It’s always been this way: rich men getting richer off the backs of the poor and unfortunate.
Jesus said his reward is not in this world.
Today: our government and our media has been bought with money stolen from the poor and middle class. This allows the rich to control knowledge, belief and law. As this happens, social programs that build a stronger middle class are eroded and unfunded. Education suffers and health declines. This is the roof of a house undermining its own foundation. Eventually, the house crumbles.
But those on the roof hear not the cries from the basements. They look up to the heavens and enjoy the sunshine above. We idolize them, wishing to be them.
Those who suffer below begin to think like them, reflecting their selfish lack-based ideology. The wealthy do their best to defame those among them who give back because they fear of parting with one red cent to feed an orphan, or help the poor. Believing that these privileged few are legitimate models for success, we emulate their thought and the world becomes colder.
Through this fear and lack-based ideology we create our own hell on earth.
Jesus had it right. The true wealth is not in this world. Everything here turns to dust. Those who hoard it, like manna, will find it worthless after the big sleep. All you can take with you is your character.
Character is what remains after each deed is done. How you treat one another builds character, be it good or weak. Watch a greedy man; he has learned how to accumulate wealth from the earth. He has learned to fear poverty. He believes he needs more, always more to survive. He does not recognize that he has nothing if not the support of a thriving community. Everything he has is perched atop a crumbling infrastructure. He will not help support the very beams that hold up his house.
When those below torch the frame to bring heat, the home is gone.
Jesus invested in souls. It takes time to learn that your brothers’ suffering is your own.
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