
Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Good Samaritan II

I realized something interesting.

I’ve known for years that reading the holy books can create a vibration.  It starts in the brain, and affects one’s outlook.  Such a small change can affect the direction of one’s life and create change in others.  It can move mountains.

Today I read a news article about a man who was acquitted of helping illegal immigrants.  He had been leaving water in the desert for them so they would not die.  The government prosecuted him and he faced the possibility of 10 years in jail.

Then I read the comments.  Usually the comments are very disheartening, but today they were more balanced, thoughtful.

Reading the comments. I find some I don’t totally agree with but they make me feel better, energized, compassionate.  Then there are a few that strip away that good feeling and leave me angry.  That’s a really good way to tell who walks in the ways of Christ and as in this case the Good Samaritan won ❤️

There is hope out there 🌈