
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Man Plans and God Laughs

Imagine. You've achieved all your goals. You have the house, the family, the retirement fund, good health...

Then you find your life was a lie. You're not even you. These weren't your goals.

How can you trust yourself to take another step. What can you pursue?  Will your new ideals wreck the work of a lifetime? Will you awaken again and realize this too is not who you are?

Each time you awake from a dream, everything you cared about moments before washes away. The same is true when you leave this plane and consciousness awakes in the next. With each successive level of mind, your most ardent desires will change. For some, this may also happen mid life, as a crisis of consciousness.

It is not always about mortality, but about regret. Time wasted.

If your steps brought you to the door of evolved consciousness, then you walked true. Do not mourn losses.

Have faith that nothing is wasted. Every precious moment brings you closer to the next.


The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. - (a translation from the poem To a Mouse by Robert Burns)

Friday, May 29, 2015

If You Could Read My Mind

The divorce of the ego and the subconscious created a line, a demarcation of consciousness, and a pattern of separation throughout all our perceived reality. 

It is this barrier, an artificial line that interrupts the continuum of consciousness. The artificial line demarcates all creation, and the illusion of separation permeates spacetime. 

All mind, consciousness and creation is One, a continuum, a pattern of light, energy, vibration. Your perception of yourself, your mind, or any discrete part of reality, is like a snapshot or frame within a moving film. It is like one pixel in a color pallet or one moment in eternity. The creation of one line, one separation, because it is at the core of your mind, affects your perception of all else. 

The conscious/subconscious split is where healing must begin. The lyrics below haunt the mind, as it cries for its lost companion. The first step in healing the split mind is the mantra of reconciliation. 

In Doing Time on Earth, the mysterious Collective illustrates this with their signature greeting and introduction:  We are One; We are Whole. 

Speaking of Marie, they explain: She is Lower Consciousness. We are Higher Consciousness. She is nothing without us. We are nothing without her. 

Until Marie embraces this truth, her mind cannot heal. In attempting to connect with her higher mind, Marie unleashes powerful forces in her life and learns she is not truly the one who is in control of her destiny. She is but a fragment of her own consciousness. 


If you could read my mind love, 
What a tale my thoughts could tell.
Just like an old time movie about a ghost from a wishing well.
In a castle dark or a fortress strong 
With chains upon my feet the story always ends.
And if you read between the lines 
You'll know that I'm just trying to understand
The feeling that you left.

Gordon Lightfoot

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Most High God

The "Most High" God is what is beyond the great collective Mind. The lower levels of mind rule here in relativity. As such God or god can be whatever you perceive and that would not be wrong.

Do any of us really understand what we are here for?


These sentiments are well depicted in this powerful performance:

Jesus Christ Superstar (u tube)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

That Which Crosses You

Looking back on life, remember the challenges of the past?

You had your plans, your desires, and then there was always the opposing force, the challenge that hindered or thwarted you. In Tarot this is called "that which crosses you."  The card is placed across the card symbolic of your current state of mind or affairs.

It is useful to look back on these challenges for they will focus the lense of your mind upon the current challenge.

That which crossed you before is not so important now. You could go back with a much clearer perspective and easily choose your dream over your fear.

Look again at what you want now and what opposes you. 30 years from now will you look back and cringe at the choices you make today and each day as you do nothing to further your dream?

Time and imagination create a lense by which you can see the now from the perspective of your past or future. What crosses you, and how important is that compared to your highest ideals, dreams and goals?

That is the real value of a card reading. The moment one takes to think about their present can amend the future and gain insight to one's past. The Tarot cards for me always worked with unfathomable accuracy. I provided many -free- readings while I attempted to understand how or why the cards worked. I now know they worked because I approached them honestly and respectfully and because the seen and the unseen connection is visible, to me.

Take an honest look at your life. Are you happy? Are you pursuing your dream, or someone else's? What will you do about it?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tired of Waiting

I'm coming for you my love 


The function of time is to make each moment separate from the next.

In language, one word follows another. Each word is separate but the meaning changes with each word in a sentence.

In thought, sometimes we use words and sometimes we use whole concepts or ideas. We see in one flash of light something that would take many words to express.

Time is like the space between the words. It's the slow lane.

Thought is the middle lane on the highway of reality.

Imagination and revelation are the fast lane.

To get into the fast lane, first remove the traffic. Go somewhere quiet, where you have no distractions.  Remove the time. Remove the words. Just live in the dream of your desire. Allow your mind to love that dream. Make love to it. Make it your reality in the inner sanctum of your secret self. Make it your truth, your core belief.

