Reality wavers between the manifest and potentiality. The Leviathan hidden in a sea of thought is a mental monster, oppressing each of our subjective realities. It is the fear of looking foolish, of trusting your innate sense over a sea of facts.
I'm not against science, but I must ask why is it that they reverse themselves every year or so? Surely if their truth isn't always truth then it was never truth.
Newton's science was not Einstein science. And as science progresses, particularly when it comes to the realm of physics, it draws ever closer to conclusions known years ago by the earliest mystics. All consciousness is one; everything is one. You can disagree, but it has been known since about 1920 that all manifested reality is responsive to consciousness. This has been proven in the physics lab. Therefore all reality is relative and subjective.
Truth is a constant if it is to be Truth at all. However, Truth hides obliquely in our manifest reality. So science plods on, overturning yesterday's truth for a better, newer truth of today.
Like everyone else, you are free to live in your own little thought bubble. Nothing happens unless you know it. A million suns can be born, light the skies and die, but without the illumination of knowing, who can say they ever did exist?
This is not a philosophical question. It's not if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it make a sound. It is not does the light turn off in the refrigerator when you close the door if you don't see it. Literally, reality changes itself based on observation. This is our reality.
It's truth is hidden in the recesses of your mind. It is the truth you won't look for, and won't see, because you have become accustomed to looking without for truth rather than within.
Read more:
The Circle of Infinity
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