
Sunday, September 28, 2014

DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives (Kindle Edition)

Marie could see that was the wrong answer.  She was trying not to cry.  She wrung her hands.

"I ... never lied to you ... about anything." 

"I know" he said quietly.

The door abruptly shut and she heard a wounded Sean speak from behind it.  "I … just can't get involved in this."  His voice sounded like he was nearly in tears.  It cut her heart out to hear the pain she had caused him.

Marie realized it was over between her and Sean.  She turned to go home, and then became aware of a force streaming through the closed door.  It came straight for her.  She could hear it; it sounded like hundreds of tiny bells.  She saw it, like white lines flowing in a wave pattern.  The huge wave of anger hit Marie and pushed her sideways.  It felt as though the door had hit her.  It hadn't.  She feared she would be knocked into the wall and threw her arms up defensively.  The anger felt like dozens of knives slicing through her body.  When it was over, she was smarting in pain.  Somehow, she was still standing.  Marie knew she was devastated, and she could feel the physical pain of the phantom knife attack, but she had no idea how badly her mind had been damaged from this attack.

Marie realized she had been utterly unprepared for this encounter.  She had blown it again, and for all time.  She felt a fool, and looked briefly at Sean's door, trying not to give in to tears and wondering if he saw her through the peep hole.  Marie realized she could not afford to show any emotion, lest Sean react again to her.  She knew another wave of his emotion could kill her.  She straightened herself, turned, and walked to her apartment, quietly closing the door behind her.


Did you enjoy this preview from my first book, DOING TIME on Earth?  Want to find out what it is like struggling with empathic and psychic abilities in a world that just doesn't understand?

Buy it here:  DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives (Kindle Edition)

Note to readers who downloaded earlier drafts of DOING TIME on Earth:  If you downloaded the early sample when this book was just 6 chapters you can ask Amazon to give you access to the complete book now that it is 35 chapters. It is now complete and you can read the fascinating conclusion.

You can also sign in under a different account on a different device or pc to purchase the complete book and read the conclusion.

Thank you for your readership.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The CIRCLE of INFINITY #1 in it's category.

I'm on Cloud 9! 

Thanks to the enthusiastic response to this free book promotion, The CIRCLE of INFINITY: Expanding One's Consciousness has reached #1 in it's category! (AND #27 in the short read category!) This is great!!! 

" #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Religious Studies & Reference > Philosophy

#27 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > Religion & Spirituality "

[Updated 10/3/14] While the free promo is now over, you can still view a free sample:

Here is the link! I would be honored if you would read it.


Tonight September 24, begins the Jewish New Year: Rosh Hashanah (at Sundown)

L'shanah tovah ("for a good year"). 


Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Mahatma Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." 
As we practice our culture of violence it is ironic to note how blind we have become to this truth.
Yet we understand when we hear "what goes around comes around" or "as you sow so shall you reap." Does not the Bible also say vengeance belongs to the Lord?
So instead of an eye for an eye, it is better to remember the words of Christ: "Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you."

Monday, September 22, 2014


"We are One in the body of Christ (consciousness) and in the mind of God (Life, Love, Truth, the Absolute, the Eternal - all concepts).  Each of us is Light, and when we join together our Light shines collectively, and our consciousness is empowered.  United in consciousness we have light, and vision and we can see higher truths.-- DOING TIME on Earth

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Excerpt: The Light Heavens

Here's an excerpt from my new book

DOING TIME: The Light Heavens

In preparation for my return, I was taken to the edge of the Heavenly sphere and shown the realm of Cause and Effect.  It hung suspended below the Spiritual World, and for all its enormity the physical universe was about 1/3 the size of the Spiritual World above.  A higher realm, a great sphere was also visible to me, above the Spiritual World, and I could see these three spheres of reality, as though they were three great Worlds.  The largest, but lightest at the top, the world I was currently inhabiting in the middle, and the blackest and densest physical universe swarming below.


Visit My Author Page:  Cat's Amazon Author Page

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Anger and Karma

Our thoughts ride upon the waves of anger. 

These angry waves crash upon the shores of consciousness, wreaking havoc to the inner mind.

These effects can cause grave danger in the causal world, because all consciousness is connected.  

For this reason, Anger is especially karmic.


The DOING TIME on Earth Series:

Visit Cat's Author Page Here

Body of Thought

Our thoughts are the garments that clothe us in this physical world, literally our bodies. Jesus referred to his body in the recently translated Gospel of Judas as "the man who clothes me."  This world is the garment of G*d, comprised of thought. Come travel with me through the Light Heaven. You and I have been there before...

The DOING TIME on Earth Series:

DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

The CIRCLE of INFINITY: Expanding One's Consciousness 

DOING TIME: The Light Heavens
(New release; available soon!)

Visit My Author Page Here