
Friday, January 30, 2015

You've got me under your spell

Have you ever met or known of someone who can influence others to do their will?  Even when they don't want to do it or when it's not in their best interests?


We all know of someone, maybe a politician or religious figure, or perhaps a cult leader with this ability to persuade others beyond reason. Hitler was one. Remember Waco? Or, how often have you heard the phrase 'don't drink the cool aid!'

Your personal magnetism and your personal sphere of influence are like waves of gravity pulling in or in some cases repelling others within your range. It works something like gravity, the larger masses pulling in less expanded personalities to their orbits.  This can work to your benefit, in the case of someone with an evolved mind or consciousness, such as a great spiritual leader.

We each have it, a sphere of influence.  It is more than your words that accomplish this spell. Your persona, your personality, your thought waves, your emotions all contribute to your power wave.

Emotion is a powerful transmitter of the thought wave, as is belief. These are the mechanics of what feels like a spell and may as well be called one. This is perfectly natural and part of the human condition, the evolutionary direction of our powerful minds. However, this energy can be positive or negative.  When you sense a negative energy pulling you in, while you still have the power to resist, you need to clear out of that energy field. Don't walk, run!  Once you are under its influence you are at a serious disadvantage. If it is a good energy, an uplifting vibration, then you are safe in that orbit. Let it uplift and heal.  Draw inspiration from it.

Our mission here while Doing Time on Earth is to expand our consciousness and our sphere of influence, to be a positive influence upon our fellow man.

Learn about spheres of influence in The Circle of Infinity.

-  Cat

Click here to view The Circle of Infinity

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thank you - Doing Time: The Light Heavens

Get your copy of The Light Heavens, on Amazon Kindle. 

Click here to open:  DOING TIME:  The Light Heavens

A first-hand account of the after-life, in between incarnations!

The body is how we express love and experience life and one another.  That is its purpose.

We have several bodies: physical, mental, emotional/astral. We have our Light Body which is the finest of these. It is the body we wear, our Form as it is called, in the Light Heaven.

- Cat [From the Light Body, blog]


She felt his spell pull her in, like the pull of gravity.  She did not believe in spells, but all the same, she thought it was a spell.

The relationship was pure evil, and then she met the savior.  When he failed to save her, she entered into despair, and went into a deep sleep.

Upon awakening, the game shall have to be replayed.  Until they each fulfill their destinies...


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Child of God

Even the least among us is a child of God, a creation of the Highest Mind, and it is part of the whole. When I deny them, I deny Christ. When I deny Christ, I deny myself.

" ... I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger, and you didn't take me into your homes. I needed clothes, and you didn't give me anything to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't take care of me.' "They, too, will ask, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or as a stranger or in need of clothes or sick or in prison and didn't help you?'  "He will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you failed to do for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you failed to do for me.' " -- Matthew 25

Monday, January 26, 2015

Loss and Sorrow

That emptiness we feel when we miss someone cannot be filled with time, food, drink or anything this world offers.

Love is what heals. Always.

Love is of God. It is the body of God.

Love is that which we lack when we feel sorrow, loneliness, sadness.

That special one who made us laugh. She who dried our tears. He who kissed away our sorrows. That one is not lost. Love has returned to the fount of Love to complete the circle of life.

Love pours forth constantly from the heavens. Open your heart to receive and then pour the Love out yet again. Join the circle. Heal and be healed. Love is forever.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Help Share to Raise Awareness

Please join me in bringing attention to this serious issue. There's more going on at the Super Bowl than just deflating footballs.  Did you know that the Super Bowl also is the scene of rampant sex trafficking and promotes the subculture of sexual enslavement?  Help raise social consciousness and shine a light on the plight of these helpless women and children. Please read and share.   Thank you.  - Cat

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Self vs. self

Above the Battlefield there is no battle. Victory is meaningless. Refusing to engage the lower mind, simply setting ones sights on a loftier goal and letting go of the current negative attachment eradicates this battle.

