
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Good Deed Goes Unpunished

You’ve read the adage ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’

The concept goes back to biblical times and before.  We’ve noticed that the universe seems to reward our generosity with spite.

This is of course because we seek credit for it.

Knowing this I recall once doing a needed favor for a friend knowing full well I would reap misfortune.  I did it anyway.  I couldn’t think of a way to do it anonymously.

I wasn’t as clear on this concept then as I am now.

Every action begets an equal and opposite reaction.

So why do good and reap evil?

Only one power negates this effect.  The power of Love.

A mother is expected to care for her children.  Her love does not provoke ire.

A stranger is not expected to provide for another.  His actions provoke the universe.  It’s unnatural and will be punished.  The most extreme example is Christ sacrificing his life because he dared show us his love.  Yet his love saved him for it is the most powerful force in our world.

So yes, I was moved to help a friend.  I’d do it again.

I’ve suffered consequences from each sacrifice I’ve made to help another.

Sometimes I forgot to consider myself.  It’s unnatural and it’s caused suffering to myself and others.

Those times, I punished myself and the universe didn’t have to.

So do good because you care and not for credit.  You may suffer anyway, but at least you will be able to live with yourself.

When you do good, you relieve a measure of suffering. According to the law of karma, the suffering must be paid for elsewhere.  We read of gurus who take on a measure of someone’s karma in order to help them. Now you see anyone can do this in the manifest world.  We may not have the same degree of understanding as a guru, but we all have the capacity to help and love.

A simple example: do you have some relatives in need? The holidays are coming. Could you help them out, and would doing so mean one or two less Christmas presents under the tree for you and your family? What really makes you feel better.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

The Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving here in America by sharing their food and company with their neighbors.

The native Americans had shown the pilgrims how to survive and grow crops.  These people braved the harsh journey across the ocean to find religious freedom and a better life.

The grateful pilgrims shared their bounty with the natives who had helped them and started a tradition of Thanksgiving.

Let us remember that spirit of gratitude this year and remember to share what we have.  Sometimes that means sharing a smile, or a kind word.  Sometimes it means checking in on your neighbor or calling an elderly relative.

Sometimes it means helping out at a food pantry or soup kitchen.  And when modern day pilgrims show up at our door, let us remember the look in their eyes when we tell them America is closed.

There are no more lands of opportunity.

As you sit at your table this Thanksgiving, be grateful for having all you need to eat, and people to share the meal with.  Not everyone was born into such abundance.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Peaceful Religions

The question posed today:

If Christianity is such a peaceful religion, why is so much violence done in its name?

I believe there is a distinction between studying theology and reading the original holy works.

Even so, each religion has a historical record of war, or violence.

Some embrace conflict or war, calling it Duty.

Christ embodied the spirit of Forgiveness.

The Old Testament and the Torah had plenty of conflict, and those conflicts continue to the present day.

Hinduism speaks of rising above the battle, but in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna teaches the necessity of battle as a part of Duty.

Even Christ took a whip to the money changers who had defiled his temple.

There is also religious persecution, as happened to the early Christians, the Jewish people, the Mormons, and just about anyone now who is not part of the mainstream religion in their country of residence. The US is hardly an exception to this as it has become xenophobic, and religiophobic.

So let’s look at these two levels of consciousness: The level of the Battle and the Level Above.

Krishna would have us do our Duty no matter how sickening, but in our spirit remain true to Love.  As depicted in the Bhagavad Gita, only then would the Gates of Heaven open.

Christ laid down his life to illustrate this lesson, and simultaneously showed mercy as he prayed for those who crucified him.  He lived and died the principle of Rising above the battle.

So why did Ghandi say:

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I could point out that the Christian Bible was assembled from many different books during the Councils of Nicaea going back to 325 AD.  There the church fathers decided which books were to be included and others rejected.  There are accusations of editing and book burnings from that time.  I myself have read an alternative gospel which makes Jesus even more divine in terms of character but also more human.  It is clearly impossible for the average man or woman to aspire to such purity.

So the story of Jesus may be somewhat edited.  Some learned people have suggested that Jesus may be a composite character, and that there were several enigmatic characters from that time whose stories merged.  That could explain why one Jesus had a whip and the same man allowed himself to die like a lamb for his principles.  One gospel has a single, meat-eating Jesus, another unfavored manuscript tells of an angelic child for whom flowers sprung up at his feet, who heals small creatures, and who later married and arrived too late to save his own wife.  This widowed Jesus was vegetarian and died because he broke Jewish law when he refused to sacrifice the lamb for Passover.  To me, the gentle animal-loving Jesus makes perfect sense.  He was a zealot, a rebel, and pure of heart. His life was difficult but he had compassion for others.

Today’s Christians are taught that Jesus died for them.  They expect their lives to be protected and blessed by Him, and they expect to go to heaven because his death paid for their sins.

These are clearly two different stories.  Jesus’ life was an example.  If you don’t learn anything from it, you didn’t rise above the battle.  You are here because God wants to see YOU in action.  It’s not going to be easy.  You need to show your real character, and when you see you have fallen short, own it and try to be the best version of yourself.

So many Christians are unlike Christ because they don’t know him. The Council of Nicaea argued the question of Christ’s divinity.  A divine Christ who washes away the sins of the world with his blood takes away guilt and sin, and Christ did believe in Forgiveness.  It also takes away personal responsibility for one’s behavior.

Christ forgave everyone:  That is true, but it is theologically taken out of context.

From the agony of the cross, Christ looked upon those who had done this to him, and uttered the words ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.’

This is your lesson, expect forgiveness, but you should also expect consequences.

Christ suffered here on earth and rose in spirit above the hate and above the horrific reality.

Today as in every age we have choices to make.  We have ourselves to feed and protect, we have those we love.  We have others, even those we perceive as enemies to deal with.  Every choice, every action is measured in that it affects us all.  How you treat your brother is how you treat God’s children.

So Mother Teresa said she saw the face of Christ in every crowd of impoverished people, and she lived to serve them.

        I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve because I love Jesus.
Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Real Thoughts

Since Einstein, science has grappled with the troubling evidence that Time and Space may be an Illusion.

Now that man is finally thinking outside of the box, he begins to look within to what is real.

Einstein knew:  It is always Now.  You move in the present.  Always in the Now.  That is the only real time.  One instant.

You are always Here.  Wherever you may be, your core reality is always centered. You may think about Bermuda, and dream of your youth, plan for retirement, but you are always in one place and time, in the here and now.  When you die, nothing will have changed except your perception of reality.

You are always You.  You will be looking at reality from this side of the veil, or from the other side.  You will have a lighter body, but these bodies are not you.  You will still know you are you.

