
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Time Goes By so Slowly

Oh my love my darling

I've hungered for your touch

A long lonely time

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much


Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

In Ghost, Sam (the late Patrick Swayze) cannot leave his love Molly (Demi Moore). Their loneliness is magnified by the specter of many years they will be apart, she on earth and he, passed on to the after-life.

In the Light Heavens, time passes much more slowly, as is the nature of time as it approaches the speed of light. This means, life on earth speeds by as the deceased wait for us in the after-life. Time then, truly is not a constant, but is in fact relative and shall we say a matter of perception.

In Doing Time on Earth, Marie notices that by the time she spent about a month in the Light Heavens, earth time moved ahead by 50 years. She had been there a month, when it was time for her to return. Earth life had advanced 50 years!

You can learn about the afterlife in The Light Heavens. Click below to check out some of my books. Catherine Berger: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle


Check out My Author Page!

 The Writing bug has struck again, and isn’t it glorious!  Check out all my books on my Indy Author Page 😊

Catherine Berger Amazon Author Page

I Saw Her Again!

Cousin Mary was radiant. Her hair was full and fluffy and she looked 20 again, absolutely beautiful. She was staying with her mom Estelle and I saw her too (Aunt ‘Stella’). She is the star of the household, and takes care of everything bustling around the house, and then attending group meetings at church. They gave Mary a shiny silver necklace, with her likeness upon it. She is a star! I remember she always wore the gold cross they gave her for her communion. Mary was so happy to see me, but I had to go visit her because she was too busy to make the trip. She has been seeing her daughter, who apparently has the gift. Usually the departed in my family come to visit to tell me they are there. She is happy and fulfilled. Love you cuz. 

The Witches!

 The Witches - Enjoy in time for Halloween $2.99 ebook available now on Amazon!

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Dead

 My dad came for a visit a few nights ago.  We had a pleasant time.  Mom was there too.  I told him I had to leave, remembering I had to go take care of my dogs.  One of the dogs was Ringo, a beautiful Bijon Frise I had for 18 years.  I was thinking about it the next day, and realized it was dad’s birthday, August 2.  He died in 2000.  Mom and Ringo are also passed.

I am not a powerful psychic, but I must be the only one in the family.

The dead have started leaving me a message when they arrive on the other side.  

When my FIL passed he was 100.  About 11 months later, he appeared on a conference call in my dreams.  I was startled to hear his distinctive voice!  He said ‘This is how I sounded when I left so this is how I came.’

They know I’m going to pass along the message to my family.  My MIL came to visit after she passed as well. She wanted people to know she saw the memorial gathering for her, as she showed me clearly she was there.

Most recently we lost Aunt Seena, who was 93.  She came to a family gathering and died within a few days from catching Covid.  We don’t know how the Covid got to the family gathering but the rest of us who got it fought it off within a week.  The sick and elderly aren’t as strong.  (We are all immunized.)

I have been sick with grief wishing we had not gone to visit.  Not knowing if she would still be alive.

Last night, about a week after her death, Aunt Seena appeared in my dream.  She looked well and smiled.  She hugged me and said ‘Thank you for coming.’

What a dear lady. I am crying as I write this.  It was the perfect message.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Fallen Angels

Lucifer is described as a fallen Angel.  He fell from the heavens when he fell into disfavor with God.

In my experience with the Light Heavens, I arrived there after my passing and was delivered at the entrance by two Angels.  I felt my emotional body melt away from my Light Body, for it was too heavy to be there.

While in the Light Heavens I found that I was generally devoid of emotion, but also found that Love flowed freely there.  One time I found myself frustrated and did become angry.  I immediately felt a weight at the center of my being.  I let the emotion go immediately, for fear I would sink from the heavens.

Eventually I was reborn, taken back to earth by the Angels.  This is because I had more lessons to learn.

Many things I have seen there in the Light Heavens resonate with me when I am reminded about them in this life.

The story of Lucifer resonates today.  The belief is he was once a beautiful Angel who became filled with Pride and negativity.  He lost his position in the heavens and was cast out or fell out.

Lucifer May indeed be a euphemism for man.  The story is similar to the tale of Adam and Eve, cast from the Garden of Eden when they disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  They tasted the negativity and became unsuitable (too heavy) for the garden.

The earth is on a lower and grosser (heavier) plane of existence than the light heavens, for light has little or no mass. Particles of light get all their energy from their momentum.

