
Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Time is completely meaningless to friends and lovers.

35 years can pass and nothing will change between them.

Yet every second seems like an eternity to one missing the other.

Thus is the riddle of Time. It is completely subjective.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

An Angry God

In a garden of Mind, an angry thought is a weapon.

It cuts through the ideas of life, love, beauty, joy...

It demolishes the mind resident in the garden.

To heal, mind must close itself to hide from the pain.

It no longer sees Mind and no longer dwells in the garden of Thought and Ideas.

It is blind, deaf and dumb. It thinks itself alone.

Only the body remains and mind believes the body's sights and senses.

Mind will heal and see once more. It will see the reflection of Mind.

Through the chaos of this experience, it will learn to control Anger and Fear.

It will learn that love is what is real. All that is not love is false.

Living in a reflection, mind has wrestled with Mind and become afraid.

Even Light, Love and Truth can be frightening.

The little mind fears its own shadow when it stands in the Light.

Trembling, it taunts that which it no longer sees with its closed vision.

The Mind is a garden of Thoughts and Ideas, which sustains the little minds of men.

Far vaster than the visible universe, Mind is everywhere and everything is in it. Only the blind cannot see it.

You are it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Is there a hidden order within disorder, or an annoying disorder within order?

Hidden behind the folds of matter, within the vibration of time and space, the reverberation of order and disorder animates the universe.

All this is the reflection of Thought. The Word.

There is only Mind and mind. Some call it God.

The Word hardens into form, and the mind resides there.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Modern science has given us the pill - again. Nootropics. That stands for mind benders.

Nootropics are believed to be safe for the brain.

In case anyone is unfamiliar with this, their purpose is to enhance mental clarity and focus, to leverage the brain's capacity. Users report being in the zone. Their brain waves flow in a synchronized pattern and their thinking is boosted by the nootropics. The pills can run $300 a bottle and should be taken daily to be effective. Note: There are also nootropic blends and imitations out there. So buyer beware.

Oddly, all this came about just as I was beginning to notice some very powerful thinkers seem to burn themselves out. Jim Morrison, for example, was highly intelligent, talented, and unfortunately burned out while young. Addicted to mind altering drugs and alcohol, Jim couldn't live with himself. He died of an overdose at age 27, and the world lost him, his musical talents and his undeniable beauty. Jim was an avid reader of the great thinker, philosopher, and prolific writer, Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche's mind-bending philosophy was cut short, tragically, when at age 44 Nietzsche suffered a complete breakdown and lived the rest of his days in a near vegetative state. It is believed he died from brain cancer.

For many years, people believed the pill was safe. Modern people scoffed at those not on the pill. Some people didn't want to live taking a pill every day. How do you know the long-term effects of artificial medicines until they are used long-term? Today we know that the high levels of hormones used in those early versions of the pill are linked to breast cancer.

It's very easy, and natural to get your brain waves into the flow. It doesn't have to involve costly pills or mind bending ingredients. Yogis have done this for centuries, exhibiting astounding mental and physical powers of concentration and self-control.

The natural way to enhance mental and physical prowess is through diet, exercise, rest and meditation. Hatha Yoga is a gentle way to exercise and tone the body. Kundalini yoga is a yoga to calm and strengthen the mind and concentration. These yogas along with a healthy, balanced diet will enhance your physical and mental state without leading to burn out and without taking a chance on mind bending drugs.

Modern science is always advancing and its answers as such are always temporal.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


The Classics

In A Tale of Two Cities there is a character, an old man, who spent many years in the Bastille.  Like many others at the time, he had been wrongfully imprisoned during the French Revolution. He had been put there because of who we was, and not what he had done.  It was a time when the uneducated masses revolted against the rich, powerful, educated or privileged few.

 Why am I thinking of him today? I think of his example, because of his behavior after he was released. An educated man, he had learned a simple trade in prison. When trouble entered his life again, the old man would return to his trade. He would shut himself in his room and begin making shoes. It was his way of shutting out the world rather than of dealing with further trauma.

Many people find books dealing with art, history and the sciences to be dry and boring.  Entering into the trials and tribulations of adulthood, they wish for their crayons.  It would be so much easier just to be children again. This is classic human behavior.  During times of stress, our minds shut down and we revert to earlier patterns of behavior.

Being well read and educated, we have a chance to realize our behavior, to understand what we are reacting to. In The Time Machine we are treated to a visit to the future, a time where books are left to crumble into dust and humans are prey to savage sub human creatures.  They are selfish, uneducated and incapable of protecting themselves.

These books are commentaries on society and human nature. Education in psychology, history, the sciences, arts, philosophy and religion help one understand what it is, has been and could be to be human. Never stop reading. But choose wisely. That boring book just might open up a whole new world.