There is only One time, place, being. This is our One Truth.  Unity is recognizing the mirror.

All else is the illusion of change.

Nothing you can grasp in this world is real.  It is all here today, gone tomorrow, and so are your feelings, thoughts, and one day your body.

‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away.’

That is the distinction Jesus drew between temporal reality and Truth.

Truth is always.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The New Civil War

I always thought myself a moderate.  I can often see both sides of an issue.

For example, it irks me to see Colin Kaepernick kneel for the national anthem.  However, I can deal with it, because I’ve dealt with perhaps a modicum of the discrimination that he, or his friends and family have so I try to understand his frustration.

I read Jim Carrey’s statement today, and I must say I had no idea the man was more than just a brilliant comic.

“He’ll stand for the anthem when the anthem stands for him,” Carrey said of Kaepernick.

I don’t travel a lot, but even I have noticed the difference in the same network’s news as I travel from North to South and from East to Southwest. We’ve all noticed the slant from network to network. The news you read and watch is often not the whole news, and is often skewed to influence your opinion. If you go to dubious sources for your news, then you increase the risk of being controlled by outright smears and becoming a victim of overzealous political ideology.

To quote myself, earlier today:

‘ I actually think all of us are being influenced by the media, not just one political side.  If we aren’t careful, the opposing voices are going to cause a civil war.  As you say, we need logical dialogue.  My message reflects my opinion that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  This applies to both political parties because they both run amok when their power is unchecked. ‘

That is why it’s time for a change, again. We have stopped moving forward.  To have a good balance of ideas we require a good balance of power.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Cloaking Mechanism

This is about Consciousness.

Consciousness is a continuum.

You are not aware of this.  You have cloaked your awareness behind a veil, a dark sheet that separates your mind from the Collective mind.

You are not alone.  Were you to but open your mind, you would perceive all thought in your surroundings.

Each veil of darkness is an individual decision.

Your isolation hides your mind, much as dark shades hide the light.

There are many kinds of connections.  Minds can engage directly or individually.  Each mind is part of a collective.  The Collective is part of the greater whole.

You open yourself to outside sources, some of which are much more powerful than you.

Your blindness protects you from harm, from the brighter lights.

To safely open your mind to higher consciousness, you must first align with your Collective.

These are your counsel of higher mind.  These will protect you at all cost.

Thus when you open your mind to receive you must also be prepared to shut down when harmful rays are present.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Truth be Told

You’re a wonderful liar.

Every brain wave and each thought emits a frequency.

Each one carves a path of light.

You won’t admit, even to yourself that you’re a liar.

The true thoughts are canceled out by the false.

The opposing waves or frequencies of light cancel out.

Your problem is you don’t like the truth.

You suppress it and issue opposing thoughts to hide it.

False thoughts are negative and overshadow you.

You want someone or something you believe is wrong.

Do you say it? Do you go after it?

Do you give yourself permission to be you?

You don’t want to hurt others. So you keep yourself in a cage.

It is impossible to go through life without living.

You must eat and something must die.

When do you ever pick you? When is it time to be you?

Your light is truth.  Don’t emit a false pattern.

Say who you are.  Be who you are.

What of those people who’s truth is ugly?

Are there not ugly people?  Are they to be banished?

When they let the poison out of their well, will the unicorn purify them?

If you want to be ugly, then you will be ugly.

Let your darkness out and say your truth.

See how it feels.  Then decide what is true.

When you emit a pattern of light, that light returns to you.

Thus the golden rule, treat others as you would be treated.

The life you create is your own.

With every word you speak you are talking to self.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Witch of Endor

The Hebrew Bible speaks of the witch of Endor, who raised the spirits of the dead, including that of the prophet Samuel.

Witchcraft has been around since before Christianity.  It is a spiritual practice and we all know what it is to pray.  Their incantations are their expressions of hope and acknowledgement of the spirit world.

We should all know what it is to be misunderstood, which is surely what happened to Jesus who was put to death though he committed no crime.  Is not that what happened to the accused witches of Salem?

Jesus had no time for dishonest government officials.  He doesn’t know them, and if you don’t know that, you don’t know him.

Jesus would be among the first to stand with the witches, for a witch is a wise woman.  She is an elder in her community or an old soul.  She is spiritual and she can understand patterns of light and darkness that are nothing but shadows to you.

In Honor Of The Modest Man

Sometimes God selects people to do a job that they don’t seem to be most qualified to do.

In the Bible this is true of Moses, a stutterer who was chosen to speak for the liberation of his people.

The Bible also speaks of the sealed book that cannot be read by the literate man, and neither the  unlearned.  That places both men at an equal disadvantage.  And so the unlearned prophets came to be shown the future revelations that formed two new religions.

Great things can come from unexpected people.

Not only great religions, but great examples of self sacrifice and humbleness can be learned from the most modest of men.

I speak here of my father:

He worked hard, tirelessly,and there was more honor to it than those who were all words.  He wasn’t a talker.  He quietly went to work each day, working two and sometimes three jobs to support his family.  He never finished high school but he taught me to respect his labor and I honor his service to our family.  He was a poor man, who served his country and sent home his pay to support his own mother and siblings when she became a widow.

We hear many tales of the destructiveness of some men and women, and it’s time we spoke of the good that is done in the world by modest men and women who get up and serve us each day, by quietly supporting our society and their families.  Their good work is not gone unnoticed.  We are here because of them.

This is a thank you to my adoptive father.  He is gone but never forgotten. 18 years ago he went to heaven.  His life reminds me of these words by Jesus Christ:

“many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:30)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Best Commentary I’ve Seen Yet on this Sad Sack President

"In my life, I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye and and say, "And we shall overcome." I saw Richard Nixon resign and Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over. I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise and Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc, and Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVeigh's madness in Oklahoma City. I saw George W. Bush struggle to make sense of it all on September 11, 2001, and I saw Barack Obama sing "Amazing Grace" in the wounded sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

These were the presidents of my lifetime. These were not perfect men. They were not perfect presidents, god knows. Not one of them was that. But they approached the job, and they took to the podium, with all the gravitas they could muster as appropriate to the job. They tried, at least, to reach for something in the presidency that was beyond their grasp as ordinary human beings. They were not all ennobled by the attempt, but they tried nonetheless.

And comes now this hopeless, vicious buffoon, and the audience of equally hopeless and vicious buffoons who laughed and cheered when he made sport of a woman whose lasting memory of the trauma she suffered is the laughter of the perpetrators. Now he comes, a man swathed in scandal, with no interest beyond what he can put in his pocket and what he can put over on a universe of suckers, and he does something like this while occupying an office that we gave him, and while endowed with a public trust that he dishonors every day he wakes up in the White House.

