
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

War of Lies

And the Truth shall set you free.

You don't have all the facts.  You are bombarded with poorly vetted, politically slanted stories on your social media.  These are political sites, and so-called fake news sources.

This type of mean-spirited name bashing is no better than what the right does.  In fact, it's their tactic.  The left has adopted the tactic, made it their business to defame all real and perceived enemies.

The real story is out there for those who care to find it.  The Key is you have to fight for the Truth.   You need to verify your news through several news sources that are journalists not sensationalists!  Beyond that you need to know both sides of the story and carefully vett your own information.

The rest, right and left, will be caught up in what is a media-driven war.  Arm yourself with the truth or continue to be a pawn in the game.

These news reports are politically motivated, slanted and designed to attack. 

Rise above the battlefield and be free.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

7 Cats

My mom had 7 cats.  She would put down a big bowl of food every morning.  5 of them would compete for the food, stuffing their faces in or pulling the bowl away with their paws.

The two big males usually got to eat first.   The biggest was Brother, a black & white.  Moscow, a red luxuriously furry angora, was known to be cowardly and so Brother would push him out.  Of the female cats, Lucky, a mostly feral sleek tortoise-shell and two charcoal tabbies would push their way in when Brother finished.

The huntress, a beautiful sleek calico, would watch with disdain.  She rarely nibbled of the food.  When the eating was done, the fat cat, a rotund grey tabby, would saunter over and finish the bowl.

6 of the cats would run outside.  Penny, the calico, who was the smartest, leapt up to open the screen door.  She hooked her paw on the door handle, timing it so that as the latch opened her sleek body would hit the door and pop it open.  Mom never locked the door, and she never had to let the cats out.  Penny scampered out each morning and the others bolted out before the door could shut.  Farina, the fat cat would take a nap.

The cats were all treated the same.

The Moral of the story, of course is: all cats are different.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hidden Reality

Reality wavers between the manifest and potentiality.  The Leviathan hidden in a sea of thought is a mental monster, oppressing each of our subjective realities.  It is the fear of looking foolish, of trusting your innate sense over a sea of facts.

I'm not against science, but I must ask why is it that they reverse themselves every year or so? Surely if their truth isn't always truth then it was never truth.  

Newton's science was not Einstein science. And as science progresses, particularly when it comes to the realm of physics, it draws ever closer to conclusions known years ago by the earliest mystics. All consciousness is one; everything is one. You can disagree, but it has been known since about 1920 that all manifested reality is responsive to consciousness. This has been proven in the physics lab. Therefore all reality is relative and subjective.

Truth is a constant if it is to be Truth at all.  However, Truth hides obliquely in our manifest reality.  So science plods on, overturning yesterday's truth for a better, newer truth of today. 
Like everyone else, you are free to live in your own little thought bubble.  Nothing happens unless you know it.  A million suns can be born, light the skies and die, but without the illumination of knowing, who can say they ever did exist?

This is not a philosophical question. It's not if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it make a sound. It is not does the light turn off in the refrigerator when you close the door if you don't see it. Literally, reality changes itself based on observation. This is our reality.
It's truth is hidden in the recesses of your mind. It is the truth you won't look for, and won't see,  because you have become accustomed to looking without for truth rather than within.

Read more:
The Circle of Infinity

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Dark Night

In North America, we have a total solar eclipse coming up for the first time since 1979.

In a few days, parts of Asia Europe and Australia will be treated to a partial lunar eclipse.

I recently learned these things always come in pairs, about two weeks apart.

This night in day and day in night, the earth and moon play with light and shadows, has become a recent obsession of mine.

So too, I've thought about the dark night of the soul.

In our life we go through many mini eclipses.  There are times we are illumined and other times we live in the shadows.

What if it's all part of Gods plan? Or the Oversoul?

We learn from our periods of darkness, don't we.  Imagine we were baking a loaf of bread. It's all part of the kneading, stretching and rolling process.  And then we rest, and rise.  Finally, we are baked to perfection and become food, for the soul.  And we become one with that body.

Each experience you go through prepares you for the next. And the dark night rests you for when your soul sees the brilliant light of the day.  You will be ready for the sun to shine.

Without rest, the sun would be your Nemesis.

The dark night of the soul is a torture for those who remember illumination.  But if God has said to you, 'Rest!', then you should rest so that you will be ready, for the day will come when you will need to rise and shine!

Sleep but a little bit more, for your day will come.


With a nod and thank you to a fellow blogger, please find The Prophet, The Coming of the Ship by Kahlil Gibran, which dovetails nicely with this discourse.
On The Prophet