
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Time Goes By so Slowly

Oh my love my darling

I've hungered for your touch

A long lonely time

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much


Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

In Ghost, Sam (the late Patrick Swayze) cannot leave his love Molly (Demi Moore). Their loneliness is magnified by the specter of many years they will be apart, she on earth and he, passed on to the after-life.

In the Light Heavens, time passes much more slowly, as is the nature of time as it approaches the speed of light. This means, life on earth speeds by as the deceased wait for us in the after-life. Time then, truly is not a constant, but is in fact relative and shall we say a matter of perception.

In Doing Time on Earth, Marie notices that by the time she spent about a month in the Light Heavens, earth time moved ahead by 50 years. She had been there a month, when it was time for her to return. Earth life had advanced 50 years!

You can learn about the afterlife in The Light Heavens. Click below to check out some of my books. Catherine Berger: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle


Check out My Author Page!

 The Writing bug has struck again, and isn’t it glorious!  Check out all my books on my Indy Author Page 😊

Catherine Berger Amazon Author Page

I Saw Her Again!

Cousin Mary was radiant. Her hair was full and fluffy and she looked 20 again, absolutely beautiful. She was staying with her mom Estelle and I saw her too (Aunt ‘Stella’). She is the star of the household, and takes care of everything bustling around the house, and then attending group meetings at church. They gave Mary a shiny silver necklace, with her likeness upon it. She is a star! I remember she always wore the gold cross they gave her for her communion. Mary was so happy to see me, but I had to go visit her because she was too busy to make the trip. She has been seeing her daughter, who apparently has the gift. Usually the departed in my family come to visit to tell me they are there. She is happy and fulfilled. Love you cuz. 

The Witches!

 The Witches - Enjoy in time for Halloween $2.99 ebook available now on Amazon!