Past, present and future. All are one in Eternity. The battles of the past must not be fought again but they can be changed! Remember the loss of war and find a higher resolution. This battle was endured to learn a lesson. Take the lesson; assimilate your past and present selves then and let healing begin.

The Higher Mind controls the battlefield. Its objective is to teach, not punish. The Intelligent Mind that controls the body will feed, exercise and comfort it, but not to the point of debauchery. Make peace with the Higher Mind to rise above the battlefield. It will instill temperance of spirit, emotional control, learning, and compassion so that the lower mind may be a fit companion.

In Doing Time on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Controlling our Lives, Marie learned that she had deferred control over the lessons of this lifetime to her Future Self. The lessons she learned were profound. The emotional pain she endured was due to her own refusal to learn, time and again, until the lessons prevailed. Marie later realized that this agreement with her Future Self had opened the door to the powerful Collective, her Higher Mind.

- Cat

Friday, January 23, 2015


We are One; we are Whole. - the mantra of The Collective

One Life Lesson we must eventually learn is to Be Whole in oneself. No one else completes you.

All are One. God is One. Your soul mate is one you love to love. The Lover does not complete you. He is there for you, to please, and to please you.

The Self must be Whole to experience true Love. Love is giving. Love is joyful. Love is True.

Expect not perfection from yourself nor others.

All perception is flawed. Mistakes are thus unavoidable and endless in this realm of cause and effect. All must be forgiven. You who have learned this have the capacity for compassion.

Looking for warmth, love, compassion in the cold words of machines? How can one help but be disappointed. Love those God has put in your path. Look up from these words and see what Self is meeting today.

- Cat

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bringing the Mind Full Circle

Move forward?  That is the direction of Time.  

Eternity by its definition encompasses all Time.  Moving forward is our only choice here.  We leave the good and the bad behind.  

Accepting the past, present and future is eternal.  When we leave anything behind, we leave a part of ourselves in the past, splitting that part off from the rest of our personality.  That person who was hurt, that person who was rejected, that person who was guilty.  We reject that person and condemn him to oblivion.  

To be whole, we must embrace the injured parts of ourselves we have left behind in our past.  There was good in that person and she needs to be remembered, embraced, and forgiven,  brought back into your mind for it to be whole again.

Remember. And be yourself again. 

- Cat

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Unfinished Karma

The karmic connection between people, especially those who have agreed to Do Time in the Light World, must be mutually agreed upon to sever.  Until then, the karma will continue, even unto the next lifetime.  It's a Catch-22.  If One wants to continue, the Other is obliged under the Law of Karma to continue.  If the Other wants to end, the First is obliged under the Law of Karma to end.  Somehow, all this is accomplished.  Thus, if your relationship has not ended, it is not really your will to end it.  There remains some lesson to learn, and your Higher Self wants you to learn it.  If there is unfinished karma at the time of passing, the lessons will resume in the next lifetime for one or both parties.

In "Doing Time on Earth" the karma between Joe and Marie was not done because Joe said he was "not done."  Karma is not done between people until they both "move on."  Joe finally said he would move on, but he tried again to reconnect with Marie.  Their karma is not over. The Collective controlled this, because they control Marie.  Joe would have no choice but to wait, for Marie.

Read about Marie's mystical journey in DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

Catherine Berger, Author:

Saturday, January 10, 2015

As A Man Thinketh

Thought is not without karmic consequences. You are responsible for your thoughts. The thoughts and ideas you entertain develop patterns of thought, which in turn influence decisions and behavior, including the behavior and experiences of those around you.  Recognizing this cause and effect relationship between thought and action, and thus karma, is the first step to taking control of it, mastering your own mind.

Much like the food you eat or the way you spend your time, learning, exercising your mind and body, or ... not ... your mind and not just your body requires attention.  It must be cared for, fed and exercised.

