
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Seeing Red: Negative Karma

An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.  - Ghandi

Can anybody see what we're doing? Lawlessness just brings about more loss, destruction and lawlessness. Who will be the first to extend the hand of peace?

When we are inflamed with anger, we are blinded to peace. When the world hurts us, it is our emotional pain which causes us to literally "see red" on the inner plane. Any action we take in this state will be destructive.

This is the very serious negative karma caused by unfettered emotion. To control one's actions, one must control one's mind.  To control one's thoughts, one must understand how they are affected by emotion, which is only temporal. These are amongst the lessons we were sent here to learn on the earthly plane.

- Cat

Author: The Doing  Time on Earth Series

including ...

The Circle of Infinity: Expanding One's Consciousness

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Have you ever felt like you're in the wrong place? Nothing is right where you are at and you must leave? You move heaven and earth to leave that place and find that you took it with you. Problems cannot be resolved when you run from them. They live within you and your external circumstances display what is playing out inside your mind.

Real change comes when you have learned from your difficulties, when you no longer suffer, but find peace. Run away, and the lesson just repeats, for you cannot change the mind that creates your life circumstances unless you face it.

Within what seems like the world's greatest problem may be the key to your happiness, the path to your destiny.

- Cat

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Time is curved. It is arced. 

Eventually it must curve in upon itself like a great circle, a circle of infinity. 

And so the past becomes the future, and eventually the now. So we live in the past present and future simultaneously.  

While time travels in but one direction, the mind has no such limit.  The mind can access anything to which it has been exposed, any place - any time.  

The collective consciousness has been exposed to all of recorded and known history.  It is therefore infinite, as is the nature of time itself.  

Our minds are part of this collective consciousness.  This vast ocean of consciousness is our birthright; it is the pool of all knowledge. 

- Cat

Want to read more?

DOING TIME: The Light Heavens

Amazon Kindle, also can be read on your PC, Tablet or Smartphone.  (Just download the App):

Click here to open:  DOING TIME:  The Light Heavens

Thursday, November 13, 2014


There is a special condition, a form of memory loss that afflicts certain people.  These are people who go to sleep, and when they awake, they cannot remember what transpired the day before, or ever since their traumatic brain injury or psychological trauma.  Their brain does not store the memory at night, and the new memories cannot be accessed the next day. 

This has happened to all of us.  The big sleep, death, causes us to forget who we are and forget our memory of God.  We have forgotten that we are spirit.  We have reincarnated in the flesh and forgotten this.  We have lost our memories of the spirit world, of higher levels of consciousness, and of God.

With spiritual guidance, some of us are able to partially re-awaken, but the memories have only returned in part.  These souls do not fully realize themselves, but they are on the path to spiritual awakening and healing.  The truly awakened, and healed have full realization.  They can remember the spirit world, and higher levels of consciousness.  They are born awakened, or partially awakened, without prompting from the world of perception or spiritual training.  This was the state Jesus  had attained.  He was fully awakened to being the Christ.

- Cat

Want to read more?

DOING TIME: The Light Heavens

Amazon Kindle, also can be read on your PC, Tablet or Smartphone.  (Just download the App):

Click here to open:  DOING TIME:  The Light Heavens

Thursday, November 6, 2014

NOW only 99¢ ❗️DOING TIME: The Light Heavens❗️

Get your copy of The Light Heavens for only $0.99, on Amazon Kindle:

Click here to open:  DOING TIME:  The Light Heavens

A first-hand account of the after-life, in between incarnations!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Man in the Black Suit

The Man in the Black Suit turned his face towards me.  His eyes were large and black.  His skin was translucent, like the rest of our Forms.  His hair was jet black and neatly coiffed.  He held his hands behind his back.  His expression was usually kind, but firm.  His demeanor was always patient.

I looked up at him and asked him if he knew of any way that would help me focus during my meditation.  Sensing I was not done, he waited as I explained. "Look at me, in this ... body." I looked down at myself for the first time with some disgust at my ultra light body.  "I cannot focus with the same intensity in this body." I wasn't sure if he would understand, but he appeared to.

The Man in the Black Suit told me that I should try finding the Love. 

I was confused, "The Love?"

"Yes.  Go find the Love.  It is in the same area where you teleport. You did not explore that area fully," he said with almost a smile in his eyes. Perhaps he was just too much of an authority figure to question any further, but I wasn't about to ask him anything else.

-- An Excerpt from my newest book DOING TIME:  The Light Heavens