Once that dream becomes your core reality, your truth, consciously and unconsciously your outer reality will shift to match your center. The universe will shift around you to balance and harmonize with you. Your Mind is your center.  All reality emanates from this central point. Remember, every point in the universe is it's center! You are the center of your reality.

God works in mysterious ways. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Death in America

Many Americans consider this country to be a Christian nation. Historians realize America was founded on principles, not religion.

Religion's response to crime is the classic principle of karma. An eye for an eye. Few have the capacity to rise above the battlefield, turn the other cheek, forgive. They selectively apply their religion.

With respect to the Death Sentence passed upon the Boston Bomber, I read the following from one person who could see clearly:

"I also disagree with the death penalty. We had a chance to prove we were better than that."

Answering "Death" to each and every crime, real or imagined, is a third-world mentality. America is a nation borne of higher ideals. Our response to the viciousness of this crime should have been in our language, not theirs. A civilized country must treat life with respect.  I see a young man whose mind was poisoned with hate, a diseased ideology. Our response shows we are no better.

We have missed our chance to rise above this situation, to show that Americans value and respect life. Instead, we will grind him up in the American wheels of justice. A slow, agonizing, mind-numbing existence that may last a decade. He will wish for death long before it comes.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Physics of Teleporting

Since early in the last century physics has demonstrated in it's lab experiments that manifested reality is responsive to the expectations of the consciousness of observers, i.e. belief.  Notice the tie-in to religion here.

But, this is not about religion, or Faith.  It is about physics.

We have known equally as long that Time is not a constant, but is relative, meaning that it is subject to change based on subjective factors, making it as relative as perception.

So, we have relativity, and the concept of SpaceTime.  That's right, space and time are one, and both are relative.

When you travel through space, you also travel through time.  The velocity of your travel through one affects the other.  The faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time.

Travel through space at the speed of light swings the lever so far that time actually stands still.

This is physics, not religion, yet many folks deride religion for being far-fetched.  That is because the mind of the enlightened know these things, because reality is just that, Mind, Consciousness.  Those who are enlightened, advanced in consciousness, have higher senses with access to knowledge that our scientists took thousands of years to discern in their plodding ways.

Lets summarize what I have just said:

1) Reality responds to your belief.
2) Time and Space are Relative and Subjective.
3) Science supports these facts.

Now, lets talk about teleporting.

In my time in the Light World (The Light Heavens), I observed how Time there travels at a slower rate than in the physical world.  That, of course, is because it is a world of light!  Time speeds by on earth, while those in the Light World experience what feels like the same rate of passage of time, but it is actually about 600 times slower.

I also observed areas - spaces - that could not be passed through, but could only be teleported past.

I learned how to do this, to get around.  I now realize this was to demonstrate the relationship of time and space.  The lever was set in that area to zero on the space side.  It was impassable.  That meant that only through time was the area passable.  

Light World inhabitants learned to Think themselves across the divide.  This technique is similar to the method used by Neville Goddard in his series of lectures on Imagining.  One must use the most powerful tool at their disposal, the Mind.  The second the Mind believed it was on the other side, the body followed.

This level of consciousness (physical existence) is set at a much different level of space-to-time ratio.  Time travels very fast here.  You must hold the mindset, the belief of where you want to be.  Leave it implanted in your mind and let the space-side of reality catch up to where you want to be.  

Learn about these things, and much more in my books from the Doing Time on Earth Series.

The Appointed Hour

More of the Known and Unknown is revealed. Another Door is about to open. 

It is said no man shall know the appointed hour. 

Our planet is perched on the eve of destruction.  The doomsday clock is 180 seconds from midnight. Our exalted scientists have tabulated the risk of annihilation from the combined threat of nuclear proliferation, climate change, over-population, pollution, terrorism, and meteors from outer space. On a human time scale, our doomsday clock seems to be only minutes away from midnight, when our day ends. 

We have already unleashed massive destruction on this earth, when we justified our use of atomic force on the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Entire cities full of men, women, children, animals and vegetation were melted. We did this without compunction for human life, believing it was either us or them. Now imagine a third world nation or terrorist with that same power. What would save us? Would they hold our lives in any higher regard?

Never before has human-kind held such capacity for self-destruction nor exhibited so little regard for life on such a massive scale. Our fresh water supply dwindles, cities riot, armed men terrorize, dehumanize and destroy innocents. The planet convulses with the poisons of toxic energy mankind spews forth upon its air, oceans, and soil. 

It's 11:57 pm. 