Feed the mind poison and it will spew venom.  In this life, our challenge is to learn to control our actions.  To do this, we must learn to control our bodies and our minds.  Thought is the fruit of the mind, and it abounds in the mass consciousness.  Not every thought need be entertained.  

Religion, for example, is a personal matter. Once it becomes a reason to kill it is no longer inspired, nor spiritual.  Once religious dogma becomes nothing more than an excuse for violence, then the original spirituality and purity has been contaminated by the smallest of minds.  Ask why some find reason to love and nurture in their spirituality or religions, yet others see reason to hate and kill? Does religion kill or do people kill? Like a ladder, religion can help one ascend or descend; the choice of direction is yours.

We are each responsible for our actions and our thoughts and beliefs.  

All the thought in the world is a menu for your mind. Choose wisely.


This blog is in honor and memory of those who have lost their lives this week in senseless violence.

- Cat

Author: The Doing  Time on Earth Series

including ...

The Circle of Infinity: Expanding One's Consciousness

Click on the link above and you can read an excerpt of my book for free.


"As a Man Thinketh" -- a classic book by James Allen

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Delusion of Maya

The delusion of Maya is much like the experience of being enthralled with and deep into a movie, identifying with one of the characters and forgetting that you're actually a spectator sitting in his chair watching the action.  Marie's character lived in the delusion for years, forgetting that she was madly in love and moving on with her life as though her lover never existed. When she snapped out of it 35 years later, she was heart-broken. Her life is a parody of all our existence here in the realm of cause and effect, perception and time. It's mesmerizing spell binds us all to the delusion of this physical level of reality.

Read about Marie's mystical journey in DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

Catherine Berger, Author:

Sunday, January 4, 2015


A  pure concept, Truth has been defiled in our world.  By it's very nature, the world of relativity cannot support one consistent overriding Truth.  Everything relative is subject to change, after-all.  What is true today may be a lie tomorrow, or in a different set of circumstances.

By it's very nature, then, this world of time and space is false.  It is always changing, subject to interpretation. Our perception of the world changes as the senses confront ever-conflicting data.  Even history can be rewritten, and the self-proclaimed pinnacle of truth -science- changes with every new experiment, theory and hypothesis!  The face of science has changed dramatically and yet it always proclaims to be the fount of knowledge.  It's proponents taunt the simplistic tenets of religion, and do not realize it is all the same.  It is all about Mind, created by the mind, perceived by the mind and communicated by the mind.  

And because the mind depends upon perception in the world  of relativity, it is all a deception. That realization is what makes philosophers and deep thinkers call physical reality an illusion.

Truth then, can only exist here as a concept.  There are many levels of truth, and to strive for a higher level is to resist the illusion.  To free the mind of the illusion, one must always choose the ultimate or highest level of truth one can perceive.  Bring every illusion to truth and welcome to the journey, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

- Cat

Author: The Doing  Time on Earth Series

including ...

The Circle of Infinity: Expanding One's Consciousness

Click on the link above and you can read an excerpt of my book for free.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


How did Jesus heal?

Mind + Emotion

= Focus+Power




He focused his powerful mind and saw the Truth, that God created us each perfect. His vision held that image in his mind, which was One with God. He let his Love flow through it and empower the Truth. The result was a miracle. The healing of the illusion of suffering.

- Cat

Learn more about this in my newest books:

The Circle of Infinity
The Light Heavens 

Check out my author page, below.  Thanks!

View Cat's Author Page

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Let us put Faith before Fear.  There is always a Choice.  When life looks unacceptable, know that is not the Will of the Most High for you.  Accept this and hold it in your mind.  For only the Will of the Most High is the Truth.  All is mind, and all that is True dwells within His mind.  All else is False and is an illusion.  Align your mind with the Most High, and the Truth shall empower us all.

"Life is Endless.  Consciousness is a Continuum."- The Collective

Catherine Berger, Author

DOING TIME on Earth:  Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

Click on the link above, and you can read a sample of this book for free!