The scion of a multi-generational criminal enterprise, the parameters of which we are only now beginning to comprehend. A vessel for all the worst elements of the American condition. And a cheap, soulless bully besides. Watch him again, behind the seal of the President of the United States. Isn't he a funny man? Isn't what happened to that lady hilarious? Watch the assembled morons cheer. This is the only story now."

~Charles P. Pierce

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Takedown of America

By the time the Trump administration finishes its first term, liberty and justice will be as perverted as our new Supreme Court Justice!

Those who refused to vote in opposition to these oppressive politicians will now be forced to fight for freedom.

By stacking the court, the crimes of these soulless political hacks will go unpunished.

All branches of government, and the FBI are now seized and there may be no way to remove these people from office.

Playing Russian roulette with your vote has destroyed the dreams of many Americans.

I am speaking to you false Democrats, your zealous idealism has wrought this.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Knocking at the Door

Have you ever been afraid to knock on someone’s door?

Were they angry with you, and you came to make amends?

Were you coming to apologize?

What if you were blasted at that moment?

The very moment you were trying to be most sensitive and reach out someone hit you with the red hot lava of boiling anger.

Shakespeare tells this story of a newlywed husband Othello, who in a rage murders his bride, thinking her unfaithful.  He was wrong, and no amount of remorse can bring her back to him.

The scarring of such behavior kills both parties to a relationship and Othello takes his own life.

When you knock on a door, you take your chances.

Your higher mind stands behind the door to your consciousness.  He too may be angry.  Carl Jung found frightening monsters to slay or befriend behind his door.

The famed psychiatrist wrote it all down and had the courage to face his inner demons,

What do you have locked behind your door ?

Who are you really?

Dare you find out?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Miracle of the Sun

The lights whirled about and grew closer, larger.

All was peaceful and comforting until suddenly they swooped in upon me.

The intensity of the light was too much and I lost consciousness.

At that moment, the Collective light was the only conscious presence in my mind.

This is the pattern of a supernatural visit.

May I offer this as an enlightened explanation of the miracle of the sun.

The people of Fatima saw what they believed to be the sun as it emerged from behind the clouds.  It whirled loose from the firmament, put on a dazzling light show and mesmerized the people.  But only the enlightened saw this.  The sun swooped in and the intensity became almost too much before it returned to the heavens.  This is the miracle of the sun.

In my case, this was a visit from the Collective.  Their light did not halt and retreat until they had completely merged with and overwhelmed my consciousness.

The pattern is as a tsunami of light, with a swift influx and then departure of brilliant light.

I can imagine how amazing the miracle of the sun must have been to those good souls who were rewarded with this supernatural visit from the Lady of the Rosary.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Whirling Dervish

I’ve surmised for many a year that there is an element of Truth in each religion.

I embarked upon a mission to connect them, find the the Truth that links them.

Some years later I was rewarded with the memories of my time in the Light Heavens.

The Light Heavens

One thing I remember is sharing my gifts with the world by whirling several times and pronouncing those attributes to be shared.

I watch the Sufi dervishes and almost cried as I recognized their dance as a devotion to the One creator.

These mystics came to a realization of the whirling through their own path, but recognized it’s Truth!

They knew long before the astronomers that their dance represents the dance of the universe, whirling in harmony to God’s vibration!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Edgar Cayce and the Collective

Edgar Cayce, once known as the sleeping prophet, is long dead.

His quotes cannot be changed.  They were spoken in the manner of the King James Bible.  His words were spoken from a deep trance and were the product of his subconscious and our collective consciousness.

He was a man who read the Bible once for each year of his life.  His words were influenced heavily by his reading. His education was limited but his words were profound.

He also provided healing and dietary advice while in his trances.  In some cases, his treatments advanced the understanding of modern medicine.

As a youth, I was interested in reading the Bible and studying religion in general.  Like Cayce, I decided to read the Bible a multitude of times.  At that time, I did not have what is called Faith, but I was curious about the effects reading the Bible had on Cayce.  I studied the Bible for years.

That is how I came to meet the Collective.  I was already psychic and prone to clairvoyance.  The Collective blurred the line between my world and theirs.  That is to say, they did not adhere to the boundaries between them.  It’s only fair, as a psychic, one enters the world behind the 5 senses.  The spiritual world then enters through the same open door.

Their power is immense.  This is the connection Cayce had made.

According to Neville Goddard, the texts and stories of most religious works are planted and written to stimulate the expanded consciousness of the reader.  He claimed it does not matter at all whether the stories are true.  They are archetypes.  This did not sit well with me when I first read it.  Now that I am aware that reality itself, including Time and space are an illusion, I understand that everything we experience is an opportunity to grow.  It’s the connection between us that grows, somewhat like a neural network.  The more we learn and experience, the more valuable our connection becomes to enhance the Collective unconscious.

As that collective experience becomes conscious to you, you become an awakened member of the Collective.

I invite you to read my book The Circle of Infinity
(Amazon let’s you peek inside for free.)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Lies of Omission

You have a good thing going. You’re happy.

Life is good, but then he says something that leaves you...wondering.

You don’t ask about it.  You don’t want to rock the boat.

He never knows you doubt his feelings.

He disappears without a word, and you tell yourself you are a fool.

When he shows again you tell him you cannot see him again.

You didn’t know you broke his heart.

He didn’t know he broke yours.

You didn’t ask.  You didn’t want to know the truth.

You couldn’t bear to think about it.

That’s a lie.

When you pretend to be happy and you’re not.

The truth does not just matter when you speak.

The truth must be spoken.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Birthday America

America has faltered many times.  She is a shining star, an ideal put through the messy reality of life.

America was born with this ideal:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

America has faltered many times.  She has lost her vision when it has become clouded with human error.

Greatness is her birthright.  It is the hope of embodying the beautiful words that created America that provide the seeds to her glorious potential.

She has inspired many:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

America the beautiful is a land of religious freedom, equality and opportunity.  That is it’s birthright.  That is it’s greatness.

America has faltered many times. She has lost sight of her ideals.

This is one of those times.  Happy Birthday America.  You belong to the world.  You are a shining light of freedom.

The oppressed keep alive with hope of America.  The enlightened are inspired with hope for America.  Happy Birthday to the land of the free.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Our World

Let us divide the world in half.  The East with its lofty spirituality and enlightenment, and to the West economic prosperity.

We find the lack of interest in the material and the squalor of India vs the lack of humanity and the spiritual emptiness of America.

