
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Girl from Mars

The phone was ringing. She remembers answering it.

Nothing else. For 4 days, there is nothing but a white light, then a void.

The phone kept ringing after that, every evening, and she talked to the stranger. He would not say his name, neither would she. It was a game they were playing.

The lights went out and her mind broke. The mystery man had destroyed her.

She forgot him. She forgot herself.

When her husband found her, and the mystery man appeared again, she did not know his face.

His voice and then his face, later his name would be deleted.

Why won't you talk to me! He pleaded.

I talk to you every day! She said.

For years, she became whatever people needed.

Her mind could feel others, and had been wounded that day in the hall.

The pain she felt was too great, and she buried the memories.

One day she remembered the mystery man.

Her friend and lover. She recalled how she hurt him.

Her strength was her weakness. She could feel minds, but could not separate from them.

Both men's minds were powerful and dominant. She had no will around them.

One man she no longer loved, but she could not leave. The other man she loved, but she could not stay.

Stronger now, she knows one man's love was an addiction. The mystery man was the man she wanted, even when he was not there. He was the man she missed.


Think of Consciousness like the atmosphere of the planet. You live in it. You breathe it in and breathe it out.

It has a gravity. It pools and waves.

We can gravitate towards other minds and they can lift us up or depress us.

We are living in a collective pool of consciousness, with swirls and eddies, like thoughts and ideologies. Within a larger sea of Mind and then an Ocean of Consciousness our tiny awareness is like a drop of light.

We can be any part of it by learning to focus and detach. Let go of the things, thoughts, ideas that keep you rooted to today, here, now. You cannot hold on to any moment and you cannot stop time. You can flow with the river Now.


Read: Doing Time on Earth (a book about consciousness)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Who Am I

If you don't know, it's because you are hiding.

Nothing is real.

You will never find the Truth here.

The world of perception is influenced by your thoughts.

Look behind the scenes, behind the curtain.

Behind your thoughts in the world of revelation pure knowledge is shared.

Drink in the quiet pool a while, then emerge full of light and wisdom.

The quiet mind is receptive and charging with the light that hides within the well.

You are One. This is your true state.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Trumpets the first horn.

A prophecy?

Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. "While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

Judgment day is coming.

The above is a biblical reference to horns and the end days, which I now see was symbolic reference to a time in the Beautiful Land where a boastful loud little horn would trumpet and play his part as a herald to the judgement day. The little horn is destined to be destroyed by the second coming.

There are also literal references, prophecies, where angels blow their horns to herald the end times.

The strange noises heard around the world these days remind me of another time, when the earth was at peace.

As a child I could hear the earth sing in the mornings. It was a happy melody.  I would go outside on a beautiful, sunny day, early in the morning, and listen to her beautiful melody which vibrated from the skies. Thinking back, it reminds me much of this classical piece:

Morning Mood

Clearly, someone else had also heard it! Someone with the talent to reproduce the sound🎧 🎻🎷🎺

Today, millions have heard the earth make a different sound. The horns have begun trumpeting. Their sound is like the shofar or Rams horn of biblical times. Like everything in the manifest world, there is a physical and metaphysical explanation. While scientists explain the eerie, baleful tones heard all over the earths skies, Mother Earth weeps for man. Maybe it is the grinding of tectonic plates, or radiation from the sky, and the occasional hoax as well. It is also the sounding of the horns, a warning.

The spirit world could always hear the earth sing, for she contains a great life force. Today she cries, and millions hear it:

The Dream Connection

The Collective Consciousness operates behind the scenes in this world of perception. 

All minds are part of a continuum and this includes the sub and super consciousness. 

When dreaming, the conscious mind relaxes its hold on reality. It joins its sub conscious and sees another world. Through that connection, other minds are encountered. The dreamscape is a combination of minds and imaginations. While you may be experiencing the minds of others you may or may not know, you may not be seeing the exact same thing. Perception is even more distorted here than in waking consciousness. 

