
Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Kiss of Judas

Judas must you betray me with a kiss?

Somehow, I don't think Jesus was Intolerant.

Think of the affection between these men, and the pain of losing their friendship.

Love one another as I have loved you.

These were his words to his disciples.

There was no homophobia.  There was no shaming.

There was acceptance, love, and faith.

There was forgiveness.

There was compassion.

Do unto one another as you would have done unto you.

Judas is the man Jesus called friend.  He was called upon by God to do the most difficult job of all save Jesus himself.  Without that betrayal, the story could not come to its gripping end.  He suffered with it, and harder to comprehend than love between two men, is the love that would cause one man to sacrifice for another.

Jesus knew his end from the beginning.

Why any God would ask such a sacrifice is as incomprehensible as why any man would make it.  Yet love is the answer.  For love and with love all things are possible.

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