
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Truth is Forever

We look to celebrate Christmas in a few weeks.  Many people know that the date is originally a pagan holiday.  Not knowing the true birth date of Christ, the birth date of Baal was adopted as it was already a familiar holiday. Or so I’ve read.

Many people think that was the actual birthday of Jesus Christ.  Others claim the entire story is fiction.  Some scholars propose that the character Jesus of the gospels is a composite character of several enigmatic men of the time.

One enigmatic speaker claimed most of the holy texts are provided to us by a hierarchy of higher-conscious beings.  The purpose of these characters or archetypes is to stimulate spiritual growth and heightened consciousness.

Our physicists and some mystics proclaim that all manifested creation is an elaborate illusion.

What matters then, how we define the reality of Jesus?  What is real.

‘Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.’

God is changeless, timeless they say.  Time is not a constant Einstein says.

That which is, was, will always be is Truth.

What of this enigmatic man who came to us in a relative reality, and spoke Truth?

Clearly he understood Truth.

What was Christ’s birthday but the day Jesus knew the Truth.  We can celebrate it every day.