I read today that some of you miss your crayons. As a teen I met a famed Spanish artist. He did my portrait in pastels. I learned to do my art with them. I wouldn't go back to crayons.

Teleporting 3

Part 3 - Teleporting

To free your body, first you must free the mind.

Realizing your thoughts are clouding your inner vision is the first step toward embracing the inner calm.

Meditate and learn to still the thoughts. Only when your mind is trained to control itself will it be able to listen for the thoughts of the Collective or higher mind.

A desire you bring to this inner chamber will echo throughout the universal consciousness. That is why you cannot enter loudly. Only the quiet peaceful mind may gain entry.

Over time you may hear the Voice and finally meet your higher mind. This is but a link in the chain of consciousness. You may progress to having OBEs (out of body experiences), or astral travel, and experience your first teleporting adventure in this manner.  You may find that your consciousness progresses to where you are able to communicate with yourself at earlier or later times in your life.  This can affect the course of your destiny. 

The first step is to believe that all of this is possible.  For many people, it is not enough to read that others have done this, even that mystics or religious figures have done these things.  That is why I have explained this in terms of the connection between mind and matter, the physics. 

Science is at the threshold of this truth: All reality exists in the Mind of God.  As a creation of Mind, it is all Mind.  Your mind is part of that.  Strengthen it, and claim your birthright, as a child of God.

"(you) are nothing without us. We are nothing without (you)." - The Collective

Take a Peek: The Light Heavens

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Crystal Heart

The brain, in fact, is infused with crystalline minerals.  Unlike glass, crystal is a structured sub-atomic substance, which conducts electricity and can transmit or receive information.  The brain and the human nervous system are connected via a network of neurons and nerve centers which communicate via electronic impulses.  Thus the body is united via this communications system as one.

The brain is the seat of human consciousness, the mind.  However, the mind is a much grander entity than just the brain.  It connects to the brain and thus the body through the same electro-magnetism that animates our universe.  The body symbolizes key facets of human attributes, the mind at the top and the heart at it's core.  However, these attributes all reside in the mind.

When we speak here of the heart, we speak symbolically of the human heart, an organ, which is known to suffer physically when the heart or the mind is injured.  We also speak of the core of human feeling.  The connection is not just symbolic, but also physical, due to the psychological association.

Time heals all wounds it is said. A heart breaks many times in the course of a person's life.

Each time it is bruised, the heart will harden. The man, woman or child learns to steel the inner self against more misfortune.

The mind takes action to shield its tender heart or core. It builds a wall around the injury.

Each time this happens a little piece of the heart is cut out; it no longer communicates with the rest of the persona. No more tender memories of that person may dwell in the forefront of mind, for they hurt far more than the bad memory of whatever pain was inflicted.

The mind has built another wall around the heart. Each time it hardens to keep from breaking, for inside that wall it is shattered.

Over time, we forget the pain. We forget the love. We forget compassion, mercy and tenderness. Empathy cannot penetrate the wall.

The only way to redeem a broken heart is to tear down that wall and grieve for the person once loved - ourselves.

The memories are locked up inside that core, the heart of the mind.  The much-maligned book Dianetics hinted at this process, the process of becoming a clear.  In Dianetics, a clear is a person who has remembered and relived all the past trauma, reclassifying and understanding what has happened in the past and then moving on.  The key concept here was in facing the memories of the past, and allowing them to enter present conscious awareness.  The emotions locked up behind the wall of consciousness, the memory block, contain massive amounts of energy.  This emotional energy must be released for the persona to be whole again.  Until this is done, emotional energy will be limited and relationships will suffer.  The mind that has faced it's memories can begin to repair itself.


Here's a little treat:
Take Another Piece of My Heart

 by Janice Joplin

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Accessing your Sub and Super Consciousness

The brain's attention span is a micro processor.  Even the brightest minds are only capable of processing small bits of information at a time. Yet we trust that little mind to guide us through all of life's major and minor decisions. 

By comparison to the conscious mind, the brain's subconscious faculties are a super computer.  Given a task, the subconscious goes to work analyzing an abundance of factors and can solve very complex problems. It then communicates, in various forms, to the conscious mind with its insights. 

It makes sense to spare the conscious mind then, limit the conscious tasks, and prioritize information. On the other hand, it is not necessary to limit the information or block out information. Never worry about your mind's information limits. It's capacity is actually amazing!  While the conscious mind is supposedly only using 10% of the brain, the Superconscious is limitless.

While these sub and super conscious faculties are extensions of yourself and of the collective consciousness of which you are a contributing member, you need to learn to communicate with and to these minds. 