And so we are here, until we can raise our vibration.  This is done with positive living.  Negative thoughts, actions, emotions lower our vibration and attract only more negativity.  Positive thoughts, actions and emotions, especially love increase our vibration and attract more positive energy.

Here is your lesson for the day and a thought to dwell on or meditate.  Lucifer hovers over the earth to and fro, and that is because he is part of the collective unconscious.  You can tap into a negative thought or idea as easily as you can connect with the Christ Consciousness.  The choice and the direction or trajectory is always yours.  This is your Gift from God, the freedom to choose.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Woman’s Identity

My last name was ripped from me when my mother remarried and I was adopted.  I then changed it, twice when I married and remarried.  Mom also gave me a hated nickname, and so unwittingly took my entire identity away by the time I was 4.  I had to fight with my entire family to get them to acknowledge my name is Catherine.

My son has my husband’s last name, as my last name no longer means anything to me.  I do get annoyed when utility and tax offices put my husband’s name on the accounts and invoices, as if I were not the one paying the bills and handling all correspondence.  

The insurance company also sends me emails “hi Andrew” 😡😡😡. I’ve asked repeatedly for them to acknowledge me by my name.  Down South, they just don’t get that.

We live in a patriarchal society.  So much sensitivity is given to a man’s need for identity, and very little thought about a woman’s identity.  I assume that is because it was originally thought that a woman identifies with her husband, rather than as a person in her own right.

This is not a feminist rant.  Just sharing how it feels to be marginalized and, frankly, disrespected.  I had a long career, was a Senior Manager of a 17 person team of pension analysts, and was the primary breadwinner in the family.  This despite the fact my backwards mom absolutely refused to let me go to college.  I don’t let anyone stop me from being what I want to be.  It’s time the world viewed women as a source of intellectual power and capability and treated them accordingly.

Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Tales from the Mental ward

Years ago, I went with my ex, a good-looking 6’2 guy, to visit my aunt who was retarded and had been put in the mental ward for being disruptive. We sat in a large room full of beds and chatted with my aunt, who was a large hefty woman. 

I began to notice a young black woman pacing back and forth nearby. She was shapely and had long corn rows in her hair. After a while, the young black woman approached me handing me a black jelly bean and muttering something unintelligible. Not wanting to be rude or offensive, I accepted the jelly bean and put it on the nightstand. 

She then pounced on my husband, thrusting him backwards on the bed where he was sitting and began passionately kissing him! I ran to get help but before they could arrive, my aunt pulled the young woman off him and said ‘That’s wrong!’ 

Mind you, I have no I doubt my ex could have handled the situation himself, but chose not to. The interns took her away and I returned the jelly bean to the young girl’s nightstand, since as far as I could understand what had happened, the sale was not made. It would have been a good deal too.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Key to the Game

Even the games you win have to end.  Many times do you think you’re losing? It all depends on whether you’re playing for entertainment or survival.

Get it to the point where you’re just playing with five or 10% of your chips, then you make it a game.

One day you have to cash in your chips.  Then you move to another table.

The Key is to never let the game get too big for you to lose.  Never bet more than you can afford to lose.  Never bet your soul.

When you see it as a game, you stand apart from it.  You are conscious of your choices.  You are in control, not the game.

When the game ends, win or lose, you must move on.  Losers must play until they learn how to be a winner.  Winners get a new game.

It lasts as long as time itself.  Time is the final game.

How to pass from Infinity to Eternity?

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A New Years Prayer

 I belong to a private group and it is our custom to pray together for the new year.  This year I am sharing some of that, my New Years Prayer for 2022, with you.

Happy New Year!  I am grateful we each made it to 2022, and I hope life is going well for each of you my friends.  Last year we lost my father in law, who was 100.  It is especially sad we could not see him on his 100th birthday, due to Covid precautions.  We also lost my 56 year old cousin, who was a mom and a grandma.  I thank you again for joining me to pray for her.  I once read that certain people/religions pray each day for the sun to rise and the grass to grow, for the world to do what we expect it to do.  They believe in prayer as an acknowledgment to God that He causes these things to happen, and their prayer is as much a spoken word of gratitude as it is a request.  This year, I want to acknowledge and thank God for the life, the joy, the love and countless blessings we have with each new day.  All the people in our lives, our pets, our homes, our world all we have because God has given us and this planet Life.  May the Life and the Joy be with you and your families, and May it embrace our world in this new year.  Giving thanks to God.  Amen.