, your actions, your words, will you see a kind person or an angry one?
People may misjudge you, but eventually truth always comes out. How will you handle your friends when they've made a mistake? Will they remember you're angry and be afraid to approach you? Will they realize you were always kind to them and miss your friendship?
Every moment of your life defines and reveals who you are. If you don't like you, who will?
Can you love that man or woman in the mirror?
Sunday, January 1, 2017
New Years Prayer
Good morning and Happy New Year dear friends!
A new year is like turning the page to a new chapter in the book of your life.
What will your chapter title be? What do you want to write there this year?
At year end what new changes do you want to see?
As you start day one of your new year, it is fitting that it is a holiday and your family surrounds you in the bosom of your home. May I suggest you write the first sentence with them and for them. How can you show your family you love them?
The human mind breaks down time into separate chunks of reality. Each time you pass through a doorway, your mind starts a new paragraph, closing out the experience of the other room. This is why people forget why they walked into a new room.
It really helps to write down your expectations as you step into a new year. It will add focus to your mind and purpose to your year.
I will start:
I pray for you and your family and friends and their family and friends.
We are all One, sharing one world, so we must include everyone in our prayers.
I pray that your new year brings joy, wisdom and love to your door. I pray that each of us walks in light and grows in charity, kindness and empathy.
I wish you a good year full of many blessings.
In the spirit of this greeting, I will share this message publicly and privately. It is meant for one and all.
With love,
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A new year is like turning the page to a new chapter in the book of your life.
What will your chapter title be? What do you want to write there this year?
At year end what new changes do you want to see?
As you start day one of your new year, it is fitting that it is a holiday and your family surrounds you in the bosom of your home. May I suggest you write the first sentence with them and for them. How can you show your family you love them?
The human mind breaks down time into separate chunks of reality. Each time you pass through a doorway, your mind starts a new paragraph, closing out the experience of the other room. This is why people forget why they walked into a new room.
It really helps to write down your expectations as you step into a new year. It will add focus to your mind and purpose to your year.
I will start:
I pray for you and your family and friends and their family and friends.
We are all One, sharing one world, so we must include everyone in our prayers.
I pray that your new year brings joy, wisdom and love to your door. I pray that each of us walks in light and grows in charity, kindness and empathy.
I wish you a good year full of many blessings.
In the spirit of this greeting, I will share this message publicly and privately. It is meant for one and all.
With love,
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