
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Think Yourself There: Mental Teleportation

"Time, space, and patience are those channels through which man as a finite mind may become aware of the infinite"

 “There is no time, no space, when patience becomes manifested in love.” 

“Love unbounded is patience. Love manifested is patience.” #EdgarCayce reading 3161-1


Remembering that it's all mind, and knowing that Edgar Casey was a direct channel for much higher levels of mind, let us consider that the practice of patience transforms the mind like a wormhole cutting through the tedious journey of reincarnation and through vast swaths of space and time.

- Cat

"It's all Mind."  -- About Mind and Spirit.  Expanding one's consciousness.  Read The CIRCLE of INFINITY.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Relativity and Consciousness

Our consciousness, yours and mine, are One.  What differentiates them, what makes me separate from you, is only our perspectives.  There is only one Perspective that is Whole and thus True, that is the Perspective of the Mind of God.  God is One.  That is all there is.


  • "Einstein's Theory of Relativity has proven that Time (and space) are not constants.  Einstein used the constant known as the Speed of Light to prove this.  That means that our entire reality (except for the Speed of Light) is relative; thus the name for Einstein's Theory. Anything that changes, anything that is not constant, is relative."

  • "Anything that is relative derives its meaning, or is defined by, its relation to everything else.  That means there is no one truth or definition of anything that is relative.  For example, our time is defined by our planet's rotation, one earth day.  All smaller units of time have their meaning to us relative to the spin of our tiny planet relative to the sun.  Our earth year is based on our planet's revolution around our sun.  These units of time have no meaning elsewhere in the universe."  

  • "Inside the illusory world of Time, all things are relative to everything else.  All meaning changes constantly.  Truth is thus subject to a sliding scale of definitions.

-- Excerpts The CIRCLE of INFINITY

                                                    (Click above to view book.)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ego Interference

The Ego blocks the joining of minds, interferes with the connection! It is the "I" (self) awareness that causes one to look away from others. Paradoxically, when we look "in" with the inner eye, we see others via the continuum of consciousness, the Mind. When we look "out" with the body's eyes, we see the world of perception, a projection of consciousness.



The DOING TIME on Earth Series:

Visit Cat's Author Page Here

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Continuum of Consciousness

Animals have minds. They think. They are on the road with us, this journey of consciousness.

They feel even Love, their young, their mates, and sometimes they love us humans. They have feelings, anger, fear, joy.

Consciousness is a continuum. Our consciousness as humans is further along the scale. Our primitive brothers are scattered along the continuum, for the most part below human beings. Advanced brethren, the avatars, ascended masters, our "elder brothers" place at the known extremes of the scales of consciousness.

Plants are somewhere well down the scale of consciousness, not even self-conscious, but conscious. These distinctions between plant, animal, human, divine are not so much cliffs as they are degrees of Mind. Even inanimate matter buzzes on the atomic level with life, the life shared by each of us in the Universal Consciousness, the Mind of God.

Learn about the degrees of Mind in my book DOING TIME on EARTH:

DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing Our Lives


Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Light Body

The body is how we express love and experience life and one another.  That is its purpose.

We have several bodies: physical, mental, emotional/astral. We have our Light Body which is the finest of these. It is the body we wear, our Form as it is called, in the Light Heaven.

- Cat


Join me as we explore:

The Light Heavens:
The DOING TIME on Earth Series

Click Here to go to book

The Body

The body is how we express love and experience life and one another.  That is its purpose.

We have several bodies: physical, mental, emotional/astral. We have our Light Body which is the finest of these. It is the body we wear, our Form as it is called, in the Light Heaven.

- Cat


Join me as we explore:

The Light Heavens:
The DOING TIME on Earth Series

Click Here to go to book

Friday, October 17, 2014

Time Machine

Do you keep a journal?  

I write in one, in fits and starts. Sometimes I read it, and wonder 'What will change' before I write here again.

My journal is like a time machine. I go back in time and I realize where my mind and circumstances were at, and how much changed in such a short time. It makes me wonder about the future, and what I can and cannot foresee.

Last night I updated my journal for 2014. Yes, it's been that long! I wrote about my husband's accident, his broken arm last summer. I published three books this year. The most wonderful thing of all is the fact that I now have a "new" brother in my life. When my father remarried, he had moved away and I never met his new family. Now I am getting a chance to know another brother. And he's a really nice person!

It was an unexpected gift when he got in touch. It's amazing what changes can happen in life that we just don't foresee. I never thought I would get another chance to speak to my brother, and now we may actually get to meet!

Some things I can foresee, but I don't even realize what the fates have in store. Just a few weeks ago, I dreamt of going on a job interview. I saw the first letter of the company name and logo. I saw the building's reception area, and knew they were located on the top floor. Two days ago, it all happened, exactly as I had dreamt. I realized the dream was not so much symbolic as I had thought, but instead it was prophetic. It reassures me that there really is a plan for my life. Sometimes we just have to wait for it to unfold, in due time.

- Cat

P.S.  I got the job! 

Visit my Author Page:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The CIRCLE of INFINITY: Expanding One's Consciousness

Inside the illusory world of Time, all things are relative to everything else. All meaning changes constantly. Truth is thus subject to a sliding scale of definitions. All experiences repeat and are constantly redefined and re-experienced. This is the nature of the Circle of Infinity, Reincarnation and Time.

The CIRCLE of INFINITY (Kindle Locations 237-239).

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Circles of Consciousness

Your vibration ...

affects those around you, your thoughts, mood these are all part of your circle of consciousness. The highest vibration in a group uplifts those about him. 

This is the effect of a guru or sensei. The sensei raises his vibration through prayer and meditation. This is then shared with the group. 

Jesus ...

referred to this effect when he was touched in a crowd and remarked that he felt "the virtue go out" of him. 

In my book DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives, Marie prays for her father's recovery and then upon touching him feels the vibration pass through her hand. Her father sat up from his hospital bed as though shocked. It was enough to send him home with an 18 month remission from terminal cancer. 

This is what Christ promised when he said we could do miracles. 

With love and faith we are each other's healers. 


Read a free sample from my book DOING TIME on Earth: Unmasking the Hidden Mind Directing our Lives

(hint: click on the link above, and then click on the image of the book)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Collective Consciousness

We exist in the Mind of God, a vast collective consciousness, and we are all part of it.


As we expand consciousness, we begin to regain our ability to see the outer Mind, the consciousness of those around us.  We may begin to feel others' emotions, an empathic connection.  We may begin to see others' thoughts, their mental bodies, which we will begin to perceive as our outer mind.  That is our natural state in the collective consciousness. 

-- Excerpt from The Circle of Infinity: Expanding One's Consciousness 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Truth Grows When Shared

Both Love and Ideas grow when shared. Both of these are pure concepts that only increase when given freely. They are universal Truths.  Their Truth defies the concept of lack.  They do not diminish when given away.   Can you name something that grows when shared?