The Superconscious may also be encountered here. They will do something extraordinary to get your attention. It may be physical, or psychic. But you will know it was not an ordinary dream. 

I have been vigorously shaken, on another occasion I was paralyzed by blinding light, while my Higher Self worked on my chakras. Sometimes I am delivered a message. 

Dreamland is a catch-all. Your brain uses it to store memories, so you dream randomly about your day. Your subconscious uses it to communicate with you, so you have symbolic dreams. Your inner circle may flit in and out, sometimes you will be able to compare dreams and realize they were the same or very similar. Your deceased loved ones may visit, for they remain part of the collective consciousness. When your higher mind visits, you have been truly blessed. You have done something worthy of its attention. Pay attention to your dreams. They are the connection to the wealth of all knowledge, and a communications link to the Beyond. 

Your conscious experience is only one level of reality. Since it is not a permanent level, it's worth  your time to take another look at the other levels. Dreams are your gateway, even if you are not psychic or sensitive right now. You are always a resident of the spirit world, you just need to learn to focus your attention a different way to experience this. 

Sweet dreams. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Righteous Indignation

Self-righteousness is never attractive.

In reaction to some insult or ugliness (let's say prejudice, xenophobia, or misogyny) the other side hardens into rancid Opposition.  The self-righteous madness is equally disturbing.

In Ugliness vs Self-Righteousness, Both Sides are mirror opposites, feeling entitled to abuse and insult anyone who happens to disagree or dare to be different. Both sides also think they have the moral high ground; they feel entitled to their bad behavior.

Another person's bad behavior never excuses yours. You are still responsible for every cruel and rotten thing you say and do. Every time you hurl an insult at someone who simply disagrees with you, every time you attack someone, every time you repeat negative information that you don't really know to be true, you have joined the Ugly side.

We can all do better than this.  Take a moment when you are angry to Act and not React.

Remember Anger is sinful and karmic. You don't want to carry that around with you. You don't want to be responsible for the reaction you may cause. A comment from the hip, and a lifetime of suffering may follow.

A simple way to handle these situations is to state that the conversation or situation has become personal, negative and unproductive, and that you will no longer participate. Then walk away. When you calm down, you will be glad you did.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Womb of the Universe

Out of the Darkness, the emptiness, the void, which is strangely very full like a thick soup, very quiet and still, pregnant with all possibilities...

A Word plants the seed of Creation.

Each Word, each wave of Thought crystallizes within this matrix, manifesting through the porous veil that divides the known and unknown.

Each photon of light, every quark and particle of reality is born from this void, as it emerges from nothingness.

Sprung from Mind, it is the fruit of consciousness. It harbors consciousness in every cell and this is Life.

The Robes of Thought frame existence, giving structure to fluid concepts such as space and time. Behind the garment we can guess at the body of God.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Great Rays

Your thoughts are light. Rays of light!

You are an idea in the mind of God. A ray of light!

Created in his image, you may hold him in your mind as well. A ray of Light!

The Great Rays are beings of Light. They are concepts of Truth.

They are absolutes: Love, Truth, Light, Faith, Hope, Wisdom, Knowledge, Mercy, Selflessness.

As the mind turns from the Light, and private thoughts are born, shadows hide the Great Rays.

The darkened mind cannot look within, where the face of Christ resides.

The Collective Mind shines brightly for each mind, each thought, each idea is alive with light!

The disconnected mind projects it's darkened thoughts outward, into the world of perception, illusion, relativity.

It fears the Light because it fears the Truth.

Being Truth, it is always there, whether you see it or not.

In Unity or Oneness, the Great Rays illumine the mind.

All the absolutes, the Truths, are One.

The Most High God is the greatest Light.

God is Love.


Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love.

The Light of Jesus

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Compare these two statements of Jesus Christ. 

2000 years later Einstein finally came to realize that Light was the exception to the norm, and the Theory of Relativity was born. 

Light behaves as a constant. It is not relative. 

Light is the brother of Truth. 

Light is True; that which changes or is relative is False. 