To communicate effectively, first acknowledge the other mind. Observe all conventions of conversation: Greetings, polite requests for assistance with a task, and gratitude, a thank you. 

The subconscious will go to work while you attend to other things. It may present its insights to you suddenly with a thought or idea, or perhaps a dream. 

Dreams are the realm of the collective consciousness. Many minds drift by there and it is the threshold to the super conscious. The collective knowledge of mankind is available to anyone sensitive enough to retrieve it. 

Begin by opening the door of your mind to these ideas. Proceed slowly, as you would getting to know anyone new. Their ways are unfamiliar to you and you must learn their language, symbols and build trust and rapport. 

Your door has been closed a long time. You have been inside your own corner of mind, a darkened room, in a universe of light. Let a little bit of light in. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Teleporting 2

Part 2 - Teleporting

In Part 1 we discussed the Atom. We also noted that Time slows down and then stops at the speed of light. This is early 20th Century science. Physicists have also given us The Uncertainty Principle, again first postulated in the early 20th century.   Modern Science runs its computers and electronic technology based upon this principle.

It is the principle of not knowing, of consciousness intermeshed with matter, and an acknowledgement of the true matrix of reality.

At the core of nature, the smallest particles cannot be observed, without the observer affecting the observation.  This has led to the most bizarre conclusions science has ever made, that matter is affected by ... consciousness.

As a conscious experience, and realizing that consciousness affects matter, teleporting then is a matter of adjusting time.  Physical reality responds to belief and expectations; it reacts to the knowledge of the observer.  The observation (knowledge) of the observer, affects the action of the sub atomic particles.

Here in the realm of cause and effect, also known in the Light Heavens as the realm of Time, our speed of Time is set at a much faster speed than in the Light Heavens.  Remember, that in the Light Heavens, being a world of light, Time would of course be slowed down.  Teleporting there is much easier, since the particles of a light body would be much more responsive to thought.  The Time lever here requires a much stronger belief in order for physical matter to respond.  Time races by here roughly 600 times faster than Time in the Light Heavens. 

Teleporting, which is simply a matter of believing you are somewhere else, is harder to learn here in the realm of Cause and Effect and Time. It takes a strong mind and unwavering belief to bend the consciousness of matter to the mind of man. Few have done it - consciously. Everyone has done it unconsciously.

Begin by strengthening your mind. Study and practice the Imagining techniques of Neville Goddard.  Some of these are discussed in my previous blogs. Neville Goddard understood the mind/matter connection, as did Jesus Christ, and other enlightened thinkers. They used it to bend reality, which is all consciousness, to their will. The Christ understood that there was a higher Will, and he respected this Will. Respecting the Highest Mind puts one in the power loop, and makes one a cohesive part of the Collective Consciousness.

The Collective is introduced in my book Doing Time on Earth.

- Cat

End of Part 2 - Teleporting

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Fixing Time.  That is the reality of teleporting.  It is a conscious experience.  The physical body is locked in time, frozen light.  Light, remember, at full speed makes time stand still.  All matter is comprised of a buildup of particles, comprising larger particles, atoms and then molecules.  At the sub atomic level they split, always to smaller particles, all traveling at dizzying speeds, and connected by an unknown attraction, first called "the will of God" by ancient mystics who actually drew the first atom over four thousand years ago.  This, of course, was long before science discovered and named the atom. 

Sub atomic particles are held together around an atom due to their positive and negative charges, which attract and repel each other, much like yin/yang or opposites.  However, the nucleus of an atom is held together by something called "the strong force" by science. 

The ancient mystics understood these principles, long before they were studied and named by modern scientists.

Read about the Ancient Siddhars:

- Cat (Part 1 of Teleporting)

What Have You Learned?

The Angel said this to her.

She thought, briefly. Somewhat taken aback, she was guilty. She had neglected her reading in the past years. She was behind on the classics.

'I've prioritized spiritual lessons ' she finally replied.

The Angel's voice was chipper and sounded like a school marm. She always had issues with authority, and did not like being told what and how to learn. She fought to suppress  this feeling, realizing it was ... a test probably. She did not want to fail this time.

Looking back over her life, there had been a series of failures. Her relationships had not gone well. She learned the value of having people to love when she lost so many friends and family. An angry word here, a lack of interest, some really bad breaks and she found herself alone. From the depths of despair she clawed her way back and struggled to learn to love.

She would give herself a C+ in that department.

She had been neglected spiritually and starved for love as a child. Every step of her journey had been a struggle to learn the ways of "normal " people.

She studied words, religions, science, and learned a profession. She became adept at things that were hard for her to master.

She stood there and felt like a failure.

Something was missing.

There was a hole in her heart. She was missing someone she loved.

