Saturday, May 28, 2016

Where do all the bad feelings go?

Most people only see the effects of anger in the causal world, the manifest reality.

Some folks don't even see that cause and effect relationship.

A few have noticed that anger travels behind the discernible scenes and creates what would appear to be random havoc.

The manifest universe is an expression of consciousness. It is alive and continually creating, expressing itself. We each are part of that expression, both as creators and created. We are part of the fabric of space, time and energy.

Our emotional energy is directed by our thoughts. Our consciousness is linked behind the surface of visible reality, much as the bright stars in space only hint at the dark matter and dark energy that comprises most of the mass of the universe.

We know this by observing the effects of the dark mass on the stars.

Another field of science tells us of the hidden components of our inner worlds, the inner workings of the mind, and manifestations of consciousness known as the male or female animus or anima, and the higher manifestation of consciousness The Collective.

These thought forms do not act in a vacuum. They are part of the dark matter of consciousness, that which is hidden behind the scenes of your waking consciousness.

The animus or anima is released to wreak havoc when you open the door and give expression to anger.

You have unconsciously directed your anger and released it, much like drawing an arrow, when you give in to the  rage within and speak it without. Cause and Effect must be mastered before you can achieve escape velocity from this realm. The heaviest load to carry is emotion.

Like all energy, emotion is subject to cause and effect. Until it is properly controlled and directed, we cannot move on to a higher, lighter plane of thought and existence.

We wish you peace.

-The Collective

Please read our book The Circle of Infinity.

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