Lucifer is described as a fallen Angel. He fell from the heavens when he fell into disfavor with God.
In my experience with the Light Heavens, I arrived there after my passing and was delivered at the entrance by two Angels. I felt my emotional body melt away from my Light Body, for it was too heavy to be there.
While in the Light Heavens I found that I was generally devoid of emotion, but also found that Love flowed freely there. One time I found myself frustrated and did become angry. I immediately felt a weight at the center of my being. I let the emotion go immediately, for fear I would sink from the heavens.
Eventually I was reborn, taken back to earth by the Angels. This is because I had more lessons to learn.
Many things I have seen there in the Light Heavens resonate with me when I am reminded about them in this life.
The story of Lucifer resonates today. The belief is he was once a beautiful Angel who became filled with Pride and negativity. He lost his position in the heavens and was cast out or fell out.
Lucifer May indeed be a euphemism for man. The story is similar to the tale of Adam and Eve, cast from the Garden of Eden when they disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They tasted the negativity and became unsuitable (too heavy) for the garden.
The earth is on a lower and grosser (heavier) plane of existence than the light heavens, for light has little or no mass. Particles of light get all their energy from their momentum.
And so we are here, until we can raise our vibration. This is done with positive living. Negative thoughts, actions, emotions lower our vibration and attract only more negativity. Positive thoughts, actions and emotions, especially love increase our vibration and attract more positive energy.
Here is your lesson for the day and a thought to dwell on or meditate. Lucifer hovers over the earth to and fro, and that is because he is part of the collective unconscious. You can tap into a negative thought or idea as easily as you can connect with the Christ Consciousness. The choice and the direction or trajectory is always yours. This is your Gift from God, the freedom to choose.
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