These extremes produce various shades of grey, a reflection of emotional and cognitive dissonance between the two ideals of self vs humanity.  In other words a variety of offshoot cultures abound with different mixes of these opposing ideals.

Both systems of thought produce their slums, their repression, their anger.

Confronted with the opposing culture, there is a perception of threat to one’s way of life.  The conflict begins in the mind, because the values held dear are in conflict.

Sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me.  These are words that we cannot ignore when the poor are standing at our door.  Some open the door and their hearts.  Others wonder aloud at the lack of industry of such populations, and think first of their own comfort.  They close the door and their hearts.

This is the cognitive dissonance experienced in the western world toward the less fortunate.

The spiritually motivated people’s or cultures heed the divine callings for these words resonate with their mental and emotional self.  Those living in such cultures who do not resonate with such selflessness develop their own dissonance toward the world.  They chafe at the lack of material reward and resent the decadence of the West.

Even within these cultures there is a clash of Will due to the polarity of the material and spiritual ideals.

Most of us recognize that politically, economically and personally we need to strike a balance.  Often what is good for One is good for all.  It is said that a rising tide affects all ships.

A little empathy and charity can go a long way toward mending broken hearts and broken dreams.  A reasonable amount of caution is also a reality.  I think we can find a new balance, find a way to work together, recognizing that every life is worth saving and every mind, every child needs protection.

We have hardened our hearts because the two ideals have become so polarized, the self vs the world, the us vs them.  We are one world.  The reality is, if we try to divide the world, it and we cannot survive.

We are One World One People
We are Whole

Let’s start the healing process and make a change.  The first step starts with you.  Speak peace into the world.  Be an example of righteousness, compassion, grace, Christ in the world.  You may never know how many minds are inspired by your selfless acts. Be the best you can. You can do it!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The “Right” Way to Immigrate

The Right now is parroting ‘My Family came here the Right Way.’

They came here legally with papers and stuff.  They are legitimate Americans because they or their parents came here the right way.

How nice for them.  How privileged they are to have been granted the opportunity to have a better life.

This is America, a country that believes in doing things the Right way, and ignores things like the way the land was taken away from its original inhabitants, the Native Americans.  Too bad they didn’t think to ask the pilgrims for their paperwork.

America overlooks the way some people were brought here the Wrong way, as slaves aboard slave ships, and sold naked to the highest bidder to be forced to work the land.

So this is a continuation of doing things the Right way, the do as I say, not as I do way.

America the land of hypocrisy and Right wing intolerance, shaming the desperate people who come here to save their children because they came here without paperwork.  The reason you came here the Right way, and did not resort to desperate means, is because immigration law for the entire history of America restricted people by race to annual minimums so that Asian and black people would continue to be a minority.  If you are the Right kind of people, you get a Get out of Jail Free card. Welcome to America where we say all the Right things, but do as we please.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Rejection and the Emotional Body

We all deal with rejection at some point in our lives.  Most of us are big enough to absorb the loss and the emotional pain, and we move on.  We continue to care about others and care for them.  We continue to be open to relationships of all kinds.  We continue to nurture, build and create relationships with friends, lovers and family.

Many of us know someone who cannot function this way.  We know someone who we see regularly but who never really seems to care about anyone.  We are all just characters in a scene to that person. We play our parts, co-worker, acquaintance, neighbor, but we cannot really build a relationship with him or her.  He never lets us in.  She never makes time to get to know us.  They aren’t interested in our lives and we know that.

We think they are cold, distant, maybe even selfish.  They know they are all alone in their world.  But they don’t know why.

The persona is comprised of different faculties, or bodies of influence.  The intellect has its realm, the physical body and spiritual body or soul also have their domains, so too the emotional body has its being, function and purpose.

Like the physical body, when the emotional body is battered, it recoils, may become wounded, injured, and need time for recovery.  If repeatedly or seriously injured, the emotional body may become incapacitated.  I liken that to a coma.  In such a severe case, the intellect is left alone to deal with life issues it is entirely unequipped to understand.  The injured personality knows she cannot relate, but she does not remember a time when she could relate to people.  The emotional pain is hidden behind a door that cannot be opened.  She is lost, confused, and numb. He will not open that door again because his weakness lies behind it.

Such is the damage with extreme rejection.  The personality has no capacity to withstand further rejection, and it recoils, refuses to engage again, until it can heal.  This process can take months, years, or a lifetime.

There are many forms of rejection.  Mothers and fathers reject their children.  Lovers reject their mates.  Siblings and family turn their backs on one another.  Friends break up.  All sorts of relationships end.  We carry the bruises with us and take a chance every time we open our hearts and lives to a new friend.  Consider the losses some people have endured and compare them to your own.

A broken heart needs time to mend.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Self

The much maligned ego, the sense of Self, does it have a point?

The difference between you and me and us or them, but beyond, when we are one with our World or stand apart.

Run amok, the ego self aggrandizes.  But at its most transparent, it is but a realization of one as a member of the whole.  A point of light in the shadow of the sun; then it is visible.  It’s light is not lost but joins its brotherhood in brilliance when they shine together.

It’s a question of light.

For God divided the lesser light of the night from the greater light of the day, to guide us in times of darkness.

The ego shines alone when our world turns dark.  It is then we are reminded that we carry the light within.

It is a point of light, nearly massless, with neither width nor breadth, but it’s light casts in all directions.  And light calls to its brothers and it shall never be alone for long.

The ego is one.  One of many or one as in first of many.

Every point in the universe is it’s Center.  That is God’s Miracle.

We are all One.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Time for You

Time is Endless.

And yet we experience only a piece of it.

Our earth time cuts eternity into time segments.

Life is Endless.

But we experienced it on earth in years, Time Segments.

Time is the perception of Change.

You cannot have one without the other.

Eternity is changeless perfection.

Infinity is endless Time.

Time does not run out, it turns back on itself and rewrites history.

Time exists in an infinite pattern of loops and it’s themes are replayed in the form of life lessons.

You cannot escape a loop until you learn its lesson and change the pattern.

You cannot escape Time because as your circle of influence grows, you are always in another pattern.

You are in The Circle of Infinity.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Time Machine

The madman possessed a Time Machine.

He used it to move people back and forth indiscriminately, through time.

They found it, the ancient Machine, and practiced using it, and moved a boy who was in the wrong place to the wrong time.

The people saw him appear mid air on his skateboard.  They made a statue toward him.

Going back in time to meet themselves, but they did not speak, for fear they would wreck the future.

They saw each other and kept walking.

The boy needs to be found and brought back to his time before he notices he is gone.

