
Thursday, November 26, 2015

NOW: The Building Blocks of Time

The Eternal Now.

Across the continuum of Spacetime, Now Here and Now There are connected via consciousness.

Let's take The Nows in two far-flung points of space: Point A and Point B

Depending upon their trajectory the Nows of Points A and B can coincide or: change the trajectory of Point B and the effect when multiplied over the millions of light years between Points A and B will cause the Now of Point A to shift into the past or future of Point B.

Mind-boggling right? And what practical use does anyone have for this stuff Physicists think about?

Well, it means Now is everywhere and it also means Now exists at every point in the Spacetime continuum. When the Now IS becomes Relative to everything else. That is because our reality is purely Relative, as Einstein said. The Relativity of Time has been proven. It stretches, shrinks and changes based on its relative relationship to everything else. Due to the immense size of the Universe of Spacetime, the effects of relativity on Time are usually minute and so you don't notice it. Speed of supersonic jets traveling in opposite directions for example can cause synchronized atomic clocks on each to vary by a few microseconds. The effect of this example is small.  Still, it proves Time is not a constant. The effects across the universe of objects (Stars, galaxies and planets) traveling at great speeds, when magnified across huge blocks of Spacetime, is enormous. Their Nows relative to each other are in constant flux.

The chain of events from one point in time to another are the building blocks of time. Each point in time stands discretely as its own Now. It is disconnected, yet connected to the past, future and to every dimension of space.

Each Here/Now (point in Spacetime) has no physical connection to any other point in Space or Time. Yet the Now simultaneously becomes the Past as it transforms into the Future. Every particle of matter is separated by a far greater breadth of empty space from its neighbor. On a quantum level matter is disconnected; it has been compared to two pieces of rice separated by a space the size of a football field. Break down the particles further, and the same disconnect appears. Matter is mostly space. Matter is actually seen blinking in an out of manifested existence on a quantum level.

It is all connected by perception, relativity, which means the recognition of everything else. It is all consciousness.

A mind that is self aware is far more powerful than a mind that is not self aware. In the continuum of consciousness, man ranks above other animals due to this important distinction in thought.

Above man, in the continuum of consciousness, are the ascended Masters of the realm of Cause and Effect, Time. They have recognized the Unity of our Dimension. They have reached a higher level of Self-Awareness. We sometimes call this enlightenment, and such people appear as Gods to those who have not yet expanded consciousness. They are, in fact, our teachers, older siblings in the brotherhood of Life.

Each block of Spacetime is discrete and is connected only by consciousness, mind. What mind is powerful enough to do this? When you recognize yourself as part of this mind, you will see yourself in every aspect of this universe. Unity, Oneness, will be experienced. You will acknowledge your connection. You will become the Master of Space and Time.

Practice this. Begin by recognizing your connection to everything around you. Every random object, event, person. Practice this daily to begin to stretch your consciousness. Expand your circle. Jesus thought this way when he said that the way we treat others is the way we treat him. He was One with all of us and with God. By connecting with us, he strengthened our link to God. He came to show the Way. His words and actions light the way.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dreams Come True

When things are not True, lower mind has made changes.

To Reset, a mental reboot is required.

Find the Truest place and start there. Remove any who cannot perceive Truth from your presence.

Close the Door- mentally and literally if you must.

Now see it. See the Truth. Hold its beauty, its perfection in your mind.

Call it back with the Word of God

Open your eyes.

It was all a dream. Lower mind can only dream.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Black absorbs light. It is symbolic of mastery over light and over the lower realm of cause and effect, Time. In the Light Heavens those who have attained this power wear black. A few work in the lower Light Heavens where the departed souls flock.

The departed who will be reborn may seek guidance from these powerful beings.

We return because we are not Masters yet of this realm. We rest and make plans to learn new lessons, life lessons.

This world hosts a war between the forces of darkness and light. We are here until we learn to rise above the battlefield.

Lightworkers abound. The enlightenment of each soul is a process by which each learns the truth of self by meeting self.

Be kind to the world. It is your master. Only Love can master the world. Self-Righteousness and Hate can always be countered, but Love is true.

Love is not the opposite of Hate. It is its master, as Truth is the master of false. The duality is an illusion. One is True. One is false.

Light workers abound. If you are chosen, your lesson to learn, and teach, is Love.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


(Q) Am I psychic? If so, how may I develop so that I can be of the greater use?