Light illuminates Truth. It cuts through the dark lense of perception, so you may see the Truth, which has always been there, unchanging. 

Einstein saw the Truth about Relativity in his mind.  He saw that most of our universe is defined by its relationship to everything else! The constant speed of light is an exception to relativity. It is unaffected, impervious to everything else, unchanging. It is True. 

What then was the great mind of Jesus communicating about Light, Truth and the Way?

Jesus could see Life in the tomb of Lazarus when others saw Death. 

Jesus could see health and healing in the bodies of the blind, sick and lame. He was illumined. 

Follow the Light to see the Truth. Follow his Way. 

The Light leads us to Truth. None shall come to the Truth without the Light. 

Who was Jesus? He was One with the Light. He asks you to do the same. 

His Way is the roadmap of his life. It was his Words and his actions. 

That was the Light of Jesus. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Light of Truth

Those who are tied to a way of thought, be it a religion, government, philosophy, would have everyone else bound to it. Reality does not subscribe to this, as all things are relative and thus inconstant, except for the Light.

The irony of existence is summed here, as the same Truth is expressed in science, religion and philosophy.

For what is man but a thought of God. Be thankful then that God is changeless, deathless, a constant! He shall not change His mind.

The constants are the Truths. They are all One.

- Being Real

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Gatekeeper of Consciousness

Knock gently to pass through this door.

It will not open for any but a calm mind.

The power of the unconscious and Superconscious mind is enormous.

The barrier exists to protect your sanity.

Whatever you deliver to the higher mind will reverberate through eternity and come back to you.

Go in peace, or you will not enter.

One day the Collective will cross the barrier and you will be shocked at their power.

You are nothing without them.

But they are nothing without you.

You will attempt to make contact.

That is their invitation.

Remember when you enter their world, and the door of consciousness opens, you have permitted the higher mind to enter your world of perception as well.

They can control you, and they will, in ways that you can see and you won't like it. Worse, they will control you in ways that you don't see, until it is too late.

They hold all the cards. They play to win.

They make all the decisions you thought were yours.

They know the future and will do what they must to direct you to your destiny.

You are a blind man without a direction.

The Collective wants to bring you home.

To do this, they must open your eyes.

Have you ever understood the meaning of life?

There is none.

You are the meaning.

You are a part of the whole that has gone astray.

You are lost in a world of delusion.

Your Mind cannot be whole without you.

You cannot live without it.

The slim membrane which separates the conscious and unconscious minds from the Superconscious exists until a continuum can be established.

When there can be a gentle transition of mind to Mind, it will dissolve.

Until then, it exists to protect your world from being swallowed by the lights.

Until you can restore your own luminosity, you are afraid of all the great lights.

This is your Journey to enlightenment.

Once you have started, your steps are sealed.

Only you can call it off, to delay the inevitable.

That is the one and only choice you have.

Once you have decided on this Journey, you will question each step.

You will not understand.

Temptation will be there to step off.

But you will know it was You who decided on this Journey.

That's what keeps you going.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

I Say a Little Prayer for You

Even Jesus was most effective when praying for others.

He worked miracles, healed many, and taught many great lessons.

Here is another:

When Jesus prayed for himself, to let this cup pass, Jesus was clearly told 'no.'

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to be relieved of his mission.  

He was told to give himself over and in the end, Jesus went one step further, he forgave those who hurt him.

Only then, was Jesus able to rise above his own troubles.

He had to first pass through the valley of death, to show the triumph of life and love.

There are so many lessons in the story of the life of Jesus Christ.

So many times, I wonder what I am doing wrong, when it seems my prayers are not answered.

That is because sometimes, I focus on my own pain, and forget that others are hurting too.

Have I been praying for myself again?

Did I ask what I can do to help someone else?

Pray for God to have mercy on your friends, so you don't have to hurt for them.

And trust that He will take care of you too.

If the people you love are ok, doesn't that make you feel much better?

That is how you raise consciousness, by raising spirits, your own and your circle.

 The Circle of Infinity