Only another trip through time will resolve that.

They don't know how the Machine works, only how to push the buttons.

This is karma.

Only the madman knows how to unravel it.

Who Let the Cat out?

I feel bad for Meghan Markle.  Unfortunately, I know how it feels to have your own family embarrass you on your wedding day.  How very noble of Prince Charles to step in and walk her down the aisle.  Meghan’s own father and brother seem unable to handle being related to a celebrity.  The one tried to cash in and the other felt the need to destroy his sister’s character in a nasty letter to her fiancé.

I don’t delve into celeb gossip, but her sad family does hit close to home.

I’ve had similar problems.  

So how does one live it down after saying or doing something deplorable?

Prince Charles has had his own mistakes played out in the public eye.  He knows well how messy life really is.  It takes time to recover people’s respect and trust after you have made a bad mistake. Unfortunately, some people don’t know how to move forward.

They want to forget, and they assume everyone else will play along.

Maybe you misspoke, or got drunk and trashed someone’s wedding, or got angry and scared someone away.  Did you do something you really wish you hadn’t.  You made a colossal mistake.

The wrong thing to do is play it off like no big deal.

There are hurt feelings involved, maybe resentment, maybe anger, maybe even fear.

You need to face what you did and who you did it to.  Apologize. Then give some time and space to the victims of your bad behavior.

The next move is not yours.  You then need to wait for the grace of God to step in and move your friends and/or family to forgive you.

Next time, you can and will do better.  Next time you have to forgive someone, remember this.  If you lose your temper, it is you who may damage a relationship beyond repair.

I feel bad for Meghan.  Her family has wounded her.  But I’ve moved forward.  I still have an emptiness where certain people used to live in my heart.  I have new friends and family to love as well.  

When people won’t acknowledge their mistakes, it is not possible to move forward with them.  

It’s a lot easier not to make a mistake than it is to clean it up.  Once the cat is out of the bag, it must be acknowledged. How you treat people in this situation says volumes about who you are.  Be as kind as humanly possible.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Reality Among the gods

Your reality is what you see.

What you see is your reality.

What came first, the reality or the vision.

The Light Heavens removes that mystery.  You see exactly what you think.

It is neither wrong nor right.  It just is.

So long as one sees exactly what one thinks, vision is nothing but projection.

As a child of God, no one may tell you what you think.  You are sovereign in your domain, your realm of consciousness.

On earth, your senses sometimes speak of your environment and sometimes they are deceived.

Your mind has never breached the clouds.  You see what you think, always.

This is your mind.

To see beyond...your to acknowledge the entire Kingdom, the realm outside your sovern domain.  This is just ... more reality.  It is always your choice what you see.

That is the lesson of the Light Heavens to the children of God.

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Negative feedback can easily create negative feelings.  A correction therefore need not be an admonishment.

It’s best to wait for any negative emotions to subside before addressing said concerns.  When a calm and rational approach has been decided on, its then best to wait until the incident recurs, as they usually do.

In this manner, the other person, child or animal understands best the reason for correction.  You keep mindful at all times that you are correcting a mistake and not delivering a punishment.

Most people and creatures love to please and be appreciated.  You can facilitate supportive relationships by communicating simply what is needed and then showing gratitude when that is delivered.

Emphasize the positive, what you need, versus what was done wrong.

Example:  Thanks for doing this.   I really appreciate your help.  Unfortunately, we needed it done this way and had to have it redone.  Consider it a learning experience.  Here’s what to do next time.

Example:  You’re right, I don’t understand this.  Please tell me what I need to know.

With animals a simple No when it makes a mistake and lots of encouragement and praise when it does the right thing 😊. The best way to teach a simple creature is through gentle repetition.

We all try our best and it’s disheartening to make a mistake.  A good way to judge a man’s character is to see the way he treats you when you’ve made a mistake.  To err is human. To forgive is divine.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


While we are on the topic of bad behaviors, let’s consider the high cost of incivility.

On both a global and a personal level , the raw anger, hatred and incivility is precisely why nations and neighbors cannot come to any accord.  Negotiations with terrorists and rogue nations are at best a ploy for time and at worst a foolish waste of time.  There is no peaceful answer.  Talks with your enemy don’t go any better.

Like a wound that festers bad relationships escalate into scarred bodies and lives.

It takes time for wounds to heal, as well as treatment.  During that process, the wound must remain covered and not disturbed.

Where an apology is not forthcoming, simple politeness and civility can allow festering tensions to calm.  With time, emotions subside and constructive talk may be possible.

This takes a willingness on all sides to work towards peace.  Only a calm mind can reason.  A calm mind sees that the brotherhood of man shares one home, One World.  Tanks and weapons of war are tools of destruction.  Outreaches of food and medicine and rebuilding are messengers of civilization and support.  

Extend your hand to your neighbor and keep your words civil.  You may never come to love your brother, but then again Miracles are where God takes the final step after you have walked the mile.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


To a degree of moderation alcohol can have a positive affect on health.

In excess it can kill.

Somewhere in between it poisons the mind and body.

We turn to it to take the edge off our day, to lubricate our social anxiety, and to kill the pain of mental or physical anguish.

Alcohol works it’s way into our lives as a crutch, and for some it goes no further.  They learn once what happens when they drink too much, and they control the beast.

For some others, the beast controls them.  They cannot go a day without it.  They function on the surface, but emotionally they are dysfunctional.  For any moment they are not busy, they must drown their thoughts in an alcohol abyss.

The next level is those who no longer function in society; their jobs, friends, families are affected to such an extent that relationships fail, ties are severed.  Beyond this is pure destruction.

Quitting is possible, if not easy.  Controlling the beast is a way of empowering oneself to understand what causes the dependence on alcohol.  Quitting does not solve the underlying emotional issue.  Quitting pulls oneself back from the final stages of alcoholism.

The underlying cause of alcohol dependency must be confronted to remove the power of alcohol over one’s life.  This is how one collars the beast.

Examine the root of unhappiness, what is missing in your life that your relationships, job and activities do not fulfill.  What thoughts are you hoping to drown?  You could see a therapist, but you know what truly saddens you.  You just don’t know how to make a change.

A lifestyle change is empty for you without a purpose.  Here is where you need to take time to think, without that drink.  What is it you need to fulfill your dreams.  When you think of your dreams, do you see your life now, do you see yourself overindulging, or do you see something else?  Now make a plan and give yourself a reason to make a change.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Idolize Not the Rich

It’s always been this way:  rich men getting richer off the backs of the poor and unfortunate.

Jesus said his reward is not in this world.