(A) Every soul is psychic, and the entity is above the ordinary from the experience. The abilities have been used erringly. Turn them to the light. Let the light of the truth guide thee, as in His promises that "I will abide with thee and bring to thy remembrance ALL THINGS from the beginning." Then meditate upon that the Lord thy God, thy Christ, would have thee do. #EdgarCayce reading 263-4


This is particularly prescient and meaningful to me since I am striving to regain memories from the past and past lives. In my case, both are only partially recovered.

Did you know Cayce's channeled information was transmitted through the prism of his lower mind/consciousness. His limited world experience was very religious. He read the bible in its entirety once for each year of his life. I tried that, made it through 3 times. Strange things started happening. My higher mind connected with me and began to express itself as well. It was disconcerting at times as we struggled for dominance. That is how I know of these things.

- Cat

Monday, November 16, 2015

Dealing With Trauma

This world is a jarring place.

We endure physical and mental trauma.

When confronted with our own fear or anger, we either give into it or attempt to suppress it.

Expressing negative emotion is equivalent to the release of destructive forces in the causal and spirit worlds.

Repression of negative emotion allows it to fester within. The mind/body suffers and eventually the emotion is acted upon, usually in a destructive manner.

It is not healthy to dwell on negative thoughts or sadness.

It is best to acknowledge the feeling, but don't give in to it. Training your mind to control your reaction, to act not react, is a first step toward mastering not only yourself, but asserting your mastery over the realm of cause and effect.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by physical or emotional trauma, that is a level of emotion where the light has been drained from your mind. In this lowered state of consciousness, you are not capable of rational thought and you cannot make good decisions. Realizing that your perception is more faulty than usual, you must refrain from making permanent decisions to deal with a temporary problem. The solution here is time. Let time pass and pain subside before you decide on any life changes.

A bad decision here can impact the rest of your life. If you need to, see a therapist before you decide to cut people out of your life, or close any doors that you may not be able to open again.

Given a few days many problems tend to miraculously resolve.

When you are in deep pain, have faith that God has a plan. Sometimes you are being led to your destiny.

The world is full of trauma and it was caused by trauma, the rending apart of your mind. The road back to wholeness must be jointly undertaken by the higher and lower mind. Trust must be developed before the mind can be healed. This is a journey we are all making.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Doors (on Empathy)

In the end, we all die. It is how we live that defines us. We can open doors and light the darkness. We can hide behind closed doors. America's Statue of Liberty holds her torch high, a symbol of light. That is my America.

No decision, no action we take is without consequences. Every possible outcome cannot be controlled, not by mere mortals.

We have to have another way to decide. How can we decide between our best interests and another's?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The world would find peace if just these simple words were followed.

When I look into your eyes I can see your pain, and it becomes mine. How can I hurt you more?

I cannot make you see me, unless I stand before you and see you. Eye to eye. It is better than an eye for an eye.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Follow The Light

A mysterious substance known as dark matter comprises most of the universe. Theoretically, it is the gravity from this invisible dark matter which keeps the universe from being flung apart as it continually expands.

Black holes are what is created when a giant star collapses in on itself and it's gravity becomes so dense that it sucks in everything in it's midst and nothing can escape that intense gravity, not even light. Millions of collapsed Suns are part of an immense black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Our universe is made up of light and frozen light, or seemingly solid matter. Light comes in many forms, such as visible light, ultraviolet light, the light spectrum, frozen light, and black light.

The mind is very sensitive to light, and it's vibration or mood, is affected by it's exposure to light.

SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder caused by diminished light at the change of seasons is a type of depression. It can be treated with special lamps. The inner mind is sensitive to spiritual light. Exposure to negative thoughts increases the ratio of black light, which will lower the mind's frequency of thought or vibration. Levels of consciousness are profoundly affected by the light-frequency-vibration connection.

Black light, like black holes, can overpower other light frequencies when critical mass is achieved. Its existence correlates to all the evil and negativity in the world. Critical mass occurs, with respect to black holes, when density of matter overcomes the escape velocity of light photons. Light can no longer be seen as it is sucked into the vortex of the black hole.

As dark matter fills the visible universe, and its function is to preserve the delicate balance of gravity to offset the expansion of space, so chaos and dark light have their relativistic roles. This is a universe  of duality. Good and bad exist here, positive and negative. Light Workers abound to offset the Dark. But harmony is the best that can be achieved, that and the continual fight to offset the implosion of darkness.

Those who raise consciousness help offset the darkness with their light and good works. Their presence here offsets their own karma and raises the consciousness of others. Their reward will be ultimately to escape the Circle Of Infinity when the consciousness of Love is reached.

