
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Seeing Thoughts

Sometimes I can see your thoughts. Sometimes I can see your feelings.

It’s not always visual cues that you give me.

Sometimes I see things that you’re thinking about, and it comes to me like watching a video. Sometimes I see a graphic display of your emotions, and to me it looks like flowers or exclamation points, or a dark cloud.

Sometimes I see your thoughts written out in blue neon.

I don’t control any of this. It just happens.

When you wake up each morning, you become aware of your conscious world.  You remember your family,  things you need to do that day and in general your life. While you’re asleep, you have a distorted view of these things, and you remember or believe you are part of a different world.

These are different sections of consciousness. Your waking consciousness is on a different wavelength than your sleeping consciousness and thus you are aware of different realities.   When you are asleep, your brain waves are in a different state than your waking consciousness, and you become aware of things that you don’t see while awake. You become aware of other people’s consciousness, and that is what creates the bizzarre world of dreams, your thoughts and theirs merged together.

For people who have practiced merging different levels of consciousness, sometimes there is a breakthrough and they can see the thoughts even while they’re awake.

Some ways people practice slowing down the brain waves while they maintain consciousness would be meditation, mindfulness, or a method introduced by the famed psychiatrist Carl Jung involved shortened periods of wakefulness and sleep.  These techniques all serve to blend the two forms of consciousness, blurring the line that separates them.  However, I would caution that the Jung technique can be jarring.

Psychic abilities are not really that mysterious. They are your natural state when your mind is not so severely compartmentalized.

Are you interested in exploring consciousness?  Many psychic and religious experiences stem from changes to the brain, creating different brainwave states.  The rituals practiced by religious students of all different paths, such as praying and meditation, condition the brain to function at the more receptive wavelength.  My book The Circle Of Infinity explores the fascinating world of Mind and reality.  It’s available on Amazon and you can start reading it for free.  Here’s a link.  I hope you enjoy.

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