Today: our government and our media has been bought with money stolen from the poor and middle class.  This allows the rich to control knowledge, belief and law.  As this happens, social programs that build a stronger middle class are eroded and unfunded.  Education suffers and health declines.  This is the roof of a house undermining its own foundation.  Eventually, the house crumbles.

But those on the roof hear not the cries from the basements.  They look up to the heavens and enjoy the sunshine above.  We idolize them, wishing to be them.

Those who suffer below begin to think like them, reflecting their selfish lack-based ideology.  The wealthy do their best to defame those among them who give back because they fear of parting with one red cent to feed an orphan, or help the poor.  Believing that these privileged few are legitimate models for success, we emulate their thought and the world becomes colder.

Through this fear and lack-based ideology we create our own hell on earth.

Jesus had it right.   The true wealth is not in this world.  Everything here turns to dust.  Those who hoard it, like manna, will find it worthless after the big sleep.  All you can take with you is your character.

Character is what remains after each deed is done.  How you treat one another builds character, be it good or weak.  Watch a greedy man; he has learned how to accumulate wealth from the earth.  He has learned to fear poverty.  He believes he needs more, always more to survive.  He does not recognize that he has nothing if not the support of a thriving community.  Everything he has is perched atop a crumbling infrastructure.  He will not help support the very beams that hold up his house.

When those below torch the frame to bring heat, the home is gone.

Jesus invested in souls.  It takes time to learn that your brothers’ suffering is your own.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sending Thoughts

Thought waves travel through time and space.

They are not subject to the known laws of physics.

Thoughts travel forward and backward through time.

There is no message that cannot be sent.

Each Mind is a receptor and transmitter of thought.

Thoughts that are accompanied by emotion carry mass and can be felt physically, usually in the brain.

Highly receptive individuals can feel a charged thought in the atmosphere, and some can see them as well.

Bridging time and space to send thoughts requires mastery of the emotions.

Control of the mind to focus consciousness and eliminate emotion is required for thought to travel through timespace without the baggage of emotion and without the retardation of contrary thought waves.

Such control is exhibited by certain sages, gurus, avatars, some saints and occasionally by a spiritual adept.

If you receive such a message through timespace, it signifies that you are receptive and that a higher consciousness is involved and working on your behalf.  Congratulations.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Ascending Consciousness: The Beings of Light

The Beings of Light

When the collective is one with you, your minds are joined. They share their light with you and your intelligence and consciousness is elevated. If you were not able to control your emotions, and you disturb the collective pool, your consciousness will fall.

This is what happened to all consciousness, as it took on the burden of the emotional body.

The classic fall from grace is really just a bounce in consciousness.  Emotions add depth to our experience and quality to our life. As we learn to manage them to assure that they are a value-added experience, our consciousness will begin to ascend back to its original state.

When ascending consciousness, there are many strange things to encounter, and it is essential that you are surrounded by the beings of light so that your experience will be gentle.

Be sure to pray to the highest form of grace that you are able to conceive for guidance and wisdom.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Moral Failure

To be sure, we are not put here on this earth because we are perfect.

Each society, each culture, each civilization has had its failings and ultimate decay.

This is obvious when we look upon one another and so readily see the flaws.

In America, there is much pride in our country.  Yet our history books tell a tale of struggle for freedom and yet of a culture that enslaved another race.  So many confederate statues exist to glorify an ignoble war.  The truth is whitewashed by this false history. We don’t want to look upon this shameful past, but we are poised to repeat it.  The war may be over, the moral failure that led to the atrocity of one civilization enslaving another endures.

The Bible tells the same story, the paradox of a culture that struggles for freedom, and yet sees no wrong with making war to seize land, when it is blessed by God.  Isn’t that another form of whitewash?

Countless culture after culture has risen from principles and fallen to the corruption of human character.  We ignore the ugly truth of genocides, war-for-profit, and the death and suffering our selfishness and our greed and indifference imposed on others.  We hide our ignorance behind a veil of sanitized facts, so we can believe we are good.  This is how we face the world.

The people who communicate the unwelcome facts, such as the pollution of the earth, it’s waters it’s air, these are derided as troublemakers.  These are indeed inconvenient truths.

The problem with man is his mind.  He cannot be made to see the truth.  He may live in illusion for his entire life if that is his wish.

He sees what he believes.

This is why Christ has said:

‘Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.’

It is so easy to find fault with others.  You cannot change them.  You can only change the way you see them.

Click below:

What is: The Circle of Infinity

Monday, April 9, 2018

Tears of Christ

There are many reasons why Jesus wept upon learning of the death of Lazarus.

Surrounded by weeping mourners, Jesus found himself in the midst of a strong current of emotional energy.

He had delayed his arrival and arrived, seemingly too late, to heal.

This time he had something much greater in store.

He wept with compassion, for the energy around him was the catalyst for healing.

The energy was so great and the love so pure that Jesus channeled that into power.

All love comes from God, and we are the receivers and transmitters of that energy.

Advanced in Light, Jesus knew how to channel the energy.  He could see it.

His Mind spoke to it and He commanded Lazarus to hear it.

This was done as a lesson to the masses.

When He spoke to God, Jesus explained that he spoke aloud for those standing near.

He already knew God heard him, He said.

He explained this Miracle.

Jesus has said that when two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with them.  He said we shall do even greater things in His name.

This is the principle.  That was the demonstration.

Take note the crowd, the emotion, and the one Man of God.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Till the End of Time

That's how long I will wait

For you.

That's how long I will love you.

No mistake can outlast what we have.

The heart and mind are one.

We are one.

We are whole.

Love heals all.

Time crumbles before it's power.

There is no space between lovers,

And no Time.

Love is eternal.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Seeing Thoughts

Sometimes I can see your thoughts. Sometimes I can see your feelings.

It’s not always visual cues that you give me.

Sometimes I see things that you’re thinking about, and it comes to me like watching a video. Sometimes I see a graphic display of your emotions, and to me it looks like flowers or exclamation points, or a dark cloud.

Sometimes I see your thoughts written out in blue neon.

I don’t control any of this. It just happens.

When you wake up each morning, you become aware of your conscious world.  You remember your family,  things you need to do that day and in general your life. While you’re asleep, you have a distorted view of these things, and you remember or believe you are part of a different world.

These are different sections of consciousness. Your waking consciousness is on a different wavelength than your sleeping consciousness and thus you are aware of different realities.   When you are asleep, your brain waves are in a different state than your waking consciousness, and you become aware of things that you don’t see while awake. You become aware of other people’s consciousness, and that is what creates the bizzarre world of dreams, your thoughts and theirs merged together.