Her entire life had been a lesson, she realized.

She had learned to love and now her heart was broken.

She had learned how to learn and now the Truth was clearly missing.

Truth and Love were missing.

Had she even started her mission yet?

She waited for the Angel to speak again.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Unlock the Mysteries of Mind

Carl Jung believed in the existence of a collective unconscious. He set out to plumb the depths of mind in his research and works, including extensive dream and sleep studies.

Following the methods described by the famed psychiatrist, I discovered the river of mind hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness.

What I discovered is that we are all connected, part of the same stream of consciousness. This caused me to look deeper, read further, and over time I developed a stronger connection, a rappor if you will, with the Collective.

These amazing experiences occurred over a lifetime of getting acquainted with the higher mind. It was sometimes exhilarating, sometimes frightening, and often frustrating. At times, I unlocked great secrets that are normally hidden behind the veil of consciousness. At other times, my own fragile consciousness was in peril. I discovered the great power of the Collective. They have shaken my very foundation, and also rescued me when I couldn't go on. I have given you a window into this journey I have taken in my trilogy, the Doing Time on Earth series. Begin with any one of them. You can't go wrong.

I invite you to my author page; you can click on each book to read a free sample:

Visit my Author Page

Thank you.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Center of the Universe

In a world of mind, man is what he believes. An atheist may believe he comes from nothing and goes nowhere. All viewpoints are valid. That is the nature of relativity. Our physics has proven that material reality is responsive to consciousness. That makes every ... thing ... subjective.  Every point in the universe is its center.

According to our top scientists, physical reality is not really solid. The subatomic particles are not connected and split into continually smaller particles which have been observed to blink in and out of existence. What is so real about that?  Do you wonder why some religions and philosophies call our reality an illusion?  Science is actually stranger by far than religion.

You have all eternity to see God. No one can do it for you. Nor can you ever convince a believer he or she is wrong. Mind would never allow itself to be interfered with. Each mind is King of its domain.

You will only see that which you are willing to look at.

Who Are You?

List the traits you wish to define you. Maybe you need help in the following areas, or more confidence. Do you want to be:

Sensitive ?

Make your own list.

Now imagine that man or woman.

Perhaps you know someone with those attributes, or with one of these attributes.

Did you know you can visualize this person and put him on just like a garment. You can borrow that persona.

Need smart, think Einstein.

Beautiful, handsome or charming, how about someone you admire.

Need to write a professional letter, put on the mind of someone who writes well.

With practice you will be able to do this with ease. Visualize your role model. Imagine you are meeting with him or her. Ask him to help you be what you need to be. Now visualize merging with your teacher. Step into the role. You will be merging consciousness on the mental plane.

Rest for a while while you meditate on your new persona. Let your teacher show you mentally the ideas you need to expand your perspective.

All consciousness is connected. This is perfectly natural.

Begin your task, whether it is to write, shop, create, speak, etc.  When done, mentally release your teacher. Thank him or her. Next time you need him, it will become easier to connect.

One day, you will find those attributes have become part of your own persona.

All are one in the universal consciousness. All knowledge is free and all minds are linked. To access this, you need only open yourself to the idea, and receive. Recognize also, that private thoughts are just a shared illusion.

You can be who you want to be.

Friday, October 2, 2015

What Jesus Didn't Say

Thank God Jesus didn't say:

 'Those who live by the gun die by the gun.'

What would a nation become if they had to turn their backs on the words of Jesus?

Would it become a godless nation, one in which armed citizens live in fear and paranoia, ready to kill or be killed?

Would anyone care for the poor, sick or hungry?

What did Jesus actually say about the poor, sick and hungry?  'As you do for the least of these, you do it also for me.'

Without these principles, it's each man for himself.

Thank God Jesus never said he embraced non-violence or socialism.  He just praised those who gave selflessly.

He only said this, 'Love one another as I have loved you.'

He said, 'He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.'

He foresaw this day when his words and principles would become twisted and an excuse for evil doing.

How have such beautiful words and sentiments become an excuse for poisoned, selfish thinking, hate and violence?  This is surely the work of evil.

The forces of dark and light have prepared their sides.  The wolves have disguised themselves as sheep.  They wear the cloth of light, but speak words of hate. 

Do not be fooled.  As always, you can judge them by their fruits, the fruits of their actions. 

Do they show mercy, love and compassion?  If not, you know what is in their hearts and you cannot trust their hands to do good.

The false prophets are many, not just one.  They sit in the pews next to you professing their love of God, but condemning their fellow man, his children.

The forces of light and darkness are preparing to battle, for your soul.  It is not the earth that is at stake.  Beautiful planet of life that it is, it is worthless if it cannot be shared with love amongst all.