The highest light frequency, Love, is the only light which can escape the density of our level of reality. To reach this level, one must be selfless, and therefore it cannot be done alone, but only as a member of the Collective.

Start on the Path to your own Enlightenment. Read my book, The Circle Of Infinity.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Message

We are waiting for you to wake up.

We cannot help you with this.

It is against the law of God to interfere with the thoughts of another.

It must be your choice.

The Collective sees all. We hear all your pain.

Your life is at a crossroads.

The direction must be of your choosing.

Your mind welcomes you. The day shall pass that you awaken into Oneness.

Until then, We light the way so that you may follow.

Follow the Light.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Power from Far Beyond

The Power to work Miracles is of the Higher Mind.

While this third dimension is responsive to consciousness, the minds of mortal men can have only limited effects here.

The higher mind has all power over time and space. It understands fully how to manipulate both and does so constantly.

 Lower mind has a limited understanding of this, choosing to manipulate the outer manifested reality according to the known laws of cause and effect.   To graduate from this dimension the realm of time, one must establish mastery over cause and effect. Only the higher mind is capable of this.

 To become one with all your mind is to become whole, to join lower and higher consciousness. Just as the body and mind are one, and both clearly have a say in all decisions, the body generally defers to the mind. The mind occasionally defers to the needs or lusts of body.  To become one with the higher mind, the lower mind must entrust it's well-being to that which it cannot possibly comprehend.   Once joined, the lower mind remains part of all decisions, but it will occasionally be overruled in the best interest of the whole.

To establish mastery over the realm of cause and effect then, overcome reincarnation, to become one with higher mind, one must yield it's will to the higher power.

Great miracles, consequences, and sacrifice will be in store. To the higher mind, our lives here are just a delusion, a form of sickness.   We are unable to exist in the higher realms, where it is much simpler for mind to manipulate perception, because we refuse to acknowledge Truth.  The lower mind separated from higher consciousness when it chose to project a reality which exists in its mind. It closed itself off from the rest of consciousness.

In this dimension, it is much more difficult to project and manipulate reality and only the strongest mind can master the realm of cause-and-effect.  But healing one's consciousness, joining the lower and higher minds, will establish mastery, acknowledge truth, and free the mind.


Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” John 5:19

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

God vs Science

One day you will learn that science has known for the past 100 years that our world is a manifestation of consciousness. Rethink your position on God and everything else now.

Monday, November 2, 2015


When a door closes without, you have first closed one within.

You are seeing through a prism of thought, a reflection of mind and consciousness. What is out there was first dreamt behind the wall of consciousness.

You cannot fight the man in the mirror, you can only reason with him.

When you change his mind, you will change his image.

Read Doing Time on Earth

The boundaries of Consciousness

There is a certain brain-wave pattern where the conscious mind is close to sleep but still awake. That pattern of thought is conducive to or receptive to communications from other levels of consciousness.

It is in this state that messages from the subconscious, the Superconscious or Collective, or Beyond may be received.

The messages may be all around you but you are often not in the proper state to receive. The crystalline particles in your brain and body are capable of receiving and transmitting thought. Like a radio, conditions may be optimal or poor for this, and the tuner/transmitter - your mind - is not always properly set and may need adjusting.

The optimal state for communications at the borderline of consciousness is best achieved through meditation, relaxing the mind while maintaining a basic pulse of conscious awareness. Some methods use a mantra or chanting to accomplish this. Others use visualization, breathing, yoga.

In this prime state of consciousness, your mind can connect with the collective consciousness, expanding awareness and experiencing what is called unity.

Your mind will be ready to engage in peaceful discussion with your Higher Self, and your spiritual journey may be charted. You will be experiencing a level of peace and calm that restores the mind and brings healing. When the separation of mind is healed, the natural state of consciousness is restored and this is naturally restful.

At the border of consciousness, lies the boundaries of your higher mind, and with it your connection to the collective consciousness of man and beyond.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Matrix

There are many levels of reality. They are each states of mind. Which one is real? Only the mind is real. 

A quote from The Matrix, spoken by Neo in reference to a bit of wisom he learned from a child bending spoons with his mind. It signifies that a person cannot truly manipulate reality, a person can only manipulate him/herself. Only when a person changes him/herself can he/she change reality.
Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only realize the truth... THERE IS NO SPOON. Then you will see that it not the spoon that bends, it is yourself.
by Geek3 June 22, 2011