
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Real Thoughts

Since Einstein, science has grappled with the troubling evidence that Time and Space may be an Illusion.

Now that man is finally thinking outside of the box, he begins to look within to what is real.

Einstein knew:  It is always Now.  You move in the present.  Always in the Now.  That is the only real time.  One instant.

You are always Here.  Wherever you may be, your core reality is always centered. You may think about Bermuda, and dream of your youth, plan for retirement, but you are always in one place and time, in the here and now.  When you die, nothing will have changed except your perception of reality.

You are always You.  You will be looking at reality from this side of the veil, or from the other side.  You will have a lighter body, but these bodies are not you.  You will still know you are you.

There is only One time, place, being. This is our One Truth.  Unity is recognizing the mirror.

All else is the illusion of change.

Nothing you can grasp in this world is real.  It is all here today, gone tomorrow, and so are your feelings, thoughts, and one day your body.

‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away.’

That is the distinction Jesus drew between temporal reality and Truth.

Truth is always.

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