For people who have practiced merging different levels of consciousness, sometimes there is a breakthrough and they can see the thoughts even while they’re awake.

Some ways people practice slowing down the brain waves while they maintain consciousness would be meditation, mindfulness, or a method introduced by the famed psychiatrist Carl Jung involved shortened periods of wakefulness and sleep.  These techniques all serve to blend the two forms of consciousness, blurring the line that separates them.  However, I would caution that the Jung technique can be jarring.

Psychic abilities are not really that mysterious. They are your natural state when your mind is not so severely compartmentalized.

Are you interested in exploring consciousness?  Many psychic and religious experiences stem from changes to the brain, creating different brainwave states.  The rituals practiced by religious students of all different paths, such as praying and meditation, condition the brain to function at the more receptive wavelength.  My book The Circle Of Infinity explores the fascinating world of Mind and reality.  It’s available on Amazon and you can start reading it for free.  Here’s a link.  I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Turning the Other Cheek

The problem with forgiveness is the people who aren’t done attacking.

So you let it slide, be the bigger person.  The opportunists see you as a target, they come back for more.  You’re now an easy mark.

There are a couple of rules in life.  One is you don’t have to engage with baiters.  Once you see the game, it’s ok to hit the delete button.

Block them, walk away, ignore, etc.

Isn’t that better than sticking around to hear them say unpleasant things to you, or for you to say unpleasant things to them.  It’s their problem, no reason why you have to be dragged into it.

This applies in person, online, or with any form of communication.

Walk away and live your life.

If the problem is physical or criminal, then it’s time to remember that turning the other cheek wasn’t the only thing Jesus knew how to do.

He also knew how to make a point when things went too far.  In the temple, he turned over tables and drove out the money-changers with a whip.

Remember that next time.  Don’t apologize for removing yourself from any situation you don’t want to be in.  And don’t let people defile your temple!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Mission

The lamb is a symbol for the Christ.

Upon returning, we must look for that which connects to the past.

The name will be symbolic.

The age when he begins his mission, will it be 33?

The charismatic character will suddenly thrust upon the world scene.

Those worshipping the image of defilement will know their days are numbered.

They shall slay the lamb.

The mission shall be for 3 Years.

This time the lamb will prevail and will sit in judgment.

These things are set in motion since the beginning of time.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Sometimes you find you don't really belong with certain groups of people.

The time comes that you part ways.

That is good.

You are now free to be yourself.

They say birds of a feather flock together.

Time for you to soar to new heights!

Ta Ta!


Thursday, March 8, 2018


Whatever happened to the doctrine of states rights?  Both the senate and electoral college are structured to emasculate populous states like California.  As a result the minority-controlled federal government has now outright attacked the populous states and their right to self-govern.  The power of the people has been eroded by insidious gerrymandering, media manipulation and uncouth practices such as slander and character assassination by a severely unpopular Republican Party that has gone rogue and become as a cancer to our nation, undermining its very principles of government by and for the people!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

His Mind

At lunch with some friends and family, the lady who used to be my neighbor asked me a question.

At 80 Years her face still looked beautiful.  Her Red hair and green eyes popped and she still wore black eyeliner and nice outfits.

Is he still ... drop-dead ... Gorgeous she asked me, her voice hushed but rising with excitement.

I was shocked and had trouble answering.  Finally my mouth formed the words as she waited impatiently.

Yes ... b b but

Oh good!  She smiled excitedly!

Tell me more!

She didn’t understand.

It’s ... his mind.

I knew she couldn’t understand.

I never realized that a man like that can never know why you love him.

I never realized how insecure he really was.

She doesn’t understand the wall between us..

I never noticed him until he went out of his way to become my friend.

Every other quality about him is what opened my eyes.

It’s a strange cross to bear. Being given such precious gifts and not seeing them for what they are.

Not knowing you are loved.

It’s his mind.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Seeds for Thought

The Good Witch is always planting Miracles.

That way, there is always a crop for harvest.

The seeds of kindness, love, empathy are within her.

A little kindness today is tomorrow’s rainbow 🌈

She reaches out with a light touch.

Somewhere a smile brightens.

Years of patience and love raise tender hearts.

She has many miracles handy.

Pass it on!

Plant your own seeds!

Watch your garden of Miracles grow!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Mind Candy

When I meditate - or sleep - I hope to dream of you.  If I see you, I would never want to wake up.

My mind never allows it.

There are two beings I am never able to see. I love them, and their reality is hidden.

I meditate and once I briefly saw a holy face.  The waves of love emitted by the face were too pure for my consciousness and I could not maintain the connection.

Touching the face of God would be like touching the sun.  We may only dwell in the Light.

Then there is you.  Why do you prove as elusive?  Is the love so deep I cannot touch it?

I would like to shine for you.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Our Illusion

 Have you ever thought that the word illusion begins with the word ill. It’s when you’re seeing something wrong.

So what’s ill?  Is it your sight, or your mind?

How do you determine between true and false, between Illusion and Reality.

 The speed of light is one of the few constants in our reality. Most everything else is relative according to Einstein. If something is relative, it means it does not stay the same and your perception of it will change based on your relationship to it. That could mean not just how you feel about it or think about it, but where you stand Relative to anything either in a physical or literal sense.  For instance, we are very far away from the sun, and so it appears rather small in the sky. If we were to get too close to it the sun would appear quite massive and could easily swallow up everything in the solar system.  Again, compared to other stars our sun is not actually a big star.  In the Milky Way, it’s just one of billions of stars.

 Something bothering you right now might seem like a very huge problem, but 20 years from now you might realize if you ever thought of it again that these were the good all days when life was quite carefree. In 20 years, you might be worried about Things that once again will seem like the center of your universe, just like our sun, which is not actually the center of the universe except in a relative sense.  I once read that every point in the universe could be considered it’s Center.  That is partly because no one really knows how big the universe is and where it ends and begins, so who’s to say where the Center is.

We realize we’re standing on shifting sands, let’s try to define some Constants, other than the speed of light. Truth, is an absolute. But, how many things are true and how many things do we just think are true.   Therefore, truth is not usually always true, but depends upon who is telling it and what the current definition is. But the concept of Truth is an absolute.

 Many ideas, such as truth, are absolutes only as ideas and not in actual practice. That means their true reality is as a concept. The word love can be seen as something that should never change, but sometimes we fall in love and many times we fall out of love.  Love as a concept is an absolute but in practice in this world it is quite relative.

 If you give this another thought, you will realize that our entire world our entire reality is highly relative. That is why many people collectively participate in an illusion. It’s all mind, either in the literal or figurative sense or perhaps both.

