
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Welcome to the Delusion

Everything you hold dear, every concept, each possession, ideal, and being or thing, this is what makes up your world.

At some point you've looked around and realized others are not seeing things the same as you.

You may have thought they were delusional.

Each creature sees a different world.  An animal sees dinner in your garbage.  A pet sees freedom and adventure outside your door, when you see danger.

People see beauty in art or nature, where others see profit.  Some ideas are seen as regressive, while others see prudence.  Your progressive desires are threats to some.  Some people you may dislike may actually agree with you politically, but be disagreeable!

The difference in our thoughts is due to perception, which is subjective in a relative world.  Our worlds also reflect our development of consciousness, and this in turn affects our experiences.

Try as you may, you cannot change this.  Each person's thoughts are their private domain, and to interfere with this would only destroy them.  They must evolve on their own, or not.

This is the law of individuality and the principle of choice.  Your frustration with others is a life lesson.  You must learn to respect their individuality, and remove first the plank from your own eye, for you too dwell within the illusion.

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