We're on The Eve of Destruction. This is the appointed hour, when all signs point to the return of the Messiah. The exact day, hour, and even year is unknown, except that it is today, this hour in the clock of man. 

The Jesus of Love will return, this time, as a man with fire in his eyes. It will be time to face the truth. 

“So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors” (Mark 13:28–29).

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Can't Buy Me Love

You can buy me a Lincoln.

Or, you can not even notice when I ask you for something that costs nothing, like going for a walk in Lincoln Park.

You can't buy love.  It just happens when two hearts connect.

When eyes meet, and a silent message is transmitted.  

When I look into your eyes, I see your soul, and I feel what you feel.  

Love was borne in that instant.

The passing of time cannot change this feeling.  It is forever.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Believing ourselves flawed, we cannot accept perfection in others.

And when confronted with someone who is perfect, innocent, it is human nature to reject, thinking he has already rejected us.

God's children are created perfect. It is only the temporal world of relativity that makes it seem otherwise.

Until such time as we can see the perfection, we can only see the illusion. Have you ever seen anything, anywhere, or anyone that is perfect? Begin there.

If you know of anything or anyone who is perfect, then you know that perfection exists. This is the first step towards understanding probability.  The hierarchy of the spirit world functions on the logic of probability. Once you have probability, then obviously you have possibility. Given that time is infinite, then nothing less than perfection is the ultimate outcome.

Time itself is an illusion. Therefore all eternity exists in the now. Therefore perfection is realized the moment it is created or conceptualized.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Knowledge is a step on the path to Truth

I like to read opposing ideologies. It forces me to think. For example, people seem to kneel at the church of either science or religion. Few are conversant in both topics. Knowledge illuminates knowledge. The Christian bible is a fascinating book. Reading it in a vacuum is fear-based behavior and leads to misapplication of its principles. The problem here is not the bible but the power mongers using fear to control less educated minds.

'The Truth shall set you free,' said Jesus Christ.

Learn then. Let no subject be off-limits. Don't be afraid of the Truth.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

He was Despised

How does affixing blame all around help our society? An economic crisis, social inequities, regressive political policies, war and terrorism have plagued America and much of the world. 

Now we sit and argue as climate change threatens our future, communities erupt in self-destruction and lunatics with guns murder innocents. 

It is said a rising tide lifts all boats. Who amongst us has tried to have a positive impact, to lift up rather than put down, to heal rather than harm. Ironic that the one person who most fits this bill is despised, insulted and demeaned by his inferiors.


He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. - Isaiah 53:3

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Time Goes By So Slowly

Oh my love my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much

       Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

In Ghost, Sam (the late Patrick Swayze) cannot leave his love Molly (Demi Moore).  Their loneliness is magnified by the specter of many years they will be apart, she on earth and he, passed on to the after-life.

In the Light Heavens, time passes much more slowly, as is the nature of time as it approaches the speed of light.  This means, life on earth speeds by as the deceased wait for us in the after-life.  Time then, truly is not a constant, but is in fact relative and shall we say a matter of perception.

In Doing Time on Earth, Marie notices that by the time she spent about a month in the Light Heavens, earth time moved ahead by 50 years.  She had been there a month, when it was time for her to return.  Earth life had advanced 50 years!

Earth time is about 600 times the pace of time in the Light Heavens.  As Marie dwelled in the Light Heavens, her friends and relatives kept arriving.  She did not miss them long.  She did not miss them at all, as the emotional body does not carry over to the Light Heavens.  It is too heavy to exist there.

The only emotion light enough to exist in the Light World is Love.

Read about the Light Heavens in my book Doing Time on Earth, or in my newest book The Light Heavens.

- Cat

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Root of Fear

Fear is addictive and contagious! That is why it is difficult to let go. Even negative emotions are compelling to the psyche.

This is the hidden attractor within Fear. The base of all negative emotion, the driving force behind anger, greed, malice is always Fear. Pure Fear is such a genuine emotional state that is puts one face to face with their deepest primal self, the raging frightened beast within. Our animal nature is the source of all aggression, fear, hate, anger ... greed.

Wallowing in all that rich emotion can make one drunken with its poison.

Remembering Love - the gentleness, compassion, kindness, mercy you have known can lift you out of the Fear state. You then can restore yourself to a frame of reference where you are able to choose again your direction and your passion. Do not wallow in Fear, regret, sadness, anger or negative emotion. It will eat away at your higher nature and set you back on your journey toward fulfillment, happiness, and a loving life. Your enlightenment will not be found at the end of a tunnel of darkness.