Every room you step into contains another reality, every group of people have their own illusion every nation every click every neighborhood has their own dynamic set of beliefs customs and patterns.

 They’re all illusions, mindsets. Even the physical reality is subject to the mindset. It will be changed in the blink of an eye and it has many times. If no one remembers, that is because it was all an illusion to begin with and everyone just believes whatever they currently see.

If you aren’t happy with what you’re seeing, rethink it.  Step into another room. Begin doing mental exercises to loosen the grip the illusion has on your mind. Begin to think this is just another illusion.  It’s easy to create new illusions, but the most difficult thing to do when your mind is sick is to see the truth.

What can you value in the world of illusions? You must value that which is real, Truth and Love.   To cling to anything else ties your mind to the Illusion.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Dogs in Heaven

My mom has been gone a long while now.  We did not have an easy relationship.  The truth is her friends and family shunned her by the end.  She was harsh to people and sometimes vicious.  If she felt wronged, she was unable to measure her response.  As I remember saying often, she went for the jugular.  That’s an idiom, kind of like going “nucular.”  The difference is she wasn’t losing her control, she was a cool killer.  Her enemy, son, daughter, friend, was in it emotionally, but she enjoyed every minute eviscerating her prey.  Eventually, people came to see they could not maintain a relationship, and she became emotionally isolated.

It’s is not good for man, or woman, to live alone.  She was placed in a lovely assisted living facility with special services for the mentally ill.  The Chelsea is a beautiful home for seniors, some with dementia, some with mental illness, and some who simply need help with daily living.  Over time, mom became isolated there as she felt abandoned by everyone.

Apparently I decided to visit her and my grandmother as well, so I got into my car and began driving.  The traffic was very difficult, I became very focused on the map in my mind and somehow arrived at the Chelsea.  I parked and got out but was very confused.  I asked people there am I in the right place? I don’t know how I got here.  This is the Chelsea? Is my mom here?  They said yes and pointed across the street.  Before she died she was placed in Care One nursing home, across the street.

But there was an event today at the Chelsea and so we walked onto the grounds and there I saw several dogs running and they went inside.  One pretty white dog stopped to say hi to me.  I petted her as we stood outside.  I felt as if I should not go in but the kind people waited with the door open for me.  It was clear I was welcome.

I went inside and there I watched these kind souls playing with the dogs.  I marveled at our dog, pretty Tootsie with her long white fur, all combed and trimmed.  She was so happy and hopping about on her hind legs begging for treats!  I smiled broadly.  I was enjoying this so much!

When I realized I was seeing Tootsie, my mom’s dog, I awoke.

I visit the other side often enough, but I was puzzled as to why I was brought to see my mom’s dog.

I remembered how she cared for that dog.  Tootsie was found abandoned in a parking lot.  She was sickly and scared.  My mom took her in, cleaned her up, nursed her back to health.  She had at one point 2 dogs and six cats.  She took excellent care of them all.  Tootsie had bad teeth and mom brushed them for her every day.

I remembered when my father became terminally ill, how mom cared for him at home.  I remembered how when mom’s neighbor, a woman she fought with daily, took a stroke, mom visited her every day in the hospital until she died.  Mom later became a volunteer at the hospital.

I remembered In the Light World, mom was a particularly incorrigible soul.  As far as I could see, she was hopeless, unredeemable.

They found a way, I realized.  Through the dogs, through caring for others, they found a way to reach her.  That’s why there are dogs in heaven.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Planes of Consciousness

The Most High is

He who resides at the highest plane of Consciousness, which is outside of Time.

The plane of Consciousness known as Cause and Effect or Time is our realm.

It is comprised of several planes or realities.

There is the astral or sleep plane and the waking level.  We are familiar with these.

Upon death the light body travels to a higher plane within Time known as the Light World.

There it sheds its mental and emotional bodies, which are too heavy for that plane.

Within our level of Time, the third and fourth dimensions,  it is possible to experience very low or comparatively high states of consciousness.  Thus we have some unevolved creatures and also the spiritual adepts or even holy men.

The mind and spirit transcends the levels of consciousness when it is able.

This explains why some have seen and some have not.

That which is seen can be explained but never really understood until the eyes are opened and true vision is acquired.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Who Shall See God

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Jesus Christ spoke these words at his Sermon on the Mount.

Because many do not see, nor hear God, they assume there is no God.

The Seers, those with clear vision, have seen what you have not.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear are changed by their experience.

You cannot be told what you cannot see and We cannot unsee it.

When your eyes are opened and your heart is pure, you will begin to see and hear what lies behind the door of consciousness.

Your consciousness must be purified, elevated to get a glimpse of this.  It is important to work on inspiration, gratitude, loving and caring thoughts and actions.  These will reset your vibration to higher levels and as you purify your mind and heart, the light will flood your consciousness.  Only then will you begin to see.  When you stop to listen when you pray, only then will you begin to hear.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Plan

An Architect creates a blueprint in order to plan out a house or building before construction.

I calculate pensions.  I use a spreadsheet to prove my calculations.

Sometimes I’m just thinking, or traveling on a plane, away from my computer, and I come up with a whole new spreadsheet. One time, I solved a problem that was many years old and had a whole new idea on how to do a certain calculation. The problem was I was away on vacation. Couldn’t wait to get back and make my new spreadsheet! It was a great success.  We use it all the time now for a certain type of calculation that used to be done very manually.  This saves us a lot of time.

I read that Albert Einstein thought about problems involving time and space for decades running little thought experiments in his head until he finally came up with the Theory of Relativity. Various aspects of the Theory of Relativity are still being proven today in the lab.

Something we cannot even fathom is in the mind of the creator. And this is his workshop, his spreadsheet, his blueprint.

Every particle of existence flits in and out of the void, and we’ve known for a century that all manifest creation is responsive to consciousness.

It is all consciousness.

In the Circle of Infinity, the algorithms repeat and refine until a perfect pattern emerges.  All of this happens in the blinking of an eye, or as Einstein would say when time is stopped, at the place where light and time stand still at the center of the Light Heavens .

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Following the example of Jesus is not the same as organized religion. One is pure of heart, an excellent example of humanity. The other is twisted, corrupt and power hungry.  The difference is reading the bible vs theology.  There are profound moral lessons in the bible. I don't think its perfect but it will help you grow in spirit.  I've spent most of my life studying "religion" always the purest forms or texts I can find. Never theology. Jesus was the greatest example of how a human being should live. He lived to serve others, teach them, heal them, love them and gave everything he had for this purpose.  Whether a man or a God, he is the greatest character ever written.  He is an inspiration to man to rise above his impoverished nature and shine his inner light.